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# -*- cperl -*-

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More ;
use Config::Model ;
use Config::Model::BackendMgr; # required for tests
use Config::Model::Tester::Setup qw/init_test setup_test_dir/;
use English;
use Test::Differences ;
use Test::Warn ;

use warnings;
use strict;

my ($model, $trace) = init_test();

# pseudo root where config files are written by config-model
my $wr_root = setup_test_dir;

my $ssh_subdir = $^O eq 'darwin' ? '/etc'
               :                 '/etc/ssh' ;
my $ssh_path = $wr_root->child($ssh_subdir);

my @orig = <DATA> ;

my $ssh_file = $ssh_path->child('ssh_config');

# special global variable used only for tests
my $joe_home = $^O eq 'darwin' ? '/Users/joe'
             :                   '/home/joe' ; ;
Config::Model::BackendMgr::_set_test_home($joe_home) ;

# set up Joe's environment
my $joe_ssh = $wr_root->child($joe_home.'/.ssh');

my $joe_config = $joe_ssh->child('config');
$joe_config->spew("Host\n\nIdentityFile ~/.ssh/mine\n") ;

sub read_user_ssh {
    my $file = shift ;
    my @res = grep {/\w/} map { chomp; s/\s+/ /g; $_ ;} grep { not /##/ } $file->lines ;
    return @res ;

print "Test from directory $wr_root\n" if $trace ;

note "Running test like root (no layered config)" ;

my $root_inst = $model->instance (
    root_class_name   => 'SystemSsh',
    instance_name     => 'root_ssh_instance',
    root_dir          => $wr_root,

ok($root_inst,"Read $ssh_file and created instance") ;

my $root_cfg = $root_inst -> config_root ;
$root_cfg->init ;

my $dump =  $root_cfg->dump_tree ();
print $dump if $trace ;

like($dump,qr/^#"ssh global comment"/, "check global comment pattern") ;
like($dump,qr/Ciphers=aes192-cbc,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes256-cbc#"  Protocol 2,1\s+Cipher 3des"/,"check Ciphers comment");
like($dump,qr/SendEnv#"  PermitLocalCommand no"/,"check SendEnv comment");
like($dump,qr/Host:"foo\.\*,\*\.bar"/, "check Host pattern") ;
like($dump,qr/LocalForward:0\s+port=20022/, "check user LocalForward port") ;
like($dump,qr/host=, "check user LocalForward host") ;
like($dump,qr/LocalForward:1#"IPv6 example"\s+ipv6=1/, "check user LocalForward ipv6") ;
like($dump,qr/port=22080/, "check user LocalForward port ipv6") ;
     "check user LocalForward host ipv6") ;

$root_inst->write_back() ; 

ok(1,"wrote ssh_config data in $wr_root") ;

my $inst2 = $model->instance (
    root_class_name   => 'SystemSsh',
    instance_name     => 'root_ssh_instance2',
    root_dir          => $wr_root,

my $root2 = $inst2 -> config_root ;
my $dump2 = $root2 -> dump_tree ();
print $dump2 if $trace ;

is_deeply([split /\n/,$dump2],[split /\n/,$dump],
	  "check if both root_ssh dumps are identical") ;

    skip "user tests when test is run as root", 12
       if $EUID == 0 ;

    note "Running test like user with layered config";

    my $user_inst = $model->instance (
        root_class_name   => 'Ssh',
        instance_name     => 'user_ssh_instance',
        root_dir          => $wr_root,

    ok($user_inst,"Read user .ssh/config and created instance") ;

    my @joe_orig    = read_user_ssh($joe_config) ;

    my $user_cfg = $user_inst -> config_root ;

    $dump =  $user_cfg->dump_tree (mode => 'full' );
    print $dump if $trace ;

    like($dump,qr/Host:"foo\.\*,\*\.bar"/,"check root Host pattern") ;
    like($dump,qr/Host:"?"?/,"check user Host pattern") ;

    $user_inst->write_back() ;
    ok(1,"wrote user .ssh/config data in $joe_config") ;

    ok($joe_config->is_file,"Found $joe_config") ;

    # compare original and written file
    my @joe_written = read_user_ssh($joe_config) ;
    eq_or_diff(\@joe_written,\@joe_orig,"check user .ssh/config files") ;

    # write some data
    $user_cfg->load('EnableSSHKeysign=1') ;
    $user_inst->write_back() ;
    unshift @joe_orig,'EnableSSHKeysign yes';
    @joe_written = read_user_ssh($joe_config) ;
    eq_or_diff(\@joe_written,\@joe_orig,"check user .ssh/config files after modif") ;

    # run test on tricky element
    warning_like {
        $user_inst->load( check => 'skip', step => 'Host:"*" IPQoS="foo bar baz"') ;
    } qr/skipping value/ ,"too many fields warning";
    warning_like {
        $user_inst->load( check => 'skip', step => 'Host:"*" IPQoS="foo"') ;
    } qr/skipping/ ,"bad fields warning";
    ok($user_inst->has_error,"check errors count") ;
    like($user_inst->error_messages,qr/"af11"/,"check error message") ;

    $user_inst->load('Host:"*" IPQoS="af11 af12"') ;

    # fix is pending
    my $expect = $Config::Model::VERSION > 2.046 ? 0 : 1 ;
    is($user_inst->has_error,$expect,"check error count after fix") ;

    # check if config has warnings
    is($user_inst->has_warning,0,"check if warnings are left");


# ssh global comment

Host *
#   ForwardAgent no
#   ForwardX11 no
    Port 1022
#   Protocol 2,1
#   Cipher 3des
    Ciphers aes192-cbc,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes256-cbc
#   PermitLocalCommand no
    SendEnv LANG LC_*
    HashKnownHosts yes
    GSSAPIAuthentication yes
    GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no

# foo bar big
# comment
Host foo.*,*.bar
    # for and bar have X11
    ForwardX11 yes
    SendEnv FOO BAR

Host *
ForwardX11           yes
User                 tester

Host picosgw
ForwardAgent         yes
HostName             sshgw.truc.bidule
IdentityFile         ~/.ssh/%r
LocalForward         20022
# IPv6 example
LocalForward       2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334/80
User                 k0013

Host picos
ForwardX11           yes
HostName             localhost
Port                 20022
User                 ocad
ControlPersist       YES