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# -*- cperl -*-
# $Author$
# $Date$
# $Revision$

use warnings;

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More tests => 37;
use Test::Memory::Cycle;
use Config::Model;

use strict;

my $arg = shift || '';

my $trace = $arg =~ /t/ ? 1 : 0;
Config::Model::Exception::Any->Trace(1) if $arg =~ /e/;

use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
Log::Log4perl->easy_init( $arg =~ /l/ ? $TRACE : $WARN );

ok( 1, "Compilation done" );

# minimal set up to get things working
my $model = Config::Model->new( legacy => 'ignore', );
    name    => 'Slave',
    element => [
        [qw/X Y Z/] => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'enum',
            choice     => [qw/Av Bv Cv/],
        } ] );

    name      => 'Master',
    'element' => [
        macro => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'enum',
            choice     => [qw/A B C/],
        version => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'integer',
            default    => 1
        warped_hash => {
            type       => 'hash',
            index_type => 'integer',
            max_nb     => 3,
            warp       => {
                follow => '- macro',
                rules  => {
                    A => { max_nb => 1 },
                    B => { max_nb => 2 } }
            cargo_type        => 'node',
            config_class_name => 'Slave'
        'multi_warp' => {
            type       => 'hash',
            index_type => 'integer',
            min        => 0,
            max        => 3,
            default    => [ 0 .. 3 ],
            warp       => {
                follow  => [ '- version', '- macro' ],
                'rules' => [
                    [ '2', 'C' ] => { max => 7, default => [ 0 .. 7 ] },
                    [ '2', 'A' ] => { max => 7, default => [ 0 .. 7 ] } ]
            cargo_type        => 'node',
            config_class_name => 'Slave'

        # how to properly hide bar when macro != A ???
        'hash_with_warped_value' => {
            type       => 'hash',
            index_type => 'string',
            cargo_type => 'leaf',
            level      => 'hidden',    # must also accept level and description here
            warp       => {
                follow  => '- macro',
                'rules' => {
                    'A' => {
                        level => 'advanced',
            cargo_args => {
                value_type => 'string',
                warp       => {
                    follow  => '- macro',
                    'rules' => {
                        'A' => {
                            default => 'dumb string'
                    } } }
        'multi_auto_create' => {
            type        => 'hash',
            index_type  => 'integer',
            min         => 0,
            max         => 3,
            auto_create => [ 0 .. 3 ],
            'warp'      => {
                follow  => [ '- version', '- macro' ],
                'rules' => [
                    [ '2', 'C' ] => { max => 7, auto_create_keys => [ 0 .. 7 ] },
                    [ '2', 'A' ] => { max => 7, auto_create_keys => [ 0 .. 7 ] }
            cargo_type        => 'node',
            config_class_name => 'Slave'
    ] );

ok( 1, "compiled" );

my $inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'test1'
ok( $inst, "created dummy instance" );

my $root  = $inst->config_root;
my $macro = $root->fetch_element('macro');

is( $root->is_element_available('hash_with_warped_value'),
    0, "check warped out hash_with_warped_value (macro is undef)" );

is( $macro->store('A'), 1,   "Set macro to A" );
is( $macro->fetch(),    'A', "Check macro" );

is( $root->is_element_available('hash_with_warped_value'),
    1, "check warped out hash_with_warped_value (macro is A)" );

my $warped_hash = $root->fetch_element('warped_hash');
ok( $warped_hash->fetch_with_id('1'), "Set one slave" );

my $res = eval { $warped_hash->fetch_with_id('2'); };
ok( $@, "Set second slave (normal error)" );
print "normal error:", $@, "\n" if $trace;

is( $macro->store('B'), 1, "Set macro to B" );
ok( $warped_hash->fetch_with_id('2'), "Set second slave" );

$res = eval { $warped_hash->fetch_with_id('3'); };
ok( $@, "Set third slave (normal error)" );
print "normal error:", $@, "\n" if $trace;

is( $macro->store('C'), 1, "Set macro to C (warp_reset)" );
ok( $warped_hash->fetch_with_id('3'), "Set third slave" );

$res = eval { $warped_hash->fetch_with_id('4'); };
ok( $@, "Set fourth slave (normal error)" );
print "normal error:", $@, "\n" if $trace;

eval { $macro->store('B'); };
ok( $@, "Set macro to B: limit max to 2 when the hash has id '3'" );
print "normal error:", $@, "\n" if $trace;

# so remove one item

# and retry

is( $macro->store('B'), 1, "Set macro to B (limit max to 2)" );

is_deeply( [ $warped_hash->fetch_all_indexes ], [qw/1 2/], "check reduced key set" );

my $multi_warp = $root->fetch_element('multi_warp');

is( $multi_warp->max_index, 3, "check multi_warp default max_index" );

my $multi_auto_create = $root->fetch_element('multi_auto_create');
is( $multi_auto_create->max_index, 3, "check multi_auto_create default max_index" );

is( $root->fetch_element('version')->store(2), 1, 'set version to 2' );
is( $macro->store('C'),                        1, 'set macro to C' );

is_deeply( $multi_warp->default_keys, [ 0 .. 7 ], "check multi_warp default_keys index parameter" );
    [ sort $multi_warp->fetch_all_indexes ],
    [ 0 .. 7 ],
    "check multi_warp default key set with different warp master"

is( $multi_warp->fetch_with_id('5')->fetch_element('X')->store('Av'), 1, "store Av in X" );

$root->load( step => 'multi_warp:5 X=Av' );

is( $root->grab_value('multi_warp:5 X'), 'Av', 'check X value' );

is( $multi_warp->max_index, 7, "check multi_warp warped_hash max_index" );

    [ sort $multi_auto_create->fetch_all_indexes ],
    [ 0 .. 7 ],
    "check multi_auto_create default key set with different warp master"

$root->load( step => 'multi_auto_create:5 X=Av' );

is( $root->grab_value('multi_auto_create:5 X'), 'Av', "check X value" );

is( $multi_auto_create->max_index, 7, "check multi_auto_create warped_hash max_index" );

# remove one item to avoid error when setting macro to A

is( $root->is_element_available('hash_with_warped_value'),
    0, "check warped out hash_with_warped_value (macro is C)" );

ok( $macro->store('A'), "assign new value to warp master (same effect)" );

is( $root->grab_value('multi_warp:5 X'), 'Av', "check X value after assign" );

is( $root->is_element_available('hash_with_warped_value'),
    1, "check warped out hash_with_warped_value (macro is A)" );

is( $root->grab_value('hash_with_warped_value:5'), 'dumb string',
    "check hash_with_warped_value:5" );

is( $root->grab_value('hash_with_warped_value:6'), 'dumb string',
    "check hash_with_warped_value:6" );
