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# --8<--8<--8<--8<--
# Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
# This file is part of IPC-XPA
# IPC-XPA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# -->8-->8-->8-->8--

package IPC::XPA;

use strict;
use Carp;

use Data::Dumper;

require Exporter;
require DynaLoader;

@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT = qw(
$VERSION = '0.10';

bootstrap IPC::XPA $VERSION;

# Preloaded methods go here.

# default attributes for Get, Set, Info, Access
my %def_attrs = ( max_servers => 1000, mode => {} );

sub _flatten_mode
  my ( $mode ) = @_;

  return '' unless keys %$mode;

  join( ',', map { "$_=" . $mode->{$_} } keys %$mode );

sub Open
  my ( $class, $mode ) = @_;
  $class = ref($class) || $class;

  # _Open will bless $xpa into the IPC::XPA class, but
  # need to worry about inheritance.
  my $xpa = _Open( _flatten_mode( $mode ) );
  bless { xpa => $xpa }, $class;

sub Close
  my $xpa = shift;
  _Close( $xpa->{xpa} ) if defined $xpa->{xpa};
  undef $xpa->{xpa};


sub Get
  my $obj = shift;

  my $attrs = pop @_
    if 'HASH' eq ref $_[-1];

  @_ == 2 or
    croak( 'usage: IPC::XPA->Get( $template, $paramlist [,\%attrs]');

  my ( $template, $paramlist ) = @_;

  my %attrs = ( %def_attrs, $attrs ? %$attrs : () );

  # if called as a class method (ref($obj) not defined)
  # create an essentially NULL pointer for pass to XPAGet
  my $xpa = ref($obj) ? $obj->{xpa} : nullXPA();

  _Get($xpa, $template, $paramlist, 
       _flatten_mode( $attrs{mode} ),
       $attrs{max_servers} );

sub Set
  my $obj = shift;

  my $attrs = pop @_
    if 'HASH' eq ref $_[-1];

  @_ ==2 || @_ == 3 or 
  croak( 'usage: IPC::XPA->Set( $template, $paramlist [, [$buf],[\%attrs]]');

  my $template = shift;
  my $paramlist = shift;

  my %attrs = ( %def_attrs, $attrs ? %$attrs : () );

  # we want a reference to the data to avoid copying it.
  # if it's already a reference, use that directly, else
  # make one.  also, if no buffer was passed, make an empty one.
  my $valref = @_ && defined $_[0] ? ( ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : \($_[0]) ) : \('');

  $attrs{len} = length($$valref) unless defined $attrs{len};

  # if called as a class method (ref($obj) not defined)
  # create an essentially NULL pointer for pass to XPAGet
  my $xpa = ref($obj) ? $obj->{xpa} : nullXPA();

  _Set($xpa, $template, $paramlist, 
       _flatten_mode( $attrs{mode} ),
       $$valref, $attrs{len}, $attrs{max_servers} );

sub Info
  my $obj = shift;

  my $attrs = pop @_
    if 'HASH' eq ref $_[-1];

  @_ == 2 or
    croak( 'usage: IPC::XPA->Info( $template, $paramlist [,\%attrs]');

  my ( $template, $paramlist ) = @_;

  my %attrs = ( %def_attrs, $attrs ? %$attrs : () );

  # if called as a class method (ref($obj) not defined)
  # create an essentially NULL pointer for pass to XPAGet
  my $xpa = ref($obj) ? $obj->{xpa} : nullXPA();

  _Info($xpa, $template, $paramlist, 
	_flatten_mode( $attrs{mode} ),
	$attrs{max_servers} );

sub Access
  my $obj = shift;

  my $attrs = pop @_
    if 'HASH' eq ref $_[-1];

  @_ == 1 || @_ == 2 or
    croak( 'usage: IPC::XPA->Access( $template, [,$paramlist] [,\%attrs]');

  my ( $template, $paramlist ) = @_;

  my %attrs = ( %def_attrs, $attrs ? %$attrs : () );

  # if called as a class method (ref($obj) not defined)
  # create an essentially NULL pointer for pass to XPAGet
  my $xpa = ref($obj) ? $obj->{xpa} : nullXPA();

  _Access($xpa, $template, $paramlist, 
	  _flatten_mode( $attrs{mode} ),
	  $attrs{max_servers} );

sub NSLookup
  my $obj = shift;

  @_ == 2 ||
    croak( 'usage: IPC::XPA->NSLookup( $template, $type)');

  # if called as a class method (ref($obj) not defined)
  # create an essentially NULL pointer for pass to XPAGet
  my $xpa = ref($obj) ? $obj->{xpa} : nullXPA();

  _NSLookup( $xpa, @_ );

# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.

# Below is the stub of documentation for your module. You better edit it!

=head1 NAME

IPC::XPA - Interface to the XPA messaging system


  use IPC::XPA;

  $xpa = IPC::XPA->Open();
  $xpa = IPC::XPA->Open(\%mode);
  $xpa = IPC::XPA->nullXPA;

  %res = $xpa->Get( $template, $paramlist );
  %res = $xpa->Get( $template, $paramlist, \%attrs );

  %res = $xpa->Set( $template, $paramlist );
  %res = $xpa->Set( $template, $paramlist, $buf );
  %res = $xpa->Set( $template, $paramlist, $buf, \%attrs );
  %res = $xpa->Set( $template, $paramlist, \%attrs );

  %res = $xpa->Info( $template, $paramlist );
  %res = $xpa->Info( $template, $paramlist, \%attrs );

  %res = IPC::XPA->Access( $template, $paramlist );
  %res = IPC::XPA->Access( $template, $paramlist, \%attrs );

  @res = IPC::XPA->NSLookup( $template, $type );


This class provides access to the XPA messaging system library,
C<xpa>, developed by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's High
Energy Astrophysics R&D Group.  The library provides simple
inter-process communication via calls to the C<xpa> library as well as
via supplied user land programs.

The method descriptions below do not duplicate the contents of the
documentation provided with the C<xpa> library.

Currently, only the client side routines are accessible.

=head1 METHODS

Unless otherwise specified, the following methods are simple wrappers
around the similarly named XPA routines (just prefix the Perl
routines with C<XPA>).

=head2 Class Methods

=over 8

=item nullXPA

	$xpa = IPC::XPA->nullXPA;

This creates an xpa object which is equivalent to a NULL XPA handle as
far as the underlying XPA routines are concerned.  It can be used to
create a default XPA object, as it it guaranteed to succeed (the
B<Open()> method may fail).

=item Open

	$xpa = IPC::XPA->Open();
	$xpa = IPC::XPA->Open( \%mode );

This creates an XPA object.  C<mode> is a hash containing mode
keywords and values, which will be translated into the string form
used by B<XPAOpen()>.  The object will be destroyed when it goes out
of scope; the B<XPAClose()> routine will automatically be called.  It
returns B<undef> upon failure.

For example,

	$xpa = IPC::XPA->Open( { verify => 'true' } );

=item Close


Close the XPA object.  This is usually not necessary, as it will
automatically be closed upon destruction.

=item Access

	%res = IPC::XPA->Access( $name [, $type] [, \%attr ] )

Returns a hash keyed off of the server names which match the specified
name and access type.  The hash values are references to hashes, which
will have the key C<name>, indicating the server's name (seems a bit

C<%attr> is a hash with the following recognized keys:

=over 8

=item mode

The value for this element should be a hashref which will be flattened
to provide the correct format for the actual XPA B<Access> C<mode> parameter.

=item max_servers

This should be set to the maximum number of servers to return.  It defaults
to 1000.


See the XPA docs for more information.  This may also be called as an
object method.

=item NSLookup

	@res = IPC::XPA->NSLookup( $template, $type )

This calls the XPANSLookup routine.  It returns the results of the
lookup as a list of references to hashes, one per server. The hashes
have the keys C<name> C<class>, and C<method>.  For example,

	use Data::Dumper;
	@res = IPC::XPA->NSLookup( 'ds9', 'ls' );
	print Dumper(\@res);

results in

	$VAR1 = [
	            'method' => '838e2ab4:46529',
	            'name' => 'ds9',
	            'class' => 'DS9'

Note that names returned by B<NSLookup> are different than those
returned by the B<Set> and B<Get> methods; the latter return names
which are essentially composites of the C<name> and C<method> keys.

This may also be called as an object method.  See the XPA docs for
more information the C<template> and C<type> specification.

=item Set

The B<Set> instance method (see L<Instance Methods>) can also be
called as a class method, which is equivalent to calling
B<XPASet()> with a C<NULL> handle to the B<xpa> object.

For example,

	%res = IPC::XPA->Set( $template, $paramlist );

=item Get

The B<Get> instance method (see L<Instance Methods>) can also be
called as a class method, which is equivalent to calling
B<XPAGet()> with a C<NULL> handle to the B<xpa> object.

For example,

	%res = IPC::XPA->Get( $template, $paramlist );

=item Info

The B<Info> instance method (see L<Instance Methods>) can also be
called as a class method, which is equivalent to calling
B<XPAInfo()> with a C<NULL> handle to the B<xpa> object.

For example,

	%res = IPC::XPA->Info( $template, $paramlist );


=head2 Instance Methods

=over 8

=item Set

	%res = $xpa->Set( $template, $paramlist );
	%res = $xpa->Set( $template, $paramlist, $buf );
	%res = $xpa->Set( $template, $paramlist, $buf, \%attrs );
	%res = $xpa->Set( $template, $paramlist, \%attrs );

Send data to the XPA server(s) specified by B<$template>.  B<$xpa> is
a reference to an XPA object created by C<Open()>. B<$paramlist>
specifies the command to be performed.  If additional information is
to be sent, the B<$buf> parameter should be specified.  The B<%attrs>
hash specifies optional parameters and values to be sent.  The
following are available:

=over 8

=item max_servers

The maximum number of servers to which the request should be sent. This
defaults to C<1>.

=item len

The number of bytes in the buffer to be sent.  If not set, the entire
contents will be sent.

=item mode

The value of this is a hash containing mode keywords and values, which
will be translated into the string form used by B<XPASet()>.


It returns a hash keyed off of the server names.  The hash values are
references to hashes, which will contain the key C<name> (duplicating the
server name), and if there was an error, the key C<message>.  See the
B<XPASet> documentation for more information on the C<name> and
C<message> values.

For example,

	%res = $xpa->Set( 'ds9', 'mode crosshair' );

	use Data::Dumper;
	%res = $xpa->Set( 'ds9', 'array [dim=100,bitpix=-64]', $buf, 
			  { mode => { ack => false } });
	print Dumper \%res, "\n";

The latter might result in:

	$VAR1 = {
          'DS9:ds9 838e2ab4:65223' => {
                                        'name' => 'DS9:ds9 838e2ab4:65223'

=item Get

	%res = $xpa->Get( $template, $paramlist );
	%res = $xpa->Get( $template, $paramlist, \%attrs );

Retrieve data from the servers specified by the B<$template>
parameter.  B<$xpa> is a reference to an XPA object created by
C<Open()>.  The B<$paramlist> indicates which data to return.  The
B<%attrs> hash specifies optional parameters and values to be sent.
The following are available:

=over 8

=item max_servers

The maximum number of servers to which the request should be sent. This
defaults to C<1>.

=item mode

The value of this is a hash containing mode keywords and values, which
will be translated into the string form used by B<XPAGet()>


It returns a hash keyed off of the server names.  The hash values are
references to hashes, which will have the keys C<name>, indicating the
server's name, and C<buf> which will contain the returned data.  If
there was an error, the hashes will also contain the key C<message>.
See the B<XPAGet> documentation for more information on the C<name>
and C<message> values.

For example,

	use Data::Dumper;
	%res = $xpa->Get( 'ds9', '-help quit' );
	print Dumper(\%res);

might result in

	$VAR1 = {
	         'DS9:ds9 838e2ab4:46529' => {
	            'name' => 'DS9:ds9 838e2ab4:46529',
	            'buf' => 'quit:	-- exit application'

=item Info

	%res = $xpa->Info( $template, $paramlist);
	%res = $xpa->Info( $template, $paramlist, \%attrs );

Send a short message (in B<$paramlist>) to the servers specified in
the B<$template> parameter.  B<$xpa> is a reference to an XPA object
created by C<Open()>. The B<%attrs> hash specifies optional parameters
and values to be sent.  The following are available:

=over 8

=item max_servers

The maximum number of servers to which the request should be sent. This
defaults to C<1>.

=item mode

The value of this is a hash containing mode keywords and values, which
will be translated into the string form used by B<XPAGet()>


It returns a hash keyed off of the server names.  The hash values are
references to hashes, which will contain the the key C<name>,
indicating the server's name.  If there was an error or the server
replied with a message, the hashes will also contain the key
C<message>.  See the B<XPAGet> documentation for more information on
the C<name> and C<message> values.


=head1 The XPA Library

The XPA library is available at C<>.

=head1 LICENSE

This software is released under the GNU General Public License.  You
may find a copy at

=head1 AUTHOR

Diab Jerius ( )

=head1 SEE ALSO

