The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

use lib 't/lib';
use MongooseT;

    package Department;
    use Mongoose::Class;
    with 'Mongoose::Document';
    has 'code' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Str');
    #has 'locs' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'ArrayRef', metaclass=>'Array', default=>sub{[]} );
    has_many 'employees' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Employee' );
    package Employee;
    use Moose;
    with 'Mongoose::Document';
    has 'name' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Str', required=>1 );

    package Person;
    use Mongoose::Class;
    with 'Mongoose::Document';
    has 'name' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Str', required=>1 );
    belongs_to 'department' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Department', );
    package Article;
    use Mongoose::Class;
    with 'Mongoose::Document';
    has 'title' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Str', required=>1 );
    has_many 'authors' => 'Author';
    package Author;
    use Mongoose::Class; with 'Mongoose::Document';
    has 'name' => ( is=>'rw', isa=>'Str', required=>1 );
    has_many 'articles' => 'Article';
    package Authorship;
    use Mongoose::Class; with 'Mongoose::Document';
    has_one 'author' => 'Author';
    has_many 'articles' => 'Article';

package main;
    my $c = Department->new( code=>'ACC' );
    #$c->locs->push( 'me' );
    for( 1..15 ) {
	my $e = Employee->new( name=>'Bob' . $_ );
	$c->employees->add( $e );

    my $dep = Department->find_one({code=>'ACC'});
    my $cur = $dep->employees->find;
    diag ref($cur);
    is $cur->count, 15, 'joined ok';
    my $dep = Department->new({code=>'Devel'});
    my $per = Person->new( name=>'Mary', department=>$dep );
    my $per = Person->find_one({ name=>'Mary' });
    is $per->department->code, 'Devel', 'belongs to ok';
    my $ar = Article->new( title=>'on foo' );
    my $au = Author->new( name=>'Jack' );
    $ar->authors->add( $au );
    $au->articles->add( $ar );

    my $authorship = Authorship->new;
    $authorship->author( $au );
    $authorship->articles->add( Article->new(title=>'Eneida') );
    $authorship->articles->add( Article->new(title=>'Ulisses') );
    my $article = Article->find_one({ title=>'on foo' });
    is $article->authors->find({ name=>'Jack' })->count, 1, 'join find';
    is $article->authors->find({ name=>'Unknown' })->count, 0, 'join find not';
    my $ar = Article->new( title=>'on foo' );
    my $au = Author->new( name=>'Jack' );
    $ar->authors->add( $au );
    $au->articles->add( $ar );

    my $author = Author->find_one;
    my $first_article = $author->articles->find_one;
    ok $first_article->isa('Article'), 'find_one on join';
    is $author->articles->find->count, 1, 'count ok';
    $author->articles->remove( $first_article );
    is $author->articles->find->count, 0, 'count after remove ok';
    my $author = Author->find_one;
    my $article = Article->new(title=>'OnMoney');
    $author->articles->add( $article );
    $author->articles->add( $article );
    $author->articles->add( $article );
    my $buffer = $author->articles->buffer;
    is scalar(keys(%{$author->articles->buffer})), 1, 'buffer is not empty';
    is scalar(keys(%{$author->articles->buffer})), 0, 'buffer is flushed after save';
    is $author->articles->find->count, 1, 'count ok';
    my $article = Article->find_one({ title=>'on foo' });
    my $q1 = $article->authors->find({ name=>'Jack' });
    is $q1->count, 1, 'join query';

    is ref( $q1->next ), 'Author', 'join query ref';
    my $q2 = $article->authors->find({ name => 'Jack' })->skip(1)->limit(1);
    is $q2->next, undef, 'join skipped query';
    package Cat;
    use Mongoose::Class;
    with 'Mongoose::Document';
    has_many balls => 'Ball';
    has_many mice  => 'Mouse';
    package Ball;
    use Mongoose::Class;
    with 'Mongoose::Document';
    belongs_to cat => 'Cat'; # funky circularity
    package Mouse;
    use Mongoose::Class;
    with 'Mongoose::Document';
    has size => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Num' );

    ok( my $cat = Cat->new, 'Create a cat' );
    ok( $cat->save, '...and save it') ;

    for( 1 .. 10 ){
	    my $ball = Ball->new( cat => $cat );
	    ok( $cat->balls->add( $ball ), "Add ball ($_)" );

    for( 1 .. 10 ){
	    my $mouse = Mouse->new( size => $_ );
	    ok( $cat->mice->add( $mouse ), "Add mice ($_)" );

    ok( $cat->save, '...and save it again') ;

    ok( $cat = Cat->find_one($cat->_id), 'Get it back from storage') ;
    is( $cat->balls->find->count, 10, "has 10 balls" );
    is( $cat->mice->find->count, 10, "has 10 mice's" );

