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// $Id: x29c.c 12213 2012-08-14 07:03:04Z andrewross $
//     Sample plots using date / time formatting for axes
// Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Ross
// This file is part of PLplot.
//  PLplot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Library General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
// along with PLplot; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#include "plcdemos.h"

static PLFLT x[365], y[365];
static PLFLT xerr1[365], xerr2[365], yerr1[365], yerr2[365];

// Function prototypes

void plot1( void );
void plot2( void );
void plot3( void );
void plot4( void );

// main
// Draws several plots which demonstrate the use of date / time formats for
// the axis labels.
// Time formatting is done using the strfqsas routine from the qsastime
// library.  This is similar to strftime, but works for a broad
// date range even on 32-bit systems.  See the
// documentation of strfqsas for full details of the available formats.
// 1) Plotting temperature over a day (using hours / minutes)
// 2) Plotting
// Note: We currently use the default call for plconfigtime (done in
// plinit) which means continuous times are interpreted as seconds since
// 1970-01-01, but that may change in future, more extended versions of
// this example.

main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
    // Parse command line arguments
    plparseopts( &argc, argv, PL_PARSE_FULL );

    // Initialize plplot

    // Change the escape character to a '@' instead of the default '#'
    plsesc( '@' );





    // Don't forget to call plend() to finish off!
    exit( 0 );

// Plot a model diurnal cycle of temperature
plot1( void )
    int   i, npts;
    PLFLT xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;

    // Data points every 10 minutes for 1 day
    npts = 73;

    xmin = 0;
    xmax = 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0; // Number of seconds in a day
    ymin = 10.0;
    ymax = 20.0;

    for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ )
        x[i] = xmax * ( (PLFLT) i / (PLFLT) npts );
        y[i] = 15.0 - 5.0 * cos( 2 * M_PI * ( (PLFLT) i / (PLFLT) npts ) );
        // Set x error bars to +/- 5 minute
        xerr1[i] = x[i] - 60 * 5;
        xerr2[i] = x[i] + 60 * 5;
        // Set y error bars to +/- 0.1 deg C
        yerr1[i] = y[i] - 0.1;
        yerr2[i] = y[i] + 0.1;

    pladv( 0 );

    // Rescale major ticks marks by 0.5
    plsmaj( 0.0, 0.5 );
    // Rescale minor ticks and error bar marks by 0.5
    plsmin( 0.0, 0.5 );

    plwind( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax );

    // Draw a box with ticks spaced every 3 hour in X and 1 degree C in Y.
    plcol0( 1 );
    // Set time format to be hours:minutes
    pltimefmt( "%H:%M" );
    plbox( "bcnstd", 3.0 * 60 * 60, 3, "bcnstv", 1, 5 );

    plcol0( 3 );
    pllab( "Time (hours:mins)", "Temperature (degC)", "@frPLplot Example 29 - Daily temperature" );

    plcol0( 4 );

    plline( npts, x, y );
    plcol0( 2 );
    plerrx( npts, xerr1, xerr2, y );
    plcol0( 3 );
    plerry( npts, x, yerr1, yerr2 );

    // Rescale major / minor tick marks back to default
    plsmin( 0.0, 1.0 );
    plsmaj( 0.0, 1.0 );

// Plot the number of hours of daylight as a function of day for a year
plot2( void )
    int   j, npts;
    PLFLT xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
    PLFLT lat, p, d;

    // Latitude for London
    lat = 51.5;

    npts = 365;

    xmin = 0;
    xmax = npts * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0;
    ymin = 0;
    ymax = 24;

    // Formula for hours of daylight from
    // "A Model Comparison for Daylength as a Function of Latitude and
    // Day of the Year", 1995, Ecological Modelling, 80, pp 87-95.
    for ( j = 0; j < npts; j++ )
        x[j] = j * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0;
        p    = asin( 0.39795 * cos( 0.2163108 + 2 * atan( 0.9671396 * tan( 0.00860 * ( j - 186 ) ) ) ) );
        d    = 24.0 - ( 24.0 / M_PI ) *
               acos( ( sin( 0.8333 * M_PI / 180.0 ) + sin( lat * M_PI / 180.0 ) * sin( p ) ) /
            ( cos( lat * M_PI / 180.0 ) * cos( p ) ) );
        y[j] = d;

    plcol0( 1 );
    // Set time format to be abbreviated month name followed by day of month
    pltimefmt( "%b %d" );
    plprec( 1, 1 );
    plenv( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, 0, 40 );

    plcol0( 3 );
    pllab( "Date", "Hours of daylight", "@frPLplot Example 29 - Hours of daylight at 51.5N" );

    plcol0( 4 );

    plline( npts, x, y );

    plprec( 0, 0 );

plot3( void )
    int   i, npts;
    PLFLT xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
    PLFLT tstart;

    // Calculate continuous time corresponding to 2005-12-01 UTC.
    plctime( 2005, 11, 01, 0, 0, 0., &tstart );
    npts = 62;

    xmin = tstart;
    xmax = xmin + npts * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0;
    ymin = 0.0;
    ymax = 5.0;

    for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ )
        x[i] = xmin + i * 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0;
        y[i] = 1.0 + sin( 2 * M_PI * ( (PLFLT) i ) / 7.0 ) +
               exp( ( (PLFLT) MIN( i, npts - i ) ) / 31.0 );
    pladv( 0 );

    plwind( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax );

    plcol0( 1 );
    // Set time format to be ISO 8601 standard YYYY-MM-DD.
    pltimefmt( "%F" );
    // Draw a box with ticks spaced every 14 days in X and 1 hour in Y.
    plbox( "bcnstd", 14 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0, 14, "bcnstv", 1, 4 );

    plcol0( 3 );
    pllab( "Date", "Hours of television watched", "@frPLplot Example 29 - Hours of television watched in Dec 2005 / Jan 2006" );

    plcol0( 4 );

    // Rescale symbol size (used by plpoin) by 0.5
    plssym( 0.0, 0.5 );
    plpoin( npts, x, y, 2 );
    plline( npts, x, y );

plot4( void )
    // TAI-UTC (seconds) as a function of time.
    // Use Besselian epochs as the continuous time interval just to prove
    // this does not introduce any issues.

    PLFLT scale, offset1, offset2;
    PLFLT xmin, xmax, ymin = 0.0, ymax = 0.0, xlabel_step = 0.0;
    int   kind, npts = 0, if_TAI_time_format = 0, i;
    char  time_format[10];
    char  title_suffix[100];
    char  xtitle[100];
    char  title[100];
    PLFLT xx[1001], yy[1001];
    PLINT tai_year, tai_month, tai_day, tai_hour, tai_min;
    PLFLT tai_sec, tai;
    PLINT utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_min;
    PLFLT utc_sec, utc;

    // Use the definition given in
    // B = 1900. + (JD -2415020.31352)/365.242198781
    // ==> (as calculated with aid of "bc -l" command)
    // B = (MJD + 678940.364163900)/365.242198781
    // ==>
    // MJD = B*365.24219878 - 678940.364163900
    scale   = 365.242198781;
    offset1 = -678940.;
    offset2 = -0.3641639;
    plconfigtime( scale, offset1, offset2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. );

    for ( kind = 0; kind < 7; kind++ )
        if ( kind == 0 )
            plctime( 1950, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0., &xmin );
            plctime( 2020, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0., &xmax );
            npts = 70 * 12 + 1;
            ymin = 0.0;
            ymax = 36.0;
            strncpy( time_format, "%Y%", 10 );
            if_TAI_time_format = 1;
            strncpy( title_suffix, "from 1950 to 2020", 100 );
            strncpy( xtitle, "Year", 100 );
            xlabel_step = 10.;
        else if ( kind == 1 || kind == 2 )
            plctime( 1961, 7, 1, 0, 0, 1.64757 - .20, &xmin );
            plctime( 1961, 7, 1, 0, 0, 1.64757 + .20, &xmax );
            npts = 1001;
            ymin = 1.625;
            ymax = 1.725;
            strncpy( time_format, "%S%2%", 10 );
            strncpy( title_suffix, "near 1961-08-01 (TAI)", 100 );
            xlabel_step = 0.05 / ( scale * 86400. );
            if ( kind == 1 )
                if_TAI_time_format = 1;
                strncpy( xtitle, "Seconds (TAI)", 100 );
                if_TAI_time_format = 0;
                strncpy( xtitle, "Seconds (TAI) labelled with corresponding UTC", 100 );
        else if ( kind == 3 || kind == 4 )
            plctime( 1963, 10, 1, 0, 0, 2.6972788 - .20, &xmin );
            plctime( 1963, 10, 1, 0, 0, 2.6972788 + .20, &xmax );
            npts = 1001;
            ymin = 2.55;
            ymax = 2.75;
            strncpy( time_format, "%S%2%", 10 );
            strncpy( title_suffix, "near 1963-11-01 (TAI)", 100 );
            xlabel_step = 0.05 / ( scale * 86400. );
            if ( kind == 3 )
                if_TAI_time_format = 1;
                strncpy( xtitle, "Seconds (TAI)", 100 );
                if_TAI_time_format = 0;
                strncpy( xtitle, "Seconds (TAI) labelled with corresponding UTC", 100 );
        else if ( kind == 5 || kind == 6 )
            plctime( 2009, 0, 1, 0, 0, 34. - 5., &xmin );
            plctime( 2009, 0, 1, 0, 0, 34. + 5., &xmax );
            npts = 1001;
            ymin = 32.5;
            ymax = 34.5;
            strncpy( time_format, "%S%2%", 10 );
            strncpy( title_suffix, "near 2009-01-01 (TAI)", 100 );
            xlabel_step = 1. / ( scale * 86400. );
            if ( kind == 5 )
                if_TAI_time_format = 1;
                strncpy( xtitle, "Seconds (TAI)", 100 );
                if_TAI_time_format = 0;
                strncpy( xtitle, "Seconds (TAI) labelled with corresponding UTC", 100 );

        for ( i = 0; i < npts; i++ )
            xx[i] = xmin + i * ( xmax - xmin ) / ( (double) ( npts - 1 ) );
            plconfigtime( scale, offset1, offset2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. );
            tai = xx[i];
            plbtime( &tai_year, &tai_month, &tai_day, &tai_hour, &tai_min, &tai_sec, tai );
            plconfigtime( scale, offset1, offset2, 0x2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. );
            plbtime( &utc_year, &utc_month, &utc_day, &utc_hour, &utc_min, &utc_sec, tai );
            plconfigtime( scale, offset1, offset2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. );
            plctime( utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_min, utc_sec, &utc );
            yy[i] = ( tai - utc ) * scale * 86400.;

        pladv( 0 );
        plwind( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax );
        plcol0( 1 );
        if ( if_TAI_time_format )
            plconfigtime( scale, offset1, offset2, 0x0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. );
            plconfigtime( scale, offset1, offset2, 0x2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0. );
        pltimefmt( time_format );
        plbox( "bcnstd", xlabel_step, 0, "bcnstv", 0., 0 );
        plcol0( 3 );
        strncpy( title, "@frPLplot Example 29 - TAI-UTC ", 100 );
        strncat( title, title_suffix, 100 - strlen( title ) - 1 );
        pllab( xtitle, "TAI-UTC (sec)", title );

        plcol0( 4 );

        plline( npts, xx, yy );