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package Tk::Menustrip;

use Tk;
use Tk::Label;
use Tk::Button;
use Tk::Toplevel;

use base qw (Tk::Frame);
use vars qw ($VERSION);
use strict;
use Carp;

$VERSION = '0.01';

Tk::Widget->Construct ('Menustrip');

sub Populate
    my ($this, %p_Options) = (shift, @_);

    my $l_DefaultFont = delete $p_Options {'-font'} || '-*-Times-Medium-R-Normal--*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*';

    my $l_SubRef = sub
        $this->configure ('-automenu' => 'false');

    $this->SUPER::Populate (@_);
    $this->toplevel()->bind ('<ButtonPress>' => $l_SubRef);
    $this->bind ('<ButtonPress-1>' => $l_SubRef);

        '-background' => [['SELF', 'CHILDREN', 'DESCENDANTS'], 'background', 'Background', $this->parent()->cget ('-background')],
        '-foreground' => [['SELF', 'PASSIVE', 'CHILDREN', 'DESCENDANTS'], 'foreground', 'Foreground', 'black'],
        '-borderwidth' => ['SELF', 'borderwidth', 'BorderWidth', 1],
        '-automenu' => ['METHOD', 'automenu', 'AutoMenu', 'false'],
        '-font' => ['PASSIVE', 'font', 'Font', $l_DefaultFont],
        '-relief' => ['SELF', 'relief', 'Relief', 'raised'],

    $this->configure ('-font' => $l_DefaultFont);

    return $this;

sub automenu
    $_[0]->{'m_AutoMenu'} =
        defined ($_[1]) ?
        ($_[1] eq 'true' || $_[1] > 0 || $_[1] eq 'on') :

sub MenuLabel
    my ($this, $p_Caption, $p_Flag) = (shift, @_);

    my $l_Frame = $this->Component
        'Frame' => $this->FixName ($p_Caption),
        '-borderwidth' => 2,
        '-relief' => 'flat',

    my $l_Label = $l_Frame->Component
        'Button' => 'Label',
        '-font' => $this->cget ('-font'),
        '-text' => $p_Caption,
        '-relief' => 'flat',
        '-borderwidth' => 0,
        '-padx' => 0,
        '-pady' => 0,

    my $l_Popup = $l_Frame->Component
        'Toplevel' => 'Popup',
        '-relief' => 'raised',
        '-borderwidth' => 1,

        '-activebackground' => $l_Label->cget ('-background'),
        '-highlightthickness' => 1,

        '-expand' => 'true',
        '-side' => 'left',
        '-ipadx' => 0,
        '-ipady' => 0,
        '-padx' => 0,
        '-pady' => 0,

        '-side' => ($p_Flag eq '-right' ? 'right' : 'left'),
        '-anchor' => ($p_Flag eq '-right' ? 'ne' : 'nw'),
        '-fill' => 'y',
        '-padx' => 1,
        '-pady' => 1,

        '<ButtonPress-1>' => sub
            $this->configure ('-automenu' => 'true');
            $this->Show ($l_Label);

        '<Enter>' => sub
            $this->Show ($l_Label) if ($this->cget ('-automenu'));

        '<Return>' => sub
            $this->configure ('-automenu' => 'true');
            $this->Show ($l_Label);

        '<Down>' => sub
            $this->configure ('-automenu' => 'true');
            $this->Show ($l_Label);

        '<Right>' => sub

        '<Left>' => sub

        '<Escape>' => sub
            $this->automenu ('false');

    push (@{$this->{m_MenuList}}, $l_Label);
    $l_Popup->overrideredirect (1);
    $this->Hide ($l_Label);

sub MenuEntry
    my ($this, $p_Caption, $p_EntryCaption, $p_Action) = (shift, @_);

    unless (defined ($p_EntryCaption))
        $this->MenuSeparator ($p_Caption);

    unless (Exists ($this->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_Caption))))
        $this->MenuLabel ($p_Caption);
        return unless Exists ($this->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_Caption)));

    my $l_Popup = $this->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_Caption))->Subwidget ('Popup');

    my $l_Label = $l_Popup->Component
        'Button' => $this->FixName ($p_EntryCaption),
        '-font' => $this->cget ('-font'),
        '-highlightthickness' => 1,
        '-text' => $p_EntryCaption,
        '-justify' => 'left',
        '-relief' => 'flat',
        '-borderwidth' => 1,
        '-anchor' => 'w',
        '-padx' => 5,
        '-pady' => 0,

    $l_Popup->{'m_Focus'} = $l_Label unless (defined ($l_Popup->{'m_Focus'}));

    unless (ref ($p_Action) eq 'CODE')
        $p_Action = sub {printf ("[%s]\n", $p_EntryCaption);};

        '-command' => sub
            if ($l_Label->{m_Enabled} eq 'true')
                $this->automenu ('false');
                $this->afterIdle ($p_Action);

        '-expand' => 'true',
        '-anchor' => 'nw',
        '-side' => 'top',
        '-fill' => 'x',
        '-ipadx' => 0,
        '-ipady' => 0,
        '-padx' => 0,
        '-pady' => 0,

        '<Up>' => sub

        '<Down>' => sub

        '<Left>' => sub
            my $l_Header = $l_Popup->parent()->Subwidget ('Label');

            $this->Hide ($l_Header);

            my $l_Next = $this->toplevel()->focusCurrent();
            my $l_Found = 0;

            foreach my $l_Widget (@{$this->{m_MenuList}})
                $l_Found = 1 if ($l_Next eq $l_Widget);

            $this->Show ($l_Next) if ($l_Found);

        '<Right>' => sub
            my $l_Header = $l_Popup->parent()->Subwidget ('Label');
            $this->Hide ($l_Header);

            my $l_Next = $this->toplevel()->focusCurrent();
            my $l_Found = 0;

            foreach my $l_Widget (@{$this->{m_MenuList}})
                $l_Found = 1 if ($l_Next eq $l_Widget);

            $this->Show ($l_Next) if ($l_Found);

        '<Return>' => sub


sub MenuSeparator
    my ($this, $p_Caption) = (shift, @_);

    unless (Exists ($this->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_Caption))))
        $this->MenuLabel ($p_Caption);
        return unless Exists ($this->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_Caption)));

    my $l_Popup = $this->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_Caption))->Subwidget ('Popup');

    my $l_Frame = $l_Popup->Frame
        '-borderwidth' => 1,
        '-relief' => 'flat',

    my $l_Separator = $l_Frame->Frame
        '-borderwidth' => 1,
        '-relief' => 'sunken',
        '-height' => 2,

        '-anchor' => 'w',
        '-side' => 'left',
        '-fill' => 'x',
        '-expand' => 'true',

        '-anchor' => 'nw',
        '-expand' => 'true',
        '-side' => 'top',
        '-fill' => 'x',

sub Show
    my ($this, $p_Label) = (shift, @_);
    my $l_Popup = $p_Label->parent()->Subwidget ('Popup');
    my $l_Label = $p_Label;


        '-relief' => 'groove',

    my $l_CodeRef = sub
        $l_Popup->raise(); # Tk::

            ($l_Label->rootx() - 1).
            ($l_Label->parent()->rooty() + $l_Label->parent()->height() + $l_Label->cget ('-borderwidth'))

        '<Configure>' => $l_CodeRef


    $l_Popup->{'m_FocusRestore'} = $this->toplevel()->focusSave();
#    $l_Popup->focus();
#    $l_Popup->{'m_Focus'}->focus() if (Exists ($l_Popup->{'m_Focus'}));

sub Hide
    my ($this, $p_Label) = (shift, @_);

    if (defined ($p_Label))
        my $l_Popup = $p_Label->parent()->Subwidget ('Popup');

            '<Configure>' => ''

            '-relief' => 'flat',

        &{$l_Popup->{'m_FocusRestore'}} if (ref ($l_Popup->{'m_FocusRestore'}) eq 'CODE');
        delete $l_Popup->{'m_FocusRestore'};
        foreach my $l_Label (@{$this->{m_MenuList}})
            $this->Hide ($l_Label);

sub EnableEntry
    my ($this, $p_MenuCaption, $p_EntryCaption) = (shift, @_);
    my $l_Popup = $this->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_MenuCaption))->Subwidget ('Popup');
    my $l_Label = $l_Popup->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_EntryCaption));

    $l_Label->{m_Enabled} = 'true';

        '-activeforeground' => $this->cget ('-background'),
        '-activebackground' => $this->cget ('-foreground'),
        '-foreground' => $this->cget ('-foreground'),
        '-background' => $this->cget ('-background'),
        '-relief' => 'flat',

sub DisableEntry
    my ($this, $p_MenuCaption, $p_EntryCaption) = (shift, @_);
    my $l_Popup = $this->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_MenuCaption))->Subwidget ('Popup');
    my $l_Label = $l_Popup->Subwidget ($this->FixName ($p_EntryCaption));

    $l_Label->{m_Enabled} = 'false';

        '-activeforeground' => $l_Label->Darken ($this->cget ('-background'), 80),
        '-activebackground' => $this->cget ('-background'),
        '-foreground' => $l_Label->Darken ($this->cget ('-background'), 80),
        '-background' => $this->cget ('-background'),
        '-relief' => 'flat',

sub FixName
    return (join ('_', split ('\.', $_[1])));




=head1 NAME

Tk::Menustrip - Another menubar with help menu support, etc


    use Tk::Menustrip;
    use Tk;

    my $MainWindow = MainWindow->new();

    my $l_Menubar = $this->Menustrip();

    $l_Menubar->MenuLabel     ('File'),
    $l_Menubar->MenuEntry     ('File', 'Save', sub {Save();});
    $l_Menubar->MenuSeparator ('File');
    $l_Menubar->MenuEntry     ('File', 'Exit', sub {Exit();});

    $l_Menubar->MenuLabel     ('Help', '-right');
    $l_Menubar->MenuEntry     ('Help', 'About...');
    $l_Menubar->MenuSeparator ('Help');
    $l_Menubar->MenuEntry     ('Help', 'Help On...');

    $l_Menubar->pack(-fill => 'x');



=head1 AUTHORS

Damion K. Wilson,

=head1 HISTORY 