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# This file is part of Config-Model
# This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
package Config::Model::BackendMgr;
$Config::Model::BackendMgr::VERSION = '2.065';
use Mouse;

use Carp;

use Config::Model::Exception;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
use File::HomeDir;
use IO::File;
use Storable qw/dclone/;
use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);

my $logger = get_logger('BackendMgr');

# used only for tests
my $__test_home = '';
sub _set_test_home { $__test_home = shift; }

# one BackendMgr per file

has 'node' => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Config::Model::Node',
    weak_ref => 1,
    required => 1
has 'file_backup' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] } );
has 'backend' => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'HashRef[Config::Model::Backend::Any]',
    traits  => ['Hash'],
    default => sub { {} },
    handles => { set_backend => 'set', get_backend => 'get' } );

# New subroutine "get_cfg_dir_path" extracted - Thu Jul 11 13:47:22 2013.
sub get_cfg_dir_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    my $w = $args{write} || 0;
    my $dir = $args{os_config_dir}{$^O} || $args{config_dir};
    if ( $dir =~ /^~/ ) {
        my $home = $__test_home || File::HomeDir->my_home;
        $dir =~ s/^~/$home/;

    $dir = $args{root} . $dir;

    $dir .= '/' unless $dir =~ m!/$!;
    if ( not -d $dir and $w and $args{auto_create} ) {
        $logger->info("creating directory $dir");
        mkpath( $dir, 0, 0755 );

    unless ( -d $dir ) {
        $logger->info( "auto_" . ( $w ? 'write' : 'read' ) . " $args{backend} no directory $dir" );
        return ( 0, $dir );

    $logger->debug( "dir: " . $dir // '<undef>' );

    return ( 1, $dir );

sub get_cfg_file_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    my $w = $args{write} || 0;

    # config file override
    my $cfo = $args{config_file};

    if ( defined $cfo and $cfo eq '-' and $w == 0 ) {
        $logger->trace("auto_read: $args{backend} override target file is STDIN");
        return ( 1, '-' );

    if ( defined $cfo ) {
        my $override = $args{root} . $args{config_file};
        $logger->trace( "auto_"
                . ( $w ? 'write' : 'read' )
                . " $args{backend} override target file is $override" );
        return ( 1, $args{root} . $args{config_file} );

        error  => "backend error: empty 'config_dir' parameter (and no config_file override)",
        object => $self->node
    ) unless $args{config_dir};

    my ( $dir_ok, $dir ) = $self->get_cfg_dir_path(%args);

    if ( defined $args{file} ) {
        my $res = $dir . $args{file};
        $logger->trace("get_cfg_file_path: returns $res");
        return ( $dir_ok, $res );

    if ( not defined $args{suffix} ) {
        $logger->trace("get_cfg_file_path: returns undef (no suffix, no file argument)");
        return (0);

    my $i    = $self->node->instance;
    my $name = $dir . $i->name;

    # append ":foo bar" if not root object
    my $loc = $self->node->location;    # not very good
    if ($loc) {
        if ( ( $w and not -d $name and $args{auto_create} ) ) {
            $logger->info( "get_cfg_file_path: auto_write create subdirectory ",
                "$name (location $loc)" );
            mkpath( $name, 0, 0755 );
        $name .= '/' . $loc;

    $name .= $args{suffix};

    $logger->trace( "get_cfg_file_path: auto_"
            . ( $w ? 'write' : 'read' )
            . " $args{backend} target file is $name" );

    return ( 1, $name );

sub open_read_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    my ( $file_ok, $file_path ) = $self->get_cfg_file_path(%args);

    if ( $file_ok and $file_path eq '-' ) {
        my $io = IO::Handle->new();
        if ( $io->fdopen( fileno(STDIN), "r" ) ) {
            return ( 1, '-', $io );
        else {
            return ( 0, '-' );

    # not very clean
    return ( 0, $file_path )
        if $args{backend} =~ /_file$/
        and ( not $file_ok or not -r $file_path );

    my $fh = new IO::File;
    if ( $file_ok and -e $file_path ) {
        $logger->debug("open_read_file: open $file_path for read");

        # store a backup in memory in case there's a problem
        $self->file_backup( [ $fh->getlines ] );
        $fh->seek( 0, 0 );    # go back to beginning of file
        return ( 1, $file_path, $fh );
    else {
        return ( 0, $file_path );

# called at configuration node creation
# New subroutine "load_backend_class" extracted - Thu Aug 12 18:32:37 2010.
sub load_backend_class {
    my $backend  = shift;
    my $function = shift;

    $logger->debug("load_backend_class: called with backend $backend, function $function");
    my %c;

    my $k = "Config::Model::Backend::" . ucfirst($backend);
    my $f = $k . '.pm';
    $f =~ s!::!/!g;
    $c{$k} = $f;

    # try another class
    $k =~ s/_(\w)/uc($1)/ge;
    $f =~ s/_(\w)/uc($1)/ge;
    $c{$k} = $f;

    foreach my $c ( keys %c ) {
        if ( $c->can($function) ) {

            # no need to load class
            $logger->debug("load_backend_class: $c is already loaded (can $function)");
            return $c;

    # look for file to load
    my $class_to_load;
    foreach my $c ( keys %c ) {
        $logger->debug("load_backend_class: looking to load class $c");
        foreach my $prefix (@INC) {
            my $realfilename = "$prefix/$c{$c}";
            $class_to_load = $c if -f $realfilename;

    return unless defined $class_to_load;
    my $file_to_load = $c{$class_to_load};

    $logger->debug("load_backend_class: loading class $class_to_load, $file_to_load");
    eval { require $file_to_load; };

    if ($@) {
        die "Could not parse $file_to_load: $@\n";
    return $class_to_load;

sub read_config_data {
    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;

        no warnings 'uninitialized';
        $logger->debug( "called with ", join( ' ', %args ) );

    my $readlist_orig        = delete $args{read_config};
    my $check                = delete $args{check};
    my $r_dir                = delete $args{read_config_dir};
    my $config_file_override = delete $args{config_file};
    my $auto_create_override = delete $args{auto_create};

    croak "unexpected args " . join( ' ', keys %args ) . "\n" if %args;

    # r_dir is obsolete
    if ( defined $r_dir ) {
        die $self->node->config_class_name, " : read_config_dir is obsolete\n";

    my $readlist = dclone $readlist_orig ;

    my $instance = $self->node->instance();

    # root override is passed by the instance
    my $root_dir = $instance->read_root_dir || '';
    $root_dir .= '/' if ( $root_dir and $root_dir !~ m(/$) );

    croak "readlist must be array or hash ref\n"
        unless ref $readlist;

    my @list = ref $readlist eq 'ARRAY' ? @$readlist : ($readlist);
    my $pref_backend = $instance->backend || '';
    my $read_done    = 0;
    my $auto_create  = 0;
    my @tried;

    foreach my $read (@list) {
        warn $self->config_class_name, " deprecated 'syntax' parameter in backend\n"
            if defined $read->{syntax};
        my $backend = delete $read->{backend} || delete $read->{syntax} || 'custom';
        if ( $backend =~ /^(perl|ini|cds)$/ ) {
            warn $self->config_class_name,
                " deprecated  backend $backend. Should be '$ {backend}_file'\n";
            $backend .= "_file";

        next if ( $pref_backend and $backend ne $pref_backend );

        if ( defined $read->{allow_empty} ) {
            warn "backend $backend: allow_empty is deprecated. Use auto_create";
            $auto_create ||= delete $read->{allow_empty};

        $auto_create ||= delete $read->{auto_create} if defined $read->{auto_create};

        if ( $read->{default_layer} ) {
            $self->read_config_sub_layer( $read, $root_dir, $config_file_override, $check,
                $backend );

        my ( $res, $file ) =
            $self->try_read_backend( $read, $root_dir, $config_file_override, $check, $backend );
        push @tried, $file;

        if ($res) {
            $read_done = 1;

        tried_files => \@tried,
        object      => $self->node,
        unless $read_done
        or $auto_create_override
        or $auto_create;


sub read_config_sub_layer {
    my ( $self, $read, $root_dir, $config_file_override, $check, $backend ) = @_;

    my $layered_config = delete $read->{default_layer};
    my $layered_read   = dclone $read ;

    map { my $lc = delete $layered_config->{$_}; $layered_read->{$_} = $lc if $lc; }
        qw/file config_dir os_config_dir/;

        error => "backend error: unexpected default_layer parameters: "
            . join( ' ', keys %$layered_config ),
        object => $self->node,
    ) if %$layered_config;

    my $i                  = $self->node->instance;
    my $already_in_layered = $i->layered;

    # layered stuff here
    if ( not $already_in_layered ) {

    $self->try_read_backend( $layered_read, $root_dir, $config_file_override, $check, $backend );

    if ( not $already_in_layered ) {

# called at configuration node creation, NOT when writing
# New subroutine "try_read_backend" extracted - Sun Jul 14 11:52:58 2013.
sub try_read_backend {
    my $self                 = shift;
    my $read                 = shift;
    my $root_dir             = shift;
    my $config_file_override = shift;
    my $check                = shift;
    my $backend              = shift;

    my $read_dir = $read->{os_config_dir}{$^O} || $read->{config_dir} || '';
    $read_dir .= '/' if $read_dir and $read_dir !~ m(/$);

    my @read_args = (
        root        => $root_dir,
        config_dir  => $read_dir,
        backend     => $backend,
        check       => $check,
        config_file => $config_file_override

    my ( $file_ok, $res, $fh, $file_path );

    if ( $backend eq 'custom' ) {
        my $c = my $file = delete $read->{class};
        $file =~ s!::!/!g;
        my $f = delete $read->{function} || 'read';
        require $file . '.pm' unless $c->can($f);
        no strict 'refs';

        $logger->info("Read with custom backend $ {c}::$f in dir $read_dir");

        ( $file_ok, $file_path, $fh ) = $self->open_read_file(@read_args);
        eval {
            $res = &{ $c . '::' . $f }(
                file_path => $file_path,
                io_handle => $fh,
                object    => $self->node
    elsif ( $backend eq 'perl_file' ) {
        ( $file_ok, $file_path, $fh ) = $self->open_read_file( @read_args, suffix => '.pl' );
        return ( 0, $file_path ) unless $file_ok;
        eval { $res = $self->read_perl( @read_args, file_path => $file_path, io_handle => $fh ); };
    elsif ( $backend eq 'cds_file' ) {
        ( $file_ok, $file_path, $fh ) = $self->open_read_file( @read_args, suffix => '.cds' );
        return ( 0, $file_path ) unless $file_ok;
        eval {
            $res = $self->read_cds_file(
                file_path => $file_path,
                io_handle => $fh,
    else {
        # try to load a specific Backend class
        my $f = delete $read->{function} || 'read';
        my $c = load_backend_class( $backend, $f );
        return ( 0, 'unknown' ) unless defined $c;

        no strict 'refs';
        my $backend_obj = $c->new( node => $self->node, name => $backend );
        $self->set_backend( $backend => $backend_obj );
        my $suffix;
        $suffix = $backend_obj->suffix if $backend_obj->can('suffix');
        ( $file_ok, $file_path, $fh ) = $self->open_read_file( @read_args, suffix => $suffix );
        $logger->info( "Read with $backend " . $c . "::$f on $file_path" );

        eval {
            $res = $backend_obj->$f(
                file_path => $file_path,
                io_handle => $fh,
                object    => $self->node,

    # catch eval errors done in the if-then-else block before
    my $e;
    if ( $e = Exception::Class->caught('Config::Model::Exception::Syntax') ) {

        # FIXME: this is naughty. Should file a bug to add info in rethrow
        $e->{parsed_file} = $file_path unless $e->parsed_file;
    elsif ( $e = Exception::Class->caught() ) {
        ref $e ? $e->rethrow : die $e;

    return ( $res, $file_path );

sub auto_write_init {
    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
    my $wrlist_orig = delete $args{write_config};
    my $w_dir       = delete $args{write_config_dir};

    weaken($self);    # avoid leak: $self is stored in write_back closure

    croak "auto_write_init: unexpected args " . join( ' ', keys %args ) . "\n"
        if %args;

    # w_dir is obsolete
    if ( defined $w_dir ) {
        die $self->config_class_name, " : write_config_dir is obsolete\n";

    my $wrlist = dclone $wrlist_orig ;

    my $instance = $self->node->instance();

    # root override is passed by the instance
    my $root_dir = $instance->write_root_dir || '';

    my @array = ref $wrlist eq 'ARRAY' ? @$wrlist : ($wrlist);

    # ensure that one auto_create specified applies to all wr backends
    my $auto_create = 0;
    foreach my $write (@array) {
        $auto_create ||= delete $write->{auto_create}
            if defined $write->{auto_create};

    # provide a proper write back function
    foreach my $write (@array) {
        warn $self->config_class_name, " deprecated 'syntax' parameter in auto_write\n"
            if defined $write->{syntax};
        my $backend = delete $write->{backend} || delete $write->{syntax} || 'custom';
        if ( $backend =~ /^(perl|ini|cds)$/ ) {
            warn $self->config_class_name,
                " deprecated backend $backend. Should be '$ {backend}_file'\n";
            $backend .= "_file";

        my $write_dir = $write->{os_config_dir}{$^O} || $write->{config_dir} || '';
        $write_dir .= '/' if $write_dir and $write_dir !~ m(/$);

        $logger->debug( "auto_write_init creating write cb ($backend) for ", $self->node->name );

        my @wr_args = (
            %$write,    # model data
            auto_create => $auto_create,
            backend     => $backend,
            config_dir  => $write_dir,     # override from instance
            write       => 1,              # for get_cfg_file_path
            root        => $root_dir,      # override from instance

        my $wb;
        if ( $backend eq 'custom' ) {
            my $c = my $file = $write->{class};
            $file =~ s!::!/!g;
            my $f = $write->{function} || 'write';
            require $file . '.pm' unless $c->can($f);

            $wb = sub {
                no strict 'refs';
                $logger->debug( "write cb ($backend) called for ", $self->node->name );
                my ( $file_ok, $file_path, $fh ) =
                    $self->open_file_to_write( $backend, @wr_args, @_ )
                    unless ( $c->can('skip_open') and $c->skip_open );
                my $res;
                $res = eval {

                    # override needed for "save as" button
                    &{ $c . '::' . $f }(
                        io_handle => $fh,
                        file_path => $file_path,
                        conf_dir  => $write_dir,    # legacy FIXME
                        object    => $self->node,
                        @_                          # override from user
                $logger->warn( "write backend $c" . '::' . "$f failed: $@" ) if $@;
                $self->close_file_to_write( $@, $fh, $file_path );
                return defined $res ? $res : $@ ? 0 : 1;
            $self->{auto_write}{custom} = 1;
        elsif ( $backend eq 'perl_file' ) {
            $wb = sub {
                $logger->debug( "write cb ($backend) called for ", $self->node->name );
                my ( $file_ok, $file_path, $fh ) =
                    $self->open_file_to_write( $backend, suffix => '.pl', @wr_args, @_ );
                my $res;
                $res = eval {
                    $self->write_perl( @wr_args, io_handle => $fh, file_path => $file_path, @_ );
                $self->close_file_to_write( $@, $fh, $file_path );
                $logger->warn("write backend $backend failed: $@") if $@;
                return defined $res ? $res : $@ ? 0 : 1;
            $self->{auto_write}{perl_file} = 1;
        elsif ( $backend eq 'cds_file' ) {
            $wb = sub {
                $logger->debug( "write cb ($backend) called for ", $self->node->name );
                my ( $file_ok, $file_path, $fh ) =
                    $self->open_file_to_write( $backend, suffix => '.cds', @wr_args, @_ );
                my $res;
                $res = eval {
                        io_handle => $fh,
                        file_path => $file_path,
                $logger->warn("write backend $backend failed: $@") if $@;
                $self->close_file_to_write( $@, $fh, $file_path );
                return defined $res ? $res : $@ ? 0 : 1;
            $self->{auto_write}{cds_file} = 1;
        else {
            my $f = $write->{function} || 'write';
            my $c = load_backend_class( $backend, $f );

            $wb = sub {
                no strict 'refs';
                $logger->debug( "write cb ($backend) called for ", $self->node->name );
                my $backend_obj = $self->get_backend($backend)
                    || $c->new( node => $self->node, name => $backend );
                my $suffix = $backend_obj->suffix if $backend_obj->can('suffix');
                my ( $file_ok, $file_path, $fh ) =
                    $self->open_file_to_write( $backend, suffix => $suffix, @wr_args, @_ )
                    unless ( $c->can('skip_open') and $c->skip_open );
                my $res = eval {

                    # override needed for "save as" button
                        io_handle => $fh,
                        file_path => $file_path,
                        object    => $self->node,
                        @_    # override from user
                $logger->warn( "write backend $backend $c" . '::' . "$f failed: $@" ) if $@;
                $self->close_file_to_write( $@, $fh, $file_path );
                return defined $res ? $res : $@ ? 0 : 1;

        # FIXME: enhance write back mechanism so that different backend *and* different nodse
        # work as expected
        $logger->debug( "registering write $backend in node " . $self->node->name );
        push @{ $self->{write_back} }, [ $backend, $wb ];
        $instance->register_write_back( $self->node->location );

sub write_back {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    my $force_backend = delete $args{backend} || '';

    croak "write_back: no subs registered in node", $self->node->location, ". cannot save data\n"
        unless @{ $self->{write_back} };

    my @backends = @{ $self->{write_back} };
        "write_back called on node '",
        $self->node->name, "' for ", scalar @backends,
        " backends"

    my $dir = $args{config_dir};
    mkpath( $dir, 0, 0755 ) if $dir and not -d $dir;

    foreach my $wb_info (@backends) {
        my ( $backend, $wb ) = @$wb_info;
        if (   not $force_backend
            or $force_backend eq $backend
            or $force_backend eq 'all' ) {

            # exit when write is successfull
            my $res = $wb->(%args);
            $logger->info( "write_back called with $backend backend, result is ",
                defined $res ? $res : '<undef>' );
            last if ( $res and not $force_backend );
    $logger->debug( "write_back on node '", $self->node->name, "' done" );

sub open_file_to_write {
    my ( $self, $backend, %args ) = @_;

    my $backup    = delete $args{backup};
    my $do_backup = defined $backup;
    $backup ||= 'old';    # use old only if defined
    $backup = '.' . $backup unless $backup =~ /^\./;

    my ( $file_ok, $file_path ) = $self->get_cfg_file_path(%args);

    if ( $file_ok and $file_path eq '-' ) {
        my $io = IO::Handle->new();
        if ( $io->fdopen( fileno(STDOUT), "w" ) ) {
            return ( 1, '-', $io );
        else {
            return ( 0, '-' );
    elsif ($file_ok) {
        if ( $do_backup and -r $file_path ) {
            copy( $file_path, $file_path . $backup ) or die "Backup copy failed: $!";
        $logger->debug("$backend backend opened file $file_path to write");
        my $fh = new IO::File;
        $fh->open("> $file_path") || die "Cannot open $file_path:$!";
        return ( $file_ok, $file_path, $fh );
    else {
        return ( 0, $file_path );

sub close_file_to_write {
    my ( $self, $error, $fh, $file_path ) = @_;

    return unless defined $file_path;

    if ($error) {

        # restore backup and display error
        my $data = $self->file_backup;
            "Error during write, restoring backup in $file_path with " . scalar @$data . " lines" );
        $fh->seek( 0, 0 );    # go back to beginning of file
        $error->rethrow if ref($error);
        die $error;


    # check file size and remove empty files
    unlink($file_path) if -z $file_path;

sub is_auto_write_for_type {
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    return $self->{auto_write}{$type} || 0;

sub read_cds_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    my $file_path = $args{file_path};
    $logger->info("Read cds data from $file_path");

    $self->node->load( step => [ $args{io_handle}->getlines ] );
    return 1;

sub write_cds_file {
    my $self      = shift;
    my %args      = @_;
    my $file_path = $args{file_path};
    $logger->info("Write cds data to $file_path");

    my $dump = $self->node->dump_tree( skip_auto_write => 'cds_file', check => $args{check} );
    return 1;

sub read_perl {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    my $file_path = $args{file_path};
    $logger->info("Read Perl data from $file_path");

    my $pdata = do $file_path || die "Cannot open $file_path:$!";
    return 1;

sub write_perl {
    my $self      = shift;
    my %args      = @_;
    my $file_path = $args{file_path};
    $logger->info("Write perl data to $file_path");

    my $p_data = $self->node->dump_as_data( skip_auto_write => 'perl_file', check => $args{check} );
    my $dumper = Data::Dumper->new( [$p_data] );

    $args{io_handle}->print( $dumper->Dump, ";\n" );
    return 1;



# ABSTRACT: Load configuration node on demand



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Config::Model::BackendMgr - Load configuration node on demand

=head1 VERSION

version 2.065


 # Use BackendMgr to write data in perl data file
 use Config::Model;
 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

 # define configuration tree object
 my $model = Config::Model->new;
    name    => "Foo",
    element => [
        [qw/foo bar/] => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string'

    name => "MyClass",

    # read_config spec is used by Config::Model::BackendMgr
    read_config => [
            backend     => 'perl_file',
            config_dir  => '/tmp/',
            file        => '',
            auto_create => 1,
    element => [
        [qw/foo bar/] => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string'
        hash_of_nodes => {
            type       => 'hash',     # hash id
            index_type => 'string',
            cargo      => {
                type              => 'node',
                config_class_name => 'Foo'

 my $inst = $model->node->instance( root_class_name => 'MyClass' );

 my $root = $inst->config_root;

 # put data
 my $step = 'foo=FOO hash_of_nodes:fr foo=bonjour -
   hash_of_nodes:en foo=hello ';
 $root->load( step => $step );


 # now look at file /tmp/


This class provides a way to specify how to load or store
configuration data within the model (instead of writing dedicated perl

With these specifications, all the configuration information is read
during creation of a node.

=begin comment

This feature is also useful if you want to read configuration class
declarations at run time. (For instance in a C</etc> directory like
C</etc/some_config.d>). In this case, each configuration class must
specify how to read and write configuration information.

Idea: sub-files name could be <instance>%<location>.cds

=end comment

This load/store can be done with different C<backend>:


=item cds_file

Config dump string (cds) in a file. I.e. a string that describes the
content of a configuration tree is loaded from or saved in a text
file. See L<Config::Model::Dumper>.

=item ini_file

INI files (written with L<Config::Model::Backend::IniFile>. See limitations in 
L</"Limitations depending on storage">.

=item perl_file

Perl data structure (perl) in a file. See L<Config::Model::DumpAsData>
for details on the data structure.

=item custom

Any format when the user provides a dedicated class and function to
read and load the configuration tree.


After loading the data, the object registers itself to the
instance. Then the user can call the C<write_back> method on the
instance (See L<Config::Model::Instance>) to store all configuration
information back.

=head2 Built-in backend

C<cds_file>, C<ini_file> and C<perl_file> backend must be specified with
mandatory C<config_dir> parameter. For instance:

   read_config  => { backend    => 'cds_file' , 
                     config_dir => '/etc/cfg_dir',
                     file       => 'cfg_file.cds', #optional

If C<file> is not specified, a file name will be constructed with
C<< <config_class_name>.<suffix> >> where suffix is C<pl> or C<ini> or C<cds>.

=head2 Plugin backend classes

A plugin backend class can also be specified with:

  read_config  => [ { backend    => 'foo' , 
                      config_dir => '/etc/cfg_dir'
                      file       => 'foo.conf', # optional

In this case, this class will try to load C<Config::Model::Backend::Foo>.
(The class name is constructed with C<ucfirst($backend_name)>)

C<read_config> can also have custom parameters that will passed
verbatim to C<Config::Model::Backend::Foo> methods:

  read_config  => [ { backend    => 'foo' , 
                      config_dir => '/etc/cfg_dir',
                      my_param   => 'my_value',

This C<Config::Model::Backend::Foo> class is expected to provide the
following methods:


=item new

with parameters:

 node => ref_to_config_model_node

C<new()> must return the newly created object

=item read

with parameters:

 %custom_parameters,      # model data
 root => $root_dir,       # mostly used for tests
 config_dir => $read_dir, # path below root
 file_path => $full_name, # full file name (root+path+file)
 io_handle => $io_file    # IO::File object
 check     => [ yes|no|skip] 

Must return 1 if the read was successful, 0 otherwise.

Following the C<my_param> example above, C<%custom_parameters> will contain 
C< ( 'my_param' , 'my_value' ) >, so C<read()> will also be called with
C<root>, C<config_dir>, C<file_path>, C<io_handle> B<and>
C<<  my_param   => 'my_value' >>.

=item write

with parameters:

 %$write,                     # model data
 auto_create => $auto_create, # from model
 backend     => $backend,     # backend name
 config_dir  => $write_dir,   # override from instance
 io_handle   => $fh,          # IO::File object
 write       => 1,            # always
 check       => [ yes|no|skip] ,
 root        => $root_dir,
 backup      => [ undef || '' || suffix ] # backup strategy required by user

Must return 1 if the write was successful, 0 otherwise

If C<io_handle> is defined, the backup has already been done while
opening the config file. If C<io_handle> is not defined, there's not
enough information in the model to read the configuration file and
create the backup. Your write() method will have to do the backup
requested by user.


=head2 Custom backend

Custom backend must be specified with a class name that will features
the methods used to write and read the configuration files:

  read_config  => [ { backend => 'custom' , 
                      class => 'MyRead',
                      config_dir => '/etc/foo', # optional
                      file => 'foo.conf',       # optional
                    } ]

C<custom> backend parameters are:


=item class

Specify the class that contain the read method

=item config_dir

Specify configuration directory. This parameter is optional as the
directory can be hardcoded in the custom class. C<config_dir> beginning
with 'C<~>' will be munged so C<~> is replaced by C<< File::HomeDir->my_data >>.
See L<File::HomeDir> for details.

=item os_config_dir

Specify alternate location of a configuration directory depending on the OS
(as returned by C<$^O>, see L<perlport/PLATFORMS>).
For instance:

 config_dir => '/etc/ssh',
 os_config_dir => { darwin => '/etc' }

=item file

optional. Configuration file. This parameter may not apply if the
configuration is stored in several files. By default, the instance name
is used as configuration file name.

=item default_layer

Optional. Specifies where to find a global configuration file that
specifies default values. For instance, this is used by OpenSSH to
specify a global configuration file (C</etc/ssh/ssh_config>) that is
overridden by user's file:

	'default_layer' => {
            os_config_dir => { 'darwin' => '/etc' },
            config_dir    => '/etc/ssh',
            file          => 'ssh_config'

Only the 3 above parameters can be specified in C<default_layer>.

=item function

Function name that will be called back to read the file. 
See L</"read callback"> for details. (default is C<read>)

=item auto_create

By default, an exception is thrown if no read was
successful. This behavior can be overridden by specifying 
C<< auto_create => 1 >> in one of the backend specification. For instance:

    read_config  => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' } , 
                      { backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar' ,
                        auto_create => 1

This feature is necessary to create a configuration from scratch

When set in write backend, missing directory and files will be created
with current umask. Default is false.


Write specification is similar to read_specification. Except that the
default value for C<function> is C<write>. Here's an example:

   write_config  => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' } , 
                      { backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar' ,
                        function => 'my_write',

=head1 Limitations depending on storage

Some storage system will limit the structure of the model you can map
to the file.

=head2 Ini files limitation

Structure of the Config::Model must be very simple. Either:


=item *

A single class with hash of leaves elements.

=item * 

2 levels of classes. The top level has nodes elements. All other
classes have only leaf elements.


=head1 Configuration class with auto read or auto write

=head2 read specification

A configuration class will be declared with optional C<read_config>

  read_config  => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' } , 
                    { backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar' },

The read backends will be tried in the specified order:


=item *

First the C<cds> file whose name depend on the parameters used in model
creation and instance creation:
C<< <model_config_dir>/<instance_name>.cds >>
The syntax of the C<cds> file is described in  L<Config::Model::Dumper>.

=item * 

A callback to C<Bar::read>. See L</"read callback> for details.


When a read operation is successful, the remaining read methods will
be skipped.

=head2 write specification

A configuration class will be declared with optional C<write_config>
parameters (along with C<read_config> parameter):

  write_config => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/',
                      auto_create => 1, },
                    { backend => 'custom', class => 'NewFormat' } ],

By default, the specifications are tried in order, until the first succeeds.

When required by the user, all configuration information is written
back using B<all> the write specifications. See
L<Config::Model::Instance/write_back ( ... )> for details.

The write class declared with C<custom> backend must provide a call-back.
See L</"write callback"> for details.

=head2 read write directory

By default, configurations files are read from the directory specified
by C<config_dir> parameter specified in the model. You may override the
C<root> directory for test.

=head2 read callback

Read callback function will be called with these parameters:

  object     => $obj,         # Config::Model::Node object 
  root       => './my_test',  # fake root directory, userd for tests
  config_dir => /etc/foo',    # absolute path 
  file       => 'foo.conf',   # file name
  file_path  => './my_test/etc/foo/foo.conf' 
  io_handle  => $io           # IO::File object with binmode :utf8
  check      => [yes|no|skip]

The L<IO::File> object is undef if the file cannot be read.

The callback must return 0 on failure and 1 on successful read.

=head2 write callback

Write callback function will be called with these parameters:

  object      => $obj,         # Config::Model::Node object 
  root        => './my_test',  # fake root directory, userd for tests
  config_dir  => /etc/foo',    # absolute path 
  file        => 'foo.conf',   # file name
  file_path  => './my_test/etc/foo/foo.conf' 
  io_handle   => $io           # IO::File object opened in write mode 
                               # with binmode :utf8
  auto_create => 1             # create dir as needed
  check      => [yes|no|skip]

The L<IO::File> object is undef if the file cannot be written to.

The callback must return 0 on failure and 1 on successful write.

=head1 CAVEATS

When both C<config_dir> and C<file> are specified, this class will
write-open the configuration file (and thus clobber it) before calling
the C<write> call-back and pass the file handle with C<io_handle>
parameter. C<write> should use this handle to write data in the target
configuration file.

If this behavior causes problem (e.g. with augeas backend), the
solution is either to:


=item *

Set C<file> to undef or an empty string in the C<write_config>

=item *

Create a C<skip_open> function in your backend class that returns C<1>



In the example below, only a C<cds> file is written. But, both custom
format and C<cds> file are tried for read. This is also an example of
a graceful migration from a customized format to a C<cds> format.

  read_config  => [ { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' } , 
                    { backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar' },
  write_config => [{ backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => '/etc/my_cfg/' }],

You can choose also to read and write only customized files:

  read_config  => [{ backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar'}],

Or to read and write only C<cds> files :

  read_config  => [{ backend => 'cds_file'}] ,

You can also specify more parameters that must be passed to your
custom class:

  read_config  => [{ backend => 'custom', class => 'Bar', 
                    config_dir => '/etc/foo'}],

To migrate from an old format to a new format:

  read_config  => [ { backend => 'custom',
                      class => 'OldFormat',
                      function => 'old_read'
                    } ,
                    { backend => 'custom',
                      class => 'NewFormat',
                      function => 'new_read'
  write_config => [ { backend => 'custom',
                      class => 'NewFormat'

If C<write_config> is missing, the data provided by C<read_config>
will be used. For instance:

  read_config  => [ { backend => 'custom',
                      class => 'Bar',
                      config_dir => '/etc/foo'
                  } ],

In this case, configuration data will be read by C<Bar::read> in
directory C</etc/foo> and will be written back there by C<Bar::write>.

=head1 Methods

=head2 write_back ( ... )

Try to run all subroutines registered by L<auto_write_init>
write the configuration information until one succeeds (returns

You can specify here a pseudo root directory or another config
directory to write configuration data back with C<root> and
C<config_dir> parameters. This will override the model specifications.

You can force to use a backend by specifying C<< backend => xxx >>.
For instance, C<< backend => 'perl_file' >> or C<< backend => 'custom' >>.

You can force to use all backend to write the files by specifying
C<< backend => 'all' >>.

You can force a specific config file to write with
C<< config_file => 'foo/bar.conf' >>

C<write_back> will croak if no write call-back are known for this node.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Config::Model>, L<Config::Model::Instance>,
L<Config::Model::Node>, L<Config::Model::Dumper>

=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont


This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Dominique Dumont.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
