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# This file is part of Config-Model-TkUI
# This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
#    Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Dominique Dumont.
#    This file is part of Config-Model-TkUi.
#    Config-Model is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
#    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    Config-Model is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    Lesser Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
#    along with Config-Model; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA

package Config::Model::Tk::AnyViewer;
$Config::Model::Tk::AnyViewer::VERSION = '1.351';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

use Tk::Photo;
use Tk::ROText;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Config::Model::TkUI;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);
use Tk::Pod::Text;

use vars qw/$icon_path/;

my $logger = get_logger("Tk");

my @fbe1 = qw/-fill both -expand 1/;
my @fxe1 = qw/-fill x    -expand 1/;
my @fb   = qw/-fill both          /;
my @fx   = qw/-fill x             /;
my @e1   = qw/           -expand 1/;

my %img;
*icon_path = *Config::Model::TkUI::icon_path;

sub add_header {
    my ( $cw, $type, $item ) = @_;

    unless (%img) {
        $img{edit} = $cw->Photo( -file => $icon_path . 'wizard.png' );
        $img{view} = $cw->Photo( -file => $icon_path . 'viewmag.png' );

    my $idx;
    $idx = $item->index_value if $item->can('index_value');
    my $elt_name = $item->composite_name;

    my $parent = $item->parent;
    my $class =
        defined $parent
        ? $item->parent->config_class_name
        : $item->config_class_name;

    $cw->{config_class_name} = $class;

    my $label = "$type: ";
    $label .= $item->location_short || "Class $class";
    my $f = $cw->Frame;

    $f->Label( -image => $img{ lc($type) }, -anchor => 'w' )->pack( -side => 'left' );

    $f->Label( -text => $label, -anchor => 'e' )->pack( -side => 'left', @fx );

    return $f;

my @top_frame_args = qw/-relief raised -borderwidth 4/;
my @low_frame_args = qw/-relief sunken -borderwidth 1/;
my $padx           = 20;
my $text_font      = [qw/-family Arial -weight normal/];

sub add_info_button {
    my $cw = shift;
    my $frame = shift || $cw;

    my ( $elt_name, @items ) = $cw->get_info;

    my $title = "Info on " . $cw->{config_class_name};
    $title .= ':' . $elt_name if $elt_name;

    my $dialog = $cw->Dialog(
        -title => $title,
        -text  => join( "\n", $title, @items ),
        -font  => $text_font,
    my $button = $frame->Button(
        -text    => "info ...",
        -command => sub { $dialog->Show; } );
    return $button;    # to be packed by caller

# returns the help widget (Label or ROText) which must be packed by caller
sub add_help {
    my $cw                = shift;
    my $help_label        = shift;
    my $help              = shift || '';
    my $force_text_widget = shift || '';    # pod or text

    my $help_frame = $cw->Frame();

    return $help_frame unless $force_text_widget or $help;

    $help_frame->Label( -text => $help_label, )->pack( -anchor => 'w' );

    my $widget;
    chomp $help;

    #    if (  $force_text_widget eq 'pod' or $help =~ /\n=\w+|[A-Z]</ ) {
    if ( $force_text_widget or $help =~ /\n/ or length($help) > 50 ) {
        $widget = $help_frame->PodText( -height => 6, -scrollbars => 'oe' );
        $cw->update_help( $widget, $help );

    # elsif ($force_text_widget or $help =~ /\n/ or length($help) > 50) {
    # $widget = $help_frame->Scrolled('ROText',
    # -scrollbars => 'ow',
    # -wrap => 'word',
    # -font => $text_font ,
    # -relief => 'ridge',
    # -height => 4,
    # );
    # $widget ->pack( @fbe1 ) ->insert('end',$help,'help') ;
    # $widget
    # ->tagConfigure(qw/help -lmargin1 2 -lmargin2 2 -rmargin 2/);
    # }
    elsif ( $help =~ /\w/ ) {
        $widget = $help_frame->Label(
            -text    => $help,
            -justify => 'left',
            -font    => $text_font,
            -anchor  => 'w',
            -padx    => $padx,
        )->pack( -fill => 'x' );

    return wantarray ? ( $help_frame, $widget ) : $help_frame;

sub update_help {
    my ( $cw, $w, $help ) = @_;

    # work around RT #67306
    my $t = $cw->toplevel->cget('-title');

sub add_summary {
    my ( $cw, $elt_obj ) = @_;

    my $p    = $elt_obj->parent;
    my $name = $elt_obj->element_name;
    return $cw->add_help( Summary => $p->get_help( summary => $name ) );

sub add_description {
    my ( $cw, $elt_obj ) = @_;

    my $p    = $elt_obj->parent;
    my $name = $elt_obj->element_name;
    return $cw->add_help( Description => $p->get_help( description => $name ) );

sub add_warning {
    my ( $cw, $elt_obj, $usage ) = @_;

    my $frame       = $cw->Frame;       # packed by caller
    my $inner_frame = $frame->Frame;    # packed by update_warning

    my $label_button_frame = $inner_frame->Frame->pack(@fxe1);
    $label_button_frame->Label( -text => 'Issues', )
        ->pack( -anchor => 'w', -side => 'left', -fill => 'x' );

    if ( $usage eq 'edit' ) {
        my $nb_fixes = $elt_obj->has_fixes || 0;

        my $fix_widget = $label_button_frame->Button(
            -text  => "Apply $nb_fixes fixes",
            -state => $nb_fixes ? 'normal' : 'disabled'
        $fix_widget->pack( -anchor => 'e', -side => 'right' );
        $cw->Advertise( fix_widget => $fix_widget );

    my $warn_widget = $inner_frame->Scrolled(
        -scrollbars => 'ow',
        -wrap       => 'word',
        -font       => $text_font,
        -relief     => 'ridge',
        -height     => 4,

    my $err = $elt_obj->error_msg || '';
    $warn_widget->pack(@fbe1)->insert( 'end', $err, 'error' );
    $warn_widget->tagConfigure(qw/error -lmargin1 2 -lmargin2 2 -rmargin 2 -background red/);

    my $msg = $elt_obj->warning_msg || '';
    $msg .= "with " . $elt_obj->has_fixes . " fixes" if $msg;
    $warn_widget->pack(@fbe1)->insert( 'end', $msg, 'warning' );
    $warn_widget->tagConfigure(qw/warning -lmargin1 2 -lmargin2 2 -rmargin 2 -background orange/);

    $logger->debug( "creating warning widget"
            . ( $err ? " with errors"   : '' )
            . ( $msg ? " with warnings" : '' ) );

    $cw->Advertise( warn_widget => $warn_widget );
    $cw->Advertise( warn_frame  => $inner_frame );


    return $frame;

sub update_warning {
    my ( $cw, $elt_obj ) = @_;

    my $wf = $cw->Subwidget('warn_frame');
    my $ww = $cw->Subwidget('warn_widget');
    my $fw = $cw->Subwidget('fix_widget');

    $ww->delete( '0.0', 'end' );

    my $err = $elt_obj->error_msg || '';
    $ww->insert( 'end', $err, 'error' ) if $err;

    my $msg .= $elt_obj->warning_msg || '';
    if ( ref($msg) eq 'HASH' ) {
        $msg = join( '', map { join( "\n\t", @{ $msg->{$_} } ) } sort keys %$msg );
    $ww->insert( 'end', $msg, 'warning' ) if $msg;

    $logger->debug( "updating warning widget"
            . ( $err ? " with errors"   : '' )
            . ( $msg ? " with warnings" : '' ) );

    if ( $msg or $err ) {

        if ( $msg and defined $fw ) {
            my $nb_fixes = $elt_obj->has_fixes;
                -text    => "Apply $nb_fixes fixes",
                -command => sub {
                -state => $nb_fixes ? 'normal' : 'disabled'
    else {

# returns a widget that must be packed
sub add_annotation {
    my ( $cw, $obj ) = @_;

    return $cw->add_help( 'Note', $obj->annotation );

sub add_editor_button {
    my ( $cw, $path ) = @_;

    my $sub = sub {
        $cw->parent->parent->parent->parent->create_element_widget( edit => $path );
    return $cw->Button( -text => 'Edit ...', -command => $sub );

# do nothing by default
sub reload { }
