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package App::JobLog::Command::summary;
  $App::JobLog::Command::summary::VERSION = '1.029';

# ABSTRACT: show what you did during a particular period

use App::JobLog -command;
use Modern::Perl;
use Class::Autouse qw(
use autouse 'App::JobLog::TimeGrammar'  => qw(parse daytime);
use autouse 'Carp'                      => qw(carp);
use autouse 'Getopt::Long::Descriptive' => qw(prog_name);
use autouse 'App::JobLog::Config'       => qw(
use autouse 'App::JobLog::Log::Format' => qw(
use autouse 'App::JobLog::Log::Synopsis' => qw(
use autouse 'App::JobLog::Time' => qw(today);

sub execute {
    my ( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_;

    my $tags          = $opt->{tag}         || [];
    my $excluded_tags = $opt->{exclude_tag} || [];
    my $match         = $opt->{match}       || [];
    my $no_match      = $opt->{no_match}    || [];
    my $time          = $opt->{time};

    # validate regexes, if any, while generating test

 # NOTE: using $opt->{x} form rather than $opt->x to facilitate invoking summary
 # from today command

    my $test = _make_test( $tags, $excluded_tags, $match, $no_match, $time );
    my $merge_level;
    for ( $opt->{merge} || '' ) {
        when ('no_merge') {
            $merge_level = MERGE_NONE
        when ('merge_all') {
            $merge_level = MERGE_ALL
        when ('merge_adjacent') {
            $merge_level = MERGE_ADJACENT
        when ('merge_adjacent_same_tags') {
            $merge_level = MERGE_ADJACENT_SAME_TAGS
        when ('merge_same_tags') {
            $merge_level = MERGE_SAME_TAGS
        when ('merge_same_day') {
            $merge_level = MERGE_SAME_DAY
        when ('merge_same_day_same_tags') {
            $merge_level = MERGE_SAME_DAY_SAME_TAGS
        default {

            # some dark wizardry here
            my $m = uc merge;
            $m =~ s/ /_/g;
            $m           = \&{"MERGE_$m"};
            $merge_level = &$m;
    my $dateless = $merge_level == MERGE_ALL || $merge_level == MERGE_SAME_TAGS;
    if (
        && ( $dateless || $opt->{no_date} || is_hidden('date') )
        && (   !single_interval($merge_level)
            || $opt->{no_time}
            || is_hidden('time') )
        && ( $opt->{no_duration}    || is_hidden('duration') )
        && ( $opt->{no_tags}        || is_hidden('tags') )
        && ( $opt->{no_description} || is_hidden('description') )
        $self->usage_error('you have chosen not to display anything');

    # record hiding options in hash reference
    my $hidden = {
        vacation => $opt->{no_vacation} || $opt->{notes},
        date => $dateless || $opt->{no_date} || is_hidden('date'),
        time => $opt->{no_time} || is_hidden('time'),
        duration => $opt->{notes}
          || $opt->{no_duration}
          || is_hidden('duration'),
        tags        => $opt->{no_tags}        || is_hidden('tags'),
        description => $opt->{no_description} || is_hidden('description'),
        totals      => $opt->{notes}          || $opt->{no_totals},

    # parse time expression
    my ( $days, $show_year );
    eval {
        ( $days, $show_year ) = summary join( ' ', @$args ), $test, $hidden,
    $self->usage_error($@) if $@;
    unless ( $opt->{hidden} ) {

        # figure out how wide to make things
        my $screen_width;
        if ( $opt->{wrap} ) {
            if ( $opt->{no_wrap} ) {
                $screen_width = -1;
            else {
                $screen_width = $opt->columns;
        else {
            $screen_width = columns;
        if ($dateless) {

            # create "day" containing all events
            my $duck_day = App::JobLog::Log::Day->new(
                start   => $days->[0]->start->clone,
                end     => $days->[$#$days]->end->clone,
                no_date => 1,
            for my $d (@$days) {
                push @{ $duck_day->events },   @{ $d->events };
                push @{ $duck_day->vacation }, @{ $d->vacation };
            display [$duck_day], $merge_level, $hidden, $screen_width;
        else {
            display $days, $merge_level, $hidden, $screen_width, $show_year;

        # check for long task
        my ($last_e) = App::JobLog::Log->new->last_event;
        if ( $last_e && $last_e->is_open ) {
            my ( $then, $today ) = ( $last_e->start, today );
            if (
                       $then->year == $today->year
                    && $then->month == $today->month
                    && $then->day == $today->day
                print <<END;

WARNING! The last event in the log has been open since before 12:00 am today!


# Construct a test from the tags, excluded-tags, match, no-match, and time options.
# The test determines what portion of what events are included in synopses.
sub _make_test {
    my ( $tags, $excluded_tags, $match, $no_match, $time ) = @_;

    my %tags          = map { $_ => 1 } @$tags;
    my %excluded_tags = map { $_ => 1 } @$excluded_tags;
    my @no_match = map { _re_test($_); qr/$_/ } @$no_match;
    my @match    = map { _re_test($_); qr/$_/ } @$match;
    $time = _parse_time($time);
    return unless %tags || %excluded_tags || @no_match || @match || $time;

    my $test = sub {
        my ($e) = @_;
        if ( %tags || %excluded_tags ) {
            my $good = !%tags;
            for my $t ( @{ $e->tags } ) {
                return if $excluded_tags{$t};
                $good ||= $tags{$t};
            return unless $good;
        if ( @no_match || @match ) {
            my $good = !@match;
            for my $d ( @{ $e->data->description } ) {
                for my $re (@no_match) {
                    return if $d =~ $re;
                unless ($good) {
                    for my $re (@match) {
                        $good = $d =~ $re;
                        last if $good;
            return unless $good;
        if ($time) {
            my $start = $e->start->clone->set( %{ $time->{start} } );
            my $end   = $e->end->clone->set( %{ $time->{end} } );
            return $e->overlap( $start, $end );
        return $e;
    return $test;

# look for regular expressions with side effects
sub _re_test {
    carp 'regex ' . $_[0] . '" appears to contain executable code'
      if $_[0] =~ /\(\?{1,2}{/;

# parse time expressions
our ( $b1, $b2 );
my $time_re = qr/
  ^ \s*+ (?&start) (?&end) \s*+ $
    (?<start> (?&ba) | (?&time) )
    (?<ba> (?:(?&before)|(?&after)) \s*+)
    (?<before> (?: b(?:e(?:f(?:o(?:r(?:e)?)?)?)?)? | < ) (?{$b1 = 'before'}))
    (?<after> (?: a(?:f(?:t(?:e(?:r)?)?)?)? | > ) (?{$b1 = 'after'}))
    (?<time> (.*?) \s*+ - \s*+ (?{$b1 = $^N}))
    (?<end> (\S.*) (?{$b2 = $^N}))

sub _parse_time {
    my ($time) = @_;
    local ( $b1, $b2 );
    return unless $time;
    if ( $time =~ $time_re ) {
        my ( $t1, $t2 );
        for ($b1) {
            when ('before') {
                $t1 = {
                    hour     => 0,
                      minute => 0,
                      second => 0
                $t2 = { daytime $b2 };
            when ('after') {
                $t1 = {
                    daytime $b2
                $t2 = {
                    hour   => 23,
                    minute => 59,
                    second => 59
            default {
                $t1 = {
                    daytime $b1
                $t2 = { daytime $b2 };
        if (   $t2->{hour} < $t1->{hour}
            || $t2->{minute} < $t1->{minute}
            || $t2->{second} < $t1->{second} )
            if ( $t2->{suffix} && $t2->{suffix} eq 'x' ) {
                $t2->{hour} += 12;
            else {
                carp '"' . $time
                  . '" invalid time expression: endpoints out of order';
        delete $t1->{suffix}, delete $t2->{suffix};
        return { start => $t1, end => $t2 };

sub usage_desc { '%c ' . __PACKAGE__->name . ' %o <date or date range>' }

sub abstract {
    'list tasks with certain properties in a particular time range';

sub full_description {
List events or notes with certain properties in a particular time range. Only the notes or
portions of events falling within the range will be listed.

Events and notes may be filtered in numerous ways: by tag, time of day, or terms used in descriptions.
If tags to match are provided, only those items that contain at least one such tag will be shown. If
tags not to match are provided, only those items that contain none of these tags will be shown.

If you provide description filters to match or avoid, these will be interpreted as regexes. Try 'perldoc perlre'
for more details, or perhaps 'perldoc perlretut' (these will only work if you have the Perl documentation
installed on your machine). If you don't want to worry about regular expressions, simple strings will work.
Prefix your expression with '(?i)' to turn off case sensitivity. And don't enclose regexes in slashes or any other
sort of delimiter. Use 'ab', not '/ab/' or 'm!ab!', etc. Finally, you may need to enclose your regexes in quotes
to prevent the shell from trying to interpret them.

Time subranges may be of the form '11-12pm', '1am-12:30:15', 'before 2', 'after 6:12pm', etc. Either 'before'
or 'after' (or some prefix of these such as 'bef' or 'aft') may be followed by a time or you may use two time
expressions separated by a dash. The code will attempt to infer the precise time of ambiguous time expressions,
but it's best to be explicit. Case is ignored. Whitespace is optional in the expected places.

Note that any filtering of events specifying particular times for the start and end of the period in question,
e.g., "yesterday at 8:00 am until today", will cause all flex time vacation to be ignored. This is because, given
the flexible nature of this vacation, it is unclear how much should be accounted for when filtering events. Since
notes are not "on the clock", no consideration of vacation periods is used in filtering them.

@{[__PACKAGE__->name]} provides many ways to consolidate events and notes. These are the "merge" options
By default items are grouped into days and within days into subgroups of adjacent items with the same tags.
All the merge options that require adjacency will also group by days but not vice versa. 

sub options {
    return (
                "Use '@{[prog_name]} help "
              . __PACKAGE__->name
              . '\' to see full details.'
        [ 'notes|n', 'show notes instead of events' ],
            'filter events/notes to include only those with given tags; '
              . 'multiple tags may be specified'
            'filter events/notes to exclude those with given tags; '
              . 'multiple tags may be specified'
'filter events/notes to include only those one of whose descriptions matches the given regex; '
              . 'multiple regexes may be specified'
'filter events/notes to include only those one of whose descriptions do not match the given regex; '
              . 'multiple regexes may be specified'
'consider only those portions of events/notes that overlap the given time range'
            "merge" => hidden => {
                one_of => [
                        "merge-all|mall|ma" =>
                          "glom all events/notes into one synopsis"
                    [ "merge-adjacent|madj" => "merge contiguous events" ],
                        "merge-adjacent-same-tags|mast" =>
"merge contiguous, identically-tagged events/notes (default)"
                        "merge-same-tags|mst" =>
                          "merge all identically tagged events/notes"
                        "merge-same-day|msd" =>
                          "merge all events/notes in a given day"
                        "merge-same-day-same-tags|msdst" =>
                          "merge all events/notes in a given day"
                    [ "no-merge|nm" => "keep all events/notes separate" ],
        [ 'no-vacation|V', 'do not display vacation hours' ],
        [ 'no-date',       'do not display a date before each distinct day' ],
            'do not display event or note start times and event end times'
        [ 'no-duration',    'do not display event durations' ],
        [ 'no-tags',        'do not display tags' ],
        [ 'no-description', 'do not display event/note descriptions' ],
            'do not display the footer containing total hours worked, etc.'
            'wrap' => 'hidden' => {
                one_of => [
'limit the width of the report to the specified number of columns; '
                          . ' by default the width of the terminal is automatically detected and, if that fails, a width of 76 is used'
                    [ 'no-wrap|W', 'do not wrap the text to fit columns' ],
        [ 'hidden', 'display nothing', { hidden => 1 } ],

sub validate {
    my ( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_;

    $self->usage_error('no time expression provided') unless @$args;
    $self->usage_error('columns must be positive')
      if defined $opt->{columns} && $opt->columns < 1;



=head1 NAME

App::JobLog::Command::summary - show what you did during a particular period

=head1 VERSION

version 1.029


 houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job summary --help
 job <command>
 job summary [-ciMmnTtVW] [long options...] <date or date range>
 	Use 'job help summary' to see full details.
 	-n --notes                          show notes instead of events
 	-t --tag                            filter events/notes to include
 	                                    only those with given tags;
 	                                    multiple tags may be specified
 	-T --exclude-tag                    filter events/notes to exclude
 	                                    those with given tags; multiple
 	                                    tags may be specified
 	-m --match                          filter events/notes to include
 	                                    only those one of whose
 	                                    descriptions matches the given
 	                                    regex; multiple regexes may be
 	-M --no-match                       filter events/notes to include
 	                                    only those one of whose
 	                                    descriptions do not match the
 	                                    given regex; multiple regexes may
 	                                    be specified
 	-i --time                           consider only those portions of
 	                                    events/notes that overlap the
 	                                    given time range
 	--ma --mall --merge-all             glom all events/notes into one
 	--madj --merge-adjacent             merge contiguous events
 	--mast --merge-adjacent-same-tags   merge contiguous,
 	                                    identically-tagged events/notes
 	--mst --merge-same-tags             merge all identically tagged
 	--msd --merge-same-day              merge all events/notes in a given
 	--msdst --merge-same-day-same-tags  merge all events/notes in a given
 	--nm --no-merge                     keep all events/notes separate
 	-V --no-vacation                    do not display vacation hours
 	--no-date                           do not display a date before each
 	                                    distinct day
 	--no-time                           do not display event or note
 	                                    start times and event end times
 	--no-duration                       do not display event durations
 	--no-tags                           do not display tags
 	--no-description                    do not display event/note
 	--no-totals                         do not display the footer
 	                                    containing total hours worked,
 	-c --columns                        limit the width of the report to
 	                                    the specified number of columns; 
 	                                    by default the width of the
 	                                    terminal is automatically
 	                                    detected and, if that fails, a
 	                                    width of 76 is used
 	-W --no-wrap                        do not wrap the text to fit
 	--help                              this usage screen
 houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s this week
 Sunday,  6 March, 2011
      7:36 - 7:37 pm  0.01  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  
 Monday,  7 March
   8:01 am - ongoing  1.05  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  
   bar         1.07
   foo         1.07
 houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s --notes this week
 Monday,  6 February
   1:32 - 1:33 pm         giving this thing a test run; maybe the second note will be faster                                                     
   2:08 - 4:31 pm  foo    testing out note tagging; another note that should have the same tag; taking a note                                    
   4:32 - 4:33 pm  money  taking a note about money; taking another note that will be tagged with money                                          
          4:33 pm         taking a note without any tags                                                                                         
 houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s this month
 Tuesday,  1 March, 2011
      8:00 - 9:23 am  1.39  widgets   adding handling of simplified pdf docs                                                                                            
 Friday,  4 March
      1:48 - 2:55 pm  1.11  widgets   trying to get Eclipse working properly again                                                                                      
      3:50 - 5:30 pm  1.66  widgets   figuring out why some files are really, really slow                                                                               
 Sunday,  6 March
      7:36 - 7:37 pm  0.01  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  
 Monday,  7 March
   8:01 am - ongoing  1.05  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  
   bar         1.07
   foo         1.07
   widgets     4.16
 houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s 2011/3/1
 Tuesday,  1 March, 2011
   8:00 - 9:23 am  1.39  widgets  adding handling of simplified pdf docs                                                                                            
   widgets     1.39
 houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s Friday through today
 Friday,  4 March, 2011
      1:48 - 2:55 pm  1.11  widgets   trying to get Eclipse working properly again                                                                                      
      3:50 - 5:30 pm  1.66  widgets   figuring out why some files are really, really slow                                                                               
 Sunday,  6 March
      7:36 - 7:37 pm  0.01  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  
 Monday,  7 March
   8:01 am - ongoing  1.06  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                  
   bar         1.07
   foo         1.07
   widgets     2.77
 houghton@NorthernSpy:~$ job s --merge-same-tags Friday through today
   2.77  widgets   trying to get Eclipse working properly again; figuring out why some files are really, really slow                                   
   1.07  bar, foo  something to add; and still more                                                                                                    
   bar         1.07
   foo         1.07
   widgets     2.77


B<App::JobLog::Command::summary> is the command that extracts pretty reports from the log. Its options are all
concerned with filtering events and formatting the report. The report must be either a report of tasks or a
report of notes.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<App::JobLog::Command::today>, L<App::JobLog::Command::last>, L<App::JobLog::Command::parse>, L<App::JobLog::Command::tags>, L<App::JobLog::TimeGrammar>

=head1 AUTHOR

David F. Houghton <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by David F. Houghton.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

