package Net::Whois::Raw;

require 5.008_001;
use Net::Whois::Raw::Common ();
use Net::Whois::Raw::Data ();

use warnings;
use strict;

use Carp;
use IO::Socket;
use Encode;
use utf8;

our @EXPORT = qw( whois get_whois );

our $VERSION = '2.51';

our $CACHE_TIME = 60;
our $SET_CODEPAGE = '';
our $SILENT_MODE = 0;
our (%notfound, %strip, @SRC_IPS, %POSTPROCESS);

our $class = __PACKAGE__;

my $last_cache_clear_time;

sub whois_config {
    my ($par) = @_;
    foreach my $parname (@parnames) {
        if (exists($par->{$parname})) {
            no strict 'refs';
            ${$parname} = $par->{$parname};

sub whois_config_data {
    my $net_whois_raw_data = shift;

    no strict 'refs';

    foreach my $k (keys %$net_whois_raw_data) {
        %{'Net::Whois::Raw::Data::'.$k} = (
            %{ $net_whois_raw_data->{ $k } || {} },

# get cached whois
sub whois {
    my ($dom, $server, $which_whois) = @_;

    $which_whois ||= 'QRY_LAST';

    my $res = Net::Whois::Raw::Common::get_from_cache(
        $dom, $CACHE_DIR, $CACHE_TIME

    my ($res_text, $res_srv, $res_text2);

    if ($res) {
        if ($which_whois eq 'QRY_FIRST') {
            $res_text = $res->[0]->{text};
            $res_srv  = $res->[0]->{srv};
        } elsif ($which_whois eq 'QRY_LAST' || !defined($which_whois)) {
            $res_text = $res->[-1]->{text};
            $res_srv  = $res->[-1]->{srv};
    else {
        ($res_text, $res_srv) = get_whois($dom, $server, $which_whois);

    $res_srv = '' if $res_srv && $res_srv eq 'www_whois';

    if ( defined $res_text && $which_whois ne 'QRY_ALL' ) {
        utf8::decode( $res_text ); # Perl whyly loss utf8 flag

        $res_text = encode( $SET_CODEPAGE, $res_text ) if $SET_CODEPAGE;

    return wantarray ? ($res_text, $res_srv) : $res_text;

# obtain whois
sub get_whois {
    my ($dom, $srv, $which_whois) = @_;
    $which_whois ||= 'QRY_LAST';

    my $whois = get_all_whois($dom, $srv, $which_whois eq 'QRY_FIRST')
        or return undef;

    Net::Whois::Raw::Common::write_to_cache($dom, $whois, $CACHE_DIR);

    if ($which_whois eq 'QRY_LAST') {
        my $thewhois = $whois->[-1];
        return wantarray ? ($thewhois->{text}, $thewhois->{srv}) : $thewhois->{text};
    elsif ($which_whois eq 'QRY_FIRST') {
        my $thewhois = $whois->[0];
        return wantarray ? ($thewhois->{text}, $thewhois->{srv}) : $thewhois->{text};
    else {
        return $whois;

sub get_all_whois {
    my ($dom, $srv, $norecurse) = @_;

    my $is_ns = 0;
    $is_ns = 1 if $dom =~ s/.NS$//i;

    $srv ||= Net::Whois::Raw::Common::get_server( $dom, $is_ns );

    if ($srv eq 'www_whois') {
        my ($responce, $ishtml) = www_whois_query( $dom );
        return $responce ? [ { text => $responce, srv => $srv } ] : $responce;

    my @whois = recursive_whois( $dom, $srv, [], $norecurse, $is_ns );

    my $whois_answers = process_whois_answers( \@whois, $dom );

    return $whois_answers;

sub process_whois_answers {
    my ( $raw_whois, $dom ) = @_;

    my @processed_whois;

    my $level = 0;
    foreach my $whois_rec (@{$raw_whois}) {
        $whois_rec->{level} = $level;
        my ($text, $error) = Net::Whois::Raw::Common::process_whois(
        die $error if $level == 0 && $error && $error eq 'Connection rate exceeded';
        if ($text || $level == 0) {
            $whois_rec->{text} = $text;
            push @processed_whois, $whois_rec;

    return \@processed_whois;

sub _referral_server {

sub recursive_whois {
    my ($dom, $srv, $was_srv, $norecurse, $is_ns) = @_;

    my $lines = whois_query( $dom, $srv, $is_ns );
    my $whois = join("", @{$lines});

    my ($newsrv, $registrar);
    foreach (@{$lines}) {
            $registrar ||= /Registrar/ || /Registered through/;

        if ( $registrar && !$norecurse && /Whois Server:\s*([A-Za-z0-9\-_\.]+)/ ) {
            $newsrv = lc $1;
        elsif ($whois =~ /To single out one record, look it up with \"xxx\",/s) {
            return recursive_whois( "=$dom", $srv, $was_srv );
        elsif (my ($rs) = _referral_server()) {
            $newsrv = $rs;
        elsif (/Contact information can be found in the (\S+)\s+database/) {
            $newsrv = $Net::Whois::Raw::Data::ip_whois_servers{ $1 };
        elsif ((/OrgID:\s+(\w+)/ || /descr:\s+(\w+)/) && Net::Whois::Raw::Common::is_ipaddr($dom)) {
            my $val = $1;
            if($val =~ /^(?:RIPE|APNIC|KRNIC|LACNIC)$/) {
                $newsrv = $Net::Whois::Raw::Data::ip_whois_servers{ $val };
        elsif (/^\s+Maintainer:\s+RIPE\b/ && Net::Whois::Raw::Common::is_ipaddr($dom)) {
            $newsrv = $Net::Whois::Raw::Data::servers{RIPE};
        elsif ( $is_ns && $srv ne $Net::Whois::Raw::Data::servers{NS} ) {
            $newsrv = $Net::Whois::Raw::Data::servers{NS};

    if ($dom =~ /^xn--/i && $newsrv && $Net::Whois::Raw::Data::whois_servers_with_no_idn_support{$newsrv}) {
        # Bypass recursing to WHOIS servers with no IDN support
        $newsrv = undef;

    my @whois_recs = ( { text => $whois, srv => $srv } );
    if ($newsrv && $newsrv ne $srv) {
        warn "recurse to $newsrv\n" if $DEBUG;

        return () if grep {$_ eq $newsrv} @$was_srv;

        my @new_whois_recs = eval { recursive_whois( $dom, $newsrv, [@$was_srv, $srv], 0, $is_ns) };
        my $new_whois = scalar(@new_whois_recs) ? $new_whois_recs[0]->{text} : '';
        my $notfound = $Net::Whois::Raw::Data::notfound{$newsrv};

        if ( $new_whois && !$@ && not ( $notfound && $new_whois =~ /$notfound/im ) ) {
            if ( $is_ns ) {
                unshift @whois_recs, @new_whois_recs;
            else {
                push @whois_recs, @new_whois_recs;
        else {
                warn "recursive query failed\n" if $DEBUG;

    return @whois_recs;

sub whois_query {
    my ($dom, $srv, $is_ns) = @_;

    # Prepare query
    my $whoisquery = Net::Whois::Raw::Common::get_real_whois_query($dom, $srv, $is_ns);

    # Prepare for query

    my (@sockparams, $sock);

    my $srv_and_port = $srv =~ /\:\d+$/ ? $srv : "$srv:43";
    if ($class->can ('whois_query_sockparams')) {
        @sockparams = $class->whois_query_sockparams ($dom, $srv);
    # hook for outside defined socket
    elsif ($class->can ('whois_query_socket')) {
        $sock = $class->whois_query_socket ($dom, $srv);
    elsif (scalar(@SRC_IPS)) {
        my $src_ip = $SRC_IPS[0];
        push @SRC_IPS, shift @SRC_IPS; # rotate ips
        @sockparams = (PeerAddr => $srv_and_port, LocalAddr => $src_ip);
    else {
        @sockparams = $srv_and_port;

    print "QUERY: $whoisquery; SRV: $srv, ".
            "CACHE_TIME: $CACHE_TIME, TIMEOUT: $TIMEOUT\n" if $DEBUG >= 2;

    my $prev_alarm = undef;
    my $t0 = time();

    my @lines;

    # Make query

        local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die "Connection timeout to $srv" };
        eval {

            $prev_alarm = alarm $TIMEOUT if $TIMEOUT;

                $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(@sockparams) || die "$srv: $!: ".join(', ', @sockparams);

            if ($class->can ('whois_socket_fixup')) {
                my $new_sock = $class->whois_socket_fixup ($sock);
                $sock = $new_sock if $new_sock;

            if ($DEBUG > 2) {
                require Data::Dumper;
                print "Socket: ". Data::Dumper::Dumper($sock);

            $sock->print( $whoisquery, "\r\n" );
            # TODO: $soc->read, parameters for read chunk size, max content length
            # Now you can redefine SOCK_CLASS::getline method as you want
            while (my $str = $sock->getline) {
                push @lines, $str;
            local $@; # large code block below, so preserve previous exception.
            if (defined $prev_alarm) { # if we ever set new alarm
                if ($prev_alarm == 0) { # there was no alarm previously
                    alarm 0; # clear it
                } else { # there was an alarm previously
                    $prev_alarm -= (time()- $t0); # try best to substract time elapsed
                    $prev_alarm = 1 if $prev_alarm < 1; # we still need set it to something non-zero
                    alarm $prev_alarm; # set it
        Carp::confess $@ if $@;

    foreach (@lines) { s/\r//g; }

    print "Received ".scalar(@lines)." lines\n" if $DEBUG >= 2;

    return \@lines;

sub www_whois_query {
    my ($dom) = (lc shift);

    my ($resp, $url);
    my ($name, $tld) = Net::Whois::Raw::Common::split_domain( $dom );

    my $http_query_urls = Net::Whois::Raw::Common::get_http_query_url($dom);

    foreach my $qurl ( @{$http_query_urls} ) {

        # load-on-demand
        unless ($INC{'LWP/'}) {
            require LWP::UserAgent;
            require HTTP::Request;
            require HTTP::Headers;
            require URI::URL;
            import LWP::UserAgent;
            import HTTP::Request;
            import HTTP::Headers;
            import URI::URL;

        my $referer = delete $qurl->{form}{referer} if $qurl->{form} && defined $qurl->{form}{referer};
        my $method = ( $qurl->{form} && scalar(keys %{$qurl->{form}}) ) ? 'POST' : 'GET';

    my $ua;

    # hook for outside defined lwp
    if ($class->can ('whois_query_ua')) {
        $ua = $class->whois_query_ua ($dom);

        $ua = new LWP::UserAgent( parse_head => 0 );
        $ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/2008121622 Fedora/3.0.5-1.fc10 Firefox/3.0.5');
        my $header = HTTP::Headers->new;
        $header->header('Referer' => $referer) if $referer;
        my $req = new HTTP::Request $method, $qurl->{url}, $header;

        if ($method eq 'POST') {
            require URI::URL;
            import URI::URL;

            my $curl = url("http:");
            $curl->query_form( %{$qurl->{form}} );
            $req->content( $curl->equery );

        $resp = eval {
            local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "www_whois connection timeout" };
            alarm 10;
        alarm 0;

        if ( !$resp || $@ || $resp =~ /www_whois connection timeout/ || $resp =~ /^500 Can\'t connect/ ) {
            undef $resp;
        else {
            $url = $qurl->{url};

    return undef unless $resp;

    chomp $resp;
    $resp =~ s/\r//g;

    my $ishtml;

    $resp = Net::Whois::Raw::Common::parse_www_content($resp, $tld, $url, $CHECK_EXCEED);

    return wantarray ? ($resp, $ishtml) : $resp;

sub import {
    my $mypkg = shift;
    my $callpkg = caller;

    no strict 'refs';

    # export subs
    *{"$callpkg\::$_"} = \&{"$mypkg\::$_"} foreach ((@EXPORT, @_));


=head1 NAME

Net::Whois::Raw -- Get Whois information for domains


  use Net::Whois::Raw;

  $dominfo = whois('');
  ($dominfo, $whois_server) = whois('');
  $reginfo = whois('REGRU-REG-RIPN', '');

  $arrayref = get_whois('', undef, 'QRY_ALL');
  $text = get_whois('', undef, 'QRY_LAST');
  ($text, $srv) = get_whois('', undef, 'QRY_FIRST');

  $Net::Whois::Raw::OMIT_MSG = 1;
	# This will attempt to strip several known copyright
        # messages and disclaimers sorted by servers.
        # Default is to give the whole response.

  $Net::Whois::Raw::CHECK_FAIL = 1;
	# This will return undef if the response matches
        # one of the known patterns for a failed search,
        # sorted by servers.
        # Default is to give the textual response.

  $Net::Whois::Raw::CHECK_EXCEED = 1;
	# When this option is set, "die" will be called
        # if connection rate to specific whois server have been
        # exceeded

  $Net::Whois::Raw::CACHE_DIR = "/var/spool/pwhois/";
	# Whois information will be
        # cached in this directory. Default is no cache.

  $Net::Whois::Raw::CACHE_TIME = 60;
	# Cache files will be cleared after not accessed
        # for a specific number of minutes. Documents will not be
        # cleared if they keep get requested for, independent
        # of disk space.

  $Net::Whois::Raw::TIMEOUT = 10;
	# Cancel the request if connection is not made within
        # a specific number of seconds.

  @Net::Whois::Raw::SRC_IPS = (;
	# List of local IP addresses to
	# use for WHOIS queries. Addresses will be used used
	# successively in the successive queries

  $Net::Whois::Raw::POSTPROCESS{} = \&my_func;
        # Call to a user-defined subroutine on whois result,
        # depending on whois-server.
        # Above is equil to:
        # ($text, $srv) = whois('');
        # $text = my_func($text) if $srv eq '';


Net::Whois::Raw queries WHOIS servers about domains.
The module supports recursive WHOIS queries.
Also queries via HTTP is supported for some TLDs.

Setting the variables $OMIT_MSG and $CHECK_FAIL will match the results
against a set of known patterns. The first flag will try to omit the
copyright message/disclaimer, the second will attempt to determine if
the search failed and return undef in such a case.

B<IMPORTANT>: these checks merely use pattern matching; they will work
on several servers but certainly not on all of them.


=over 3

=item whois( DOMAIN [, SRV [, WHICH_WHOIS]] )

Returns Whois information for C<DOMAIN>.
Without C<SRV> argument default Whois server for specified domain name
zone will be used. Use 'www_whois' as server name to force
WHOIS querying via HTTP (only few TLDs are supported in HTTP queries).
Caching is supported: if $CACHE_DIR variable is set and there is cached
entry for that domain - information from the cache will be used.
C<WHICH_WHOIS> argument - look get_whois docs below.

=item get_whois( DOMAIN [, SRV [, WHICH_WHOIS]] )

Lower-level function to query Whois information for C<DOMAIN>.
Caching IS NOT supported (caching is implemented only in higher-level
C<whois> function).
Without C<SRV> argument default Whois server for specified domain name
zone will be used.
C<WHICH_WHOIS> argument is used to access a results if recursive queries;
possible values:

    returns results of the first query. Non't make recursive queries.
    In scalar context returns just whois text.
    In list context returns two values: whois text and whois server
    which was used to make query).

    returns results of the last query.
    In scalar context returns just whois text.
    In list context returns two values: whois text and whois server
    which was used to make query).
    This is the default option.

C<'QRY_ALL'> -
    returns results of the all queries of the recursive chain.
    Reference to array of references to hashes is returned.
    Hash keys: C<text> - result of whois query, C<srv> -
    whois server which was used to make query.



=over 3

=item whois_query_sockparams( DOMAIN, SRV )

You can set your own IO::Socket::INET params like this:

    *Net::Whois::Raw::whois_query_sockparams = sub {
        my $class  = shift;
        my $domain = shift;
        my $name   = shift;

        return (
            PeerAddr => $name,
            PeerPort => 43,
            # LocalHost => ,
            # LocalPort =>

=item whois_query_socket( DOMAIN, SRV )

You can set your own IO::Socket::INET like this:

    *Net::Whois::Raw::whois_query_socket = sub {
        my $class  = shift;
        my $domain = shift;
        my $name   = shift;

        $name .= ':43';
        return IO::Socket::INET->new();

=item whois_query_ua( DOMAIN, SRV )

You can set your own LWP::UserAgent like this:

    *Net::Whois::Raw::whois_query_ua = sub {
        my $class  = shift;
        my $domain = shift;

        return LWP::UserAgent->new();


=head1 AUTHOR

Original author Ariel Brosh B<>,
Inspired by available on the net.

Since Ariel has passed away in September 2002:

Past maintainers Gabor Szabo B<>,
Corris Randall B<>

Current Maintainer: Walery Studennikov B<>

=head1 CREDITS

See file "Changes" in the distribution for the complete list of contributors.

=head1 CHANGES

See file "Changes" in the distribution

=head1 NOTE

Some users complained that the B<die> statements in the module make their
CGI scripts crash. Please consult the entries on B<eval> and
B<die> on L<perlfunc> about exception handling in Perl.


Copyright 2000--2002 Ariel Brosh.
Copyright 2003--2003 Gabor Szabo.
Copyright 2003--2003 Corris Randall.
Copyright 2003--now() Walery Studennikov.

This package is free software. You may redistribute it or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.

I apologize for any misunderstandings caused by the lack of a clear
licence in previous versions.


Not available anymore.

=head1 LEGAL

Notice that registrars forbid querying their whois servers as a part of
a search engine, or querying for a lot of domains by script.
Also, omitting the copyright information (that was requested by users of this
module) is forbidden by the registrars.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<pwhois>, L<whois>.
