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# -*- cperl -*-

use warnings;
use 5.010;

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Warn;
use Test::Differences;
use Test::Memory::Cycle;
use Config::Model;
use Config::Model::Value;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy :levels);

use strict;

binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';

my $arg = shift || '';
my ( $log, $show ) = (0) x 2;

my $trace = $arg =~ /t/ ? 1 : 0;
$log  = 1 if $arg =~ /l/;
$show = 1 if $arg =~ /s/;

my $home = $ENV{HOME} || "";
my $log4perl_user_conf_file = "$home/.log4config-model";

if ( $log and -e $log4perl_user_conf_file ) {
else {
    Log::Log4perl->easy_init( $log ? $WARN : $ERROR );

Config::Model::Exception::Any->Trace(1) if $arg =~ /e/;

ok( 1, "Compilation done" );

# minimal set up to get things working
my $model = Config::Model->new();
    name    => "BadClass",
    element => [
        crooked => {
            type  => 'leaf',
            class => 'Config::Model::Value',
        crooked_enum => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'enum',
            default    => 'foo',
            choice     => [qw/A B C/]
    ] );

    name    => "Master",
    element => [
        scalar => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'integer',
            min        => 1,
            max        => 4,
        string => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'string',
        bounded_number => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'number',
            min        => 1,
            max        => 4,
        mandatory_string => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'string',
            mandatory  => 1,
        mandatory_boolean => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'boolean',
            mandatory  => 1,
        mandatory_with_default_value => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'string',
            mandatory  => 1,
            default    => 'booya',
        boolean_with_write_as => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'boolean',
            write_as   => [qw/false true/],
        boolean_with_write_as_and_default => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'boolean',
            write_as   => [qw/false true/],
            default    => 'true',
        bare_enum => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'enum',
            choice     => [qw/A B C/]
        enum => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'enum',
            default    => 'A',
            choice     => [qw/A B C/]
        enum_with_help => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'enum',
            choice     => [qw/a b c/],
            help       => { a => 'a help' }
        uc_convert => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'string',
            convert    => 'uc',
        lc_convert => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            class      => 'Config::Model::Value',
            value_type => 'string',
            convert    => 'lc',
        upstream_default => {
            type             => 'leaf',
            value_type       => 'string',
            upstream_default => 'up_def',
        a_uniline => {
            type             => 'leaf',
            value_type       => 'uniline',
            upstream_default => 'a_uniline_def',
        with_replace => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'enum',
            choice     => [qw/a b c/],
            replace    => {
                a1       => 'a',
                c1       => 'c',
                'foo/.*' => 'b',
        replacement_hash => {
            type       => 'hash',
            index_type => 'string',
            cargo      => {
                type       => 'leaf',
                value_type => 'uniline',
        with_replace_follow => {
            type           => 'leaf',
            value_type     => 'string',
            replace_follow => '- replacement_hash',
        match => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string',
            match      => '^foo\d{2}/$',
        prd_test_action => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string',
        prd_match => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string',
            grammar    => q^check: <rulevar: local $failed = 0>
			    check: token (oper token)(s?) <reject:$failed>
			    oper: 'and' | 'or'
			    token: 'Apache' | 'CC-BY' | 'Perl' {
			        my $v = $arg[0]->grab("! prd_test_action")->fetch || '';
			        $failed++ unless $v =~ /$item[1]/ ; 
        warn_if_match => {
            type          => 'leaf',
            value_type    => 'string',
            warn_if_match => { 'foo' => { fix => '$_ = uc;' } },
        warn_unless_match => {
            type              => 'leaf',
            value_type        => 'string',
            warn_unless_match => { foo => { msg => '', fix => '$_ = "foo".$_;' } },
        assert => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string',
            assert     => {
                assert_test => {
                    code => 'defined $_ and /\w/',
                    msg  => 'must not be empty',
                    fix  => '$_ = "foobar";'
        warn_if_number => {
            type        => 'leaf',
            value_type  => 'string',
            warn_if => {
                warn_test => {
                    code => 'defined $_ && /\d/;',
                    msg  => 'should not have numbers',
                    fix  => 's/\d//g;'
        warn_unless => {
            type        => 'leaf',
            value_type  => 'string',
            warn_unless => {
                warn_test => {
                    code => 'defined $_ and /\w/',
                    msg  => 'should not be empty',
                    fix  => '$_ = "foobar";'
        always_warn => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string',
            warn       => 'Always warn whenever used',
        'Standards-Version' => {
            'value_type'        => 'uniline',
            'warn_unless_match' => {
                '3\\.9\\.2' => {
                    'msg' => 'Current standard version is 3.9.2',
                    'fix' => '$_ = undef; #restore default'
            'match'   => '\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+(\\.\\d+)?',
            'default' => '3.9.2',
            'type'    => 'leaf',
        t_file => {
            type => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'file'
        t_dir => {
            type => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'dir'
    ],    # dummy class

my $bad_inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'BadClass',
    instance_name   => 'test_bad_class'
ok( $bad_inst, "created bad_class instance" );

my $bad_root = $bad_inst->config_root;

my $result;

throws_ok { $bad_root->fetch_element('crooked'); }
    "test create expected failure";
print "normal error:\n", $@, "\n" if $trace;

my $inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'test1'
ok( $inst, "created dummy instance" );

sub check_store_error {
    my ( $obj, $v, $qr ) = @_;
    my $path = $obj->location;
    $obj->store( value => $v, silent => 1, check => 'skip' );
    is( $inst->errors->{$path}, '', "store error in $path is tracked" );
    like( scalar $inst->error_messages, $qr, "check $path error message" );

sub check_error {
    my ( $obj, $v, $qr ) = @_;
    my $old_v = $obj->fetch;
    is( $obj->fetch, $old_v, "check that wrong value $v was not stored" );

my $root = $inst->config_root;

my $i = $root->fetch_element('scalar');
ok( $i, "test create bounded integer" );

is( $inst->needs_save, 0, "verify instance needs_save status after creation" );

is( $i->needs_check, 1, "verify check status after creation" );

is( $i->has_data, 0, "check has_data on empty scalar" );

ok( 1, "store test done" );
is( $i->needs_check,   0, "store does not trigger a check (check done during store)" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "verify instance needs_save status after store" );
is( $i->has_data, 1, "check has_data after store" );

is( $i->fetch,         1, "fetch test" );
is( $i->needs_check,   0, "check was done during fetch" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "verify instance needs_save status after fetch" );

check_error( $i, 5, qr/max limit/ );

check_error( $i, 'toto', qr/not of type/ );

check_error( $i, 1.5, qr/number but not an integer/ );

# test that bad storage triggers an error
throws_ok { $i->store(5); } 'Config::Model::Exception::WrongValue', "test max nb expected failure";
print "normal error:\n", $@, "\n" if $trace;

my $nb = $root->fetch_element('bounded_number');
ok( $nb, "created " . $nb->name );

$nb->store( value => 1,   callback => sub { is( $nb->fetch, 1,   "assign 1" ); } );
$nb->store( value => 1.5, callback => sub { is( $nb->fetch, 1.5, "assign 1.5" ); } );

ok( defined $nb->fetch() ? 0 : 1, "store undef" );

my $ms = $root->fetch_element('mandatory_string');
ok( $ms, "created mandatory_string" );

throws_ok { my $v = $ms->fetch; } 'Config::Model::Exception::User', "mandatory string: undef error";
print "normal error:\n", $@, "\n" if $trace;

is( $ms->fetch, 'toto', "mandatory_string: store and read" );

my $toto_str = "a\nbig\ntext\nabout\ntoto";
$toto_str =~ s/text/string/;

print join( "\n", $inst->list_changes("\n") ), "\n" if $trace;

my $mwdv = $root->fetch_element('mandatory_with_default_value');
# note: calling fetch before store triggers a "notify_change" to
# let user know that his file was changed by model
$mwdv->store('booya');    # emulate reading a file containing default value
is( $mwdv->has_data, 0, "check has_data after storing default value" );
is( $mwdv->fetch,      'booya', "status quo" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 0,       "verify instance needs_save status after storing default value" );

is( $mwdv->fetch,      'boo', "overrode default" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 1,     "verify instance needs_save status after storing another value" );

is( $mwdv->fetch,      'booya', "restore default by writing undef value in mandatory string" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 1,       "verify instance needs_save status after restoring default value" );

print join( "\n", $inst->list_changes("\n") ), "\n" if $trace;

my $mb = $root->fetch_element('mandatory_boolean');
ok( $mb, "created mandatory_boolean" );

throws_ok { my $v = $mb->fetch; } 'Config::Model::Exception::User',
    "mandatory bounded: undef error";
print "normal error:\n", $@, "\n" if $trace;

check_store_error( $mb, 'toto', qr/boolean error/ );

check_store_error( $mb, 2, qr/boolean error/ );

my @bool_test = ( 1, 1, yes => 1, Yes => 1, no => 0, Nope => 0, true => 1, False => 0 );

while (@bool_test) {
    my $store = shift @bool_test;
    my $read  = shift @bool_test;


    is( $mb->fetch, $read, "mandatory boolean: store $store and read $read value" );

my $bwwa = $root->fetch_element('boolean_with_write_as');
is( $bwwa->fetch, undef, "boolean_with_write_as reads undef" );
is( $bwwa->fetch, 'false', "boolean_with_write_as returns 'false'" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "check needs_save after writing 'boolean_with_write_as'" );
eq_or_diff([$inst->list_changes],["boolean_with_write_as: '<undef>' -> '0'"],
           "check change message after writing 'boolean_with_write_as'");

is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "check needs_save after writing twice 'boolean_with_write_as'" );

is( $bwwa->fetch, 'true', "boolean_with_write_as returns 'true'" );

my $bwwaad = $root->fetch_element('boolean_with_write_as_and_default');
is( $bwwa->fetch, 'true', "boolean_with_write_as_and_default reads true" );

throws_ok { $bad_root->fetch_element('crooked_enum'); }
    "test create expected failure with enum with wrong default";
print "normal error:\n", $@, "\n" if $trace;

my $de = $root->fetch_element('enum');
ok( $de, "Created enum with correct default" );


is( $de->fetch, 'A', "enum with default: read default value" );

is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "check needs_save after reading a default value" );

$de->store('A');    # emulate config file read
is( $inst->needs_save, 0,   "check needs_save after storing a value identical to default value" );
is( $de->fetch,        'A', "enum with default: read default value" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 0,   "check needs_save after reading a default value" );

print "enum with default: read custom\n" if $trace;
is( $de->fetch_custom, undef, "enum with default: read custom value" );

is( $de->fetch,          'B', "enum: store and read B" );
is( $de->fetch_custom,   'B', "enum: read custom value" );
is( $de->fetch_standard, 'A', "enum: read standard value" );

## check model data
is( $de->value_type, 'enum', "enum: check value_type" );

eq_array( $de->choice, [qw/A B C/], "enum: check choice" );

ok( $de->set_properties( default => 'B' ), "enum: warping default value" );
is( $de->default(), 'B', "enum: check new default value" );

throws_ok { $de->set_properties( default => 'F' ) }
    "enum: warped default value to wrong value";
print "normal error:\n", $@, "\n" if $trace;

ok( $de->set_properties( choice => [qw/A B C D/] ), "enum: warping choice" );

ok( $de->set_properties( choice => [qw/A B C D/], default => 'D' ),
    "enum: warping default value to new choice" );

    $de->set_properties( choice => [qw/F G H/], default => undef ),
    "enum: warping choice to completely different set"

is( $de->default(), undef, "enum: check that new default value is undef" );

is( $de->fetch, undef, "enum: check that new current value is undef" );

is( $de->fetch(), 'H', "enum: set and read a new value" );


my $uc_c = $root->fetch_element('uc_convert');
ok( $uc_c, "testing convert => uc" );
is( $uc_c->fetch(), 'COUCOU', "uc_convert: testing" );

my $lc_c = $root->fetch_element('lc_convert');
ok( $lc_c, "testing convert => lc" );
is( $lc_c->fetch(), 'coucou', "lc_convert: testing" );

print "Testing integrated help\n" if $trace;

my $value_with_help = $root->fetch_element('enum_with_help');
my $full_help       = $value_with_help->get_help;

is( $full_help->{a},                 'a help', "full enum help" );
is( $value_with_help->get_help('a'), 'a help', "enum help on one choice" );
is( $value_with_help->get_help('b'), undef,    "test undef help" );

is( $value_with_help->fetch, undef, "test undef enum" );

print "Testing upstream default value\n" if $trace;

my $up_def = $root->fetch_element('upstream_default');

is( $up_def->fetch,                         undef,    "upstream actual value" );
is( $up_def->fetch_standard,                'up_def', "upstream standard value" );
is( $up_def->fetch('upstream_default'),     'up_def', "upstream actual value" );
is( $up_def->fetch('non_upstream_default'), undef,    "non_upstream value" );
is( $up_def->has_data, 0, "does not have data");

is( $up_def->fetch('upstream_default'),     'up_def', "after store: upstream actual value" );
is( $up_def->fetch('non_upstream_default'), 'yada',   "after store: non_upstream value" );
is( $up_def->fetch,                         'yada',   "after store: upstream actual value" );
is( $up_def->fetch('standard'),             'up_def', "after store: upstream standard value" );
is( $up_def->has_data, 1, "has data");


my $uni = $root->fetch_element('a_uniline');
check_error( $uni, "foo\nbar", qr/value must not contain embedded newlines/ );

$uni->store("foo bar");
is( $uni->fetch, "foo bar", "tested uniline value" );

is( $inst->errors()->{'a_uniline'}, undef, "check that error was deleted by correct store" );

is( $uni->fetch, '', "tested empty value" );

### test replace feature
my $wrepl = $root->fetch_element('with_replace');
is( $wrepl->fetch, "c", "tested replaced value" );

is( $wrepl->fetch, "b", "tested replaced value with regexp" );

### test preset feature

my $pinst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'preset_test'
ok( $pinst, "created dummy preset instance" );

my $p_root = $pinst->config_root;

ok( $pinst->preset, "instance in preset mode" );

my $p_scalar = $p_root->fetch_element('scalar');

my $p_enum = $p_root->fetch_element('enum');

is( $pinst->preset, 0, "instance in normal mode" );

is( $p_scalar->fetch, 3, "scalar: read preset value as value" );
is( $p_scalar->fetch,           4, "scalar: read overridden preset value as value" );
is( $p_scalar->fetch('preset'), 3, "scalar: read preset value as preset_value" );
is( $p_scalar->fetch_standard,  3, "scalar: read preset value as standard_value" );
is( $p_scalar->fetch_custom,    4, "scalar: read custom_value" );

is( $p_enum->fetch, 'B', "enum: read preset value as value" );
is( $p_enum->fetch,           'C', "enum: read overridden preset value as value" );
is( $p_enum->fetch('preset'), 'B', "enum: read preset value as preset_value" );
is( $p_enum->fetch_standard,  'B', "enum: read preset value as standard_value" );
is( $p_enum->fetch_custom,    'C', "enum: read custom_value" );
is( $p_enum->default,         'A', "enum: read default_value" );

### test layered feature

my $layer_inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'layered_test'
ok( $layer_inst, "created dummy layered instance" );

my $l_root = $layer_inst->config_root;

ok( $layer_inst->layered, "instance in layered mode" );

my $l_scalar = $l_root->fetch_element('scalar');

my $l_enum = $l_root->fetch_element('bare_enum');

my $msl = $l_root->fetch_element('mandatory_string');

is( $layer_inst->layered, 0, "instance in normal mode" );

is( $l_scalar->fetch, undef, "scalar: read layered value as backend value" );
is( $l_scalar->fetch( mode => 'user' ), 3, "scalar: read layered value as user value" );
is( $l_scalar->has_data, 0, "scalar: has no data" );
is( $l_scalar->fetch,            4, "scalar: read overridden layered value as value" );
is( $l_scalar->fetch('layered'), 3, "scalar: read layered value as layered_value" );
is( $l_scalar->fetch_standard,   3, "scalar: read standard_value" );
is( $l_scalar->fetch_custom,     4, "scalar: read custom_value" );
is( $l_scalar->has_data,         1, "scalar: has data" );

is( $l_enum->fetch, undef, "enum: read layered value as backend value" );
is( $l_enum->fetch( mode => 'user' ), 'B', "enum: read layered value as user value" );
is( $l_enum->has_data, 0, "enum: has no data" );
is( $l_enum->fetch,            'C', "enum: read overridden layered value as value" );
is( $l_enum->fetch('layered'), 'B', "enum: read layered value as layered_value" );
is( $l_enum->fetch_standard,   'B', "enum: read layered value as standard_value" );
is( $l_enum->fetch_custom,     'C', "enum: read custom_value" );
is( $l_enum->has_data, 1, "enum: has data" );

is($msl->fetch('layered'), 'plop',"check mandatory value in layer");
is($msl->fetch, undef,"check mandatory value backend mode");
is($msl->fetch('user'), 'plop',"check mandatory value user mode with layer");

### test match regexp
my $match = $root->fetch_element('match');

check_error( $match, 'bar', qr/does not match/ );

is( $match->fetch, 'foo42/', "test stored matching value" );

### test Parse::RecDescent validation
my $prd_match = $root->fetch_element('prd_match');

check_error( $prd_match, 'bar',  qr/does not match grammar/ );
check_error( $prd_match, 'Perl', qr/does not match grammar/ );
$root->fetch_element('prd_test_action')->store('Perl CC-BY Apache');

foreach my $prd_test ( ( 'Perl', 'Perl and CC-BY', 'Perl and CC-BY or Apache' ) ) {
    is( $prd_match->fetch, $prd_test, "test stored prd value $prd_test" );

### test warn_if parameter
my $wip = $root->fetch_element('warn_if_match');
warning_like { $wip->store('foobar'); } qr/should not match/, "test warn_if condition";

is( $wip->has_fixes, 1, "test has_fixes" );

is( $wip->fetch( check => 'no', silent => 1 ), 'foobar', "check warn_if stored value" );
is( $wip->has_fixes, 1, "test has_fixes after fetch with check=no" );

is( $wip->fetch( mode => 'standard' ), undef, "check warn_if standard value" );
is( $wip->has_fixes, 1, "test has_fixes after fetch with mode = standard" );

### test fix included in model
is( $wip->fetch, 'FOOBAR', "test if fixes were applied" );

### test warn_if_number parameter
my $win = $root->fetch_element('warn_if_number');
warning_like { $win->store('bar51'); } qr/should not have numbers/, "test warn_if condition";

is( $win->has_fixes, 1, "test has_fixes" );
is( $win->fetch, 'bar', "test if fixes were applied" );

### test warn_unless parameter
my $wup = $root->fetch_element('warn_unless_match');
warning_like { $wup->store('bar'); } qr/should match/, "test warn_unless_match condition";

is( $wup->has_fixes, 1, "test has_fixes" );
is( $wup->fetch, 'foobar', "test if fixes were applied" );

### test always_warn parameter
my $aw = $root->fetch_element('always_warn');
warning_like { $aw->store('whatever'); } qr/always/i, "test unconditional warn";

# test unicode
my $smiley = "\x{263A}";    # See programming perl chapter 15
$wip->store(':-)');         # to test list_changes just below
is( $wip->fetch, $smiley, "check utf-8 string" );

print join( "\n", $inst->list_changes("\n") ), "\n" if $trace;

# test replace_follow
my $wrf = $root->fetch_element('with_replace_follow');

is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "check needs_save after store" );

is( $wrf->fetch,       'foo', "check replacement_hash with foo (before replacement)" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 0,     "check needs_save after simple fetch" );

$root->load('replacement_hash:foo=repfoo replacement_hash:bar=repbar');
is( $inst->needs_save, 2, "check needs_save after load" );

is( $wrf->fetch,       'repfoo', "check replacement_hash with foo (after replacement)" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 1,        "check needs_save after fetch with replacement" );

is( $wrf->fetch, 'repbar', "check replacement_hash with bar" );

is( $wrf->fetch, 'baz', "check replacement_hash with baz (no replacement)" );

    "check that replacement hash was not changed by missed substitution"

my $sv = $root->fetch_element('Standards-Version');
warning_like { $sv->store('3.9.1'); } qr/Current/, "store old standard version";
is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "check needs_save after load" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 2, "check needs_save after load" );
print join( "\n", $inst->list_changes("\n") ), "\n" if $trace;

is( $sv->fetch, '3.9.2', "check fixed standard version" );

is( $sv->fetch( mode => 'custom' ), undef, "check custom standard version" );

### test assert

my $assert_elt = $root->fetch_element('assert');
throws_ok { $assert_elt->fetch(); } 'Config::Model::Exception::WrongValue', "check assert error";

ok( 1, "assert_elt apply_fixes called" );
is( $assert_elt->fetch, 'foobar', "check fixed assert pb" );

### test warn_unless
my $warn_unless = $root->fetch_element('warn_unless');

warning_like { $warn_unless->fetch(); } qr/should not be empty/, "check warn_unless";

ok( 1, "warn_unless apply_fixes called" );
is( $warn_unless->fetch, 'foobar', "check fixed warn_unless pb" );

### test file and dir
my $t_file = $root->fetch_element('t_file');
my $t_dir  = $root->fetch_element('t_dir');
warning_like {$t_file->store('toto')} qr/not exist/, "test non existent file" ;
warning_like {$t_file->store('t')} qr/not a file/, "test not a file" ;
warning_like {$t_dir->store('t/value.t')} qr/not a dir/, "test not a dir" ;

$t_file->store('t/value.t') ;
is($t_file->has_warning, 0, "test a file");

$t_dir->store('t/') ;
is($t_dir->has_warning, 0, "test a dir");

### test problems during initial load
my $inst2 = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'initial_test'
ok( $inst2, "created initial_test inst2ance" );

# is triggered internally only when at least one node has a RW backend

my $s = $inst2->config_root->fetch_element('string');

is( $inst2->needs_save, 1, "verify instance needs_save status after redundant data" );

eq_or_diff([$inst2->list_changes],['string: removed redundant initial value'],"check change message for redundant data");
is( $inst2->needs_save, 0, "needs_save after clearing changes" );

eq_or_diff([$inst2->list_changes],['string: \'foo\' -> \'bar\' # conflicting initial values'],"check change message for redundant data");
is( $inst2->needs_save, 1, "verify instance needs_save status after conflicting data" );

eq_or_diff([$inst2->list_changes],['uc_convert: \'foo\' -> \'FOO\' # initial value changed by model'],
           "check change message when model changes data coming from config file");

is( $inst2->needs_save, 0, "verify instance needs_save status after writing 'boolean_with_write_as'" );


memory_cycle_ok( $model, "check memory cycles" );
