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# This file is part of Config-Model
# This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
package Config::Model::CheckList;
$Config::Model::CheckList::VERSION = '2.071';
use Mouse;
use 5.010;

use Config::Model::Exception;
use Config::Model::IdElementReference;
use Config::Model::Warper;
use List::MoreUtils qw/any none/;
use Carp;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);
use Storable qw/dclone/;

extends qw/Config::Model::AnyThing/;

my $logger = get_logger("Tree::Element::CheckList");

my @introspect_params = qw/refer_to computed_refer_to/;

my @accessible_params = qw/default_list upstream_default_list choice ordered/;
my @allowed_warp_params = ( @accessible_params, qw/level/ );

has [qw/backup data preset layered/] => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', default => sub { {}; } );
has computed_refer_to => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[HashRef]' );
has [qw/refer_to/]            => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' );
has [qw/ordered_data choice/] => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { []; } );
has [qw/ordered/]             => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool' );

has [qw/warp help/] => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Maybe[HashRef]' );

around BUILDARGS => sub {
    my $orig  = shift;
    my $class = shift;
    my %args  = @_;
    my %h     = map { ( $_ => $args{$_} ); } grep { defined $args{$_} } @allowed_warp_params;
    return $class->$orig( backup => dclone( \%h ), @_ );

sub BUILD {
    my $self = shift;

    if ( defined $self->refer_to or defined $self->computed_refer_to ) {

    $self->set_properties();    # set will use backup data

    if ( defined $self->warp ) {
        my $warp_info = $self->warp;
        $self->{warper} = Config::Model::Warper->new(
            warped_object => $self,
            allowed => \@allowed_warp_params


    $logger->info( "Created check_list element " . $self->element_name );
    return $self;

sub cl_init {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->warp if ( $self->{warp} );

    if ( defined $self->{ref_object} ) {
        my $level = $self->parent->get_element_property(
            element  => $self->{element_name},
            property => 'level',
        $self->{ref_object}->get_choice_from_refered_to if $level ne 'hidden';

sub name {
    my $self = shift;
    my $name = $self->{parent}->name . ' ' . $self->{element_name};
    return $name;

sub value_type { return 'check_list'; }

# warning : call to 'set' are not cumulative. Default value are always
# restored. Lest keeping track of what was modified with 'set' is
# too hard for the user.
sub set_properties {
    my $self = shift;

    # cleanup all parameters that are handled by warp
    map( delete $self->{$_}, @allowed_warp_params );

    if ( $logger->is_debug() ) {
        my %h = @_;
        my $keys = join( ',', keys %h );
        $logger->debug("set_properties called on $self->{element_name} with $keys");

    # merge data passed to the constructor with data passed to set
    my %args = ( %{ $self->{backup} }, @_ );

    # these are handled by Node or Warper
    map { delete $args{$_} } qw/level/;

    $self->{ordered} = delete $args{ordered} || 0;

    if ( defined $args{choice} ) {
        my @choice = @{ delete $args{choice} };
        $self->{default_choice} = \@choice;

    if ( defined $args{default} ) {
        warn $self->name, ": default param is deprecated, use default_list\n";
        $args{default_list} = delete $args{default};

    if ( defined $args{default_list} ) {
        $self->{default_list} = delete $args{default_list};

    # store default data in a hash (more convenient)
    $self->{default_data} = { map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->{default_list} } };

    if ( defined $args{upstream_default_list} ) {
        $self->{upstream_default_list} = delete $args{upstream_default_list};

    # store upstream default data in a hash (more convenient)
    $self->{upstream_default_data} =
        { map { $_ => 1 } @{ $self->{upstream_default_list} } };

        object => $self,
        error  => "Unexpected parameters :" . join( ' ', keys %args ) ) if scalar keys %args;

sub setup_choice {
    my $self = shift;
    my @choice = ref $_[0] ? @{ $_[0] } : @_;

    $logger->debug("CheckList $self->{element_name}: setup_choice with @choice");

    # store all enum values in a hash. This way, checking
    # whether a value is present in the enum set is easier
    delete $self->{choice_hash} if defined $self->{choice_hash};
    map { $self->{choice_hash}{$_} = 1; } @choice;

    $self->{choice} = \@choice;

    # cleanup current preset and data if it does not fit current choices
    foreach my $field (qw/preset data layered/) {
        next unless defined $self->{$field};    # do not create if not present
        foreach my $item ( keys %{ $self->{$field} } ) {
            delete $self->{$field}{$item} unless defined $self->{choice_hash}{$item};

# Need to extract Config::Model::Reference (used by Value, and maybe AnyId).

sub submit_to_refer_to {
    my $self = shift;

    if ( defined $self->refer_to ) {
        $self->{ref_object} = Config::Model::IdElementReference->new(
            refer_to   => $self->refer_to,
            config_elt => $self,
    elsif ( defined $self->computed_refer_to ) {
        $self->{ref_object} = Config::Model::IdElementReference->new(
            computed_refer_to => $self->computed_refer_to,
            config_elt        => $self,
        my $var = $self->{computed_refer_to}{variables};

        # refer_to registration is done for all element that are used as
        # variable for complex reference (ie '- $foo' , {foo => '- bar'} )
        foreach my $path ( values %$var ) {

            # is ref during test case
            #print "path is '$path'\n";
            next if $path =~ /\$/;    # next if path also contain a variable
            my $master = $self->grab($path);
            next unless $master->can('register_dependency');
    else {
        croak "checklist submit_to_refer_to: undefined refer_to or computed_refer_to";

sub setup_reference_choice {
    my $self = shift;

sub get_type {
    my $self = shift;
    return 'check_list';

sub get_cargo_type { goto &cargo_type }

sub cargo_type {
    my $self = shift;
    return 'leaf';

sub apply_fixes {

    # no operation. THere's no check_value method because a check list
    # supposed to be always correct. Hence apply_fixes is empty.

# does not check the validity, but check the item of the check_list
sub check {
    my $self  = shift;
    my @list  = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $_[0] } : @_;
    my %args  = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @_[ 1, $#_ ] : ( check => 'yes' );
    my $check = $self->_check_check( $args{check} );

    if ( defined $self->{ref_object} ) {

    my @changed;
    map { push @changed, $_ if $self->store( $_, 1, $check ) } @list;

    $self->notify_change( note => "check @changed" )
        unless $self->instance->initial_load;

sub clear_item {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $choice = shift;

    my $inst = $self->instance;
    my $data_name =
          $inst->preset  ? 'preset'
        : $inst->layered ? 'layered'
        :                  'data';
    my $old_v   = $self->{$data_name}{$choice};
    my $changed = 0;
    if ($old_v) {
        $changed = 1;
    delete $self->{$data_name}{$choice};

    if ( $self->{ordered} and $changed ) {
        my $ord = $self->{ordered_data};
        my @new = grep { $_ ne $choice } @$ord;
        $self->{ordered_data} = \@new;
    return $changed;

# internal
sub store {
    my ( $self, $choice, $value, $check ) = @_;

    my $inst = $self->instance;

    if ( $value != 0 and $value != 1 ) {
            error  => "store: check item value must be boolean, " . "not '$value'.",
            object => $self

    my $ok = $self->{choice_hash}{$choice} || 0;
    my $changed = 0;

    if ($ok) {
        my $data_name =
              $inst->preset  ? 'preset'
            : $inst->layered ? 'layered'
            :                  'data';
        my $old_v = $self->{$data_name}{$choice};
        if ( not defined $old_v or $old_v ne $value ) {
            $changed = 1;
            $self->{$data_name}{$choice} = $value;

        if ( $self->{ordered} and $value ) {
            my $ord = $self->{ordered_data};
            push @$ord, $choice unless scalar grep { $choice eq $_ } @$ord;
    elsif ( $check eq 'yes' ) {
        my $err_str =
            "Unknown check_list item '$choice'. Expected '"
            . join( "', '", @{ $self->{choice} } ) . "'";
        $err_str .= "\n\t" . $self->{ref_object}->reference_info
            if defined $self->{ref_object};
        Config::Model::Exception::WrongValue->throw( error => $err_str, object => $self );

    return $changed;

sub uncheck {
    my $self  = shift;
    my @list  = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $_[0] } : @_;
    my %args  = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @_[ 1, $#_ ] : ( check => 'yes' );
    my $check = $self->_check_check( $args{check} );

    if ( defined $self->{ref_object} ) {

    my @changed;
    map { push @changed, $_ if $self->store( $_, 0, $check ) } @list;

    $self->notify_change( note => "uncheck @changed" )
        unless $self->instance->initial_load;

my %accept_mode =
    map { ( $_ => 1 ) } qw/custom standard preset default layered upstream_default user/;

sub is_checked {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $choice = shift;
    my %args   = @_;
    my $mode   = $args{mode} || '';
    my $check  = $self->_check_check( $args{check} );

    my $ok = $self->{choice_hash}{$choice} || 0;

    if ($ok) {

        if ( $mode and not defined $accept_mode{$mode} ) {
            croak "is_checked: expected ", join( ' or ', keys %accept_mode ),
                "parameter, not $mode";

        my $dat    = $self->{data}{$choice};
        my $pre    = $self->{preset}{$choice};
        my $def    = $self->{default_data}{$choice};
        my $ud     = $self->{upstream_default_data}{$choice};
        my $lay    = $self->{layered}{$choice};
        my $std_v  = $pre // $def // 0;
        my $user_v = $dat // $pre // $lay // $def // $ud // 0;

        my $result =
              $mode eq 'custom' ? ( $dat && !$std_v ? 1 : 0 )
            : $mode eq 'preset' ? $pre
            : $mode eq 'layered'          ? $lay
            : $mode eq 'upstream_default' ? $ud
            : $mode eq 'default'          ? $def
            : $mode eq 'standard'         ? $std_v
            : $mode eq 'user'             ? $user_v
            :                               $dat // $std_v;

        return $result;
    elsif ( $check eq 'yes' ) {
        my $err_str =
            "Unknown check_list item '$choice'. Expected '"
            . join( "', '", @{ $self->{choice} } ) . "'";
        $err_str .= "\n\t" . $self->{ref_object}->reference_info
            if defined $self->{ref_object};
            error  => $err_str,
            object => $self

# get_choice is always called when using check_list, so having a
# warp safety check here makes sense

sub get_choice {
    my $self = shift;

    if ( defined $self->{ref_object} ) {

    if ( not defined $self->{choice} ) {
        my $msg = "check_list element has no defined choice. " . $self->warp_error;
            info    => $msg,
            object  => $self->parent,
            element => $self->element_name,

    return @{ $self->{choice} };

sub get_default_choice {
    my $self = shift;
    return @{ $self->{default_choice} || [] };

sub get_builtin_choice {
    carp "get_builtin_choice is deprecated, use get_upstream_default_choice";
    goto &get_upstream_default_choice;

sub get_upstream_default_choice {
    my $self = shift;
    return @{ $self->{upstream_default_data} || [] };

sub get_help {
    my $self = shift;
    my $help = $self->{help};

    return $help unless @_;

    my $on_value = shift;
    return $help->{$on_value} if defined $help and defined $on_value;


sub clear {
    my $self = shift;
    map { $self->clear_item($_) } $self->get_choice;    # also triggers notify changes

sub clear_values { goto &clear; }

sub clear_layered {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{layered} = {};

my %old_mode = ( built_in_list => 'upstream_default_list', );

sub get_checked_list_as_hash {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_ > 1 ? @_ : ( mode => $_[0] );
    my $mode = $args{mode} || '';

    foreach my $k ( keys %old_mode ) {
        next unless $mode eq $k;
        $mode = $old_mode{$k};
        carp $self->location, " warning: deprecated mode parameter: $k, ", "expected $mode\n";

    if ( $mode and not defined $accept_mode{$mode} ) {
        croak "get_checked_list_as_hash: expected ",
            join( ' or ', keys %accept_mode ),
            " parameter, not $mode";

    my $dat = $self->{data};
    my $pre = $self->{preset};
    my $def = $self->{default_data};
    my $lay = $self->{layered};
    my $ud  = $self->{upstream_default_data};

    # fill empty hash result
    my %h = map { $_ => 0 } $self->get_choice;

    my %predef = ( %$def, %$pre );
    my %std = ( %$ud, %$lay, %$def, %$pre );

    # use _std_backup if all data values are null (no checked items by user)
    my %old_dat = ( none { $_; } values %$dat ) ? %{ $self->{_std_backup} || {} } : %$dat;

    if ( not $mode and any { $_; } values %predef and none { $_; } values %old_dat ) {

        # changed from nothing to default checked list that must be written
        $self->{_std_backup} = { %$def, %$pre };
        $self->notify_change( note => "use default checklist" );

    # custom test must compare the whole list at once, not just one item at a time.
    my %result =
        $mode eq 'custom' ? ( ( grep { $dat->{$_} xor $std{$_} } keys %h ) ? ( %$pre, %$dat ) : () )
        : $mode eq 'preset'           ? (%$pre)
        : $mode eq 'layered'          ? (%$lay)
        : $mode eq 'upstream_default' ? (%$ud)
        : $mode eq 'default'          ? (%$def)
        : $mode eq 'standard'         ? %std
        : $mode eq 'user'             ? ( %h, %std, %$dat )
        :                               ( %predef, %$dat );

    return wantarray ? %result : \%result;

sub get_checked_list {
    my $self = shift;

    my %h          = $self->get_checked_list_as_hash(@_);
    my @good_order = $self->{ordered} ? @{ $self->{ordered_data} } : sort keys %h;
    my @res        = grep { $h{$_} } @good_order;
    return wantarray ? @res : \@res;

sub fetch {
    my $self = shift;
    return join( ',', $self->get_checked_list(@_) );

sub fetch_custom {
    my $self = shift;
    return join( ',', $self->get_checked_list('custom') );

sub fetch_preset {
    my $self = shift;
    return join( ',', $self->get_checked_list('preset') );

sub fetch_layered {
    my $self = shift;
    return join( ',', $self->get_checked_list('layered') );

sub get {
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift;
    if ($path) {
            object  => $self,
            message => "get() called with a value with non-empty path: '$path'"
    return $self->fetch(@_);

sub set {
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift;
    my $list = shift;

    if ($path) {
            object  => $self,
            message => "set() called with a value with non-empty path: '$path'"

    return $self->set_checked_list( split /,/, $list );

sub load {
    my ( $self, $string ) = @_;
    my @set = split /,/, $string;
    foreach (@set) { s/^"|"$//g; s/\\"/"/g; }

sub store_set { goto &set_checked_list }

sub set_checked_list {
    my $self = shift;
    $logger->debug("called with @_");
    my %set = map { $_ => 1 } @_;
    my @changed;

    foreach my $c ( $self->get_choice ) {
        push @changed, $c if $self->store( $c, $set{$c} // 0 );

    $self->{ordered_data} = [@_];    # copy list

    $self->notify_change( note => "set_checked_list @changed" )
        if @changed and not $self->instance->initial_load;

sub set_checked_list_as_hash {
    my $self = shift;
    my %check = ref $_[0] ? %{ $_[0] } : @_;

    foreach my $c ( $self->get_choice ) {
        if ( defined $check{$c} ) {
            $self->store( $c, $check{$c} );
        else {

sub load_data {
    my $self = shift;

    my %args  = @_ > 1 ? @_ : ( data => shift );
    my $data  = $args{data};
    my $check = $self->_check_check( $args{check} );

    if ( ref($data) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
    elsif ( ref($data) eq 'HASH' ) {
    else {
            object     => $self,
            message    => "load_data called with non array ref arg",
            wrong_data => $data,

sub swap {
    my ( $self, $a, $b ) = @_;

    foreach my $param ( $a, $b ) {
        unless ( $self->is_checked($param) ) {
            my $err_str = "swap: choice $param must be set";
                error  => $err_str,
                object => $self

    # perform swap in ordered list
    foreach ( @{ $self->{ordered_data} } ) {
        if ( $_ eq $a ) {
            $_ = $b;
        elsif ( $_ eq $b ) {
            $_ = $a;

sub move_up {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    unless ( $self->is_checked($c) ) {
        my $err_str = "swap: choice $c must be set";
            error  => $err_str,
            object => $self

    # perform move in ordered list
    my $list = $self->{ordered_data};
    for ( my $i = 1 ; $i < @$list ; $i++ ) {
        if ( $list->[$i] eq $c ) {
            $list->[$i] = $list->[ $i - 1 ];
            $list->[ $i - 1 ] = $c;

sub move_down {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    unless ( $self->is_checked($c) ) {
        my $err_str = "swap: choice $c must be set";
            error  => $err_str,
            object => $self

    # perform move in ordered list
    my $list = $self->{ordered_data};
    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i + 1 < @$list ; $i++ ) {
        if ( $list->[$i] eq $c ) {
            $list->[$i] = $list->[ $i + 1 ];
            $list->[ $i + 1 ] = $c;

# dummy to match Value call
sub warning_msg { '' }


# ABSTRACT: Handle check list element



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Config::Model::CheckList - Handle check list element

=head1 VERSION

version 2.071


 use Config::Model;
 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

 # define configuration tree object
 my $model = Config::Model->new;
    name => "MyClass",

    element => [

        # type check_list will use Config::Model::CheckList
        my_check_list => {
            type   => 'check_list',
            choice => [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ],
            help   => {
                A => 'A effect is this',
                D => 'D does that',

 my $inst = $model->instance( root_class_name => 'MyClass' );

 my $root = $inst->config_root;

 # put data
 $root->load( step => 'my_check_list=A' ); 

 my $obj = $root->grab('my_check_list');

 my $v = $root->grab_value('my_check_list');
 print "check_list value '$v' with help '", $obj->get_help($v), "'\n";

 # more data
 $v = $root->grab_value('my_check_list');
 print "check_list new value is '$v'\n";   # prints check_list new value is 'A,D'


This class provides a check list element for a L<Config::Model::Node>.
In other words, this class provides a list of booleans items. Each item
can be set to 1 or 0.

The available items in the check list can be :


=item * 

A fixed list (with the C<choice> parameter)

=item *

A dynamic list where the available choice are the keys of another hash
of the configuration tree. See L</"Choice reference"> for details.



CheckList object should not be created directly.

=head1 CheckList model declaration

A check list element must be declared with the following parameters:


=item type

Always C<checklist>.

=item choice

A list ref containing the check list items (optional)

=item refer_to

This parameter is used when the keys of a hash are used to specify the
possible choices of the check list. C<refer_to> point to a hash or list
element in the configuration tree. See L<Choice reference> for
details. (optional)

=item computed_refer_to

Like C<refer_to>, but use a computed value to find the hash or list
element in the configuration tree. See L<Choice reference> for
details. (optional)

=item default_list

List ref to specify the check list items which are "on" by default.

=item ordered

Specify whether the order of checked items must be preserved. 

=item help

Hash ref to provide information on the check list items.

=item warp

Used to provide dynamic modifications of the check list properties
See L<Config::Model::Warper> for details


For example:


=item *

A simple check list with help:

       => { type => 'check_list',
            choice     => ['A' .. 'Z'],
            help => { A => 'A help', E => 'E help' } ,

=item *

A check list with default values:

       => { type => 'check_list',
            choice     => ['A' .. 'Z'],
            default_list   => [ 'A', 'D' ],

=item *

A check list whose available choice and default change depending on
the value of the C<macro> parameter:

       => { type => 'check_list',
            warp => { follow => '- macro',
                      rules  => { AD => { choice => [ 'A' .. 'D' ], 
                                          default_list => ['A', 'B' ] },
                                  AH => { choice => [ 'A' .. 'H' ] },


=head1 Introspection methods

The following methods returns the checklist parameter :


=item refer_to

=item computed_refer_to


=head1 Choice reference

The choice items of a check_list can be given by another configuration
element. This other element can be:


=item *

The keys of a hash

=item *

Another checklist. In this case only the checked items of the other
checklist will be available.


This other hash or other checklist is indicated by the C<refer_to> or
C<computed_refer_to> parameter. C<refer_to> uses the syntax of the
C<step> parameter of L<grab(...)|Config::AnyThing/"grab(...)">

See L<refer_to parameter|Config::Model::IdElementReference/"refer_to parameter">.

=head2 Reference examples


=item *

A check list where the available choices are the keys of C<my_hash>
configuration parameter:

       => { type => 'check_list',
            refer_to => '- my_hash'

=item *

A check list where the available choices are the checked items of
C<other_check_list> configuration parameter:

       other_check_list => { type => 'check_list', 
                             choice => [qw/A B C/]
       => { type => 'check_list',
            refer_to => '- other_check_list'

=item *

A check list where the available choices are the keys of C<my_hash>
and C<my_hash2> and C<my_hash3> configuration parameter:

       => { type => 'check_list',
            refer_to => '- my_hash + - my_hash2   + - my_hash3'

=item *

A check list where the available choices are the specified choice and
the choice of C<refer_to_3_lists> and a hash whose name is specified
by the value of the C<indirection> configuration parameter (this
example is admittedly convoluted):

       => { type => 'check_list',
            computed_refer_to => { formula => '- refer_to_2_list + - $var',
                                   variables { 'var' => '- indirection ' }
            choice  => [qw/A1 A2 A3/],


=head1 Methods

=head2 get_type

Returns C<check_list>.

=head2 cargo_type()

Returns 'leaf'.

=head2 check ( ... )

Set choice. Parameter is either a list of choices to set or 
a list ref and some optional parameter. I.e:

  check (\@list, check => 'skip') ;

C<check> parameter decide on behavior in case of invalid
choice value: either die (if yes) or discard bad value (if skip)

=head2 uncheck (...)

Unset choice. Parameter is either a list of choices to unset or 
a list ref and some optional parameter. I.e:

  uncheck (\@list, check => 'skip') ;

C<check> parameter decide on behavior in case of invalid
choice value: either die (if yes) or discard bad value (if skip)

=head2 is_checked( choice, [ check => yes|skip ] , [ mode => ... ])

Return 1 if the given C<choice> was set. Returns 0 otherwise.

C<check> parameter decide on behavior in case of invalid
choice value: either die (if yes) or discard bad value (if skip)

C<mode> is either: custom standard preset default layered upstream_default

=head2 get_choice

Returns an array of all items names that can be checked (i.e.
that can have value 0 or 1).

=head2 get_help (choice_value)

Return the help string on this choice value

=head2 clear

Reset the check list (can also be called as C<clear_values>)

=head2 clear_item (choice_value)

Reset an element of the checklist.

=head2 get_checked_list_as_hash ( [ custom | preset | standard | default ] )

Returns a hash (or a hash ref) of all items. The boolean value is the
value of the hash.


 { A => 0, B => 1, C => 0 , D => 1}

By default, this method will return all items set by the user, or
items set in preset mode or checked by default.

With a parameter, this method will return either:


=item custom

The list entered by the user

=item preset

The list entered in preset mode

=item standard

The list set in preset mode or checked by default.

=item default

The default list (defined by the configuration model)

=item layered

The list specified in layered mode. 

=item upstream_default

The list implemented by upstream project (defined in the configuration

=item user

The list set that will be active in the application. (ie. set by user or
by layered data or preset or default)


=head2 get_checked_list ( < mode >  )

Returns a list (or a list ref) of all checked items (i.e. all items
set to 1). 

=head2 fetch ( < mode > )

Returns a string listing the checked items (i.e. "A,B,C")

=head2 get( path  [, < mode> ] )

Get a value from a directory like path.

=head2 set( path , values )

Set a checklist with a directory like path. Since a checklist is a leaf, the path
should be empty. The values are a comma separated list of checked items.

Example : C<< $leaf->set('','A,C,Z') ; >>

=head2 set_checked_list ( item1, item2, ..)

Set all passed items to checked (1). All other available items
in the check list are set to 0.


  # set cl to A=0 B=1 C=0 D=1

=head2 set_checked_list_as_hash ()

Set check_list items. Missing items in the given list of parameters
are cleared (i.e. set to undef).

=head2 load_data ( ref )

Load check_list as an array or hash ref. Array is forwarded to
L<set_checked_list> , and hash is forwarded to L<set_checked_list_as_hash>.

=head1 Ordered checklist methods

All the methods below are valid only for ordered checklists.

=head1 swap ( choice_a, choice_b)

Swap the 2 given choice in the list. Both choice must be already set.

=head1 move_up ( choice )

Move the choice up in the checklist. 

=head1 move_down ( choice )

Move the choice down in the checklist. 

=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont


This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by Dominique Dumont.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
