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#         FILE:
#  DESCRIPTION:  Catalyst::Wizard
#        FILES:  ---
#         BUGS:  ---
#        NOTES:  ---
#       AUTHOR:  Pavel Boldin (), <>
#      COMPANY:  Domain name registrar

=head1 NAME

This plugin provides same functionallity like Catalyst::Plugin::Wizard but in some more flexible and correct way.



    # create new wizard
    my $wizard = Catalyst::Wizard->new( $c ); 

    # add steps for that wizard
    $wizard->add_steps( -detach => '/user/login', '/user/login_submit' );
    $wizard->add_steps( -last => -redirect => '/user/logout' );

    # mark step to go to next step after this action

    # perform step (calls redirect/detach/forward/whatever)

With Catalyst::Action::Wizard and CatalystX::Wizarded:

    # just appending step
    $c->wizard( '/append_this_step' );

    # just marking as goto_next
    # NOTE: wizards can either 'die' after this (like in detach)
    # or just mark wizard as 'goto_next'

    # adding -last action in wizard (only one added, other 
    # '-last' actions ignored). synonym for -default in C::P::W
    $c->wizard( -last => -redirect => '/logout' )->goto_next;

    # make step back (in case some errors happen)
    $c->wizard->back_to( -redirect => '/append_this_step' );

    # stash into wizard
    my $wizard_stash = $c->wizard->stash;
    $wizard_stash->{parameters} = { %{ $c->req->params } };

    if ( $c->have_wizard ) {

In TT:
    [% c.wizard.id_to_form IF c.have_wizard %]

    [%	# INCORRECT! may (and will) cause errors!
	c.wizard.id_to_form %]

In real application: 
    See L<there|CatalystX::Wizarded>.


This module is for general wizard'ed actions. It may be used with CatalystX::Wizarded and along in separate realization (for example in Controller base)

You can use it for creating mulitpart actions (wizards) in following cases:


=item *

When you need to move some items into another folder, you may:

=over 4

=item *
keep current folders select in session (can have difficulties with duplicate selecting of same folder)

=item *
use it as wizard and keep that info in wizard's stash




package Catalyst::Wizard;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Data::Dumper ();
use URI;
use URI::QueryParam;
use Carp qw/cluck/;

use Scalar::Util;

use constant DEBUG => $ENV{CATALYST_WIZARD_DEBUG} || 0;

if (DEBUG) {
    require Carp;
    Carp->import qw/carp cluck/;

sub DEBUG2 {
    DEBUG >= 2;

our $GOTO_NEXT = "wizard_goto_next\n";

sub _dump {

#  Main object functions

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new($c [, $wizard_id ])

Create wizard object, either new (empty, missing or equal to 'new' C<$wizard_id>)  or loaded from Catalyst::Wizard::wizard_storage.

Note that C<$wizard_id> can also contain step number (splited from wizard_id by C<_>).


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    $class = ref $class || $class;

    my ($c, $my_wizard_id) = @_;

    my $self = {};

    DEBUG2 && cluck();

    DEBUG2 && 
	__PACKAGE__->info("new: $my_wizard_id "._dump([ (caller(0))[0..3] ]));

    if (    $my_wizard_id 
	&&  $my_wizard_id ne 'new'
    ) {
	($my_wizard_id, my $step) = ($my_wizard_id =~ /([0-9a-zA-Z]{32})(?:_(\d+))?/);

	$self = $class->wizard_storage( $c, $my_wizard_id );
	die "No such wizard: $my_wizard_id" unless $self;

	$self->{loaded_from_storage} = 1;

	$self->check_step_number( $c, $step ) if defined $step;

    } else {
	$self = { 
	    wizard_id	    => _create_wizard_id(),
	    steps	    => [],
	    step_number	    => 0,
	    stash	    => {},
	    no_add_step	    => 0,
	    no_step_back    => 0,

	    steps_already_in_wizard => {},

	$self = bless $self, $class;

    $self->load( $c );
    DEBUG2 && cluck(_dump($self));
    return $self;


sub _create_wizard_id {


sub _is_force_add_step {

sub _check_flags {
    my (undef, $args, $new_steps, undef, $flags) = @_;
    if ( $flags->{-last} && @$args ) {
	die "-last should be last in ->wizard call";

    if ( $flags->{-skip} && @$new_steps && ! exists $new_steps->[-1]{skip} ) {
	die "-skip'ed steps should be first in ->wizard call";

sub _get_default_flags {
    return { -force => 0, -last => 0, -skip => 0 };

=for api

Making steps from input of @args, passed from add_steps.
You can redefine following functions to make it behave different:

    returns default flags

$self->_check_flags( \@args, \@new_steps, $step_ref, $flags )
    to check flags

$self->_is_force_add_step( \@args, \@new_steps, $step_ref, $flags )
    should return true if step should added with force (e.g. even if same already exists)

$self->_handle_$1_item( \@args, $step_ref, $flags )
    to handle '-$1' items in \@args


sub _make_steps {
    my $self = shift;

    DEBUG2 && carp($self->{wizard_id});

    my @caller = caller;
    while ( $_[0] && $_[0] eq 'caller' ) {
	@caller = @{ shift() };

    my $caller = join ':', @caller;
    DEBUG2 && $self->info("make_steps caller is $caller");

    my @args = @_;
    my @new_steps;

    my $flags = $self->_get_default_flags;

    while( @args ) {
	my $step = shift @args;
	my $step_hash;

	while ( exists $flags->{$step} ) {
	    $step = shift @args;

	my $step_ref = {};

	if ( $flags->{-last} ) {
	    $step_ref->{last} = 1;

	if ( $flags->{-skip} ) {
	    $step_ref->{skip} = 1;

	if ( $step eq '-forward' || $step eq '-detach' ) {
	    my $step_type = $step;
	    my $step_args = shift @args;
	    my $step_path = $step_args;

	    if ( ref $step_args eq 'ARRAY' ) {
		$step_path = shift @$step_args;

	    %$step_ref = (%$step_ref, 
		step_type   => $step_type,
		path	    => $step_path,

		ref $step_args ? 
		    (args => $step_args) :
	elsif ( $step eq '-sub' || $step eq '-subfixed' ){
	    my $step_type = $step;
	    my $step_args = shift @args;

	    %$step_ref = (%$step_ref,
		step_type   => '-sub',
		args	    => $step_args,
		fixed	    => $step_type =~ m/fixed/o ? 1 : 0,
	elsif ( $step eq '-redirect' || $step !~ m/^-/ ) {
	    my $append_wizard_id = '';

	    if ( $step eq '-redirect' ) {
	       $step = shift @args;
	    else {
		$append_wizard_id = 1;

	    %$step_ref = (%$step_ref,
		step_type	    => '-redirect',
		path		    => $step,
		append_wizard_id    => $append_wizard_id,
	elsif ( $step =~ m/-(.*)/ ) {
	    my $step_type = "_handle_$1_item";

	    die "cannot handle tag $1" unless $self->can($step_type);

	    next unless $self->$step_type( \@args, $step_ref, $flags );

	$self->_check_flags( \@args, \@new_steps, $step_ref, $flags );

	$step_ref->{caller} = $caller;
	$step_ref->{hash}	= md5_hex(_dump($step_ref));

	DEBUG2 && $self->info(qq/step is @{[ _dump($step_ref) ]}\n/);

	if (	$self->_is_force_add_step(  \@args, \@new_steps, 
					    $step_ref, $flags )
	    ||	!exists $self->{steps_already_in_wizard}{ $step_ref->{hash} } ) {

	    push @new_steps, $step_ref;

	$flags = $self->_get_default_flags;

    DEBUG && $self->info("new steps is @{[ _dump( \@new_steps ) ]}");

sub _check_last_step {
    my $self	    = shift;
    my $new_steps   = shift;

    my $check_for_last_step = $new_steps->[-1];

    return  if ! $check_for_last_step->{last};

    # remove and dont add it
    pop @$new_steps;

    # already have last_step
    return  if exists $self->{have_last_step};

    # ok, append that last step for steps
    $self->{have_last_step} = 1;
    push @{ $self->{steps} }, $check_for_last_step;

    # remove hash from it and append in 'already in wizard'
    $self->_add_to_steps_already_in_wizard( [ $check_for_last_step ] );

sub _check_skip_steps {
    my $self	    = shift;
    my $new_steps   = shift;

    # dont skip if some steps remaining
    return if ( $self->{step_number} > @{ $self->{steps} } );

    my $skip_count = grep { delete $_->{skip} } @$new_steps;

    $self->next_step( $skip_count );

sub _add_to_steps_already_in_wizard {
    my $self = shift;
    my $new_steps = shift;

    foreach ( @$new_steps ) {
	$self->{steps_already_in_wizard}{ delete $_->{hash} } = 1;

=head2 $wizard->add_steps( @args )

Add steps from @args.

@args is an array of path for steps with specification of each step:

=over 3

=item I<< (-redirect => 'path') >> or I<'path'>

Redirect to path. If '-redirect' is given, then no action wizard id will 
be append to the redirect URL. Use this for last actions in wizard.

You can append any query parameters to 'path'.

=item I<< (-detach => [ 'path', @step_args ]) >> or I<< (-detach => 'path') >>

Detaches to path.

=item I<< -last => B<[ -forward | -detach | -redirect ]> => 'path' >>

Last step in wizard. Only one (first) '-last' step will be added, all others will be ignored. Note that -last =>  step should be last in ->add_steps call, elsewhere add_steps will throw exception.



sub add_steps {
    my $self = shift;

    return if $self->{no_add_step};

    my @new_steps = $self->_make_steps( caller => [ caller ], @_ );

    $self->_check_last_step( \@new_steps );

    splice @{ $self->{steps} }, $self->{step_number}, 0, @new_steps;
    $self->_add_to_steps_already_in_wizard( \@new_steps );

    $self->_check_skip_steps( \@new_steps );


sub _step {
    my $self = shift;

    if ( exists $self->{step_back} && $self->{step_number} > 0 ) {
	return $self->_step_back();

    return unless exists $self->{steps}[ $self->{step_number} ];

    my $step = $self->{steps}[ $self->{step_number} ];

    $self->next_step($_[0] || 0);


=head2 $wizard->next_step(I<[ $shift_count ]>)

Shift $shift_count steps, or 1 if no $shift_count is given.


sub next_step {
    my $self = shift;
    my $shift = shift;

    $shift = 1 unless defined $shift;

    $self->{step_number} += $shift;

#===  FUNCTION  ================================================================
#         NAME:  _step_back
#      PURPOSE:  Makes step back.
#     COMMENTS:  none

sub _step_back {
    my $self	    = shift;
    my $step_back   = delete $self->{step_back};

    my $path = $step_back->{path};
    my $step_to_go;

    DEBUG && $self->info(_dump($step_back));

    my $i;
    for($i = $self->{step_number} - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
	my $step = $self->{steps}[$i];

#	$self->info _dump($i, $self);

	do { $step_to_go = $step; last } if $step->{path} =~ m{^/?$path$};

    DEBUG && $self->info("cant find step back") unless $step_to_go;
    return unless $step_to_go;

    my (undef, $other) = 
	grep { $_->{path} =~ m{^/?$path$} } 
	    reverse @{ $self->{steps} } [0..$self->{step_number} - 1];

    die "$other remain" if $other;

    my %step_back = (%$step_to_go, 
	step_type => $step_back->{type} || '-redirect');
    $step_back = \%step_back;

    # to the next of current step
    $self->{step_number} = $i; # + 1;

    return $step_back;

=head2 $wizard->uri_for_next 

Returns URI for next step in wizard (if that step is '-redirect').


sub uri_for_next {
    my $self = shift;

    my $step_number = $self->{step_number}; # + 1;

    return if $step_number > $#{ $self->{steps} };

    my $step = $self->{steps}[ $step_number ];

    #$self->info "uri_for_next: "._dump($step);

    return if ( $step->{step_type} ne '-redirect' );

    $step->{uri_for_next} = 1;

    my $path = $self->_get_full_path( $step,
	    append_wizard_step => 1,
    DEBUG && $self->info("uri_for_next return: $path");

    return $path;

sub _mark_goto {
    $_[0]->{goto} = 1;

    # if goto_next and back_to should end executing of wizard
    die $GOTO_NEXT if $_[0]->{die_for_goto};


=head2 $wizard->goto_next

Mark wizard step to be performed.

If $wizard->{die_for_goto} is true will act like detach, throwing $GOTO_NEXT exception.


sub goto_next {
    my $self = shift;

    DEBUG && $self->info( "goto_next: "._dump([ (caller(0))[0..3] ]) );

    $self->_mark_goto if $self->{step_number} <= $#{ $self->{steps} } ;


=head2 $wizard->back_to( B<< [ -redirect | -detach | -forward => ] >> 'path' )

Return to step 'path' which will be performed by original step type or by step type you set as argument.

Will do nothing if none 'path' step if found.


sub back_to {
    my $self = shift;

    my $path = shift;
    my $type;

    return unless $self->{step_number};

    if ( $path eq '-detach' or $path eq '-forward' ) {
	$type = $path;
	$path = shift;

    DEBUG && $self->info( $path, $type );

    my $found_in_passed = do {
	grep { $_->{path} =~ m{^/?$path$} } 
	    reverse @{ $self->{steps} } [0..$self->{step_number} - 1];

    return unless $found_in_passed;

    $self->{step_back} = {
	path => $path,
	type => $type,



=head2 $wizard->perform_step( $c )

Perform step. Function to call when step performing should be done.
(called, for instance, in Catalyst::Action::Wizard _END)


sub perform_step {
    my $self	    = shift;
    my $c	    = shift;

    return unless delete $self->{goto};

    my $step = $self->_step;

    DEBUG && $self->info(_dump($step));

    return unless $step;

    if ( $step->{step_type} eq '-detach' or $step->{step_type} eq '-forward' ) {
	my $step_type = $step->{step_type};
	$step_type =~ s/^-//; #THATS NOT SMILE!

	return $c->$step_type($step->{path}, $step->{args});

    if ( $step->{step_type} eq '-sub' ) {
	return $self->_make_sub_wizard( $c, $step );

    my $path = $self->_get_full_path($step,
	    append_wizard_step => 1,

    # dont call ->save, will be saved in Action::Wizard.

#===  FUNCTION  ================================================================
#         NAME:  _make_sub_wizard
#      PURPOSE:  make sub wizard from record in sub wizard
#   PARAMETERS:  $self, $c, $step
#      RETURNS:  nothing, redirects/detaches/forwards to first step
#		 of subwizard
#       THROWS:  no exceptions

sub _make_sub_wizard {
    my $self		= shift;
    my ($c, $step) = @_;

    my $new_wizard = Catalyst::Wizard->new( $c );

    $new_wizard->add_steps( @{ $step->{args} } );

    # to the next step, for ->_step calling in ->last action
	-last => -redirect => $self->_get_full_path( $self->_step,
		append_wizard_step  => 1,
		append_wizard_id    => 1,

    $new_wizard->{no_add_step} = $step->{fixed};
    $new_wizard->{stash}       = $self->{stash};

    # remove our stash
    $self->save( $c );
    # replace with stash of new_wizard
    $new_wizard->load( $c );

    DEBUG && $self->info("setting wizard for ".$c->action. " ". refaddr( $c->action ));
    $c->req->params->{wid}  = $new_wizard->{wizard_id};
    _current_wizard( $c, $new_wizard );

    DEBUG && $self->info("params: ", $c->req->params->{wid});

    DEBUG && $self->info(
"old wizard: $self->{wizard_id}
new step id: $new_wizard->{wizard_id}");

    # in case it can die
    eval { $new_wizard->goto_next };
    $new_wizard->perform_step( $c );

    # save us, if we reached this point
    $new_wizard->save( $c );

#===  FUNCTION  ================================================================
#         NAME:  _get_full_path
#      PURPOSE:  Gets full path for redirect

sub _get_full_path {
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $step, $options_ref ) = @_;

    $options_ref ||= { 
	append_wizard_step  => 0,
	append_wizard_id    => 1,

    exists $options_ref->{$_} or $options_ref->{$_} = $step->{$_}
			foreach qw(append_wizard_step append_wizard_id);

    my $uri = URI->new( $step->{path} );

    #die if ! $options_ref->{ append_wizard_id }  && $options_ref->{append_wizard_step};

    if ( $options_ref->{ append_wizard_id } ) {
	my $wizard_id = 

	$uri->query_param_append( 'wid' => $wizard_id );

	if (	exists $options_ref->{append_to_uri} 
	    &&	ref $options_ref->{append_to_uri} eq 'HASH') {

	    my $a = $options_ref->{append_to_uri};

	    $uri->query_param_append( $_ => $a->{$_} ) foreach keys %$a;

    DEBUG && $self->short_info($uri->as_string);

    return $uri->as_string;


sub check_step_number {
    my $self	= shift;
    my $c	= shift;
    my $step	= shift;

    DEBUG && $self->info(_dump($step));

    # forward step by redirect + append_wizard_step is ONLY
    # if previous step (ie. from which redirection was) 
    # IS redirection type
    if (    $self->{step_number} + 1 == $step 
	&&  $self->{steps}[
	    ]->{step_type} eq '-redirect') {

	return $self->next_step;

    # back step is only for -redirect steps
    if (    $self->{step_number} > $step 
	&&  $self->{steps}[$step]->{step_type} eq '-redirect' ) {
	return $self->_force_dont_step_back if $self->{no_step_back};

	$self->{step_number} = $step;

sub _force_dont_step_back {
    die "Step back attempt";

=head2 $wizard->stash

Stash accessor.


sub stash {

sub _get_wizard_id {
    my $self = shift;
    my $add_steps = shift;

    my @wizard_id = ($self->{wizard_id});

    push @wizard_id, $self->{step_number} + $add_steps if defined $add_steps;

    return join '_', @wizard_id;

=head2 $wizard->id_to_form

Get wizard id as <input> tag for <FORM>.


sub id_to_form {
    my $self = shift;

    if ($self->{steps}[ $self->{step_number} ]->{uri_for_next}) {
	    '<input type="hidden" name="wid" value="' .
	    . '"/>'."\n";

    $self->{"id_to_form"} ||= 
	'<input type="hidden" name="wid" value="'.


=head2 $wizard->load( $c )

Loads wizard (by default just installs stash).


sub load {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    # all ok, can replace wizard in stash
    if (    ! exists $c->stash->{wizard} 
	||  ! keys %{ $c->stash->{wizard} } ) {
	$c->stash->{wizard} = $self->{stash};
    # user first userd stash->wizard and only then
    # created wizard (by call of $c->wizard)
    # handle it
    elsif ( 
	      keys %{ $c->stash->{wizard} || {} } 
	&&  ! keys %{ $self->{stash} } ) {
	# use it as our own stash
	$self->{stash} = $c->stash->{wizard};
    #else {
    # no else -- we cant have both our and catalyst stash->{wizard}
    # filled, because we ->load'ed in ->new

=head2 $wizard->save( $c )

Save wizard into wizard_storage.

If $c have B<wizard_storage> it will be called with two arguments: wizard id and wizard instance.

Elsewhere default (session) storage will be used.


sub save {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

    DEBUG2 && carp($self->{wizard_id});

    DEBUG && $self->info();

    if ( ! @{ $self->{steps} } ) {
	DEBUG && $self->short_info('dont saving wizard without steps');

    my $wizard_id = $self->{wizard_id};

    if ( $c->can('wizard_storage' ) ) {
	DEBUG2 && $self->info("Calling supported wizard_storage");
	return $c->wizard_storage( $wizard_id => $self );

    delete $c->stash->{wizard};
    return if $self->{loaded_from_storage};

    DEBUG2 && $self->info("save sing session $wizard_id");
    my $storage = $c->session;

    $self->{expires} ||= time + $c->config->{wizard}{expires};
    return if ( $self->{expires} <= time );

    $storage->{_wizards}{$wizard_id} = $self;

=head2 Catalyst::Wizard->wizard_storage( $c, $wizard_id )

Loads $wizard_id from wizard_storage, if can.

First checked if $c can 'wizard_storage'. If yes -- it will be called, else default (session) storage will be used.

Note also that this functions purges old wizards in session.


sub wizard_storage {
    my ( $class, $c, $wizard_id ) = @_;

    if ( $c->can('wizard_storage' ) ) {
	DEBUG2 && $class->info("calling supported wizard_storage");
	return $c->wizard_storage( $wizard_id );

    DEBUG2 && $class->info("calling session: $wizard_id", $c->action."");
    my $storage = $c->session->{_wizards};

    foreach my $wid (keys %$storage) {
	next if ( $storage->{$wid}{expires} > time );

	delete $storage->{$wid};

    if (exists $storage->{$wizard_id}) {
	return $storage->{$wizard_id};


sub _current_wizard {
    my ( $c, $current ) = @_;

    Carp::cluck unless ref $c;

    if ( $c->can('wizard_storage') ) {
	DEBUG2 && __PACKAGE__->
	    info("calling supported wizard_storage for current_wizard");
	return $c->wizard_storage( 'current' => $current );

    DEBUG2 && __PACAKGE__->
	info("using \$c->stash->{_current_wizard} as storage");

    my $storage = $c->stash;

    $storage->{_current_wizard} = $current if defined $current;



sub _dump_self {
    my $self = shift;
    return ($self->{wizard_id}, " ", _dump($self));

sub refaddr($) {
    sprintf "%x", Scalar::Util::refaddr(shift);

=head2 $wizard->info and $wizard->short_info

Prints current wizard info.

short_info omits steps on print.

Note that info will skip all the inherited methods ($self->SUPER::info call).


sub info {
    my $self = shift;

    open my $fh, '>>', '/tmp/logfile';

    my $caller_fun;
    for( my $i = 1; $i == 1 || $caller_fun =~ /::(short_)?info$/; $i++ ) {
	$caller_fun = (caller($i))[3];

    unshift @_, $self->_dump_self, " " if ref $self;
    unshift @_, $caller_fun, " ";

    print $fh @_, "\n";
    close $fh;

sub short_info {
    my $self = shift;
    local $self->{steps} = '...skipped...';

    $self->info( @_ );

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Catalyst::Plugin::Continuation>, L<Catalyst Plugin Wizard (DEPRECATED)|Catalyst::Plugin::Wizard>


=head1 AUTHOR

Pavel Boldin <> for REG.RU.


package # hide from PAUSE

sub goto_next {
    my $self = shift;

    my $c	  = $self->[0];
    my $step_type = $self->[1];
    my $path	  = $self->[2];

    if ( $step_type eq 'detach' or $step_type eq 'forward' ) {
	return $c->$step_type( $path );

    return $c->response->redirect( $path );

