The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# -*- cperl -*-

use warnings;

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Warn;
use Test::Differences;
use Test::Memory::Cycle;
use Config::Model;
use Config::Model::AnyId;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy :levels);

use strict;

my $arg = shift || '';

my $log = 0;

my $trace = $arg =~ /t/ ? 1 : 0;
$log = 1 if $arg =~ /l/;

my $home = $ENV{HOME} || "";
my $log4perl_user_conf_file = "$home/.log4config-model";

if ( $log and -e $log4perl_user_conf_file ) {
else {
    Log::Log4perl->easy_init( $log ? $WARN : $ERROR );

my $model = Config::Model->new();

Config::Model::Exception::Any->Trace(1) if $arg =~ /e/;

ok( 1, "compiled" );

my @element = (

    # Value constructor args are passed in their specific array ref
    cargo => {
        type       => 'leaf',
        value_type => 'string'

# minimal set up to get things working
    name    => "Master",
    element => [
        bounded_list => {
            type       => 'list',
            class => 'Config::Model::ListId',    # default

            max   => 123,
            cargo => {
                type       => 'leaf',
                value_type => 'string'
        plain_list                => { type => 'list', @element },
        list_with_auto_created_id => {
            type            => 'list',
            auto_create_ids => 4,
        olist => {
            type  => 'list',
            cargo => {
                type              => 'node',
                config_class_name => 'Slave'
        list_with_default_with_init_leaf => {
            type              => 'list',
            default_with_init => {
                0 => 'def_1 stuff',
                1 => 'def_2 stuff'
        list_with_default_with_init_node => {
            type              => 'list',
            default_with_init => {
                0 => 'X=Bv Y=Cv',
                1 => 'X=Av'
            cargo => {
                type              => 'node',
                config_class_name => 'Slave'
        map {
            ( "list_with_" . $_ . "_duplicates" => { type => 'list', duplicates => $_, @element, },
        } qw/warn allow forbid suppress/,
    ] );

    name    => "Bogus",
    element => [
        list_with_wrong_auto_create => {
            type            => 'list',
            auto_create_ids => ['foo'],
        list_with_wrong_duplicates => {
            type       => 'list',
            duplicates => 'forbid',
            cargo      => {
                type              => 'node',
                config_class_name => 'Slave'
        list_with_yada_duplicates => {
            type       => 'list',
            duplicates => 'yada',
    ] );

    name    => "Slave",
    element => [
        [qw/X Y Z/] => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'enum',
            choice     => [qw/Av Bv Cv/]
    ] );

ok( 1, "config classes created" );

my $inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'test1'
ok( $inst, "created dummy instance" );

my $root = $inst->config_root;

eq_or_diff( [ $root->fetch_element('olist')->fetch_all_indexes ],
    [], "check index list of empty list" );

is( $inst->needs_save, 0, "verify instance needs_save status after creation" );

my $b = $root->fetch_element('bounded_list');
ok( $b, "bounded list created" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 0, "verify instance needs_save status after element creation" );

is( $b->fetch_with_id(1)->store('foo'), 1, "stored in 1" );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(0)->store('baz'), 1, "stored in 0" );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(2)->store('bar'), 1, "stored in 2" );
is( $inst->needs_save, 3, "verify instance needs_save status after storing into element" );
print join( "\n", $inst->list_changes("\n") ), "\n" if $trace;

throws_ok { $b->fetch_with_id(124)->store('baz'); } qr/Index 124 > max_index limit 123/,
    'max error caught';

my $bogus_root = $model->instance( root_class_name => 'Bogus' )->config_root;
throws_ok { $bogus_root->fetch_element('list_with_wrong_auto_create'); }
qr/Wrong auto_create argument for list/, 'wrong auto_create caught';

eq_or_diff( [ $b->fetch_all_indexes ], [ 0, 1, 2 ], "check ids" );

is( $b->fetch_with_id(1)->fetch, undef, "check deleted id" );

is( $b->index_type, 'integer', 'check list index_type' );
is( $b->max_index,  123,       'check list max boundary' );

$b->push( 'toto', 'titi' );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(2)->fetch, 'bar',  "check last item of table" );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(3)->fetch, 'toto', "check pushed toto item" );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(4)->fetch, 'titi', "check pushed titi item" );

    values     => [ 'toto', 'titi' ],
    check      => 'no',
    annotation => ['toto comment'] );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(5)->fetch,      'toto',         "check pushed toto item with push_x" );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(5)->annotation, 'toto comment', "check pushed toto annotation with push_x" );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(6)->fetch,      'titi',         "check pushed titi item with push_x" );

    values     => 'toto2',
    check      => 'no',
    annotation => 'toto2 comment'

is( $b->fetch_with_id(7)->fetch, 'toto2', "check pushed toto2 item with push_x" );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(7)->annotation,
    'toto2 comment', "check pushed toto2 annotation with push_x" );

my @all = $b->fetch_all_values;
eq_or_diff( \@all, [qw/baz bar toto titi toto titi toto2/], "check fetch_all_values" );

my $lac = $root->fetch_element('list_with_auto_created_id');
eq_or_diff( [ $lac->fetch_all_indexes ], [ 0 .. 3 ], "check list_with_auto_created_id" );

map { is( $b->fetch_with_id($_)->index_value, $_, "Check index value $_" ); } ( 0 .. 4 );

$b->move( 3, 4 );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(3)->fetch, undef,  "check after move idx 3 in 4" );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(4)->fetch, 'toto', "check after move idx 3 in 4" );
map { is( $b->fetch_with_id($_)->index_value, $_, "Check moved index value $_" ); } ( 0 .. 4 );

$b->swap( 3, 4 );

map { is( $b->fetch_with_id($_)->index_value, $_, "Check swapped index value $_" ); } ( 0 .. 4 );

is( $b->fetch_with_id(3)->fetch, 'toto', "check value after swap" );
is( $b->fetch_with_id(4)->fetch, 'titi', "check value after swap" );

is( $b->fetch_with_id(3)->fetch, 'titi', "check after remove" );

# test move swap with node list
my $ol = $root->fetch_element('olist');

my @set = ( [qw/X Av/], [qw/X Bv/], [qw/Y Av/], [qw/Z Cv/], [qw/Z Av/], );

my $i = 0;
foreach my $item (@set) {
    my ( $e, $v ) = @$item;
    $ol->fetch_with_id( $i++ )->fetch_element($e)->store($v);


$ol->move( 3, 4 );
is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "verify instance needs_save status after move" );
print scalar $inst->list_changes, "\n" if $trace;

is( $ol->fetch_with_id(3)->fetch_element('Z')->fetch, undef, "check after move idx 3 in 4" );
is( $ol->fetch_with_id(4)->fetch_element('Z')->fetch, 'Cv',  "check after move idx 3 in 4" );
map { is( $ol->fetch_with_id($_)->index_value, $_, "Check moved index value $_" ); } ( 0 .. 4 );

$ol->swap( 0, 2 );
is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "verify instance needs_save status after move" );
print scalar $inst->list_changes, "\n" if $trace;

is( $ol->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch_element('X')->fetch, undef, "check after move idx 0 in 2" );
is( $ol->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch_element('Y')->fetch, 'Av',  "check after move" );

is( $ol->fetch_with_id(2)->fetch_element('Y')->fetch, undef, "check after move" );
is( $ol->fetch_with_id(2)->fetch_element('X')->fetch, 'Av',  "check after move" );

map { is( $ol->fetch_with_id($_)->index_value, $_, "Check moved index value $_" ); } ( 0 .. 4 );
print $root->dump_tree( ) if $trace;

is( $ol->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch_element('X')->fetch, undef, "check before move" );
print $root->dump_tree( ) if $trace;
is( $ol->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch_element('X')->fetch, 'Bv', "check after move" );

# test store
my @test = (
    [ a1         => ['a1'] ],
    [ '"a","b"'  => [qw/a b/] ],
    [ 'a,b'      => [qw/a b/] ],
    [ '"a\"a",b' => [qw/a"a b/] ],
    [ '"a,a",b'  => [ 'a,a', 'b' ] ],
    [ '",a1"'    => [',a1'] ],
foreach my $l (@test) {
    $b->load( $l->[0] );
    eq_or_diff( [ $b->fetch_all_values ], $l->[1], "test store $l->[0]" );

throws_ok { $b->load('a,,b'); } "Config::Model::Exception::Load", "fails load 'a,,b'";

# test preset mode
my $pl = $root->fetch_element('plain_list');

ok( 1, "filled preset values" );

eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_values ], [ 'prefoo', 'prebar' ],
    "check that preset values are read" );

eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_values ], [ 'prefoo', 'prebar', 'bar' ],
    "check that values are read" );

eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_values( mode => 'custom' ) ],
    ['bar'], "check that custom values are read" );

# test default_with_init on leaf
my $lwdwil = $root->fetch_element('list_with_default_with_init_leaf');

# note: calling fetch_all_indexes is required to trigger creation of default_with_init keys
eq_or_diff( [ $lwdwil->fetch_all_indexes ], [ 0, 1 ], "check default keys" );
is( $lwdwil->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch, 'def_1 stuff', "test default_with_init leaf 0" );
is( $lwdwil->fetch_with_id(1)->fetch, 'def_2 stuff', "test default_with_init leaf 1" );

# test default_with_init on node
my $lwdwin = $root->fetch_element('list_with_default_with_init_node');
eq_or_diff( [ $lwdwin->fetch_all_indexes ], [ 0, 1 ], "check default keys" );
is( $lwdwin->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch_element('X')->fetch, 'Bv', "test default_with_init node 0" );
is( $lwdwin->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch_element('Y')->fetch, 'Cv', "test default_with_init node 0" );
is( $lwdwin->fetch_with_id(1)->fetch_element('X')->fetch, 'Av', "test default_with_init node 0" );

throws_ok { $bogus_root->fetch_element('list_with_wrong_duplicates'); }
    "fails duplicates with node cargo";

throws_ok { $bogus_root->fetch_element('list_with_yada_duplicates'); }
    "fails yada duplicates";

foreach my $what (qw/forbid warn suppress/) {
    my $lwd = $root->fetch_element( 'list_with_' . $what . '_duplicates' );
    $lwd->push(qw/string1 string2/);
    $lwd->push('string1');    # does not trigger duplicate issues, yet
    $lwd->push('string1');    # does not trigger duplicate issues, yet

    # there we go
    if ( $what eq 'forbid' ) {
        is( $lwd->needs_check, 1, "verify needs_check is true" );
        throws_ok { $lwd->fetch_all_values; } "Config::Model::Exception::WrongValue",
            "fails forbidden duplicates";
        is( $lwd->needs_check, 0, "verify needs_check after fetch_all_values" );
        throws_ok { $lwd->fetch_all_values; } "Config::Model::Exception::WrongValue",
            "fails forbidden duplicates even if needs_check is false";
        is( $lwd->needs_check, 0, "verify again needs_check after fetch_all_values" );
        is( $lwd->needs_check, 1, "verify needs_check after list content modif" );
    elsif ( $what eq 'warn' ) {
        warnings_like { $lwd->fetch_all_values; } qr/Duplicated/, "warns with duplicated values";
        is( $lwd->has_fixes, 2, "check nb of fixes" );
        warnings_like { $lwd->fetch_all_values; }[],    # no warning accepted
            "no longer warns with duplicated values";
    else {
    is( $lwd->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch,
        'string1', "check that original values is untouched after $what duplicates" );

is( $inst->needs_save, 1, "verify instance needs_save status after clear array" );
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_indexes ], [], "check that array was cleared" );
eq_or_diff([$inst->list_changes],['plain_list: cleared all entries'],"check change message after clear");

# test preset clear stuff
# done after auto_create_ids tests, because preset_clear or layered_clear
# also clean up auto_create_ids (if there's no data in there)
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_indexes ], [ 0, 1 ], "check preset indexes" );
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_indexes ], [0], "check that only preset stuff was cleared" );
is( $pl->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch, 'bar', "check that bar was moved from 1 to 0" );

# test layered stuff
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_indexes ], [ 0, 1 ], "check layered indexes" );
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_indexes ], [0], "check that only layered stuff was cleared" );
is( $pl->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch, 'bar', "check that bar was moved from 1 to 0" );

# test notify change after implicit deletion (github #4)
$pl->store_set(qw/j h g f k l/);
@set = qw/j h g f/;
is( $inst->c_count, 2, "check that store smaller set triggered a change" );


# test sort
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_values ], [ sort @set ], "check sort result" );
is( $inst->c_count, 1, "check that sort has triggered a change" );
is( $inst->c_count, 1, "check that redundant sort has not triggered a change" );

# test unshift
@set = qw/j h g f/;
$pl->store_set(qw/a b/);
$pl->unshift(qw/1 2 3 4/);
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_values ], [qw/1 2 3 4 a b/], "check unshift result" );
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_indexes ], [ ( 0 .. 5 ) ], "check that indexes are reset correctly" );

# test insert_at
$pl->store_set(qw/a b/);
$pl->insert_at(qw/1 d e/);
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_values ],  [qw/a d e b/],  "check insert_at result" );
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_indexes ], [ ( 0 .. 3 ) ], "check that indexes are reset correctly" );

# test insert_before
$pl->store_set(qw/foo baz/);
$pl->insert_before(qw/baz bar1 bar2/);
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_values ], [qw/foo bar1 bar2 baz/], "check insert_before result" );

$pl->insert_before( qr/z/, qw/bar3 bar4/ );
    [ $pl->fetch_all_values ],
    [qw/foo bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 baz/],
    "check insert_before with regexp result"

# test insort
my @set1 = qw/c1 e i1 j1 p1/;
my @set2 = qw/a2 z2 d2 e b2 k2/;
eq_or_diff( [ $pl->fetch_all_values ], [ sort( @set1, @set2 ) ], "check insort result" );

memory_cycle_ok( $model, "memory cycles" );
