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# -*- cperl -*-

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More tests => 5;
use Test::Differences;
use Config::Model ;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy) ;
use File::Path ;
use File::Copy ;

use warnings;
no warnings qw(once);

use strict;

my $arg = shift || '';

my ($log,$show) = (0) x 2 ;

my $trace = $arg =~ /t/ ? 1 : 0 ;
$log                = 1 if $arg =~ /l/;
$show               = 1 if $arg =~ /s/;

my $log4perl_user_conf_file = $ENV{HOME}.'/.log4config-model' ;

if ($log and -e $log4perl_user_conf_file ) {
else {
    Log::Log4perl->easy_init($log ? $DEBUG: $ERROR);

my $model = Config::Model -> new ( ) ;

Config::Model::Exception::Any->Trace(1) if $arg =~ /e/;


# pseudo root where config files are written by config-model
my $wr_root = 'wr_test';

my $testdir = 'custom_sshd' ;

my $ssh_path = $^O eq 'darwin' ? '/etc'
               :                 '/etc/ssh' ;

# cleanup before tests

my @orig = <DATA> ;

my $wr_dir = $wr_root.'/'.$testdir ;
mkpath($wr_dir.$ssh_path, { mode => 0755 })
  || die "can't mkpath: $!";
open(SSHD,"> $wr_dir$ssh_path/sshd_config")
  || die "can't open file: $!";
print SSHD @orig ;
close SSHD ;

my $inst = $model->instance (root_class_name   => 'Sshd',
			     instance_name     => 'sshd_instance',
			     root_dir          => $wr_dir,
			     backend => 'OpenSsh::Sshd',

ok($inst,"Read $wr_dir$ssh_path/sshd_config and created instance") ;

my $root = $inst -> config_root ;

my $dump =  $root->dump_tree ();
print "First $testdir dump:\n",$dump if $trace ;

#like($dump,qr/Match:0/, "check Match section") if $testdir =~ /match/;

$root -> load("Port=2222 
               Match:1 Condition Host=elysee.*
              ") ; 

$inst->write_back() ;
ok(1,"wrote data in $wr_dir") ;

# copy data in wr_dir2
my $wr_dir2 = $wr_dir.'b' ;
mkpath($wr_dir2.$ssh_path, { mode => 0755 }) ;
copy($wr_dir.$ssh_path.'/sshd_config',$wr_dir2.$ssh_path) ;

my $inst2 = $model->instance (root_class_name   => 'Sshd',
			      instance_name     => 'sshd_instance2',
			      root_dir          => $wr_dir2,
			      backend => 'OpenSsh::Sshd',

ok($inst2,"Read $wr_dir2$ssh_path/sshd_config and created instance") ;

my $root2 = $inst2 -> config_root ;
my $dump2 = $root2 -> dump_tree ();
print "Second $testdir dump:\n",$dump2 if $trace ;

my @mod = split /\n/,$dump ;
unshift @mod, 'HostbasedAuthentication=yes', 'Port=2222';
splice @mod,2,0,'Subsystem:ddftp=/home/dd/bin/ddftp';
splice @mod,12,1,'    Group="pres.*"','    Host="elysee.*" -';
eq_or_diff([split /\n/,$dump2],\@mod, "check if both dumps are consistent") ;


X11Forwarding        yes

Match  User domi
AllowTcpForwarding   yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
RhostsRSAAuthentication no
RSAAuthentication    yes
X11DisplayOffset     10
X11Forwarding        yes

# sarkomment
Match User sarko Group pres.*
Banner /etc/bienvenue.txt
X11Forwarding no

# some comment
Match User bush Group pres.* Host*
Banner /etc/welcome.txt