<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
Query Results Formatter

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Query results formatted into a syntax.

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
Variable bindings and boolean query results can be formatted into
different syntaxes such as SPARQL Query Results Format or JSON.
The rasqal_query_results_formatter class allows choosing a formatter
for a particular syntax and writing the syntax to a raptor_iostream
which allows turning the syntax into a string, writing to a file
handle or other custom destination.

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->


<!-- ##### SECTION Stability_Level ##### -->

<!-- ##### FUNCTION rasqal_query_results_formats_enumerate ##### -->



<!-- ##### TYPEDEF rasqal_query_results_formatter ##### -->


<!-- ##### FUNCTION rasqal_new_query_results_formatter ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION rasqal_free_query_results_formatter ##### -->



<!-- ##### FUNCTION rasqal_query_results_formatter_write ##### -->

