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use strict;
use warnings;
use PDL::LiteF;
use PDL::Types;

# Please be careful about rearranging these tests, since they depend on the
# global FFTW plan cache, and thus order can matter.
# Here I use GNU octave to compute the reference results. To transform 'format
# long' octave output to the PDL input that appears here I use this:
# perl -ane 'if(/Column/) { print "],\n[" } if( @F == 3 ) { $F[2] =~ s/i//; print "[" . "$F[0],$F[1]$F[2]" . "],"; } END {print "],\n"} '

# I turn on the threading to stress things out a bit more, and to make sure it
# works

# With potentially-unaligned input I can no longer predict when a new plan will
# be created, so I disable plan-creation checks. When PDL itself produces only
# aligned data buffers this should be re-enabled.
my $do_check_plan_creations = undef;

use Test::More;

  plan tests => 178;
  use_ok( 'PDL::FFTW3' );

use constant approx_eps_double => 1e-8;
use constant approx_eps_single => 1e-3;

my $Nplans = 0;

# 1D basic test
  my $x = sequence(10)->cat(sequence(10)**2)->mv(-1,0);

  # from octave: conj( fft( (0:9) + i* ((0:9).**2) )' )
  my $Xref = pdl( [45.0000000000000,+285.0000000000000],
                  [148.8841768587627,-13.0277379108784] );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft1($x), $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
                      "Basic 1D complex FFT - double precision" );

  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $x->fft1, $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "Basic 1D complex FFT as a method - double precision" );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft1(float $x), float($Xref), approx_eps_single) ),
                      "Basic 1D complex FFT - single precision" );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( ifft1(fft1($x)), $x , approx_eps_double) ),
                      "Basic 1D complex FFT - inverse(forward) should be the same (normalized)" );

# 2D basic test
  my $x = sequence(5,7)->cat(1e-2 * sequence(5,7)**2)->mv(-1,0);

  # from octave: fft2( reshape(0:34,5,7)' + i* (1e-2*reshape(0:34,5,7)' .** 2) )
  my $Xref =
    pdl( [ [5.95000000000000e+02, + 1.36850000000000e+02],   [-2.59303392628859e+01, + 1.84682083666705e+01],   [-1.94901331394265e+01, - 2.45430074349120e-01],   [-1.55098668605735e+01, - 1.16176194425008e+01],   [-9.06966073711407e+00, - 2.97051588498206e+01]],
         [[-1.58361292658031e+02, + 1.70810364558179e+02],    [3.02129040241307e+00, - 1.62582569424951e+00],    [2.10126095620458e+00, + 2.84635136279005e-01],    [1.53265148779700e+00, + 1.46536486372099e+00],    [6.12622041588519e-01, + 3.37582569424951e+00]],
         [[-1.14713779395612e+02, + 4.28112631783535e+01],    [1.90212339568438e+00, - 8.54244602002882e-02],    [9.82093949475899e-01, + 6.48274540139187e-01],    [4.13484481068306e-01, + 1.10172545986082e+00],   [-5.06544965140175e-01, + 1.83542446020029e+00]],
         [[-9.52888085635639e+01, - 9.55078000010450e+00],    [1.40404722050367e+00, + 6.00118582335890e-01],    [4.84017774295172e-01, + 8.10109299679749e-01],   [-8.45916941124162e-02, + 9.39890700320246e-01],   [-1.00462114032089e+00, + 1.14988141766411e+00]],
         [[-7.97111914364361e+01, - 4.94933880183808e+01],    [1.00462114032090e+00, + 1.14988141766412e+00],    [8.45916941124141e-02, + 9.39890700320234e-01],   [-4.84017774295178e-01, + 8.10109299679762e-01],   [-1.40404722050366e+00, + 6.00118582335895e-01]],
         [[-6.02862206043880e+01, - 9.67465798760672e+01],    [5.06544965140170e-01, + 1.83542446020029e+00],   [-4.13484481068314e-01, + 1.10172545986081e+00],   [-9.82093949475905e-01, + 6.48274540139193e-01],   [-1.90212339568438e+00, - 8.54244602002870e-02]],
         [[-1.66387073419690e+01, - 1.92580879841980e+02],   [-6.12622041588522e-01, + 3.37582569424950e+00],   [-1.53265148779701e+00, + 1.46536486372098e+00],   [-2.10126095620459e+00, + 2.84635136279020e-01],   [-3.02129040241307e+00, - 1.62582569424950e+00]] );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft2($x), $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
     "Basic 2D complex FFT - double precision" );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft2(float $x), float($Xref), approx_eps_single) ),
     "Basic 2D complex FFT - single precision" );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( ifft2(fft2($x)), $x, approx_eps_double) ),
                      "Basic 2D complex FFT - inverse(forward) should be the same (normalized)" );

# lots of 1D ffts threaded in a 2d array
  my $x = sequence(6,5)->cat( sequence(30)->xlinvals(18,-11)->reshape(6,5)->abs->sqrt )->mv(-1,0);

  # octave result: fft( reshape(0:29,6,5) + i*sqrt(abs(reshape(18:-1:-11,6,5))) )
  my $Xref = pdl( [[15.00000000000000,+23.58593832118229],[-2.32805351899395,+5.55930952077235],[-2.77551605086160,+2.11251769696778],[-3.00000000000000,+0.38265782660416],[-3.22448394913840,-1.35158391816997],[-3.67194648100605,-4.83299532464091]],
                  [[159.00000000000000,+17.40257062911774],[-3.87011652053375,+4.63147782374252],[-3.29187043104844,+1.20500010718478],[-3.00000000000000,-0.52218157372224],[-2.70812956895156,-2.25910150795298],[-2.12988347946625,-5.76082702167074]] );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft1($x), $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
     "1D FFTs threaded inside a 2D piddle" );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( ifft1(fft1($x)), $x , approx_eps_double) ),
                      "1D FFTs threaded inside a 2D piddle - inverse(forward) should be the same" );

# lots of 1D ffts threaded in a 3d array
  my $x = PDL::cat( sequence(6,5,4)**1.1,
                    (abs(sequence(6,5,4) - 10))**0.8 )->mv(-1,0);

  # octave reference code (3d array collapsed to 2d)
  #  re = reshape(0:119,6,4*5) .** 1.1
  #  im = (abs(reshape(0:119,6,4*5) - 10)) .** 0.8
  #  fft(re + i*im)
  my $Xref = reshape( pdl( [[1.69598045826025e+01,+2.99472886475101e+01],[-4.57128799578198e-01,+7.88558765388318e+00],[-2.51287898808965e+00,+3.70301251723728e+00],[-3.48312389248108e+00,+1.61384695353585e+00],[-4.40181702820775e+00,-4.91751648931500e-01],[-6.10485587424586e+00,-4.80054345442333e+00]],
                           [[1.12490255099778e+03,+2.51201368661019e+02],[-6.93645047026591e+00,+8.25603193408341e+00],[-5.85406312069293e+00,+2.12356705077917e+00],[-5.31058753759640e+00,-9.43526187589065e-01],[-4.76559809982867e+00,-4.01120687194793e+00],[-3.67110104753344e+00,-1.01483705104741e+01]] ),
                      2,6,5,4 );

  my $f = fft1($x);

  is( get_autopthread_actual(), 2, "1D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - CPU threading should work" );

  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $f, $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
     "1D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle" );

# try out some different ways of calling the module, make sure the argument
# verification works
  eval( 'fft1( )' );
  ok( $@, "Calling fft1 with no arguments should fail" );

  eval( 'fft1(sequence(2,5), sequence(2,5), sequence(2,5) )' );
  ok( $@, "Calling fft1 with too many arguments should fail" );

  eval( 'fft1(sequence(5))' );
  ok( $@, "Calling fft1 without dim(0)==2 should fail. Trial 1");

  eval( 'fft1(sequence(1,5))' );
  ok( $@, "Calling fft1 without dim(0)==2 should fail. Trial 2");

  eval( 'fft1(sequence(3,5))' );
  ok( $@, "Calling fft1 without dim(0)==2 should fail. Trial 3");

  eval( 'fft1(null))' );
  ok( $@, "Calling fft1(null) should fail.");

  eval( 'fft1( {} ))' );
  ok( $@, "Calling fft1( {} ) should fail (want piddle input).");

  eval( 'fft1(sequence(2,5), sequence(3,5) )' );
  ok( $@, "Calling fft1 with mismatched arguments should fail" );

  # should be able to ask for output in the arglist
  my $x  = random(2,10);
  my $f1 = fft1( $x );
  my $f2;
  eval( 'fft1( $x, $f2 )' );
  ok( $@, "Calling fft1 with undef argument should fail" );

  $f2 = null;
  eval( 'fft1( $x, $f2 )' );
  ok_should_reuse_plan( !$@ && all( approx( $f1, $f2 ), approx_eps_double),
                        "Should be able to ask for output in the arglist" );

  eval( 'fft4( sequence(2,5,3,4,4) );' );
  ok_should_make_plan( ! $@, "dimensionality baseline" );

  eval( 'fft4( sequence(2,5,4,4) );' );
  ok( $@, "too few dimensions should fail" );

# inplace checks
  my $xorig = sequence(10)->cat(sequence(10)**2)->mv(-1,0);

  # from octave: conj( fft( (0:9) + i* ((0:9).**2) )' )
  my $Xref = pdl( [45.0000000000000,+285.0000000000000],
                  [148.8841768587627,-13.0277379108784] );

  my $x = $xorig->copy;
  fft1($x, $x);
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $x, $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
                       'In-place test: fft1($x,$x)' );

  $x = $xorig->copy;
  fft1( $x->inplace );
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $x, $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
                        'In-place test:   fft1( $x->inplace )' );

  ok( !$x->is_inplace, "After computation the in-place flag should be cleared" );

# lots of 2D ffts threaded in a 3d array
  my $x = PDL::cat( sequence(6,5,4)**1.1,
                    (abs(sequence(6,5,4) - 10))**0.8 )->mv(-1,0);

  # in octave I compute 4 slices separately
  #  re = reshape(0:119,6,4*5) .** 1.1
  #  im = (abs(reshape(0:119,6,4*5) - 10)) .** 0.8
  #  slice1 = fft2(re(:, 1:5 ) + i*im(:, 1:5 ))
  #  slice2 = fft2(re(:, 6:10) + i*im(:, 6:10))
  #  slice3 = fft2(re(:,11:15) + i*im(:,11:15))
  #  slice4 = fft2(re(:,16:20) + i*im(:,16:20))
  my $Xref = pdl( [
                   [[-65.502586861276143,-178.172895308336507],[5.687451429953602,+8.651464276849186],[0.896929785660302,+4.817638327194231],[-0.533990946503966,+4.547965847191024],[-3.993598732954924,+4.974864791937925],[-11.136704766293862,+2.171852097686326]] ],



                   [[-1.17049392363129e+02,-2.46859689910763e+02],[2.39899060049070e-01,-1.38101687968226e-01],[1.59658915211960e-01,-6.48727639912472e-04],[1.20144019881925e-01,+6.82934899895806e-02],[8.10343889012709e-02,+1.37369911169460e-01],[4.03481145874271e-03,+2.75896474493798e-01]]] );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft2($x), $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
     "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle" );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft2( float $x), float($Xref), approx_eps_single) ),
     "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - single precision" );

  # Now I take a slice of the input matrix, and fft that. This makes sure the
  # nembed logic works correctly. It turns out that $P() in PP physicalizes the
  # data, so no nembed logic currently exists, and stuff works anyway

  my $x_slice1_connected = $x->slice(':,0:4,:,:');
  my $x_slice1_severed   = $x_slice1_connected->copy;

  # octave ref; x is the same, but I slice it differently
  #  slice1 = fft2(re(1:5, 1:5 ) + i*im(1:5, 1:5 ))
  #  slice2 = fft2(re(1:5, 6:10) + i*im(1:5, 6:10))
  #  slice3 = fft2(re(1:5,11:15) + i*im(1:5,11:15))
  #  slice4 = fft2(re(1:5,16:20) + i*im(1:5,16:20))
  my $X_slice1_ref =
    pdl( [
          [[-9.74417295843736e+01,-2.05659722932842e+02],[1.79920562610709e-01,-8.03744824636155e-02],[1.19169692096844e-01,+2.45697427068684e-02],[8.21878607839186e-02,+8.96232824108548e-02],[2.32671625274674e-02,+1.95170681256241e-01]]] );

  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft2($x_slice1_severed), $X_slice1_ref, approx_eps_double) ),
     "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - slice1 - severed" );

  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( fft2($x_slice1_connected), $X_slice1_ref, approx_eps_double) ),
     "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - slice1 - connected" );

  # now go again with single precision. If $P() didn't physicalize its input,
  # this would no longer be aligned like before, since the input has shifted by
  # 4 bytes
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft2(float $x_slice1_connected), float($X_slice1_ref), approx_eps_single) ),
                       "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - slice1 - connected - single precision" );

  # Similar, but slicing from 1
  my $x_slice2_connected = $x->slice(':,1:5,:,:');
  my $x_slice2_severed   = $x_slice2_connected->copy;

  # octave ref; x is the same, but I slice it differently
  #  slice1 = fft2(re(2:6, 1:5 ) + i*im(2:6, 1:5 ))
  #  slice2 = fft2(re(2:6, 6:10) + i*im(2:6, 6:10))
  #  slice3 = fft2(re(2:6,11:15) + i*im(2:6,11:15))
  #  slice4 = fft2(re(2:6,16:20) + i*im(2:6,16:20))
  my $X_slice2_ref =
    pdl( [
          [[-9.76419555018576e+01,-2.05773543168977e+02],[1.78415452819879e-01,-7.93210083326257e-02],[1.18035987634609e-01,+2.45615120500224e-02],[8.12721813043989e-02,+8.89567757119387e-02],[2.26856083517065e-02,+1.93436447059624e-01]]] );

  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( fft2($x_slice2_severed), $X_slice2_ref, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - slice2 - severed" );

  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( fft2($x_slice2_connected), $X_slice2_ref, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - slice2 - connected" );

  # now go again with single precision. If $P() didn't physicalize its input,
  # this would no longer be aligned like before, since the input has shifted by
  # 4 bytes
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( fft2(float $x_slice2_connected), float($X_slice2_ref), approx_eps_single) ),
                        "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - slice2 - connected - single precision" );

  # I now try to fft INTO a slice. The out-of-slice pieces shouldn't be touched
  my $x_orig = $x->copy;
  fft2( $x_slice2_severed, $x_slice2_connected );
  is( get_autopthread_actual(), 2, "1D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - slice2 - connected - in-slice correct - CPU threading should work" );
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $x_slice2_connected, $X_slice2_ref, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - slice2 - connected - in-slice correct" );

  my $X_partialfft_ref = $x_orig->copy;
  $X_partialfft_ref->slice(':,1:5,:,:') .= $x_slice2_connected;

  ok( all( approx( $x, $X_partialfft_ref, approx_eps_double) ),
      "2D FFTs threaded inside a 3D piddle - slice2 - connected - out-of-slice correct" );

# check the type logic
  my $x = sequence(10)->cat(sequence(10)**2)->mv(-1,0);

  # from octave: conj( fft( (0:9) + i* ((0:9).**2) )' )
  my $Xref = pdl( [45.0000000000000,+285.0000000000000],
                  [148.8841768587627,-13.0277379108784] );

  my $f = null;
  my $F;

  fft1($x, $f);
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $f, $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "Type-checking baseline" );
  ok( $PDL::FFTW3::_last_do_double_precision,
      "Unspecified FFTs should be double-precision" );

  $f = null;
  $F = fft1($x->float, $f);
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $f, $Xref, approx_eps_single) ),
                        "Float input/Unspecified output baseline" );
  ok( ! $PDL::FFTW3::_last_do_double_precision,
      "Float input/Unspecified output should do a float FFT" );
  ok( $F->type == float,
      "Float input/Unspecified output should return a float" );

  $f = null;
  $F = fft1($x->byte, $f);
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $f, $Xref, approx_eps_single) ),
                        "Byte input/Unspecified output baseline" );
  ok( ! $PDL::FFTW3::_last_do_double_precision,
      "Byte input/Unspecified output should do a float FFT" );
  ok( $F->type == float,
      "Byte input/Unspecified output should return a float" );

  $f = $x->zeros;
  fft1($x, $f);
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $f, $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "double input/double output baseline" );
  ok( $PDL::FFTW3::_last_do_double_precision,
      "double input/double output should do a double FFT" );

  $f = $x->zeros->float;
  fft1($x, $f);
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $f, $Xref, approx_eps_single) ),
                        "double input/float output baseline" );
  ok( ! $PDL::FFTW3::_last_do_double_precision,
      "double input/float output should do a float FFT" );

  $f = $x->zeros->byte;
  eval( 'fft1($x, $f)' );
  ok( $@, "Output to 'byte' should fail");

  $f = $x->zeros;
  fft1($x->float, $f->double );
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $f, $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "float input/double output baseline" );
  ok( $PDL::FFTW3::_last_do_double_precision,
      "float input/double output should do a double FFT" );

# real fft basic checks
  my $x6 = sequence(6)**2;
  my $x7 = sequence(7)**2;

  # octave refs parse with this:
  # perl -ane '@F[2] =~ s/i//g; print "[$F[0],$F[1]$F[2]],\n";'

  # octave reference: conj(fft( (0:5).**2 )') and conj(fft( (0:6).**2 )')
  my $fx6_ref = pdl( [55.00000000000000,+0.00000000000000],
                     [-6.00000000000000,-31.17691453623979] );

  my $fx7_ref = pdl( [91.00000000000000,+0.00000000000000],
                     [-5.90820611352046,-50.87477421602225] );

  my $fx6 = rfft1($x6);
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $fx6, $fx6_ref->slice(':,0:3'), approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft basic test - forward - 6long" );
  my $fx7 = rfft1($x7);
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $fx7, $fx7_ref->slice(':,0:3'), approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft basic test - forward - 7long" );

  my $x6_back = irfft1($fx6_ref->slice(':,0:3'), zeros(6) );
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $x6, $x6_back, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft basic test - backward - 6long - output in arglist" );

  $x6_back = irfft1($fx6_ref->slice(':,0:3'));
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $x6, $x6_back, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "rfft basic test - backward - 6long - output returned" );

  my $x7_back = irfft1($fx7_ref->slice(':,0:3'), zeros(7) );
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $x7, $x7_back, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft basic test - backward - 7long" );

  # Currently a single plan is made for ALL the thread slices. These tests are
  # meant to exercise cases where this is a bad assumption. I.e. where some
  # slices have different alignment than others. For some reason I'm not seeing
  # these tests trigger any failures, so I'm not adding any plan-per-slice
  # logic. I'm leaving these tests here so that if error DO show up, we'll know
  # about them.
  # I have two 1d threaded real ffts with odd size. I do this both with
  # single-precision and with double-precision
  # octave code:
  # conj(fft((0:4).**2)') and conj(fft((5+(0:4)).**2)')
  my $x5_double = sequence(10)**2;
  $x5_double = $x5_double->reshape(5,2);
  my $x5_single = $x5_double->float;

  my $fx5_ref = pdl( [ [30.00000000000000, + 0.00000000000000],
                       [-5.26393202250021, +17.20477400588967],
                       [-9.73606797749979, + 4.06149620291133],
                       [-9.73606797749979, - 4.06149620291133],
                       [-5.26393202250021, -17.20477400588967]],
                     [ [255.0000000000000, + 0.0000000000000],
                       [-30.2639320225002, +51.6143220176690],
                       [-34.7360679774998, +12.1844886087340],
                       [-34.7360679774998, -12.1844886087340],
                       [-30.2639320225002, -51.6143220176690]]);

  my $fx5_double = rfft1($x5_double);
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $fx5_double, $fx5_ref->slice(':,0:2'), approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft threaded double precision, odd number. May need 2 plans" );

  my $fx5_single = rfft1($x5_single);
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $fx5_single, $fx5_ref->slice(':,0:2'), approx_eps_single) ),
                       "rfft threaded single precision, odd number. May need 2 plans" );

# real fft 2D checks
  my $x64 = sequence(6,4)**1.1;
  my $x65 = sequence(6,5)**1.1;
  my $x74 = sequence(7,4)**1.1;
  my $x75 = sequence(7,5)**1.1;

  my $x64_ref = pdl( [[360.467089670772225,+0.000000000000000],[-96.799893286902019,+103.123844918798000],[-99.028084766558067,+0.000000000000000],[-96.799893286902019,-103.123844918798000]],
                     [[-15.988207248715064,-28.700459428988125],[1.617577583003193,+0.729750250118165],[0.894706789826859,+1.030374425555896],[0.351953528236895,+1.568072536701052]] )->xchg(1,2);

  my $x65_ref = pdl( [[581.176580714253532,+0.000000000000000],[-121.955619356066137,+180.656218696101774],[-126.233159544554283,+42.418129358506746],[-126.233159544554283,-42.418129358506746],[-121.955619356066137,-180.656218696101774]],
                     [[-20.541598254340641,-36.647109644693884],[2.048534847787472,+0.720103497369214],[1.204146586049559,+0.971137876719541],[0.717118890606079,+1.295587872699933],[0.166836245337382,+1.944952627138933]] )->xchg(1,2);

  my $x74_ref = pdl( [[501.493394074383787,+0.000000000000000],[-133.959755823278442,+142.617956550047921],[-137.025115324985222,+0.000000000000000],[-133.959755823278442,-142.617956550047921]],
                     [[-18.865669184773111,-40.763000085858437],[2.101733986260737,+1.130389132503664],[1.092794692703986,+1.466640717037794],[0.303558154663907,+2.139893880507619]] )->xchg(1,2);

  my $x75_ref = pdl( [[807.475069006401100,+0.000000000000000],[-168.753063158798682,+249.823189325119387],[-174.641491905125804,+58.661407474458414],[-174.641491905125804,-58.661407474458414],[-168.753063158798682,-249.823189325119387]],
                     [[-24.254907872104781,-52.050559234805071],[2.687499935923872,+1.159881805800431],[1.517875094286842,+1.417505033220904],[0.825892556600018,+1.808402549148552],[0.014162346363465,+2.632174401873477]] )->xchg(1,2);

  # forward
  my $fx64 = rfft2($x64);
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $fx64, $x64_ref->slice(':,0:3,:'), approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft 2d test - forward - 6,4" );

  my $fx65 = rfft2($x65);
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $fx65, $x65_ref->slice(':,0:3,:'), approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft 2d test - forward - 6,5" );

  my $fx74 = rfft2($x74);
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $fx74, $x74_ref->slice(':,0:3,:'), approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft 2d test - forward - 7,4" );

  my $fx75 = rfft2($x75);
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $fx75, $x75_ref->slice(':,0:3,:'), approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft 2d test - forward - 7,5" );

  # backward
  my $x64_back = irfft2($x64_ref->slice(':,0:3,:') );
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $x64, $x64_back, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft 2d test - backward - 6,4 - output returned" );

  $x64_back = zeros(6,4);
  irfft2($x64_ref->slice(':,0:3,:'), $x64_back );
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $x64, $x64_back, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "rfft 2d test - backward - 6,4 - output in arglist" );

  my $x65_back = irfft2($x65_ref->slice(':,0:3,:') );
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $x65, $x65_back, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft 2d test - backward - 6,5 - output returned" );

  $x65_back = zeros(6,5);
  irfft2($x65_ref->slice(':,0:3,:'), $x65_back );
  ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $x65, $x65_back, approx_eps_double) ),
                        "rfft 2d test - backward - 6,5 - output in arglist" );

  my $x74_back = irfft2($x74_ref->slice(':,0:3,:'), zeros(7,4) );
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $x74, $x74_back, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft 2d test - backward - 7,4" );

  my $x75_back = irfft2($x75_ref->slice(':,0:3,:'), zeros(7,5) );
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $x75, $x75_back, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "rfft 2d test - backward - 7,5" );

# real fft sanity checks
    eval 'rfft1( sequence(6) );';
    ok_should_reuse_plan( ! $@, "real ffts shouldn't work inplace - baseline forward" );
    eval 'rfft1( inplace sequence(6) );';
    ok( $@, "real ffts shouldn't work inplace - forward" );

    eval 'irfft1( sequence(2,4) );';
    ok_should_reuse_plan( ! $@, "real ffts shouldn't work inplace - baseline backward" );
    eval 'irfft1( inplace sequence(2,4) );';
    ok( $@, "real ffts shouldn't work inplace - backward" );

    eval 'rfft1( sequence(7), sequence(2,4) );';
    ok_should_reuse_plan( ! $@, "real fft dims - baseline");

    eval 'rfft1( sequence(7), sequence(3,4) );';
    ok( $@, "real fft dimensionality 1");

    eval 'rfft1( sequence(7), sequence(1,4) );';
    ok( $@, "real fft dimensionality 2");

    eval 'rfft1( sequence(7), sequence(2,5) );';
    ok( $@, "real fft dimensionality 3");

    eval 'rfft1( sequence(7), sequence(2,3) );';
    ok( $@, "real fft dimensionality 4");

    eval( 'rfft4( sequence(5,3,4,4) );' );
    ok_should_make_plan( ! $@, "real dimensionality baseline" );

    eval( 'rfft4( sequence(5,4,4) );' );
    ok( $@, "real dimensionality: too few dimensions should fail" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(2,5,3,4,4) );' );
    ok_should_make_plan( ! $@, "real-backward dimensionality baseline" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(5,4,4) );' );
    ok( $@, "real-backward dimensionality: too few dimensions should fail" );

    eval( 'rfft4( sequence(5,3,4,4), sequence(2,3,3,4,4) );' );
    ok_should_reuse_plan( ! $@, "real dimensionality baseline - more explicit" );

    eval( 'rfft4( sequence(5,3,4,4), sequence(2,3,3,4,4,3) );' );
    ok_should_reuse_plan( ! $@, "real dimensionality baseline - extra dims should be ok" );

    eval( 'rfft4( sequence(5,3,4,4), sequence(3,3,3,4,3) );' );
    ok( $@, "real dimensionality - output should look like complex numbers" );

    eval( 'rfft4( sequence(5,3,4,4), sequence(2,3,3,4,3) );' );
    ok( $@, "real dimensionality - different dims should break 1" );

    eval( 'rfft4( sequence(5,3,4,4), sequence(2,3,3,4,5) );' );
    ok( $@, "real dimensionality - different dims should break 2" );

    eval( 'rfft4( sequence(4,3,4,4), sequence(2,3,3,4,4) );' );
    ok_should_make_plan( !$@, "real dimensionality - slightly different complex dims still ok" );

    eval( 'rfft4( sequence(6,3,4,4), sequence(2,3,3,4,4) );' );
    ok( $@, "real dimensionality - too different complex dims should break" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(2,3,3,4,4) );' );
    ok_should_make_plan( ! $@, "real-backward dimensionality baseline 1" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(2,3,3,4,4), sequence(5,3,4,4) );' );
    ok_should_make_plan( ! $@, "real-backward dimensionality baseline 2" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(2,3,3,4,4,3), sequence(5,3,4,4) );' );
    ok_should_reuse_plan( ! $@, "real-backward dimensionality baseline - extra dims should be ok" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(3,3,3,4,4,3), sequence(5,3,4,4) );' );
    ok( $@, "real-backward dimensionality - input should look like complex numbers" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(2,3,3,4,3), sequence(5,3,4,4) );' );
    ok( $@, "real-backward dimensionality - different dims should break 1" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(2,3,3,4,5), sequence(5,3,4,4) );' );
    ok( $@, "real-backward dimensionality - different dims should break 2" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(2,3,3,4,4), sequence(4,3,4,4) );' );
    ok_should_reuse_plan( !$@, "real-backward dimensionality - slightly different complex dims still ok" );

    eval( 'irfft4( sequence(2,3,3,4,4), sequence(6,3,4,4) );' );
    ok( $@, "real-backward dimensionality - too different complex dims should break" );

# make sure the routines do not damage their input
  # I use all-new size to make sure a planning phase takes place. This checks
  # the planning phase for preserving its input also
  my $xorig = sequence(6,7,8);
  my $Xorig = sequence(2,6,7,8);
  my ($x,$X);

  $X = $Xorig->copy;
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $X, $Xorig, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "2D forward FFT preserves its input" );

  $X = $Xorig->copy;
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $X, $Xorig, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "2D backward FFT preserves its input" );

  $x = $xorig->copy;
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $x, $xorig, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "3D real forward FFT preserves its input" );

  $X = $Xorig->copy;
  ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $X, $Xorig, approx_eps_double) ),
                       "3D real backward FFT preserves its input" );

# Check parameterized operation
    my $a = sequence(2,4,4,4)==0;
    my $b = fftn($a,1);
    my $btemplate = zeroes($a);
    $btemplate->slice('(0),:,(0),(0)') .= 1;
    ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $b, $btemplate, approx_eps_double ) ),
			 "parameterized forward complex FFT works (1d on a 1+3d var)" );

    ok_should_reuse_plan( all( approx( $a->fftn(1), $btemplate, approx_eps_double ) ),
                          "parameterized forward complex FFT works (1d on a 1+3d var) - method" );

    $b = fftn($a,2);
    $btemplate .= 0;
    $btemplate->slice('(0),:,:,(0)') .= 1;
    ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $b, $btemplate, approx_eps_double ) ),
			 "parameterized forward complex FFT works (2d on a 1+3d var)" );

    $b = fftn($a,3);
    $btemplate .= 0;
    $btemplate->slice('(0),:,:,:') .= 1;
    ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $b, $btemplate, approx_eps_double ) ),
			 "parameterized forward complex FFT works (3d on a 1+3d var)" );

    # inverse on 2d -- should leave the 3rd dimension alone
    my $c = ifftn($b,2);
    my $ctemplate= zeroes($c);
    $ctemplate->slice('(0),(0),(0)') .= 1;
    ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $c, $ctemplate, approx_eps_double ) ),
			 "parameterized reverse complex FFT works (2d on a 1+3d var)" );

    $a = sequence(4,4,4)==0;
    $b = rfftn($a,1);
    $btemplate = zeroes($b);
    $btemplate->slice('(0),:,(0),(0)') .= 1;
    ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $b, $btemplate, approx_eps_double ) ),
			 "parameterized forward real FFT works (1d on a 3d var)" );

    # inverse on 2d -- should be a normalized forward on the non-transformed direction
    $c = irfftn($b,2);
    $ctemplate = zeroes($a);
    $ctemplate->slice('(0),:,(0)') .= 0.25;
    ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( $c, $ctemplate, approx_eps_double) ),
			 "parameterized reverse real FFT works (2d on a 3d var)" );


# Alignment checks. Here I try to fft purposely-unaligned piddles to make sure
# that PDL::FFTW3 both makes a new plan and computes the data correctly. I only
# create an input offset
# This test isn't written perfectly. It assumes that $x->copy is aligned at 16
# bytes, which is true on my amd64 box, but is not true in general.
# Additionally, FFTW crashes if alignment is particularly bad, so I disable
# these tests.
  my $x = sequence(10)->cat(sequence(10)**2)->mv(-1,0);

  # from octave: conj( fft( (0:9) + i* ((0:9).**2) )' )
  my $Xref = pdl( [45.0000000000000,+285.0000000000000],
                  [148.8841768587627,-13.0277379108784] );

  my $length = length ${$x->get_dataref};
  for my $offset (4,8)
    # this assumes a 16-aligned piddle is created. This is true on my amd64 box
    my $x_offset = $x->copy;

    # create an offset in the data inside the piddle
    ${$x_offset->get_dataref} .= ' ' x $offset;
    substr(${$x_offset->get_dataref}, 0, $offset) = "";
    substr(${$x_offset->get_dataref}, 0) = ${$x->get_dataref};

    ok_should_make_plan( all( approx( fft1($x_offset), $Xref, approx_eps_double) ),
                         "Basic 1D complex FFT - unaligned $offset bytes" );

sub ok_should_make_plan
  my ($value, $planname) = @_;
  ok( $value, $planname );
  check_new_plan( $planname );

sub ok_should_reuse_plan
  my ($value, $planname) = @_;
  ok( $value, $planname );
  check_reused_plan( $planname );

sub check_new_plan
  my $planname = shift;

 SKIP: {
    skip "Plan creation checks disabled because pdl memory may be unaligned", 1 unless $do_check_plan_creations;
    ok( $PDL::FFTW3::_Nplans == $Nplans+1,
        "$planname: should make a new plan" );

  $Nplans = $PDL::FFTW3::_Nplans;

sub check_reused_plan
  my $planname = shift;

 SKIP: {
    skip "Plan creation checks disabled because pdl memory may be unaligned", 1 unless $do_check_plan_creations;
    ok( $PDL::FFTW3::_Nplans == $Nplans,
        "$planname: should reuse an existing plan" );
  $Nplans = $PDL::FFTW3::_Nplans;