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# This file is part of Config-Model
# This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
package Config::Model::SimpleUI;
$Config::Model::SimpleUI::VERSION = '2.064';
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;

my $syntax = '
cd <elt> cd <elt:key>, cd - , cd !
   -> jump into node
set elt=value, elt:key=value
   -> set a value
reset elt
   -> reset a value (set to undef)
delete elt:key
   -> delete a value from a list or hash element
delete elt
   -> like reset, delete a value (set to undef)
display elt elt:key
   -> display a value
ls -> show elements of current node
ll -> show elements of current node and their value
help -> show available command
desc[ription] -> show class desc of current node
desc <element>   -> show desc of element from current node
desc <value> -> show effect of value (for enum)
changes -> list unsaved changes
save -> save current changes
exit -> exit shell

my $desc_sub = sub {
    my $self = shift;
    my $obj  = $self->{current_node};
    my $res  = '';

    if (@_) {
        my $item;
        while ( $item = shift ) {
            if ( $obj->isa('Config::Model::Node') ) {
                my $type = $obj->element_type($item);
                my $elt  = $obj->fetch_element($item);
                $res .= "element $item (type $type): " . $obj->get_help($item) . "\n";
                if ( $type eq 'leaf' and $elt->value_type eq 'enum' ) {
                    $res .= "  possible values: " . join( ', ', $elt->get_choice ) . "\n";
    else {
        $res = $obj->get_help();
    return $res;

my $ll_sub = sub {
    my $self = shift;
    my $elt  = shift // '';

    my $obj = $self->{current_node};
    my $res ;
    if ($elt =~ /\*/) {
        $elt =~ s/\*/.*/g;
        $res = $obj->describe( pattern => qr/^$elt$/, check => 'no' );
    else {
        $res = $obj->describe( element => $elt, check => 'no' );
    return $res;

my $cd_sub = sub {
    my $self = shift;
    my @cmds = @_;

    # convert usual cd_ism ( .. /foo) to grab syntax ( - ! foo)
    #map { s(^/)  (! );
    #	  s(\.\.)(-)g;
    #	  s(/)   ( )g;
    #      } @cmds ;

    my $new_node = $self->{current_node}->grab("@cmds");
    my $type     = $new_node->get_type;
    my $name     = $new_node->element_name;

    if ( defined $new_node && $type eq 'node' ) {
        $self->{current_node} = $new_node;
    elsif ( defined $new_node && $type eq 'list' ) {
        print "Can't cd in a $type, please add an index (e.g. $name:0)\n";
    elsif ( defined $new_node && $type eq 'hash' ) {
        print "Can't cd in a $type, please add an index (e.g. $name:foo)\n";
    elsif ( defined $new_node && $type eq 'leaf' ) {
        print "Can't cd in a $type\n";
    else {
        print "Cannot find @_\n";

    return "";

my %run_dispatch = (
    help => sub { return $syntax; },
    set  => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $cmd  = shift;
        $cmd =~ s/\s*=\s*/=/;
        $cmd =~ s/\s*:\s*/:/;
        return "";
    display => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        print "Nothing to display" unless @_;
        return $self->{current_node}->grab_value(@_);
    ls => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $pattern = shift || '*';
        $pattern =~ s/\*/.*/g;

        my $i    = $self->{current_node}->instance;
        my @res  = grep {/^$pattern$/} $self->{current_node}->get_element_name;
        return join( ' ', @res );
    dump => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my $i    = $self->{current_node}->instance;
        my @res  = $self->{current_node}->dump_tree( full_dump => 1 );
        return join( ' ', @res );
    delete => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        my ( $elt_name, $key ) = split /\s*:\s*/, $_[0];
        my $elt = $self->{current_node}->fetch_element($elt_name);
        if ( length($key) ) {
        else {
        return '';
    reset => sub {
        my ( $self, $elt_name ) = @_;
        return '';
    save => sub {
        my ($self) = @_;
        return "done";
    changes => sub {
        my ( $self, $dir ) = @_;
        return $self->{root}->instance->list_changes;
    ll          => $ll_sub,
    cd          => $cd_sub,
    description => $desc_sub,
    desc        => $desc_sub,

sub simple_ui_commands {
    sort keys %run_dispatch;

sub new {
    my $type = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    my $self = {};

    foreach my $p (qw/root title prompt/) {
        $self->{$p} = delete $args{$p}
            or croak "SimpleUI->new: Missing $p parameter";

    $self->{current_node} = $self->{root};

    bless $self, $type;

sub run_loop {
    my $self = shift;

    my $user_cmd;
    print $self->prompt;
    while ( defined( $user_cmd = <STDIN> ) ) {
        chomp $user_cmd;
        last if $user_cmd eq 'exit' or $user_cmd eq 'quit';
        my $res = $self->run($user_cmd);
        print $res, "\n" if defined $res;
        print $self->prompt;
    print "\n";

    my $instance = $self->{root}->instance;
    if ( $instance->c_count ) {
        my @changes = $instance->say_changes;
        if (@changes) {
            print "write back data before exit ? (Y/n)";
            $user_cmd = <STDIN>;
            $instance->write_back unless $user_cmd =~ /n/i;
            print "\n";


sub prompt {
    my $self = shift;
    my $ret  = $self->{prompt} . ':';
    my $loc  = $self->{current_node}->composite_name_short;
    $ret .= " $loc " if $loc;
    return $ret . '$ ';

sub run {
    my ( $self, $user_cmd ) = @_;

    return '' unless $user_cmd =~ /\w/;

    $user_cmd =~ s/^\s+//;

    my ( $action, $args ) = split( m/\s+/, $user_cmd, 2 );
    $args =~ s/\s+$//g if defined $args;    #cleanup

    if ( defined $run_dispatch{$action} ) {
        my $res = eval { $run_dispatch{$action}->( $self, $args ); };
        print $@ if $@;
        return $res;
    else {
        return "Unexpected command '$action'";

sub list_cd_path {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $c_node = $self->{current_node};

    my @result;
    foreach my $elt_name ( $c_node->get_element_name ) {
        my $t = $c_node->element_type($elt_name);

        if ( $t eq 'list' or $t eq 'hash' ) {
            push @result,
                map { "$elt_name:$_" } $c_node->fetch_element($elt_name)->fetch_all_indexes;
        else {
            push @result, $elt_name;

    return \@result;

#ABSTRACT: Simple interface for Config::Model



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Config::Model::SimpleUI - Simple interface for Config::Model

=head1 VERSION

version 2.064


 use Config::Model;
 use Config::Model::SimpleUI ;
 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

 # define configuration tree object
 my $model = Config::Model->new;
    name    => "Foo",
    element => [
        [qw/foo bar/] => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string'
 $model ->create_config_class (
    name => "MyClass",

    element => [

        [qw/foo bar/] => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string'
        hash_of_nodes => {
            type       => 'hash',     # hash id
            index_type => 'string',
            cargo      => {
                type              => 'node',
                config_class_name => 'Foo'
 ) ;

 my $inst = $model->instance(root_class_name => 'MyClass' );

 my $root = $inst->config_root ;

 # put data
 my $step = 'foo=FOO hash_of_nodes:fr foo=bonjour -
   hash_of_nodes:en foo=hello ';
 $root->load( step => $step );

 my $ui = Config::Model::SimpleUI->new( root => $root ,
  	               		        title => 'My class ui',
					prompt => 'class ui',

 # engage in user interaction
 $ui -> run_loop ;

 print $root->dump_tree ;

Once the synopsis above has been saved in C<>, you can do:

 $ perl
 class ui:$ ls
 foo  bar  hash_of_nodes
 class ui:$ ll hash_of_nodes
 name         value        type         comment
 hash_of_nodes <Foo>        node hash    keys: "en" "fr"

 class ui:$ cd hash_of_nodes:en

 class ui: hash_of_nodes:en $ ll
 name         value        type         comment
 foo          hello        string
 bar          [undef]      string

 class ui: hash_of_nodes:en $ set bar=bonjour

 class ui: hash_of_nodes:en $  ll
 name         value        type         comment
 foo          hello        string
 bar          bonjour      string

 class ui: hash_of_nodes:en $ ^D

At the end, the test script will dump the configuration tree. The modified
C<bar> value can be found in there:

   bar=bonjour -
   foo=bonjour - -


This module provides a pure ASCII user interface using STDIN and



=item cd ...

Jump into node or value element. You can use C<< cd <element> >>,
C<< cd <elt:key> >> or C<cd -> to go up one node or C<cd !>
to go to configuration root.

=item set elt=value

Set a leaf value.

=item set elt:key=value

Set a leaf value locate in a hash or list element.

=item reset elt

Delete leaf value (set to C<undef>).

=item delete elt

Delete leaf value.

=item delete elt:key

Delete a list or hash element

=item display node_name elt:key

Display a value

=item ls | ls foo*

Show elements of current node. Can be used with a shell pattern.

=item ll | ll foo*

Describe elements of current node. Can be used with a shell pattern.

=item help

Show available commands.

=item desc[ription]

Show class description of current node.

=item desc(elt)

Show description of element from current node.

=item desc(value)

Show effect of value (for enum)

=item changes

Show unsaved changes

=item exit

Exit shell



=head2 parameters


=item root

Root node of the configuration tree

=item title

UI title

=item prompt

UI prompt. The prompt will be completed with the location of the
current node.


=head1 Methods

=head2 run_loop()

Engage in user interaction until user enters '^D' (CTRL-D).

=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont


This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Dominique Dumont.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
