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package Bing::Search::Response;
use Carp;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use JSON;

subtype 'Bing::Search::Response::Types::JSON'
      => as 'HashRef';

coerce 'Bing::Search::Response::Types::JSON'
   => from 'Str'
   => via { decode_json( $_ ) };

has 'data' => ( 
   is => 'rw',
   coerce => 1,
   isa => 'Bing::Search::Response::Types::JSON',
   trigger => \&_parse

with 'Bing::Search::Role::Response::Version';
with 'Bing::Search::Role::Response::Query';
with 'Bing::Search::Role::Response::AlterationOverride';

has 'results' => ( 
   is => 'rw',
   isa => 'ArrayRef[Bing::Search::Result]',
   default => sub { [] }

has 'Total' => ( is => 'rw' );

sub _parse { 
   my $self = shift;
   my $data = $self->data;
   my @sets;
   for my $set ( keys %{$data->{SearchResponse}} ) {
      next if $set eq 'Query';
      next if $set eq 'Version';
      next if $set eq 'AlternationOverride';
      my $class = 'Bing::Search::Result::' . $set;
      Class::MOP::load_class( $class ) or croak $@;
      my $result_list;
      if( $set eq 'Errors' ) { 
         $result_list = delete $data->{SearchResponse}->{$set};
      } else { 
         $result_list = delete $data->{SearchResponse}->{$set}->{Results};
      for my $res ( @$result_list ) { 
         my $ob = $class->new( data => $res );
         push @sets, $ob;
   $self->results( \@sets );


sub _get_totals { 
   my( $self ) = @_;
   my $data = $self->data;
   my $total = 0;
   for my $key ( keys %{$data->{SearchResponse}} ) { 
      next if $key eq 'SearchResponse';
      next if $key eq 'Version';
      $total = $total = $data->{SearchResponse}->{$key}->{'Total'};
   $self->Total( $total );

=head1 NAME

Bing::Search::Response - A response object for the Bing AJAX Api


    my $resulsts = $search->search();

    my $array_ref = $response->results;


This object contains the results from a search.  Or something telling
you why things went horribly wrong.  It should be noted that this 
does B<not> tell you if your request failed at some LWP-style failure
-- for that, check the C<request_obj> of your L<Bing::Search> object.

=head1 METHODS

Responses are generally a read-only ordeal.  You may change the values
here in these various methods, if it makes you feel better.  Nothing
will try to stop you.  Won't do much, though.

=over 3

=item C<Version>

Contains the Bing API version. 

=item C<Query>

The query sent to Bing.  Use this for verification.

=item C<AlterationOverride>

If the query sent to Bing is "fixed" automatically by Bing, this string
will allow you to re-submit the query "as-is".  The example from the Bing

=over 3

For example, if the original query is microsift offic, then 
AlterationOverrideQuery would be +microsift +offic


=item C<results>

This is the biggie.  This is an arrayref of the L<Bing::Search::Result> objects.
This is what you want to fiddle with.  

=item C<Total>

This is the total number of results generated by your search(es).  If you have
more than one source, these results are summed together.

If you need access to the individual source's counts, you may access it in the 
C<data> hashref (see below) with {SearchResponse}->{source name}->{Total},
where the source name is "Web" or "Video" or so forth and so on.

=item C<data>

A hashref, it initially contains the deparsed JSON structure.  As objects are
populated, it is depopulated.  Anything left over is something Bing sent but
was, for some reason, not handled.  In a perfect world, by the time you're able
to do anything, this should be empty.  You probably don't want to fiddle with it.

=item C<_parse>

Don't mess with this.  It's what turns C<data> into objects.  Seriously.  Just
leave it alone.


=head1 BUGS

Probably.  Patches welcome.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Dave Houston, L< >, 2010

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the 
same terms as Perl itself.