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# -*- cperl -*-

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More tests => 38;
use Test::Memory::Cycle;
use Config::Model;

use warnings;
no warnings qw(once);

use strict;

use vars qw/$model/;

$model = Config::Model->new( legacy => 'ignore', );

my $arg = shift || '';
my $trace = $arg =~ /t/ ? 1 : 0;
Config::Model::Exception::Any->Trace(1) if $arg =~ /e/;

use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
Log::Log4perl->easy_init( $arg =~ /l/ ? $TRACE : $ERROR );

ok( 1, "compiled" );

my $inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    model_file      => 't/',
    instance_name   => 'test1'
ok( $inst, "created dummy instance" );

my $root = $inst->config_root;
ok( $root, "Config root created" );

my $step = '
std_id:ab X=Bv -
std_id:bc X=Av -
another_string="toto tata"
olist:0 X=Av -
olist:1 X=Bv -
my_check_list=toto my_reference="titi"
warp warp2 aa2="foo bar"

$step =~ s/\n/ /g;

ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "set up data in tree with '$step'" );

# load some values with undef

$root->load_data( { listb => 'bb' } );
ok( 1, "loaded single array element as listb => 'bb'" );

my $data = $root->dump_as_data( full_dump => 0 );

my $expect = {
    'olist'         => [ { 'X' => 'Av' }, { 'X' => 'Bv' } ],
    'my_check_list' => ['toto'],
    'tree_macro'    => 'mXY',
    'ordered_hash'   => [ 'z', '1', 'y', '2', 'x', '3' ],
    'another_string' => 'toto tata',
    'listb'          => ['bb'],
    'my_reference'   => 'titi',
    'hash_a'         => {
        'toto' => 'toto_value',
        'titi' => 'titi_value',
    'std_id' => {
        'ab' => { 'X' => 'Bv' },
        'bc' => { 'X' => 'Av' }
    'lista' => [qw/a b c d g/],
    'warp'  => {
        'warp2' => {
            'aa2' => 'foo bar'

#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $data ;

is_deeply( $data, $expect, "check data dump" );

# add default information provided by model to check full dump
$expect->{string_with_def} = 'yada yada';
$expect->{int_v}           = 10;
$expect->{olist}[0]{DX}    = 'Dv';
$expect->{olist}[1]{DX}    = 'Dv';
$expect->{std_id}{ab}{DX}  = 'Dv';
$expect->{std_id}{bc}{DX}  = 'Dv';
$expect->{a_uniline}       = 'yada yada';
my $full_data = $root->dump_as_data();

is_deeply( $full_data, $expect, "check full data dump" );

my $inst2 = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'test2'
ok( $inst, "created 2nd dummy instance" );

my $root2 = $inst2->config_root;
ok( $root2, "Config root2  created" );


ok( 1, "loaded perl data structure in 2nd instance" );

my $dump1 = $root->dump_tree;
my $dump2 = $root2->dump_tree;

is( $dump2, $dump1, "check that dump of 2nd tree is identical to dump of the first tree" );

# try partial dumps

my @tries = (
    [ 'olist'           => $expect->{olist} ],
    [ 'olist:0'         => $expect->{olist}[0] ],
    [ 'olist:0 DX'      => $expect->{olist}[0]{DX} ],
    [ 'string_with_def' => $expect->{string_with_def} ],
    [ 'ordered_hash'    => $expect->{ordered_hash} ],
    [ 'hash_a'          => $expect->{hash_a} ],
    [ 'std_id:ab'       => $expect->{std_id}{ab} ],
    [ 'my_check_list'   => $expect->{my_check_list} ],

foreach my $test (@tries) {
    my ( $path, $expect ) = @$test;
    my $obj  = $root->grab($path);
    my $dump = $obj->dump_as_data();
    is_deeply( $dump, $expect, "check data dump for '$path'" );

# try dump of ordered hash as hash
my $ohah_dump = $root->grab('ordered_hash')->dump_as_data( ordered_hash_as_list => 0 );
    { __ordered_hash_order => [qw/z y x/], 'z', '1', 'y', '2', 'x', '3' },
    "check dump of ordered hash as hash"

# test ordered hash load with hash ref instead of array ref
my $inst3 = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'test3'
ok( $inst, "created 3rd dummy instance" );
my $root3 = $inst3->config_root;
$data->{ordered_hash} = { @{ $expect->{ordered_hash} } };

@tries = (
    [ 'olist'           => $expect->{olist} ],
    [ 'olist:0'         => $expect->{olist}[0] ],
    [ 'olist:0 DX'      => $expect->{olist}[0]{DX} ],
    [ 'string_with_def' => $expect->{string_with_def} ],
    [ 'ordered_hash'    => [qw/x 3 y 2 z 1/] ],
    [ 'hash_a'          => $expect->{hash_a} ],
    [ 'std_id:ab'       => $expect->{std_id}{ab} ],
    [ 'my_check_list'   => $expect->{my_check_list} ],

foreach my $test (@tries) {
    my ( $path, $expect ) = @$test;
    my $obj  = $root3->grab($path);
    my $dump = $obj->dump_as_data();
    is_deeply( $dump, $expect, "check data dump for '$path'" );

# test dump of annotations as pod
my %notes =
    map { ( $_ => $_ ? "$_ annotation\nwith long text" : "root annotation" ); }
    ( '', 'olist', 'olist:0', 'olist:0 DX', 'hash_a', 'std_id:ab', 'my_check_list' );
foreach ( keys %notes ) {
    $root->grab($_)->annotation( $notes{$_} );

print $root->dump_tree if $trace;

my $pod_notes = $root->dump_annotations_as_pod;

print $pod_notes if $trace;

foreach ( keys %notes ) {
    my $v = $notes{$_};
    like( $pod_notes, qr/$v/, "found note for $_ in pod notes" );

my $pod_notes2 = $root2->dump_annotations_as_pod;

is( $pod_notes2, $pod_notes, "check 2nd pod notes" );
