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# This file is part of Config-Model-Xorg
# This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
package Config::Model::Backend::Xorg ;
  $Config::Model::Backend::Xorg::VERSION = '1.106';
use Any::Moose ;
use Carp ;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);
extends 'Config::Model::Backend::Any';

with 'Config::Model::Backend::Xorg::Read'; 
with 'Config::Model::Backend::Xorg::Write'; 

my $logger = get_logger("Backend::Xorg") ;

sub suffix { return 'conf' ; }

sub annotation { return 0 ;}

sub read {
    my $self = shift ;
    my %args = @_ ;

    # args are:
    # object     => $obj,         # Config::Model::Node object 
    # root       => './my_test',  # fake root directory, userd for tests
    # config_dir => /etc/foo',    # absolute path 
    # file       => 'foo.conf',   # file name
    # file_path  => './my_test/etc/foo/foo.conf' 
    # io_handle  => $io           # IO::File object
    # check      => yes|no|skip

    return 0 unless defined $args{io_handle} ; # no file to read
    my $check = $args{check} || 'yes' ;

    my @lines = $args{io_handle}->getlines ;

    my $idx = 0 ;
    # store also input line number
    map {s/#.*$//; s/^\s*//; s/\s+$//; $_ = [ "line ".$idx++ ,$_ ]} @lines ;
    my @raw_xorg_conf = grep { $_->[1] !~ /^\s*$/ ;} @lines;
    chomp @raw_xorg_conf ;

    #print Dumper(\@raw_xorg_conf); exit ;
    my $data = parse_raw_xorg(\@raw_xorg_conf) ;

    #return $data if $test ;
    #print Dumper($data); exit ;

    parse_all($data, $args{object}) ;
    return 1;

sub write {
    my $self = shift ;
    my %args = @_ ;

    # args are:
    # object     => $obj,         # Config::Model::Node object 
    # root       => './my_test',  # fake root directory, userd for tests
    # config_dir => /etc/foo',    # absolute path 
    # file       => 'foo.conf',   # file name
    # file_path  => './my_test/etc/foo/foo.conf' 
    # io_handle  => $io           # IO::File object
    # check      => yes|no|skip

    my $ioh = $args{io_handle} ;
    my $node = $args{object} ;

    croak "Undefined file handle to write" unless defined $ioh;

    my $a_ref = write_all( $args{object} ) ;
    $ioh->say( map {"$_\n"} @$a_ref )  ;
    return 1;

no Any::Moose ;
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable ;



=head1 NAME

Config::Model::Backend::Xorg - Read and write config from xorg.conf file

=head1 VERSION

version 1.106


No synopsis. This class is dedicated to C<Xorg> configuration class.


This module is used directly by L<Config::Model> to read or write the
content of a configuration tree written with C<xorg> syntax in
a C<Config::Model> configuration tree. Typically this backend will 
be used to read and write C</etc/X11/xorg.conf>.

=head1 STOP

The documentation below describes methods that are currently used only by 
L<Config::Model>. You don't need to read it to write a model.


=head2 new ( node => $node_obj, name => 'fstab' ) ;

Inherited from L<Config::Model::Backend::Any>. The constructor will be
called by L<Config::Model::AutoRead>.

=head2 read ( io_handle => ... )

Of all parameters passed to this read call-back, only C<io_handle> is
used. This parameter must be L<IO::File> object already opened for

It can also be undef. In this case, C<read()> will return 0.

When a file is read,  C<read()> will return 1.

=head2 write ( io_handle => ... )

Of all parameters passed to this write call-back, only C<io_handle> is
used. This parameter must be L<IO::File> object already opened for

C<write()> will return 1.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)

=head1 SEE ALSO

