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# PODNAME: Config::Model::models::Itself::ConfigAccept
# ABSTRACT:  Configuration class Itself::ConfigAccept
=head1 NAME

Config::Model::models::Itself::ConfigAccept - Configuration class Itself::ConfigAccept


Configuration classes used by L<Config::Model>

=head1 Elements

=head2 name_match

B<Deprecated> I<< Optional. Type uniline. upstream_default: '.*'.  >> 

=head2 accept_after

specify where to insert accepted element. This will change the behavior but will help generating more consistent  user interfaces. I<< Optional. Type reference.  >> 

=head2 type

specify the type of the configuration element.Leaf is used for plain value.I<< Mandatory. Type enum. choice: 'node', 'warped_node', 'hash', 'list', 'leaf', 'check_list'.  >> 

=head2 value_type

I<< Optional. Type enum.  >> 

=head2 class - Override implementation of element

Perl class name used to override the implementation of the configuration element. This override Perl class must inherit a Config::Model class that matches the element type, i.e. Config::Model::Value, Config::Model::HashId or Config::Model::ListId. Use with care.I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 follow

Specifies the path to the value elements that drive the change of this node. Each key of the has is a variable name used in the 'rules' parameter. The value of the hash is a path in the configuration tree. I<< Optional. Type hash of uniline.  >> 

=head2 morph

When set, a recurse copy of the value from the old object to the new object will be attemped. When a copy is not possible, undef values will be assigned.I<< Optional. Type boolean.  >> 

=head2 refer_to

points to an array or hash element in the configuration tree using the path syntax. The available choice of this reference value (or check list)is made from the available keys of the pointed hash element or the values of the pointed array element.I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 computed_refer_to

points to an array or hash element in the configuration tree using a path computed with value from several other elements in the configuration tree. The available choice of this reference value (or check list) is made from the available keys of the pointed hash element or the values of the pointed array element.I<< Optional. Type warped_node.  >> 

=head2 replace_follow

Path specifying a hash of value element in the configuration tree. The hash if used in a way similar to the replace parameter. In this case, the replacement is not coded in the model but specified by the configuration.I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 compute

compute the default value according to a formula and value from other elements in the configuration tree.I<< Optional. Type warped_node.  >> 

=head2 migrate_from

Specify an upgrade path from an old value and compute the value to store in the new element.I<< Optional. Type warped_node.  >> 

=head2 write_as

Specify how to write a boolean value. Example 'no' 'yes'.I<< Optional. Type list of uniline.  >> 

=head2 migrate_values_from

Specifies that the values of the hash or list are copied from another hash or list in the configuration tree once configuration data are loaded.I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 migrate_keys_from

Specifies that the keys of the hash are copied from another hash in the configuration tree only when the hash is created.I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 mandatory

I<< Optional. Type boolean.  >> 

=head2 config_class_name

I<< Optional. Type reference.  >> 

=head2 choice

Specify the possible values. I<< Optional. Type list of uniline.  >> 

=head2 min

minimum value. I<< Optional. Type number.  >> 

=head2 max

maximum value. I<< Optional. Type number.  >> 

=head2 min_index

minimum number of keys. I<< Optional. Type integer.  >> 

=head2 max_index

maximum number of keys. I<< Optional. Type integer.  >> 

=head2 default

Specify default value. This default value will be written in the configuration data. I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 upstream_default

Another way to specify a default value. But this default value is considered as "built_in" the application and is not written in the configuration data (unless modified)I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 convert

Convert value or index to uppercase (uc) or lowercase (lc).I<< Optional. Type enum.  >> 

=head2 match

Perl regular expression to assert the validity of the value. To check the whole value, use C<^> and C<$>. For instance C<^foo|bar$> will allow C<foo> or C<bar> but not C<foobar>. To be case insentive, use the C<(?i)> extended pattern. For instance, the regexp C<^(?i)foo|bar$> will also allow the values C<Foo> and C<Bar>.I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 assert

Raise an error if the test code snippet does returns false. Note this snippet will also be run on undefined value, which may not be what you want.I<< Optional. Type hash of node of class L<Itself::CommonElement::Assert|Config::Model::models::Itself::CommonElement::Assert> .  >> 

=head2 warn_if

Warn user if the code snippet returns true. I<< Optional. Type hash of node of class L<Itself::CommonElement::Assert|Config::Model::models::Itself::CommonElement::Assert> .  >> 

=head2 warn_unless

Warn user if the code snippet returns false. I<< Optional. Type hash of node of class L<Itself::CommonElement::Assert|Config::Model::models::Itself::CommonElement::Assert> .  >> 

=head2 warn_if_match

Warn user if a I<defined> value matches the regular expression. I<< Optional. Type hash of node of class L<Itself::CommonElement::WarnIfMatch|Config::Model::models::Itself::CommonElement::WarnIfMatch> .  >> 

=head2 warn_unless_match

Warn user if I<defined> value does not match the regular expression. I<< Optional. Type hash of node of class L<Itself::CommonElement::WarnIfMatch|Config::Model::models::Itself::CommonElement::WarnIfMatch> .  >> 

=head2 warn

Unconditionally issue a warning with this string when this parameter is used. This should be used mostly with "accept"I<< Optional. Type string.  >> 

=head2 grammar

Feed this grammar to Parse::RecDescent to perform validation. I<< Optional. Type string.  >> 

=head2 default_list

Specify items checked by default. I<< Optional. Type check_list.  >> 

=head2 upstream_default_list

Specify items checked by default in the application. I<< Optional. Type check_list.  >> 

=head2 allow_keys_from

this hash will allow keys from the keys of the hash pointed by the path string. I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 allow_keys_matching

Keys must match the specified regular expression.I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 follow_keys_from

this hash will contain the same keys as the hash pointed by the path string. I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 warn_if_key_match

Warn user if a key is created matching this regular expression. I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 warn_unless_key_match

Warn user if a key is created not matching this regular expression. I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 ordered

keep track of the order of the elements of this hash. I<< Optional. Type boolean.  >> 

=head2 default_keys

default keys hashes.I<< Optional. Type list of string.  >> 

=head2 auto_create_keys

always create a set of keys specified in this list. I<< Optional. Type list of string.  >> 

=head2 allow_keys

specify a set of allowed keys. I<< Optional. Type list of string.  >> 

=head2 auto_create_ids

always create the number of id specified in this integer. I<< Optional. Type string.  >> 

=head2 default_with_init

specify a set of keys to create and initialization on some elements . E.g. ' foo => "X=Av Y=Bv", bar => "Y=Av Z=Cz"' I<< Optional. Type hash of string.  >> 

=head2 max_nb

I<< Optional. Type integer.  >> 

=head2 replace

Used for enum to substitute one value with another. This parameter must be used to enable user to upgrade a configuration with obsolete values. The old value is the key of the hash, the new one is the value of the hash. I<< Optional. Type hash of string.  >> 

=head2 duplicates

Specify the policy regarding duplicated values stored in the list or as hash values (valid only when cargo type is "leaf"). The policy can be "allow" (default), "suppress", "warn" (which offers the possibility to apply a fix), "forbid".I<< Optional. Type enum. choice: 'allow', 'suppress', 'warn', 'forbid'. upstream_default: 'allow'.  >> 

=head2 help

Specify help string specific to possible values. E.g for "light" value, you could write " red => 'stop', green => 'walk' I<< Optional. Type hash of string.  >> 

=head2 status

I<< Optional. Type enum. choice: 'obsolete', 'deprecated', 'standard'. upstream_default: 'standard'.  >> 

=head2 experience

Used to categorize configuration elements in several "required skills". Use this feature if you need to hide a parameter to novice users. B<Deprecated> I<< Optional. Type enum. choice: 'master', 'advanced', 'beginner'. upstream_default: 'beginner'.  >> 

=head2 level

Used to highlight important parameter or to hide others. Hidden parameter are mostly used to hide features that are unavailable at start time. They can be made available later using warp mechanism. I<< Optional. Type enum. choice: 'important', 'normal', 'hidden'. upstream_default: 'normal'.  >> 

=head2 summary

enter short information regarding this element. I<< Optional. Type uniline.  >> 

=head2 description

enter detailed help information regarding this element. I<< Optional. Type string.  >> 

=head2 warp

change the properties (i.e. default value or its value_type) dynamically according to the value of another Value object locate elsewhere in the configuration tree. I<< Optional. Type warped_node.  >> 

=head2 rules

Each key of a hash is a boolean expression using variables declared in the 'follow' parameters. The value of the hash specifies the effects on the node. I<< Optional. Type hash of warped_node.  >> 

=head2 index_type

Specify the type of allowed index for the hash. "String" means no restriction.I<< Optional. Type enum.  >> 

=head2 cargo

Specify the properties of the configuration element configuration in this hash or list. I<< Optional. Type warped_node.  >> 

=head1 SEE ALSO


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