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# This file is part of Config-Model-TkUI
# This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999

package Config::Model::Tk::Wizard ;
$Config::Model::Tk::Wizard::VERSION = '1.341';
use strict;
use warnings ;
use Carp ;
use Try::Tiny ;

use base qw/Tk::Toplevel/;
use vars qw/$icon_path/ ;
use Log::Log4perl;

use Config::Model::Tk::LeafEditor ;
use Config::Model::Tk::CheckListEditor ;
use Config::Model::Tk::ListEditor ;
use Config::Model::Tk::HashEditor ;

Construct Tk::Widget 'ConfigModelWizard';

my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger('Tk::Wizard');

my @fbe1 = qw/-fill both -expand 1/ ;
my @fxe1 = qw/-fill x    -expand 1/ ;
my @fx   = qw/-fill x    / ;

sub ClassInit {
    my ($class, $mw) = @_;
    # ClassInit is often used to define bindings and/or other
    # resources shared by all instances, e.g., images.

    # cw->Advertise(name=>$widget);

sub Populate { 
    my ($cw, $args) = @_;

    foreach my $parm (qw/-root/) {
	my $attr = $parm ;
	$attr =~ s/^-//;
	$cw->{$attr} = delete $args->{$parm} 
	  or croak "Missing $parm arg\n";

    foreach my $parm (qw/-from_widget -stop_on_important -store_cb -show_cb -end_cb/) {
	my $attr = $parm ;
	$attr =~ s/^-//;
	$cw->{$attr} = delete $args->{$parm} ;

    $logger->info("Creating wizard widget");
    $cw->{show_cb} ||= sub {} ;
    $cw->{store_cb} ||= sub {} ;
    $cw->{has_stopped} = 0;

    my $title = delete $args->{'-title'} 
              || "config wizard ".$cw->{root}->config_class_name ;

    $cw->Label( -text => "Configuration of ".$cw->{root}->config_class_name,
		-font => [ -size => 20 ],
      -> pack ;

    my $ed = $cw->{ed_frame} = $cw->Frame 
      ->pack  (qw/-pady 0 -fill both -expand 1 -anchor n/ ) ;
    $cw->{ed_frame}->packPropagate(0) ;

    $args->{-title} = $title;
    $cw->SUPER::Populate($args) ;

    $cw->Advertise(ed_frame   => $ed ,

       #-background => ['DESCENDANTS', 'background', 'Background', $background],
       #-selectbackground => [$hlist, 'selectBackground', 'SelectBackground', 
       #                      $selectbackground],
       -width  => [$ed, undef, undef, 600 ],
       -height => [$ed, undef, undef, 400 ],
       DEFAULT => [ $ed ]
      ) ;


sub save {
    my $cw = shift ;

    $cw->check() ;

    $logger->info("Saving data in default directory with instance write_back" );

sub leaf_cb {
    my ( $cw, $scanner, $data_ref, $node, $element_name, $index, $leaf_object )
      = @_;
    $cw->{has_stopped} = 1;

    # cleanup existing widget contained in this frame
    $cw->{ed_w} = $cw->{ed_frame}->ConfigModelLeafEditor(
        -item     => $leaf_object,
        -store_cb => $cw->{store_cb},

sub list_element_cb {
    my ( $cw, $scanner, $data_ref, $node, $element_name, @indexes ) = @_;
    $cw->{has_stopped} = 1;

    # cleanup existing widget contained in this frame
    my $obj = $node->fetch_element($element_name);
    $cw->{ed_w} = $cw->{ed_frame}->ConfigModelListEditor(
        -item     => $obj,
        -store_cb => $cw->{store_cb},

sub hash_element_cb {
    my ( $cw, $scanner, $data_ref, $node, $element_name, @keys ) = @_;
    $cw->{has_stopped} = 1;

    # cleanup existing widget contained in this frame
    my $obj = $node->fetch_element($element_name);
    $cw->{ed_w} = $cw->{ed_frame}->ConfigModelHashEditor(
        -item     => $obj,
        -store_cb => $cw->{store_cb},

sub check_list_element_cb {
    my ( $cw, $scanner, $data_ref, $node, $element_name, @items ) = @_;
    $cw->{has_stopped} = 1;

    # cleanup existing widget contained in this frame
    my $obj = $node->fetch_element($element_name);
    $cw->{ed_w} = $cw->{ed_frame}->ConfigModelCheckListEditor(
        -item     => $obj,
        -store_cb => $cw->{store_cb},

sub prepare_wizard {
    my ($cw,%args) = @_ ;
    my $exp = $args{experience} || 'beginner' ;

    my $text = 'The wizard will scan all configuration items and stop on '
    . '"important" items or on error (like missing mandatory values). If no '
    . '"important" item and no error are found, the wizard will exit immediately' ;

    my $edf = $cw->{ed_frame} ;

    my $textw = $edf
      -> ROText(qw/-relief flat -wrap word -height 8/,
		-font => [ -family => 'Arial' ]
    $textw -> insert(end => $text) ;
    $textw -> pack(qw/-side top -anchor n/, @fxe1) ;

    $edf->Label(-text => 'Choose experience for the wizard :'.$exp)
      ->pack(qw/-side top -anchor w/);

    map {
            -text     => $_,
            -variable => \$exp,
            -value    => $_
        )->pack(qw/-side top -anchor w/);
    } qw/master advanced beginner/;
    my $stop_on_warn = 0 ;
    $edf->Checkbutton (-text => 'stop on warning', -variable => \$stop_on_warn )->pack(qw/-side top -anchor w/);

    $edf->Button(-text => 'OK',
		 -command => sub {$cw->start_wizard($exp,$stop_on_warn)}
		) -> pack (qw/-side right -anchor e/) ;
    $edf->Button(-text => 'cancel',
		 -command => sub {$cw->destroy_wizard()}
		) -> pack (qw/-side left -anchor w/) ;

sub start_wizard {
    my ( $cw, %args) = @_;

    my $button_f = $cw->Frame->pack(qw/-pady 0 -fill x -expand 1/);
    $cw->{has_stopped} = 0;

    my $back = $button_f->Button(
        -text    => 'Back',
        -command => sub {
            $cw->{keep_wiz_editor} = 0;
            $cw->{ed_w} -> store if $cw->{ed_w}->can('store');
    $back->pack(qw/-side left -fill x -expand 1/);

    my $stop = $button_f->Button(
        -text    => 'Store and stop',
        -command => sub {
            $cw->{ed_w} -> store if $cw->{ed_w}->can('store');
            $cw->{keep_wiz_editor} = 0;
    $stop->pack(qw/-side left -fill x -expand 1/);

    my $quit = $button_f->Button(
        -text    => 'quit wizard',
        -command => sub {
            $cw->{keep_wiz_editor} = 0;
    $quit->pack(qw/-side left -fill x -expand 1/);

    my $forw = $button_f->Button(
        -text    => 'Next',
        -command => sub {
            $cw->{keep_wiz_editor} = 0;
            $cw->{ed_w} -> store if $cw->{ed_w}->can('store');
    $forw->pack(qw/-side right -fill x -expand 1/);

    my ( $sort_element, $sort_idx );
    $cw->{keep_wiz_editor} = 1;

    my %cb_table;

    # a local event loop is run within the call-back
    foreach my $cb_key (
        qw/leaf_cb check_list_element_cb
        list_element_cb hash_element_cb/
        $cb_table{$cb_key} = sub {
            my ( $scanner, $data_ref, $node, $element_name ) = @_;
            my @all_args = @_ ; # @_ does not work in try blocks
            $logger->info( "$cb_key (element $element_name) called on '",
                $node->name, "'->'$element_name'" );
            map { $_->destroy if Tk::Exists($_) } $cw->{ed_frame}->children;
            $cw->{keep_wiz_editor} = 1;
            try { 
            catch {
                $cw->{keep_wiz_editor} = 0 ; # destroy wizard in case of error
            } ;
            my $loop_c = 0;
            $logger->debug( "$cb_key wizard entered local loop ", ++$loop_c );
            $cw->DoOneEvent() while $cw->{keep_wiz_editor};
            $logger->debug( "$cb_key wizard exited local loop ", $loop_c );

    my @wiz_args = (
        experience             => $args{experience} || 'beginner',

    foreach (qw/warning important/) {
        push @wiz_args,  "call_back_on_$_"   => $args{"stop_on_$_"}
            if defined $args{"stop_on_$_"} ;

    #Tk::ObjScanner::scan_object(\@wiz_args) ;
    $cw->{wizard} = $cw->{root}->instance->iterator(@wiz_args);

    # exits when wizard is done 

sub destroy_wizard{
    my $cw = shift ;

    delete $cw->{ed_w} ;
    delete $cw->{wizard} ;

    # print "Destroying wizard\n" ;
    $logger->debug("Destroying wizard");
    $cw->destroy ;

    if (defined $cw->{end_cb}) {
        $logger->debug("Calling end_cb");
        $cw->{end_cb}->($cw->{has_stopped}) ;
