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# -*- cperl -*-

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Differences;
use Test::Memory::Cycle;
use Config::Model;
use Config::Model::Tester::Setup qw/init_test/;

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib "t/lib";

my ($model, $trace) = init_test();

# See caveats in Test::More doc
my $builder = Test::More->builder;
binmode $builder->output,         ":utf8";
binmode $builder->failure_output, ":utf8";
binmode $builder->todo_output,    ":utf8";
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
binmode STDERR, ':utf8';

ok( 1, "compiled" );

# test mega regexp, 'x' means undef
my @regexp_test = (

    #                              id_operation                        leaf_operation
    # string                 elt   op   (param)          id             op    (param)    val        note
    [ 'a',                 [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],
    [ '#C',                [ 'x',  'x',  'x',           'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'C' ] ],
    [ '#"m C"',            [ 'x',  'x',  'x',           'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        '"m C"' ] ],
    [ 'a=b',               [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '=',  'x',      'b',        'x' ] ],
    [ '',       [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',          '','bar',   'x',        'x' ] ],
    [ '"b r")',     [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',          '','"b r"', 'x',        'x' ] ],
    [ 'a-z=b',             [ 'a-z','x',  'x',           'x',            '=',  'x',      'b',        'x' ] ],
    [ "a=\x{263A}",        [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '=',  'x',      "\x{263A}", 'x' ] ],# utf8 smiley
    [ 'a.=b',              [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '.=', 'x',      'b',        'x' ] ],
    [ "a.=\x{263A}",       [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '.=', 'x',      "\x{263A}", 'x' ] ],# utf8 smiley
    [ 'a="b=c"',           [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '=',  'x',      '"b=c"',    'x' ] ],
    [ 'a="b=\"c\""',       [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '=',  'x',      '"b=\"c\""','x' ] ],
    [ 'a=~/a/A/',          [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '=~', 'x',      '/a/A/',    'x' ] ],# subst on value
    [ 'a=b#B',             [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '=',  'x',      'b',        'B' ] ],
    [ 'a#B',               [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'B' ] ],
    [ 'a#"b=c"',           [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        '"b=c"' ] ],

    #                              id_operation                        leaf_operation
    # string                 elt   op   (param)          id             op    (param)      val        note
    [ 'a:b=c',             [ 'a',  ':',  'x',           'b',            '=',  'x',      'c',        'x' ] ],# fetch and assign elt
    [ 'a:"b\""="\"c"',     [ 'a',  ':',  'x',           '"b\""',        '=',  'x',      '"\"c"',    'x' ] ],
    # fetch and assign elt with quotes
    [ 'a:~',               [ 'a',  ':~', 'x',           'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# loop on matched value
    [ 'a:~.=b',            [ 'a',  ':~', 'x',           'x',            '.=', 'x',      'b',        'x' ] ],# loop on matched value
    [ 'a:~/b.*/',          [ 'a',  ':~', 'x',           '/b.*/',        'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# loop on matched value
    [ 'a:~"b.*"',          [ 'a',  ':~', 'x',           '"b.*"',        'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# loop on matched value
    [ 'a:~/b.*/.="\"a"',   [ 'a',  ':~', 'x',           '/b.*/',        '.=', 'x',      '"\"a"',    'x' ] ],# loop on matched value and append
    [ 'a:~"b.*".="\"a"',   [ 'a',  ':~', 'x',           '"b.*"',        '.=', 'x',      '"\"a"',    'x' ] ],# loop on matched value and append
    [ 'a:~/^\w+$/',        [ 'a',  ':~', 'x',           '/^\w+$/',      'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# loop on matched value
    [ 'a:=""',  [ 'a',  ':=', 'x',           '""','x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# set list
    [ 'a:=b,c,d',          [ 'a',  ':=', 'x',           'b,c,d',        'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# set list
    [ 'a=b,c,d',           [ 'a',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '=',  'x',      'b,c,d',    'x' ] ],# set list old style
    [ 'm:=a,"a b "',       [ 'm',  ':=', 'x',           'a,"a b "',     'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# set list with quotes
    [ 'm:="a b ",c',       [ 'm',  ':=', 'x',           '"a b ",c',     'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# set list with quotes
    [ 'm:="a b","c d"',    [ 'm',  ':=', 'x',           '"a b","c d"',  'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# set list with quotes
    [ 'm=a,"a b "',        [ 'm',  'x',  'x',           'x',            '=',  'x',      'a,"a b "', 'x' ] ],

    # set list with quotes,old style
    #                              id_operation                        leaf_operation
    # string                 elt   op   (param)          id             op    (param)      val        note
    [ 'a:b#C',             [ 'a',  ':',  'x',           'b',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'C' ] ],# fetch elt and add comment
    [ 'a:"b\""#"\"c"',     [ 'a',  ':',  'x',           '"b\""',        'x',  'x',      'x',        '"\"c"' ] ] ,
    # fetch elt and add comment with quotes
    [ 'a:b=c#C',           [ 'a',  ':',  'x',           'b',            '=',  'x',      'c',        'C' ] ],# fetch and assign elt and add comment
    [ 'a:-',               [ 'a',  ':-', 'x',           'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# empty list
    [ 'a:-b',              [ 'a',  ':-', 'x',           'b',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# remove id b
    [ 'a:-=b',             [ 'a',  ':-=','x',           'b',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# remove value b from list or hash
    [ 'a:-~/b/',           [ 'a',  ':-~','x',           '/b/',          'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# remove value matching stuff
    [ 'a:=~s/b/c/g',       [ 'a',  ':=~','x',           's/b/c/g',      'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ] ,

    # subsitute value value matching stuff
    #                              id_operation                        leaf_operation
    # string                 elt   op   (param)          id             op    (param)      val        note
    [ 'a:@',               [ 'a',  ':@', 'x',           'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# sort list
    [ 'a:.b',              [ 'a',  ':.b','x',           'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# function called on elt
    [ 'a:.b(foo)',         [ 'a',  ':.b','foo',         'x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# idem with param
    [ 'a:<c',              [ 'a',  ':<', 'x',           'c',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# push value
    [ 'a:>c',              [ 'a',  ':>', 'x',           'c',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# unshift value
    [ 'a:b<c',             [ 'a',  ':',  'x',           'b',            '<',  'x',      'c',        'x' ] ],# insert at index
    [ 'a:=b<c',            [ 'a',  ':=', 'x',           'b',            '<',  'x',      'c',        'x' ] ],# insert at value
    [ 'a:~/b/<c',          [ 'a',  ':~', 'x',           '/b/',          '<',  'x',      'c',        'x' ] ],# insert at matching value
    [ 'a:.b("foo(a > b)")',[ 'a',  ':.b','"foo(a > b)"','x',            'x',  'x',      'x',        'x' ] ],# tricky value with ()

foreach my $subtest (@regexp_test) {
    my ( $cmd, $ref ) = @$subtest;
    my $res = Config::Model::Loader::_split_cmd($cmd);

    #print Dumper $res,"\n";
    foreach (@$res) { $_ = 'x' unless defined $_; }
    eq_or_diff( $res, $ref, "test _split_cmd with '$cmd'" );

my $inst = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    model_file      => '',
    instance_name   => 'test1'
ok( $inst, "created dummy instance" );

my $root = $inst->config_root;

# check with embedded \n
my $step = qq!#"root cooment " std_id:ab X=Bv -\na_string="titi and\nfoo" !;
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "load steps with embedded \\n" );
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, "titi and\nfoo", "check a_string" );

# check with embedded \n and \\n
$step = q!a_string="titi and\nfoo and \\\\n literal" !;
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), 'load steps with embedded \n and \\n' );
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, "titi and\nfoo and \\n literal", "check a_string" );

# check search up for element
$step = qq!std_id:ab X=Bv /a_string="titi and\ntoto" !;
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "load steps with /a_string" );
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, "titi and\ntoto", "check a_string found with search" );

$step = qq!a_string:toto!; # should blow up
throws_ok { $root->load( step => $step ) ; }
    qr/f/, "use ':' on a leaf";

# test apply regexp
$step = qq!a_string=~s/TOTO/tata/i!;
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "load steps with apply regexp" );
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, qq!titi and\ntata!, "check a_string after regexp" );

# test apply regexp with embedded spaces
$step = qq!a_string=~"s/titi and\n//""!;
    $root->load( step => $step ),
    "load steps with apply regexp with embedded spaces"
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch,
    qq!tata!, "check a_string after regexp with embedded spaces" );

# check with embedded quotes
$step = qq!std_id:ab X=Bv -\na_string="\"titi\" and \"toto\"" std_id:bc X=Av!;
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "load steps with embedded quotes" );
    qq!"titi" and "toto"!,
    "check a_string with embedded quotes"

# check with embedded utf8
$step =
    qq!#"root cooment \x{263A} " std_id:\x{263A} X=Bv -\na_string="titi and\ntoto and \x{263A}" !;
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "load steps with embedded \x{263A}" );
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, "titi and\ntoto and \x{263A}", "check a_string" );
is( $root->fetch_element('std_id')->fetch_with_id("\x{263A}")->fetch_element_value('X'),
    'Bv', "check hash with utf8 index" );

# check with embedded literal \n that are switched with real \n
# note: using q and not qq
$step = q!std_id:"long\nkey" X=Bv - a_string="titi and\ntoto" !;
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), 'load steps with embedded \n' );

# now double quote for real \n
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, "titi and\ntoto", 'check a_string with embedded \n' );
is( $root->fetch_element('std_id')->fetch_with_id("long\nkey")->fetch_element_value('X'),
    'Bv', 'check hash with index with embedded \n' );

$step = 'std_id:ab X=Bv - std_id:bc X=Av - a_string="titi , toto" ';
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "load '$step'" );
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, 'titi , toto', "check a_string" );

# check that we can go to root node starting from below
my $stdab = $root->grab("std_id:ab");
$stdab->load("! a_string=titi");
ok( 1, "go to root node starting from below" );

# check that we can put an pseudo root
$stdab->load(steps => "! X=Bv", caller_is_root => 1);
ok( 1, "go to pseudo root node" );

throws_ok {
    $stdab->load(steps => "- std_id:fg X=Bv", caller_is_root => 1);
    qr/too many '-'/, "cannot exit pseudo root with '-'";

ok( $root->load( step => 'tree_macro=XZ' ), "Set tree_macro to XZ" );

# test load with warped_node below root (used to fail)
$step = 'slave_y warp2 aa2="foo bar baz"';
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "load '$step'" );

# this will warp out slave_y warp2
ok( $root->load( step => 'tree_macro=XY' ), "Set tree_macro to XY" );

# use indexes with white spaces

$step = 'std_id:"a b" X=Bv - std_id:" b  c " X=Av " ';
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "load '$step'" );

    [ $root->fetch_element('std_id')->fetch_all_indexes ],
    [ ' b  c ', 'a b', 'ab', 'bc', "long\nkey", "\x{263A}" ],
    "check indexes"

$step = 'std_id:ab ZZX=Bv - std_id:bc X=Bv';
throws_ok { $root->load( step => $step ); }
"Config::Model::Exception::UnknownElement", "load wrong '$step'";

$step = 'lista:=a,b,c,d lista:4=e olist:0 X=Av - olist:1 X=Bv - listb:=b,c,d,,f,"",h,0';
throws_ok { $root->load( step => $step ); } qr/comma/,
    "load wrong '$step'";

$step = 'listb:=b,c,d,f,"",h,0 listc:=""';
ok( $root->load( step => $step ), "load '$step'" );

# perform some checks
my $olist = $root->fetch_element('olist');
is( $olist->fetch_with_id(0)->element_name, 'olist', 'check list element_name' );

map { is( $olist->fetch_with_id($_)->config_class_name, 'SlaveZ', "check list element $_ class" ); }
    ( 0, 1 );

my $lista = $root->fetch_element('lista');
isa_ok( $lista, 'Config::Model::ListId', 'check lista class' );
map { isa_ok( $lista->fetch_with_id($_), 'Config::Model::Value', "check lista element $_ class" ); }
    ( 0, 1 );

is( $olist->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch_element('X')->fetch, 'Av', "check list element 0 content" );
is( $olist->fetch_with_id(1)->fetch_element('X')->fetch, 'Bv', "check list element 1 content" );

my @expect = qw/a b c d e/;
map { is( $lista->fetch_with_id($_)->fetch, $expect[$_], "check lista element $_ content" ); }
    ( 0 .. $#expect );

my $listb = $root->fetch_element('listb');
@expect = ( qw/b c d/, 'f', '', 'h', '0' );
map { is( $listb->fetch_with_id($_)->fetch, $expect[$_], "check listb element $_ content" ); }
    ( 0 .. $#expect );

$step = 'a_string="foo bar"';
ok( $root->load( step => $step, ), "load quoted string: '$step'" );
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, "foo bar", 'check result' );

$step = 'a_string="foo bar baz" lista:=a,b,c,d,e';
ok( $root->load( step => $step, ), "load : '$step'" );
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, "foo bar baz", 'check result' );

@expect = qw/a b c d e/;
map { is( $lista->fetch_with_id($_)->fetch, $expect[$_], "check lista element $_ content" ); }
    ( 0 .. 4 );

# set the value of the previous object
$step = 'std_id:"f/o/" X=Bv';
ok( $root->load( step => $step, ), "load : '$step'" );
    [ sort $root->fetch_element('std_id')->fetch_all_indexes ],
    [ ' b  c ', 'a b', qw!ab bc f/o/!, "long\nkey", "\x{263A}" ],
    "check result after load '$step'"

$step = 'hash_a:a=z hash_a:b=z2 hash_a:"a b "="z 1" hash_a:empty';
ok( $root->load( step => $step, ), "load : '$step'" );
    [ sort $root->fetch_element('hash_a')->fetch_all_indexes ],
    [ 'a', 'a b ', 'b', 'empty' ],
    "check result after load '$step'"
is( $root->fetch_element('hash_a')->fetch_with_id('a')->fetch, 'z', 'check result' );

my $elt = $root->fetch_element('hash_a')->fetch_with_id('a b ');
is( $elt->fetch, 'z 1', 'check result with white spaces' );

is( $elt->location, 'hash_a:"a b "', 'check location' );

$step = 'my_check_list=a,"a b "';
ok( $root->load( step => $step, ), "load : '$step'" );

$step = 'a_string="a \"b\" "';
ok( $root->load( step => $step, ), "load : '$step'" );
is( $root->fetch_element('a_string')->fetch, 'a "b" ', "test value loaded by '$step'" );

$step = 'lista:=a,"a \"b\" "';
ok( $root->load( step => $step, ), "load : '$step'" );
is( $lista->fetch_with_id(1)->fetch, 'a "b" ', "test value loaded by '$step'" );

# test that lista~a complains about non numeric index
$step = 'lista~a';
throws_ok { $root->load( step => $step ); } "Config::Model::Exception::User", "load wrong '$step'";

# use new and old notation
$step = 'lista:-1 hash_a~"a b "';
ok( $root->load( step => $step, ), "load : '$step'" );
is( $lista->fetch_with_id(1)->fetch, undef, "test list value loaded by '$step'" );
$elt = $root->fetch_element('hash_a')->fetch_with_id('a b ');
is( $elt->fetch, undef, "test hash value loaded by '$step'" );

# test append mode
is( $root->fetch_element_value('a_string'), 'a "b" c', "test append on list" );

# test append mode with utf8
    'a "b" c' . "\x{263A}",
    "test append on list with utf8"

$root->load('lista:0.=" b c"');
is( $lista->fetch_with_id(0)->fetch,, 'a b c', "test append on leaf" );

$root->load('hash_a:b.=" z3"');
is( $root->fetch_element('hash_a')->fetch_with_id('b')->fetch,, 'z2 z3', "test append on hash" );

# test loop mode

$root->load('std_id:~ DX=Av - int_v=9');
is( $root->grab_value('std_id:ab DX'), 'Av', "check looped assign 1" );
is( $root->grab_value('std_id:bc DX'), 'Av', "check looped assign 2" );
is( $root->grab_value('std_id:"a b" DX'), 'Av', "check looped assign 3" );

#$root->load('std_id:.foreach_match("/^\w+$/") DX=Bv - int_v=9');
$root->load('std_id:~/^\w+$/ DX=Bv - int_v=9');
is( $root->grab_value('std_id:ab DX'), 'Bv', "check looped assign 1" );
is( $root->grab_value('std_id:bc DX'), 'Bv', "check looped assign 2" );
is( $root->grab_value('std_id:"a b" DX'), 'Av', "check out of loop left alone" );

# test annotation setting
my @anno_test = ( 'std_id', 'std_id:ab', 'lista', 'lista:0', );
foreach my $path (@anno_test) {
    $root->load(qq!$path#"$path annotation"!);
    is( $root->grab($path)->annotation, "$path annotation", "fetch $path annotation" );

# test remove by value and remove by matched value
$root->load('lista:=a,b,c,d,foo lista:-=b lista:-~/oo/');
eq_or_diff( [ $lista->fetch_all_values ], [qw/a c d/], "removed value from list" );

# test remove by value and remove by matched value
$root->load('lista:=Foo1,foo2,bar lista:=~s/foo/doh/i');
eq_or_diff( [ $lista->fetch_all_values ], [qw/doh1 doh2 bar/], "test :=~ on list" );

$root->load('hash_a:a=Foo3 hash_a:b=foo4 hash_a:c=bar hash_a:=~s/foo/doh/i');
eq_or_diff( [ sort $root->fetch_element('hash_a')->fetch_all_values ],
    [qw/bar doh3 doh4/], "test :=~ on hash" );

$root->load('lista:=j,h,g,f lista:@');
eq_or_diff( [ $lista->fetch_all_values ], [qw/f g h j/], "test :@ on list" );

$root->load('lista:=j,h,g,f lista:.sort');
eq_or_diff( [ $lista->fetch_all_values ], [qw/f g h j/], "test :.sort on list" );

$root->load('lista:=a,b lista:.push(c) lista:<d');
eq_or_diff( [ $lista->fetch_all_values ], [qw/a b c d/], "test push on list" );

$root->load('lista:=a,b lista:.unshift(1) lista:>2');
eq_or_diff( [ $lista->fetch_all_values ], [qw/2 1 a b/], "test unshift on list" );

# test insert_before
$root->load('lista=foo,baz lista:.insert_before(baz,bar1,bar2)');
eq_or_diff( [ $lista->fetch_all_values ], [qw/foo bar1 bar2 baz/], "check insert_before result" );

    [ $lista->fetch_all_values ],
    [qw/foo bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 baz/],
    "check insert_before with regexp /z/"

$root->load('lista:.insert_before(/1/,"bar0a bar0b, bar0c")');
    [ $lista->fetch_all_values ],
    [ foo => "bar0a bar0b, bar0c", qw/bar1 bar2 bar3 bar4 baz/ ],
    "check insert_before with regexp /1/"

# test insort
my @set1 = qw/c1 e i1 j1 p1/;
my @set2 = qw/a2 z2 d2 e b2 k2/;
    'lista=' . join( ',', @set1 ) . ' lista:.sort lista:.insort(' . join( ',', @set2 ) . ')' );
eq_or_diff( [ $lista->fetch_all_values ], [ sort( @set1, @set2 ) ], "check insort result" );

# test insort with a tricky value
my $tricky = q!libmodule-build-perl (>= 0.421100-2)!;
$root->load( qq!lista:.insort("$tricky")! );
eq_or_diff( [ $lista->fetch_all_values ], [ sort( @set1, @set2, $tricky ) ], "check insort result" );

# test sort on ordered hash
my $oh = $root->fetch_element('ordered_hash');
$root->load('ordered_hash:b=bv ordered_hash:a=av');
eq_or_diff( [$oh->fetch_all_indexes()],[qw/b a/], "check unsorted keys") ;
$root->load('ordered_hash:.sort') ;
eq_or_diff( [$oh->fetch_all_indexes()],[qw/a b/], "check sorted keys") ;

# test insort on ordered hash
$root->load('ordered_hash:.insort(d,"dv")') ;
eq_or_diff( [$oh->fetch_all_indexes()],[qw/a b d/], "check sorted keys after insort") ;

# test insort on ordered hash of node
my $ohon = $root->fetch_element('ordered_hash_of_node');
$root->load('ordered_hash_of_node:g aa2="g aa2 val" - ordered_hash_of_node:.insort(d) aa2="d aa2 val"');
eq_or_diff( [$ohon->fetch_all_indexes()],[qw/d g/], "check sorted keys") ;

# test combination of annotation plus load and some utf8
$step = 'std_id#std_id_note ! std_id:ab#std_id_ab_note X=Bv X#X_note 
      - std_id:bc X=Av X#X2_note '
    . '- a_string="toto \"titi\" tata" a_string#string_note '
    . 'lista:=a,b,c,d olist:0 - olist:0#olist0_note X=Av - olist:1 X=Bv - listb:=b,"c c2",d '
    . '! hash_a:X2=x#x_note hash_a:Y2=xy  hash_b:X3=xy my_check_list=X2,X3 '
    . 'plain_object#"plain comment" aa2="aa2_value '
    . "\x{263A}\"";

my $inst2 = $model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Master',
    instance_name   => 'test2'

my $root2 = $inst2->config_root;

    $root2->load( step => $step ),
    "set up data in tree with combination of load and annotations"

my @to_check = (
    [ 'std_id',       'std_id_note' ],
    [ 'std_id:ab',    'std_id_ab_note' ],
    [ 'std_id:ab X',  'X_note' ],
    [ 'std_id:bc X',  'X2_note' ],
    [ 'a_string',     'string_note' ],
    [ 'olist:0',      'olist0_note' ],
    [ 'hash_a:X2',    'x_note' ],
    [ 'plain_object', 'plain comment' ],
foreach (@to_check) {
    is( $root2->grab( $_->[0] )->annotation, $_->[1], "Check annotation for '$_->[0]'" );

# check utf8 value
is( $root2->grab_value('plain_object aa2'), "aa2_value \x{263A}", "utf8 value" );

# test deletion of leaf items
$step = 'a_string=foobar a_string~';
ok( $root2->load( step => $step ), "set up data then delete it" );

is( $root2->grab_value('a_string'), undef, "check that another_string was undef'ed" );

is( $root2->grab_value('lista:0'), "a\x{263A}", "check that list append work" );

# test element with embedded dash
$root->load("std_id:ab X-Y-Z=Av");
is( $root->grab_value('std_id:ab X-Y-Z'), "Av", "check load grab of X-Y-Z" );

# test deep copy
is( $root->grab_value('std_id:copy X-Y-Z'), "Av", "check hash copy" );

is( $root->grab_value('lista:5'), 'e' , "list copy" );
is( $root->grab_value('lista:5'), 'b2' , "list copy" );

is( $root->grab('hash_a')->has_data, 0 , "cleared hash" );

is( $root->grab('lista')->has_data, 0 , "cleared list" );

like( $root->grab_value('a_string'), qr/# What is Config-Model project/,
  "slurp file");

my $expect = $ENV{TEST_CONFIG_MODEL_LOADER} = 'plop';
is( $root->grab_value('a_string'), 'plop', "set value from environment");

# test some errors cases
my %errors = (
    'std_id'                  => qr/Missing key/,
    'olist'                   => qr/Wrong assignment/,
    'std_id:Apache-2.0 X=Av'  => qr/spurious char/,
    'std_id:-Apache-2.0 X=Av' => qr/spurious char/,

foreach my $bad ( sort keys %errors ) {
    throws_ok { $root->load($bad) } $errors{$bad}, "Check error for load('$bad')";

memory_cycle_ok( $model, "check memory cycles" );
