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package Puppet::VcsTools::File ;
use Carp;
use strict;
use Puppet::Show ;
use base 'VcsTools::File' ;

use vars qw($VERSION);

use AutoLoader qw/AUTOLOAD/ ;

$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 1.3 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;

## Generic part

sub new
    my $type = shift ;
    my %args = @_ ;
    local $_;

    my $self = {};

    $self->{body} = new Puppet::Show
       cloth => $self,
       podName => 'Puppet::VcsTools::File',
       podSection => 'WIDGET USAGE',
      ) ;

    if (defined $args{storageArgs})
        # transition code, should be removed sooner or later
        carp "new $type $args{name}: storageArgs is deprecated";
    elsif (defined $args{storage})
        # we will keep only this parameter
        $self->{storage}= $args{storage};
        croak ("No storage arg passed to $type::$self->{name}\n")
    # this will also be deprecated sooner or later
    $self->{usage} = $args{usage} || 'File' ;
    # vcs agent
    if (defined $args{vcsClass})
    elsif (defined  $args{vcsAgent})
        croak ("No vcsAgent passed to $type::$self->{name}\n")

    # mandatory parameter
    foreach (qw/name dataScanner logEditor topTk workDir/)
        die "No $_ passed to $type::$self->{name}\n" unless 
          defined $args{$_};
        $self->{$_} = delete $args{$_} ;
    # optional parameter
    foreach (qw/test/)
        $self->{$_} = delete $args{$_} ;

    $self->{trace} = $args{trace} || 0 ;
    $self->{workDir} .= '/' unless $self->{workDir} =~ m!/$! ;

    bless $self,$type ;
    return $self;




=head1 NAME

Puppet::VcsTools::File - Tk GUI for VCS file management


 use Tk ;
 use Puppet::VcsTools::File;
 use Puppet::VcsTools::HistEdit;
 use VcsTools::LogParser ;
 use VcsTools::DataSpec::HpTnd qw($description readHook);
 use Fcntl ;
 use MLDBM qw(DB_File);

 my %dbhash;
 tie %dbhash,  'MLDBM',    $file , O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0640 or die $! ;

 my $ds = new VcsTools::LogParser
   description => $description,
   readHook => \&readHook
  ) ;

 my $mw = MainWindow-> new ;
 $mw->withdraw ;

 my $he = $mw->LogEditor( 'format' => $ds) ;

 my $fileO = new Puppet::VcsTools::File 
   dbHash => \%dbhash,
   keyRoot => 'root',
   vcsClass => 'VcsTools::HmsAgent',
   vcsArgs => 
    hmsHost => 'hptnofs',
    hmsBase => 'test_integ'
   name => $tfile,
   workDir => $ENV{'PWD'},
   dataScanner => $ds,
   logEditor => $he,
   'topTk' => $mw

 $fileO -> display( master => 1);

 MainLoop ;


This class provides a GUI to the L<VcsTools::File> class. 

The widget provides all the functionnalities to edit, archive, lock, 
unlock, change the mode of a file.

The widget also provide an 'open history' menu to call the 
L<Puppet::VcsTools::History> widget which will let you work on the 
history of a file. Moreover, this widget will let you edit the
log a each version of a file, if you want to modify it.

=head1 CAVEATS

The file B<must> contain the C<$Revision: 1.3 $> VCS keyword.


The File widget contains a sub-window featuring:

=over 4

=item *

A revision label to indicate the revision of the current file.

=item *

A 'writable' check button, which indicated the status of the file and is able
to change its mode.

=item *

A 'locked'check button, which indicated the lock status of the file and is able
to change its lock.


By default, all these menus and buttons are disabled until the user
performs a File->check through the menu.

The File menu contains several commands :

=over 4

=item *

open history: Will open the history menu.

=item *

check: to get the revision, mode, and lock status of the current file.

=item *

archive: to archive the file (Enabled only if the file is writable).

=item *

create archive: to create an archive of the file (Enabled only if the file 
is writable and the archive does not exist).

=item *

edit: to edit the file (Enabled only if the file is writable or if the file
does not yet exist).


The File object will add some functionnalities to the History object while
opening it :

=over 4

=item *

A 'merge' global menu: To perform a merge on 2 selected revision.

=item *

A 'show diff' global menu: To show a diff between 2 selected revision.

=item *

Button 2 is bound to arrows to show the diff between the 2 revisions next
to the arrow.

=item *

A 'show diff' command is also added to the arrow popup menu.

=item *

Button 2 is bound to nodes to show the content of this revision.

=item *

An 'edit log' entry is added to the popup menu of the nodes and arrows.


=head1 Constructor

=head2 new(...)

Will create a new File object.

Parameters are those of L<VcsTools::File/"new(...)">. plus :

=over 4

=item *

topTk : Tk top window reference.


=head1 Generic methods

See L<VcsTools::File/"check()">

=head2  display()

Will launch a widget for this object.

=head2 archiveFile(...)

See L<VcsTools::File/"archiveFile(...)">.

Feature one more parameter : The user may pass a 'auto' parameter set
to 1 if an interactive archive is not desired. (default 0)

=head1 History handling methods

See L<VcsTools::File/"createHistory()">,  L<VcsTools::File/"edit()">
L<VcsTools::File/"getRevision()">, L<VcsTools::File/"checkWritable()">,
L<VcsTools::File/"chmodFile(...)">, L<VcsTools::File/"writeFile(...)">

=head2 openHistory()

Will create a L<Puppet::VcsTools::History> object for this file and
open its display.

=head1 Handling the real file

See L<VcsTools::File/"createLocalAgent()">,
L<VcsTools::File/"edit()">, L<VcsTools::File/"getRevision()">, 
L<VcsTools::File/"checkWritable()">, L<VcsTools::File/"chmodFile(...)">,

=head1 Handling the VCS part

See L<VcsTools::File/"createVcsAgent()">, L<VcsTools::File/"checkArchive()">,
L<VcsTools::File/"changeLock(...)">, L<VcsTools::File/"checkOut(...)">,
L<VcsTools::File/"getContent(...)">, L<VcsTools::File/"archiveLog(...)">,
L<VcsTools::File/"getHistory()">, L<VcsTools::File/"showDiff(...)">,

=head2 merge(...)

Will open a GUI to merge the 2 revisions. Will use xemacs ediff merge 
to perform the actual merge.

Parameters are :

=over 4

=item *

rev1 : one of the revisions to merge.

=item *

rev2: the other.


The ancestor of rev1 and rev2 will be computed by the L<VcsTools::History>

=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont,

Copyright (c) 1998 Dominique Dumont. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

perl(1), Tk(3), Puppet::Any(3), VcsTools::DataSpec::HpTnd(3), 
VcsTools::Version(3), VcsTools::File(3)


sub display
    my $self = shift ;
    my $top = $self->{body}->display
       onDestroy => sub 
         #print "cleaning up Tk private hash\n";
         print "Whoa there Tk private hash is not defined\n" unless
           defined $self->{tk} ;
         delete $self->{tk};

    return unless defined $top;
    require Tk::Multi::Frame;
    require Tk::Multi::Text;

    # must add a open history command
    # must add menu button related to the graph funcionnality
    # i.e draw, merge, show diff
    # these function will ask for currently selected nodes
       -label => 'check', 
       command => sub {$self->check ;}
      ) ;

    $self->{tk}{openHistButton} = 
         -label => 'open history...', 
         state=> 'disabled',
         command => sub {$self->openHistory;}
        ) ;
    $self->{tk}{createArchiveButton} = 
         -label => 'create archive',
         -state => 'disabled',
         command => sub 
        ) ;

    $self->{tk}{archiveButton} = 
         -label => 'archive...',
         -state => 'disabled',
         command => sub {$self->archiveFile();}
        ) ;

    $self->{tk}{editButton} = 
         -label => 'edit',
         -state => 'disabled',
         command => sub {$self->edit();}
        ) ;

       'type' => 'MultiText', 
       'title' => 'informations',
       side => 'top',
       'hidden' => 0 

    my $f = $top->newSlave
       'type' => 'MultiFrame', 
       'title' => 'file',
       side => 'top'

    require Tk::Checkbutton;
    $f -> Label (text => "File: $self->{name} ") ->  pack(qw/side left/) ;   
    $f -> Label (textvariable => \$self->{status}{source})->pack(qw/side left/) ;
    $f -> Label (text => " ") ->  pack(qw/side left/) ;   
    $f -> Label (textvariable => \$self->{status}{archive})
      ->pack(qw/side left/);

    $self->{tk}{lockButton} = 
      $f -> Checkbutton
         text => 'locked', 
         variable => \$self->{myMode}{locked},
         state => 'disabled',
         command => sub
           my $r = $self->changeLock( lock => $self->{myMode}{locked});
           $self->{myMode}{locked} = 1-  $self->{myMode}{locked} unless 
             defined $r ;
        -> pack(qw/side right/) ;      

    $self->{tk}{writeButton} = 
      $f -> Checkbutton
         text => 'writable', 
         variable => \$self->{myMode}{writable},
         state => 'disabled',
         command => sub
           my $r = $self->chmodFile(writable => $self->{myMode}{writable});
           $self->{myMode}{writable} = 1-$self->{myMode}{writable} unless 
             defined $r ;
        -> pack(qw/side right/) ;      

    $f -> Label (textvariable => \$self->{myMode}{'revision'}) 
      ->  pack(qw/side right/) ;   
    $f -> Label (text => ' revision: ') ->  pack(qw/side right/) ;   
    #added by Bob
    return $top;

# open correct window
# user select archive
# File set up default info array,
# File run editor on default array
# user select archive button
# File checks-in the file and asks history to create new version.

sub archiveFile 
    my $self = shift ;
    my %args = @_ ;

    my $infoRef = $args{info} || {};
    my $version = $args{revision} || $self->{myMode}{revision} ;
    my $auto = defined $args{auto} ? $args{auto} : 0 ;

    my $newRev = $self->prepareArchive(@_);
    return undef unless defined $newRev ;

    my $h = $self->createHistory() ;

    if ($auto)
           revision => $args{revision},
           'info' => $infoRef
          ) ;
        my $top = $self->{body}->myDisplay() || $self->display();

        my $title = "Archiving $self->{name} from $version";
        # create a new multi slave for the archive
        my $f = $top->newSlave ('type' => 'MultiFrame', 'title' => $title);

        my $e = $f -> Entry (textvariable => \$newRev, width=> 6) 
          -> pack (qw/side right fill x expand 1/) ;

        $f -> Label (text => "in version: ") -> pack (side => 'right');

        my $cancelb;
        $f -> Button 
           'text' => 'do archive...',
           'command' => sub 
             $e->configure(state =>'disabled') ;
             $cancelb->configure(state =>'disabled') ;
                name => $self->{name},
                revision => $newRev,
                info => $infoRef
                      revision=> $newRev, 
                      'info' => $infoRef,
                     ) ;
          ) -> pack (side => 'left' ) ;
        $f -> Button 
           'text' => 'show diff',
           'command' => sub 
             my $res = $self-> showDiff( rev1 => $version) ;
             $self->showResult($res) if defined $res;
           'state' => defined $version ? 'normal' : 'disabled'
          ) -> pack (side => 'left' ) ;
        $cancelb = $f -> Button 
           'text' => 'cancel',
           'command' => sub {$top->destroySlave($title) ; }
          ) -> pack (side => 'right' ) ;

# internal
sub showResult
    my $self = shift ;
    my $top = $self->{body}->myDisplay() || $self->display();
    my $text = $top->getSlave('informations');

    $text->clear() ;

    my $ref =shift ;
    my $str = ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY' ? join("\n",@$ref) : $ref ;
    return unless defined $str ;

    $text->insertText($str) ;

# end Generic part

## Handling the history part

sub createHistory 
    my $self = shift ;

    # handles legacy code 
    my @store = defined $self->{storageArgs} ? 
      (storageArgs => $self->{storageArgs}) :
      (storage => $self->{storage}) ;

    if (not defined $self->{body}->getContent('history'))
        require Puppet::VcsTools::History ;
        my $how = $self->{trace} ? 'warn' : undef ;
        my $h = new Puppet::VcsTools::History 
           usage => $self->{usage},
           topTk => $self->{topTk},
           how => $how,
           editor => $self->{logEditor},
           trace => $self->{trace},
           name => 'history',
           title => $self->{name},
           dataScanner => $self->{dataScanner}
        $self->{body}->acquire(body => $h->body());

    return $self->{body}->getContent('history')->cloth();

sub openHistory
    my $self = shift ;

    my $h = $self->createHistory() ;
    # create or raise the display, and then get the display ref
    my $htop =  $h->display  || $h->body()->myDisplay(); 
    my $tree = $h->getTreeGraph() ;

    $tree -> command
       on => 'menu',
       label => 'merge', 
       command => sub 
         my @revs = $tree->getSelectedNodes();
         if (defined @revs and scalar(@revs) == 2) 
             $self->merge ( rev1 => $revs[0], rev2 => $revs[1]);
         else {print scalar(@revs)," nodes selected\n";}
    $tree -> command
       on => 'menu',
       -label => 'reload from archive', 
       command => sub 
    $tree -> command
       on => 'menu',
       -label => 'show diff', 
       command => sub 
         my @revs = $tree->getSelectedNodes();
         if (defined @revs and scalar(@revs) == 2)
             my $res = $self->showDiff
                rev1 => $revs[0],
                rev2 => $revs[1],
             print scalar(@revs)," nodes selected\n";
    my $showDiff = sub 
        my %args = @_ ;
        my $ref = $self->showDiff (rev1 => $args{from} , rev2 => $args{to});
        $h->showResult($ref) ;
      } ;

       button => '<2>',
       color => 'yellow',
       command => $showDiff
       on => 'arrow',
       label => 'show diff',
       command => $showDiff
      ) ;

    # bind button <2> on nodes to show content
       on => 'node',
       label => 'show content',
       command => sub 
         my %args = @_ ;
         my $ref = $self->getContent(revision => $args{nodeId}) ;
         $h->showResult($ref) ;
      ) ;

       on => 'node',
       label => 'check-out',
       command => sub 
         my %args = @_ ;
         my $ref = $self->checkOut(revision => $args{nodeId},lock => 0) ;
         $h->showResult($ref) ;
      ) ;

    my $editLog = sub
         my  %args = @_ ;
         my $rev = $args{to} || $args{nodeId} ;
         $self->checkArchive() ;
         my $iref = $h->getInfo($rev) ;
         my $res = $self->{logEditor}->Show
            name => $self->{name},
            revision => $rev,
            info => $iref
         if ($res)
             # archive Log
                revision => $rev,
                info => $iref

       on => 'arrow', 
       label =>'edit log',
       command => $editLog
      ) if defined $self->{logEditor};

       on => 'node',
       label =>'edit log',
       command => $editLog
      ) if defined $self->{logEditor} ;


# end history part

## Handling the real file part

sub checkWritable
    my $self = shift ;
    my $res =$self->SUPER::checkWritable(@_);
    return undef unless defined $res ;
    $self->updateButtonCfg() ;
    return $res ;

sub checkArchive
    my $self = shift ;
    my $res = $self->SUPER::checkArchive(@_);
    return undef unless defined $res ;
    $self->updateButtonCfg() ;
    return $res ;

sub checkExist
    my $self = shift ;
     my $res =  $self->SUPER::checkExist(@_);
    return undef unless defined $res ;
    $self->updateButtonCfg() ;
    return $res ;

sub updateButtonCfg
    my $self = shift ;
    return unless defined $self->{tk};

    my ($wr,$exist,$locked) = @{$self->{myMode}}{qw/writable exists locked/};
    my $arch = $self->{archive}{exists};

    my $state = (not $exist or ($exist and defined $wr and $wr)) ? 
      'normal' : 'disabled' ;
    $self->{tk}{editButton}->configure(state =>$state ); 

    $state =  $exist ? 'normal' : 'disabled' ;
    $self->{tk}{writeButton}->configure(state => $state) ;

    $state = ($exist and not $arch) ? 'normal' : 'disabled' ;
    $self->{tk}{createArchiveButton}->configure(state => $state) ;
    $state = $arch ? 'normal' : 'disabled' ;
    $self->{tk}{openHistButton}->configure(state => $state) ;

    $state = ($arch and $exist) ? 'normal' : 'disabled' ;
    $self->{tk}{lockButton}->configure(state => $state) ;

    return unless defined $wr ;

    $state = ($arch and $exist and $wr) ? 'normal' : 'disabled' ;
    $self->{tk}{archiveButton}->configure(state => $state) ;

sub chmodFile
    my $self = shift ;
    my $res = $self->SUPER::chmodFile(@_);
    return undef unless defined $res;
    $self->updateButtonCfg() ;
    return $res;


# end real file part

## Handling the archive (VCS) part

sub checkOut
    my $self = shift ;
    my $res=$self->SUPER::checkOut(@_);
    return undef unless defined $res ; 
    $self->updateButtonCfg() ;
    return $res ;

sub checkIn
    my $self = shift ;
    my $res= $self->SUPER::checkIn(@_);
    return undef unless defined  $res ; 
    $self->updateButtonCfg() ;
    return $res ;

sub changeLock
    my $self = shift ;
    my $res= $self->SUPER::changeLock(@_);
    return undef unless defined  $res ; 
    $self->updateButtonCfg() ;
    return $res ;

# end VCS part

# pas revue en dessous
sub merge
    my $self = shift ;
    my %args = @_ ;
    my $rev1 = $args{rev1} ;
    my $rev2 = $args{rev2};
    #belowRef is a reference on a scalar containing the revision number of the merged revision.
    #it will be set when the user chooses a version under which it will be merged.
    my $belowRef = $args{belowRef};
    die "$self->{name}::merge rev1 or rev2 are not defined\n" unless 
      defined $rev1 and defined $rev2 ;

    my $top = $self->{body}->myDisplay() || $self->display();
    my $h = $self->createHistory();

    # get rev1 object
    my $obj1 = $h->getVersionObj($rev1) ;
    my $ancestor = $obj1->findAncestor($rev2);

    my $f = $top->newSlave
       'type' => 'MultiFrame', 
       'title' => 'merge file '.$self->{name}

    my $lf = $f -> Frame -> pack ;
    $lf -> Label
      (text => "Merging file $self->{name} $rev1 with $rev2 from $ancestor")
      -> pack (side => 'left') ;

    my ($below, $newRev, $other);
    my ($cancelB, $archiveB, $ediffB, $checkOutB,@belowWidgets)   ;

    my $belowf = $f -> Frame -> pack(fill => 'x') ;
    $belowf ->Label (text => "merge below :") -> pack (side => 'left');

    if ($rev2 ne $ancestor and $rev1 ne $ancestor)
        foreach ($rev1,$rev2)
            # skip stupid choices
            next if ( ($_ eq $rev1 and $rev2 eq $ancestor) or
                      ($_ eq $rev2 and $rev1 eq $ancestor) ) ;

            push @belowWidgets, $belowf -> Radiobutton
               text => $_, 
               value => $_, 
               variable => \$below,
               command => sub 
                 $newRev = $h->guessNewRev($below); 
                 $checkOutB -> configure(state => 'normal');
              ) -> pack (side => 'left');
        $below = $rev1 eq $ancestor ? $rev2 : $rev1 ;
        $newRev = $h->guessNewRev($below); 
        $checkOutB -> configure(state => 'normal');

    $belowf ->Label (text => "in revision : ") -> pack (side => 'left');
    my $e = $belowf -> Entry 
       textvariable => \$newRev,
      ) -> pack (qw/side left expand 1 fill x/ ) ;
    $e->bind('<Return>' => sub{$checkOutB -> configure(state => 'normal');});

    push @belowWidgets, $e ;

    my $buttonf = $f -> Frame -> pack ;

    $cancelB = $buttonf -> Button 
       text => 'cancel' ,
       state => 'normal',
       command => sub 
         $top->destroySlave('merge file '.$self->{name}) ;
         $self->mergeCleanup() ; 
      ) -> pack (side => 'right');

    $checkOutB = $buttonf -> Button 
       text => 'check-out' ,
       state => 'disabled',
       command => sub 
         # must get 1 or 3 files and lock the current file
         $other = $rev1 eq $below ? $rev2 : $rev1 
           unless $rev2 eq $ancestor or $rev1 eq $ancestor  ;

         my $res = $self->setUpMerge(below => $below,
                                     ancestor => $ancestor,
                                     other => $other);
         if (defined $res)
             if ($rev2 eq $ancestor or $rev1 eq $ancestor)
               {$archiveB -> configure(state => 'normal') ;}
               {$ediffB -> configure(state => 'normal') ;}
             $checkOutB -> configure(state => 'disabled') ;
             map($_->configure(state => 'disabled'),@belowWidgets);
             die "Couldn't get files for merge ",shift,"\n";
      ) -> pack (side => 'right');

    $ediffB = $buttonf -> Button
       text => 'ediff' ,
       state => 'disabled',
       command => sub 
         $self->createLocalAgent unless defined $self->{localAgent} ;
         my $res = $self->{localAgent}->merge (%{$self->{mergeFiles}}) ;
         if ($res) {$archiveB->configure(state => 'normal') ;}
         else {die "Ediff failed : ",$self->{localAgent}->error(),"\n";}
      ) -> pack (side => 'right');

    $archiveB = $buttonf -> Button
       text => 'archive merge' ,
       state => 'disabled',
       command =>
         my $info = $h -> buildCumulatedInfo($other,$ancestor);
         #set the variable reference
         $$belowRef = $newRev;
         $info->{mergedFrom} = $other ;
            name => $self->{name},
            revision => $newRev,
            info => $info
                  revision => $newRev,
                  info => $info
         $top->destroySlave('merge file '.$self->{name}) ;
         $self->mergeCleanup() ;
      -> pack (side => 'right');

