# --8<--8<--8<--8<--
# Copyright (C) 2012 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
# This file is part of MooX-Attributes-Shadow
# MooX-Attributes-Shadow is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# -->8-->8-->8-->8--

package MooX::Attributes::Shadow::Role;

use strict;

our $VERSION = '0.01_05';

use Moo::Role;

use MooX::Attributes::Shadow ':all';

## no critic (ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes)
sub shadowable_attrs (@) {

    my $attrs = [ @_ ];

    ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict)
    no strict 'refs';
    no warnings 'redefine';

    *{ caller() . '::shadowable_attrs' } = sub (@) { @{$attrs} };




=head1 NAME

MooX::Attributes::Shadow::Role - enumerate shadowable attributes in a contained class


  # in the contained class
  package Foo;
  use Moo;
  with 'MooX::Attributes::Shadow::Role';

  shadowable_attrs 'x', 'y';

  has x => ( is => 'ro' );
  has y => ( is => 'ro' );

  # in the container class

  package Bar;

  use Moo;
  use Foo;

  # create accessors with a prefix to avoid collisions; no need to
  # specify which ones
  Foo->shadow_attrs( fmt => sub { 'pfx_' . shift } );

  # create an attribute which holds the contained oject, and
  # delegate the shadowed accessors to it.
  has foo   => ( is => 'ro',
                 lazy => 1,
                 default => sub { Foo->new( Foo->xtract_attrs(  shift ) ) },
                 handles => Foo->shadowed_attrs,


B<MooX::Attributes::Shadow::Role> provides a means for a class to
identify attributes which should be shadowed to classes which contain
it.  (See B<MooX::Attributes::Shadow> for more on what this means).
A class containing a class composed with this role need know nothing about
the attributes which will be shadowed, and can use the class methods to
integrate the shadowable attributes into their interface.


=head2 Contained class functions


=item B<shadowable_attrs>

  shadowable_attrs @attrs;

This is called by the contained class to identify which attributes are
available for shadowing.  It does B<not> create them, it merely
records them.

Subsequent calls will return the names of the attributes which may be
shadowed as an array:

   Class->shadowable_attrs( qw[ a b c ] );
   @attrs = Class->shadowable_attrs;


=head2 Class methods for use by the Container Classes


=item B<shadow_attrs>

   ContainedClass->shadow_attrs( %options );

This method creates read-only attributes shadowing the
I<ContainedClass>'s shadowable attributes in the class which calls it.

It takes the following options:


=item fmt

This is a reference to a subroutine which should return a modified
attribute name (e.g. to prevent attribute collisions).  It is passed
the attribute name as its first parameter.

=item instance

In the case where more than one instance of an object is contained,
this (string) is used to identify an individual instance.

=item private

If true, the actual attribute name is mangled; the attribute
initialization name is left untouched (see the C<init_arg> option to
the B<Moo> C<has> subroutine).  This defaults to true.


=item B<shadowed_attrs>

  $attrs = ContainedClass->( [$container,] \%options );

Return a hash of attributes shadowed into C<$container>.  If
C<$container> is provided it may be either a class name or an
object. If it is not provided, the package name of the calling routine
is used.

It takes the following options:


=item instance

In the case where more than one instance of an object is contained,
this (string) is used to identify an individual instance.


The keys in the returned hash are the attribute initialization names
(not the mangled ones) in the I<container> class; the hash values are
the attribute names in the I<contained> class.  This makes it easy to
delegate accessors to the contained class:

  has foo   => ( is => 'ro',
                 lazy => 1,
                 default => sub { Foo->new( Foo->xtract_attrs( shift ) ) },
                 handles => Foo->shadowed_attrs,

=item B<xtract_attrs>

  %attrs = ContainedClass->xtract_attrs( $container_obj, \%options );

After the container class is instantiated, B<xtract_attrs> is used to
extract attributes for the contained object from the container object.

It takes the following options:


=item instance

In the case where more than one instance of an object is contained,
this (string) is used to identify an individual instance.




Copyright 2012 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

This software is released under the GNU General Public License.  You
may find a copy at


=head1 AUTHOR

Diab Jerius E<lt>djerius@cfa.harvard.eduE<gt>