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# -*- cperl -*-

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More;
use Test::Memory::Cycle;
use Config::Model;
use Path::Tiny 0.070;
use Test::Warn;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::File::Contents;

use warnings;
no warnings qw(once);
use 5.10.1;
use strict;

my $arg = shift || '';
my $log = 0;

my $trace = $arg =~ /t/ ? 1 : 0;
$log = 1 if $arg =~ /l/;
Config::Model::Exception::Any->Trace(1) if $arg =~ /e/;

use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
my $home = $ENV{HOME} || "";
my $log4perl_user_conf_file = "$home/.log4config-model";

if ( $log and -e $log4perl_user_conf_file ) {
else {

my $model = Config::Model->new();

ok( 1, "compiled" );

# pseudo root for config files
my $wr_root = path('wr_root');
my $root1   = $wr_root->child('test1');
my $root2   = $wr_root->child('test2');
my $root3   = $wr_root->child('test3');

my $conf_dir = '/etc/test/';

# cleanup before tests

# model declaration
    name    => 'Level2',
    element => [
        [qw/X Y Z/] => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'enum',
            choice     => [qw/Av Bv Cv/]

    name => 'Level1',

    # try first to read with cds string and then custom class
    read_config => [
        { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => $conf_dir },
            backend    => 'custom',
            config_dir => $conf_dir,
            class      => 'Level1Read',
            function   => 'read_it'
    write_config => [
        { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => $conf_dir },
            backend     => 'perl_file',
            config_dir  => $conf_dir,
            auto_create => 1
        { backend => 'ini_file', config_dir => $conf_dir }

    element => [
        bar => {
            type              => 'node',
            config_class_name => 'Level2',

    name => 'SameReadWriteSpec',

    # try first to read with cds string and then custom class
    read_config => [
        { backend => 'cds_file', config_dir => $conf_dir },
        { backend => 'custom',   class      => 'SameRWSpec', config_dir => $conf_dir },
            backend     => 'ini_file',
            config_dir  => $conf_dir,
            auto_create => 1

    element => [
        bar => {
            type              => 'node',
            config_class_name => 'Level2',
        int_with_max => {qw/type leaf value_type integer max 10/},

    name => 'Master',

    read_config => [
        { backend => 'cds_file',  config_dir => $conf_dir },
        { backend => 'perl_file', config_dir => $conf_dir },
        { backend => 'ini_file',  config_dir => $conf_dir },
            backend    => 'custom',
            class      => 'MasterRead',
            config_dir => $conf_dir,
            function   => 'read_it'
    write_config => [
        { backend => 'cds_file',  config_dir => $conf_dir },
        { backend => 'perl_file', config_dir => $conf_dir },
        { backend => 'ini_file',  config_dir => $conf_dir },
            class       => 'MasterRead',
            function    => 'wr_stuff',
            config_dir  => $conf_dir,
            auto_create => 1

    element => [
        aa     => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' },
        level1 => {
            type              => 'node',
            config_class_name => 'Level1',
        samerw => {
            type              => 'node',
            config_class_name => 'SameReadWriteSpec',

    name => 'FromScratch',

    read_config => [ {
            backend     => 'cds_file',
            config_dir  => $conf_dir,
            auto_create => 1

    element => [
        aa => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' },

    name => 'CdsWithFile',

    read_config => [ {
            backend    => 'cds_file',
            config_dir => $conf_dir,
            file       => 'scratch_inst.cds'

    element => [
        aa => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' },

    name => 'CdsWithNoFile',

    read_config => [ { backend => 'cds_file' }, ],

    element => [
        aa => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' },

    name => 'SimpleRW',

    read_config => [ {
            backend    => 'custom',
            config_dir => $conf_dir,
            class      => 'SimpleRW',
            file       => 'toto.conf'

    element => [
        aa => { type => 'leaf', value_type => 'string' },

#global variable to snoop on read config action
my %result;

package MasterRead;

my $custom_aa = 'aa was set (custom mode)';

sub read_it {
    my %args = @_;
    $result{master_read} = $args{config_dir};
    $args{object}->store_element_value( 'aa', $custom_aa );

sub wr_stuff {
    my %args = @_;
    $result{wr_stuff}     = $args{config_dir};
    $result{wr_root_name} = $args{object}->name;

package Level1Read;

sub read_it {
    my %args = @_;
    $result{level1_read} = $args{config_dir};
    $args{object}->load('bar X=Cv');

package SameRWSpec;

sub read {
    my %args = @_;
    $result{same_rw_read} = $args{config_dir};
    $args{object}->load('bar Y=Cv');

sub write {
    my %args = @_;
    $result{same_rw_write} = $args{config_dir};

package SimpleRW;

sub read {
    my %args = @_;
    $result{simple_rw}{rfile} = $args{file_path};
    my $io = $args{io_handle};
    return 0 unless defined $io;
    $args{object}->load( $io->getlines );
    return 1;

sub write {
    my %args = @_;
    $result{simple_rw}{wfile} = $args{file_path};

    my $io = $args{io_handle};
    return 0 unless defined $io;
    my $dump = $args{object}->dump_tree();

package main;

my $i_fail = $model->instance(
    instance_name   => 'failed_inst',
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    root_dir        => $root1->stringify,
    backend         => 'perl_file',
throws_ok {
qr/, "read with forced perl_file backend fails (normal: no perl file)";

# check that conf dir was NOT read when instance was created
is( $result{master_read}, undef, "Master read conf dir" );

my $i_zero = $model->instance(
    instance_name   => 'zero_inst',
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    root_dir        => $root1->stringify,

ok( $i_zero, "Created instance (from scratch)" );

my $master = $i_zero->config_root;

ok( $master, "Master node created" );


# check that conf dir was read when instance was created
is( $result{master_read}, $conf_dir, "Master read conf dir" );

is( $master->fetch_element_value('aa'), $custom_aa, "Master custom read" );

my $level1;

$level1 = $master->fetch_element('level1');

ok( $level1, "Level1 object created" );

is( $level1->grab_value('bar X'), 'Cv', "Check level1 custom read" );

is( $result{level1_read}, $conf_dir, "check level1 custom read conf dir" );

my $same_rw = $master->fetch_element('samerw');

ok( $same_rw, "SameRWSpec object created" );
is( $same_rw->grab_value('bar Y'), 'Cv', "Check samerw custom read" );

is( $result{same_rw_read}, $conf_dir, "check same_rw_spec custom read conf dir" );

is( scalar( map { @{$i_zero->write_back_node_info($_)} } $i_zero->nodes_to_write_back), 10, "check that write call back are present" );

# perform write back of dodu tree dump string
$i_zero->write_back( backend => 'all', force => 1 );

# check written files
foreach my $suffix (qw/cds ini/) {
    map {
        my $f = $root1->child("$conf_dir/$_.$suffix");
        ok(  $f->is_file, "check written file $f" );
    } ( 'zero_inst', 'zero_inst/level1', 'zero_inst/samerw' );

foreach my $suffix (qw/pl/) {
    map {
        my $f = $root1->child("$conf_dir/$_.$suffix");
        ok( $f->is_file, "check written file $f" );
    } ( 'zero_inst', 'zero_inst/level1' );

# check called write routine
is( $result{wr_stuff},     $conf_dir, 'check custom write dir' );
is( $result{wr_root_name}, 'Master',  'check custom conf root to write' );

# perform write back of dodu tree dump string in an overridden dir
my $override = 'etc/wr_2/';
$i_zero->write_back( backend => 'all', config_dir => $override, force => 1 );

# check written files
foreach my $suffix (qw/cds ini/) {
    map {
        ok( $root1->child("$override$_.$suffix")->is_file,
            "check written file ".$root1->child("$override$_.$suffix") );
    } ( 'zero_inst', 'zero_inst/level1', 'zero_inst/samerw' );
foreach my $suffix (qw/pl/) {
    map { ok( $root1->child("$override$_.$suffix")->is_file,
              "check written file ".$root1->child("$override$_.$suffix") ); 
      } ( 'zero_inst', 'zero_inst/level1' );

is( $result{wr_stuff}, $override, 'check custom overridden write dir' );

my $dump = $master->dump_tree( skip_auto_write => 'cds_file' );
print "Master dump:\n$dump\n" if $trace;

is( $dump, qq!aa="$custom_aa" -\n!, "check master dump" );

$dump = $level1->dump_tree( skip_auto_write => 'cds_file' );
print "Level1 dump:\n$dump\n" if $trace;
is( $dump, qq!  bar\n    X=Cv - -\n!, "check level1 dump" );

my $inst2 = 'second_inst';

my %cds = (
    $inst2          => 'aa="aa was set by file" - ',
    "$inst2/level1" => 'bar X=Av Y=Bv - '

my $dir2 = $root2->child("etc/test/");

# write input config files
foreach my $f ( keys %cds ) {
    my $fout = $dir2->child($f.'.cds');
    next if -r $fout;


# create another instance
my $test2_inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => $inst2,
    root_dir        => $root2->stringify,

ok( $test2_inst, "created second instance" );

# access level1 to autoread it
my $root_2 = $test2_inst->config_root;

my $level1_2 = $root_2->fetch_element('level1');

is( $root_2->grab_value('aa'), 'aa was set by file', "$inst2: check that cds file was read" );

my $dump2 = $root_2->dump_tree();
print "Read Master dump:\n$dump2\n" if $trace;

my $expect2 = 'aa="aa was set by file"
    Y=Bv - -
    Y=Cv - - -
is( $dump2, $expect2, "$inst2: check dump" );

# create another instance to load ini files
my $ini_inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'ini_inst'

ok( $ini_inst, "Created instance to load ini files" );

my $expect_custom = 'aa="aa was set (custom mode)"
    X=Cv - -
    Y=Cv - - -

$dump = $ini_inst->config_root->dump_tree;

is( $dump, $expect_custom, "ini_test: check dump" );

# create another instance to load pl files
my $pl_inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'pl_inst'

ok( $pl_inst, "Created instance to load pl files" );

$dump = $pl_inst->config_root->dump_tree;
is( $dump, $expect_custom, "pl_test: check dump" );

#create from scratch instance
my $scratch_i = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'FromScratch',
    instance_name   => 'scratch_inst',
    root_dir        => $root3->stringify,

ok( $scratch_i, "Created instance from scratch to load cds files" );

ok( -e "$root3/$conf_dir/scratch_inst.cds", "wrote cds config file" );

# create model for simple RW class

my $cdswf = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'CdsWithFile',
    instance_name   => 'cds_with_file_inst',
    root_dir        => $root3->stringify,
ok( $cdswf, "Created instance to load custom cds file" );

my $expect = 'aa=toto2 -
is( $cdswf->config_root->dump_tree, $expect, "check dump" );


my $toto_conf = $root3->child("$conf_dir/scratch_inst.cds")->copy( $root3->child("$conf_dir/toto.conf"))
    or die "can't copy scratch_inst.cds to toto.conf:$!";

my $ctoto = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'SimpleRW',
    instance_name   => 'custom_toto',
    root_dir        => $root3->stringify,
ok( $ctoto, "Created instance to load custom custom toto file" );

is( $ctoto->config_root->dump_tree, $expect, "check dump" );


map {
        "Check Simple_Rw cb file argument ($_)"
} qw/rfile wfile/;

file_contents_eq( $toto_conf, "aa=toto3 -\n", "checked file written by simpleRW" );

# test config-file override, reading cds file
my $scratch_conf = 'etc/test/scratch_inst.cds';
my $cdswnf       = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'CdsWithNoFile',
    instance_name   => 'cds_with_no_file_inst',
    root_dir        => $root3->stringify,
    config_file     => $scratch_conf,
ok( $cdswnf, "Created instance to load overridden cds config file" );

$expect = 'aa=toto2 -
is( $cdswnf->config_root->dump_tree, $expect, "check dump" );
$cdswnf->write_back( config_file => $scratch_conf );

file_contents_eq( "$root3/$scratch_conf", "aa=toto4 -\n", "checked file written by simpleRW" );

