* Write a 'help' action with associated documentation.

  * SVN::Web::Help?  Or should each action provide its own help() method?

* cleanup the template structure with hooks

* distinguish different node under same path in different revisions.

* provide link with svn dav url.

* users might only be interested in the latest few active
  branches/tags - hlb
  - as well as log history. it shouldn't list all by default.

* some switches for svnweb-install to do upgrade and file merging.

* use svn_fs_history_t to get fixed amount of log first.

* supply last-modified in header and check it.

* Add an 'annotation' action

* Fix bugs reported through RT

* Possibly a difference in the localisation between "Revision" as a
  title, column heading, or whatever, and "Revision \d+" referring to
  a specific revision number.

* Templates and I18N should be more tightly coupled.

* Working directory diff support in Diff.pm using SVK::Editor

* Where get_logs is used, is it faster to get the revision properties?
  Need to benchmark to find out.

* Split SVN::Web::RSS in to a separate distribution

* SVN::Web::Search, based on SVN::Log::Index?