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# This file is part of Config-Model-TkUI
# This software is Copyright (c) 2008-2016 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
package Config::Model::Tk::ListViewer;
$Config::Model::Tk::ListViewer::VERSION = '1.360';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

use base qw/Tk::Frame Config::Model::Tk::AnyViewer/;
use subs qw/menu_struct/;

Construct Tk::Widget 'ConfigModelListViewer';

my @fbe1 = qw/-fill both -expand 1/;
my @fxe1 = qw/-fill x    -expand 1/;
my @fx   = qw/-fill    x /;

sub ClassInit {
    my ( $cw, $args ) = @_;

    # ClassInit is often used to define bindings and/or other
    # resources shared by all instances, e.g., images.

    # cw->Advertise(name=>$widget);

sub Populate {
    my ( $cw, $args ) = @_;
    my $list = $cw->{list} = delete $args->{-item}
        || die "ListViewer: no -item, got ", keys %$args;
    my $path = delete $args->{-path}
        || die "ListViewer: no -path, got ", keys %$args;

    $cw->add_header( View => $list )->pack(@fx);

    my $inst = $list->instance;

    my $elt_frame = $cw->Frame(qw/-relief raised -borderwidth 2/)->pack(@fbe1);
    my $str       = $list->element_name . ' ' . $list->get_type . ' elements';
    $elt_frame->Label( -text => $str )->pack();

    my $rt = $elt_frame->Scrolled( 'ROText', -height => 10, )->pack(@fbe1);

    my @insert =
          $list->cargo_type eq 'leaf'
        ? $list->fetch_all_values( check => 'no' )
        : $list->fetch_all_indexes;
    foreach my $c (@insert) {
        my $line = defined $c ? $c : '<undef>';
        $rt->insert( 'end', $line . "\n" );

    $cw->add_warning( $list, 'view' )->pack(@fx);

    $cw->add_info_button()->pack( -side => 'left', @fxe1 );
    $cw->add_editor_button($path)->pack( -side => 'right', @fxe1 );


sub get_info {
    my $cw         = shift;
    my $info_frame = shift;

    my $list = $cw->{list};

    my @items = (
        'type : ' . $list->get_type,
        'index : ' . $list->index_type,
        'cargo : ' . $list->cargo_type,

    if ( $list->cargo_type eq 'node' ) {
        push @items, "cargo class: " . $list->config_class_name;

    if ( $list->cargo_type eq 'leaf' ) {
        push @items, "leaf value type: " . ( $list->get_cargo_info('value_type') || '' );

    foreach my $what (qw/min_index max_index/) {
        my $v   = $list->$what();
        my $str = $what;
        $str =~ s/_/ /g;
        push @items, "$str: $v" if defined $v;

    return $list->element_name, @items;
