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# This file is part of Config-Model-Itself
# This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999

use strict ;
use warnings ;

use Config::Model;
use Getopt::Long ;
use Pod::Usage ;
use Log::Log4perl ;
use Config::Model::Itself ;
use YAML::Any;

use AnyEvent ;
require AnyEvent::Impl::Tk ;

use Tk ;
use Config::Model::TkUI ;
use Config::Model::Itself::TkEditUI ;
use Path::Class ;
use lib qw/lib/ ;

my $log4perl_syst_conf_file = '/etc/log4config-model.conf' ;
my $log4perl_user_conf_file = $ENV{HOME}.'/.log4config-model' ;
my $fallback_conf = << 'EOC';
log4perl.logger=WARN, Screen
log4perl.appender.Screen        = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
log4perl.appender.Screen.stderr = 0
log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %m %n

my $log4perl_conf 
  = -e $log4perl_user_conf_file ?  $log4perl_user_conf_file
  : -e $log4perl_syst_conf_file ?  $log4perl_syst_conf_file
  :                               \$fallback_conf ;


my $dev_model_dir = dir(qw/lib Config Model models/);
my $root_model ;
my $trace = 0 ;

sub load_data {
    my $load_file = shift ;

    my @data ;
    if ( $load_file eq '-' ) {
	@data = <STDIN> ;
    else {
	open(LOAD,$load_file) || die "cannot open load file $load_file:$!";
	@data = <LOAD> ;
	close LOAD; 

    return wantarray ? @data : join('',@data);

my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $force_load = 0;
my $model_dir_path ;
my $do_dot = 0;
my $do_dump;
my $dumptype;
my $do_yaml = 0;
my $load_yaml ;
my $save = 0;
my $load ;
# my $model_modified = 0;
my $open_item = '';
my $plugin_file = '';

my $result = GetOptions (
			 "dir=s"            => \$model_dir_path,
			 "model=s"          => \$root_model,
			 "man!"             => \$man,
			 "help!"            => \$help,
			 "force-load|force_load!"      => \$force_load,
			 "save!"            => \$save,
			 "dot-diagram|dot_diagram!"     => \$do_dot ,
			 "dump!"            => \$do_dump ,
                         "dumptype:s"       => \$dumptype,
                         "load=s"           => \$load,
                         "load-yaml|load_yaml=s"      => \$load_yaml,
			 "dump-yaml|dump_yaml!"       => \$do_yaml ,
			 "open-item|open_item=s"      => \$open_item ,
			 "plugin-file=s"     => \$plugin_file ,

pod2usage(2) if not $result ;
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;

Config::Model::Exception::Any->Trace(1) if $trace ;

die "Unspecified root configuration model (option -model)\n"
  unless defined $root_model ;

my $model_dir = $model_dir_path ? dir(split m!/!, $model_dir_path) : $dev_model_dir ;

if (! -d $model_dir->stat) {
    $model_dir->mkpath(0, 0755) || die "can't create $model_dir:$!";

my $meta_model = Config::Model -> new();

my $meta_inst = $meta_model->instance(
    root_class_name => 'Itself::Model',
    instance_name   => $root_model . ' model',
    check           => $force_load ? 'no' : 'yes',

my $meta_root = $meta_inst -> config_root ;

my $system_model_dir = $INC{'Config/'} ;
$system_model_dir =~ s/\.pm//;
$system_model_dir .= '/models' ;

# now load model
my $rw_obj = Config::Model::Itself -> new(
    model_object => $meta_root,
    model_dir    => $plugin_file ? $system_model_dir : $model_dir->stringify,
) ;

# my $root_model_file = $root_model ;
# $root_model_file =~ s!::!/!g ;

# if (not -e $read_model_dir.'/'.$root_model_file.'.pl') {
    # $read_model_dir =  $INC{'Config/'} ;
    # $read_model_dir =~ s/\.pm//;
    # $read_model_dir .= '/models' ;
# }

$meta_inst->initial_load_start ;
$meta_inst->layered_start if $plugin_file;

    force_load => $force_load,
    root_model => $root_model,
    # legacy     => 'ignore',

if ($plugin_file) {

    # load any existing plugin file
    $rw_obj->read_model_snippet(snippet_dir => $model_dir, model_file => $plugin_file) ;

$meta_inst->initial_load_stop ;

if (defined $load) {
    my $data = load_data($load) ;
    $data = qq(class:"$root_model" ).$data unless $data =~ /^\s*class:/ ;

if (defined $load_yaml) {
    my $yaml = load_data($load_yaml) ;
    my $pdata = Load($yaml) ;
    $meta_root->load_data($pdata) ;

if (@ARGV) {
    my $data = join(' ',@ARGV) ;
    $data = qq(class:"$root_model" ).$data unless $data =~ /^\s*class:/ ;
    $meta_root->load($data) ;

if ($do_dot) {
    print $rw_obj->get_dot_diagram ;
    exit ;

if (defined $do_dump) {
    my $dump_string = $meta_root->dump_tree( mode => $dumptype || 'custom' ) ;
    if ($do_dump) {
	open(DUMP,">$do_dump") or die "cannot dump in $do_dump:$!";
	print DUMP $dump_string ;
	close DUMP;
    else {
	print $dump_string ;
    exit ;

if ($do_yaml) {
    require YAML::Tiny;
    import YAML::Tiny qw/Dump/;
    print Dump($meta_root->dump_as_data(ordered_hash_as_list => 0)) ;
    exit ;

my $write_sub = $plugin_file ? 
    sub { 
	$rw_obj->write_model_snippet(snippet_dir => $model_dir, model_file => $plugin_file );
    : sub { 
	my $wr_dir = shift || $model_dir ;
	$rw_obj->write_all( );
    } ;

if ($save) {
    &$write_sub ;
    exit ;

my $mw ;
    no warnings 'once' ;
    $mw = $AnyEvent::Impl::Tk::mw ;

$mw->withdraw ;
# Thanks to Jerome Quelin for the tip
$mw->optionAdd('*BorderWidth' => 1);

my $cmu = $mw->ConfigModelEditUI(
    -root       => $meta_root,
    -store_sub  => $write_sub,
    -model_name => $root_model,

if ($open_item) {
    my $obj = $meta_root->grab($open_item) ;
    $cmu->force_element_display($obj) ;

&MainLoop ; # Tk's



=head1 NAME

config-model-edit -  Graphical model editor for Config::Model


  config-model-edit [options] -model Sshd [ class:Sshd element:Foo ... ]

  # plugin mode
  config-model-edit [options] -model Debian::Dpkg -plugin-file


config-model-edit will provides a Perl/Tk graphical interface to edit
configuration models that will be used by Config::Model.

Config::Model is a general purpose configuration framework based on
configuration models (See L<Config::Model> for details).

This configuration model is also expressed as structured data. This
structure data is structured and follow a set of rules which are
described for humans in L<Config::Model>.

The structure and rules documented in L<Config::Model> are also expressed
in a model in the files provided with L<Config::Model::Itself>.

Hence the possibity to verify, modify configuration data provided by
Config::Model can also be applied on configuration models using the
same user interface as L<config-edit>.

The model editor program is config-model-edit.

=head1 USAGE

C<config-model-edit> will read and write model file from

When you specify a C<-model> options, only configuration models matching
this options will be loaded. I.e.

  config-model-edit -model Xorg

will load models C<Xorg> (file C<>) and all other C<Xorg::*> like
C<Xorg::Screen> (file C<Xorg/>).

=head1 Options


=item -model

Mandatory option that specifies the configuration model to be

=item -plugin-file

this option can be used to create model plugins. A model plugin is an addendum to 
an existing model. The resulting file will be saved in a C<.d> directory besides the 
original file to be taken into account. 

For instance:

 $ config-model-edit -model Debian::Dpkg -plugin-file 
 # perform additions to Debian::Dpkg and Debian::Dpkg::Control::Source and save
 $ find lib -name

=item -trace

Provides a full stack trace when exiting on error.

=item -force-load

Load file even if error are found in data. Bad data are loaded, but should be cleaned up 
before saving the model. See menu C<< File -> check >> in the GUI.

=item -dot-diagram

Returns a dot file that represent the stucture of the configuration
model. C<include> are represented by solid lines. Class usage
(i.e. C<config_class_name> parameter) is represented by dashed
lines. The name of the element is attached to the dashed line.

=item -dump [ file ]

Dump configuration content on STDOUT or in the specified with
Config::Model syntax.

By default, dump only custom values, i.e. different from application
built-in values or model default values. See -dumptype option for
other types of dump

=item -dumptype [ full | preset | custom ]

Choose to dump every values (full), only preset values or only
customized values (default)

=item -load <cds_file_to_load> | -

Load model from cds file (using Config::Model serialisation format,
typically done with -dump option). This option can be used with
C<-save> to directly save a model loaded from the cds file or from

=item -load-yaml <yaml_file_to_load> | -

Load configuration data in model from YAML file. This
option can be used with C<-save> to directly save a model loaded from
the YAML file or from STDIN.

=item -dump_yaml 

Dump a model in YAML format

=item -save

Force a save of the model even if no edition was done. This option is
useful to migrate a model when Config::Model model feature changes.

=item -dir

Directory where to read and write model

=item -open-item 'path'

In graphical mode, force the UI to open the node specified. E.g.

 -open_item 'class:Fstab::FsLine element:fs_mntopts rules'


=head1 LOGGING

All Config::Model logging was moved from klunky debug and
verbose prints to L<Log::Log4perl>. Logging can be configured in the
following files:


=item *


=item * 



Without these files, the following Log4perl config is used:

 log4perl.logger=WARN, Screen
 log4perl.appender.Screen        = Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen
 log4perl.appender.Screen.stderr = 0
 log4perl.appender.Screen.layout = Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
 log4perl.appender.Screen.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %m %n

Log4Perl categories are shown in L<config-edit/LOGGING>

=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont, ddumont at cpan dot org

=head1 SEE ALSO

