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package MooseX::Types::ISO8601;
use Moose ();
use aliased DateTime => 'DT';
use DateTime::Format::Duration;
use MooseX::Types::DateTime qw(Duration DateTime);
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Str Num/;
use List::MoreUtils qw/ zip /;
use Scalar::Util qw/ looks_like_number /;
use Try::Tiny qw/try/;

our $MYSQL;
    $MYSQL = 0;
    if (try { Class::MOP::load_class('MooseX::Types::DateTime::MySQL') }) {
            MooseX::Types::DateTime::MySQL->import(qw/ MySQLDateTime /);
            $MYSQL = 1;
use namespace::autoclean;

our $VERSION = "0.11";

use MooseX::Types -declare => [qw(

my $date_re = qr/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/;
subtype ISO8601DateStr,
    as Str,
    where { /$date_re/ };

my $time_re = qr/^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:(?:\.|,)(\d+))?Z?$/;
subtype ISO8601TimeStr,
    as Str,
    where { /$time_re/ };

my $datetime_re = qr/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:(?:\.|,)(\d+))?Z$/;
subtype ISO8601DateTimeStr,
    as Str,
    where { /$datetime_re/ };

my $datetimetz_re = qr/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?:(?:\.|,)(\d+))?((?:\+|-)\d\d:\d\d)$/;
 subtype ISO8601DateTimeTZStr,
    as Str,
    where { /$datetimetz_re/ };

# TODO: According to ISO 8601:2004(E), the lowest order components may be
# omitted, if less accuracy is required.  The lowest component may also have
# a decimal fraction.  We don't support these both together, you may only have
# a fraction on the seconds component.

my $timeduration_re = qr/^PT(?:(\d{1,2})H)?(?:(\d{1,2})M)?(?:(\d{0,2})(?:(?:\.|,)(\d+))?S)?$/;
subtype ISO8601TimeDurationStr,
    as Str,
    where { grep { looks_like_number($_) } /$timeduration_re/; };

my $dateduration_re = qr/^P(?:(\d+)Y)?(?:(\d{1,2})M)?(?:(\d{1,2})D)?$/;
subtype ISO8601DateDurationStr,
    as Str,
    where { grep { looks_like_number($_) } /$dateduration_re/ };

my $datetimeduration_re = qr/^P(?:(\d+)Y)?(?:(\d{1,2})M)?(?:(\d{1,2})D)?(?:T(?:(\d{1,2})H)?(?:(\d{1,2})M)?(?:(\d{0,2})(?:(?:\.|,)(\d+))?)S)?$/;
subtype ISO8601DateTimeDurationStr,
    as Str,
    where { grep { looks_like_number($_) } /$datetimeduration_re/ };

    my %coerce = (
        ISO8601TimeDurationStr, 'PT%02HH%02MM%02S.%06NS',
        ISO8601DateDurationStr, 'P%02YY%02mM%02dD',
        ISO8601DateTimeDurationStr, 'P%02YY%02mM%02dDT%02HH%02MM%02S.%06NS',

    foreach my $type_name (keys %coerce) {

        my $code = sub {
            my $str = DateTime::Format::Duration->new(
                normalize => 1,
                pattern   => $coerce{$type_name},
            ->format_duration( shift );

            # Remove fractional seconds if there aren't any.
            $str =~ s/\.0+S$/S/;
            return $str;

        coerce $type_name,
        from Duration,
            via { $code->($_) },
        from Num,
            via { $code->(to_Duration($_)) };
            # FIXME - should be able to say => via_type 'DateTime::Duration';
            # nothingmuch promised to make that syntax happen if I got
            # Stevan to approve and/or wrote a test case.

    my %coerce = (
        ISO8601TimeStr, sub { die "cannot coerce non-UTC time" if ($_[0]->offset!=0); $_[0]->hms(':') . 'Z' },
        ISO8601DateStr, sub { $_[0]->ymd('-') },
        ISO8601DateTimeStr, sub { die "cannot coerce non-UTC time" if ($_[0]->offset!=0); $_[0]->ymd('-') . 'T' . $_[0]->hms(':') . 'Z' },
        ISO8601DateTimeTZStr, sub {
            DateTime::TimeZone->offset_as_string($_[0]->offset) =~ /(.\d\d)(\d\d)/;
            $_[0]->ymd('-') . 'T' . $_[0]->hms(':') . "$1:$2"

    foreach my $type_name (keys %coerce) {

        coerce $type_name,
        from DateTime,
            via { $coerce{$type_name}->($_) },
        from Num,
            via { $coerce{$type_name}->(DT->from_epoch( epoch => $_ )) };

        if ($MYSQL) {
            coerce $type_name, from MySQLDateTime(),
            via { $coerce{$type_name}->(to_DateTime($_)) };

    my %coerce = (
        ISO8601TimeStr, sub {
            $_ =~ s/^(\d\d) \:? (\d\d) \:? (\d\d([\.\,]\d+)?) (([+-]00\:?(00)?)|Z) $
            return $_;
        ISO8601DateStr, sub {
            $_ =~ s/^(\d{4}) \-? (\d\d) \-? (\d\d)$
            return $_;
        ISO8601DateTimeStr, sub {
            $_ =~ s/^(\d{4}) \-? (\d\d) \-? (\d\d)
                    T(\d\d) \:? (\d\d) \:? (\d\d([\.\,]\d+)?)
            return $_;

    foreach my $type_name (keys %coerce) {

        coerce $type_name,
        from Str,
            via { $coerce{$type_name}->($_) },

    my @datefields = qw/ years months days /;
    my @timefields = qw/ hours minutes seconds nanoseconds /;
    my @datetimefields = (@datefields, @timefields);
    coerce Duration,
        from ISO8601DateTimeDurationStr,
            via {
                my @fields = map { $_ || 0 } $_ =~ /$datetimeduration_re/;
                if ($fields[6]) {
                    my $missing = 9 - length($fields[6]);
                    $fields[6] .= "0" x $missing;
                DateTime::Duration->new( zip @datetimefields, @fields );
        from ISO8601DateDurationStr,
            via {
                my @fields = map { $_ || 0 } $_ =~ /$dateduration_re/;
                DateTime::Duration->new( zip @datefields, @fields );
        from ISO8601TimeDurationStr,
            via {
                my @fields = map { $_ || 0 } $_ =~ /$timeduration_re/;
                if ($fields[3]) {
                    my $missing = 9 - length($fields[3]);
                    $fields[3] .= "0" x $missing;
                DateTime::Duration->new( zip @timefields, @fields );

    my @datefields = qw/ year month day /;
    my @timefields = qw/ hour minute second nanosecond /;
    my @datetimefields = (@datefields, @timefields);
    my @datetimetzfields = (@datefields, @timefields, "time_zone");
    coerce DateTime,
        from ISO8601DateTimeStr,
            via {
                my @fields = map { $_ || 0 } $_ =~ /$datetime_re/;
                if ($fields[6]) {
                    my $missing = 9 - length($fields[6]);
                    $fields[6] .= "0" x $missing;
                DT->new( zip(@datetimefields, @fields), time_zone => 'UTC' );
        from ISO8601DateTimeTZStr,
            via {
                my @fields = map { $_ || 0 } $_ =~ /$datetimetz_re/;
                if ($fields[6]) {
                    my $missing = 9 - length($fields[6]);
                    $fields[6] .= "0" x $missing;
                DT->new( zip(@datetimetzfields, @fields ) );
        from ISO8601DateStr,
            via {
                my @fields = map { $_ || 0 } $_ =~ /$date_re/;
                DT->new( zip @datefields, @fields );

        # XXX This coercion does not work as DateTime requires a year.
        from ISO8601TimeStr,
            via {
                my @fields = map { $_ || 0 } $_ =~ /$time_re/;
                if ($fields[3]) {
                    my $missing = 9 - length($fields[3]);
                    $fields[3] .= "0" x $missing;
                DT->new( zip(@timefields, @fields), 'time_zone' => 'UTC' );



=head1 NAME

MooseX::Types::ISO8601 - ISO8601 date and duration string type constraints and coercions for Moose


    use MooseX::Types::ISO8601 qw/

    has duration => (
        isa => ISO8601TimeDurationStr,
        is => 'ro',
        coerce => 1,

    Class->new( duration => 60 ); # 60s => PT00H01M00S
    Class->new( duration => DateTime::Duration->new(%args) )


This module packages several L<TypeConstraints|Moose::Util::TypeConstraints> with
coercions for working with ISO8601 date strings and the DateTime suite of objects.


=head2 ISO8601DateStr

An ISO8601 date string. E.g. C<< 2009-06-11 >>

=head2 ISO8601TimeStr

An ISO8601 time string. E.g. C<< 12:06:34Z >>

=head2 ISO8601DateTimeStr

An ISO8601 combined datetime string. E.g. C<< 2009-06-11T12:06:34Z >>

=head2 ISO8601DateTimeTZStr

An ISO8601 combined datetime string with a fully specified timezone. E.g. C<< 2009-06-11T12:06:34+00:00 >>


The date types will coerce from:


=item C< Num >

The number is treated as a time in seconds since the unix epoch

=item C< DateTime >

The duration represented as a L<DateTime> object.

=item C< Str >

Non-expanded date and time string representations.


20120113         => 2012-01-13
170500Z          => 17:05:00Z
20120113T170500Z => 2012-01-13T17:05:00Z

Representations of UTC time zone (only an offset of zero is supported)


17:05:00+00:00 => 17:05:00Z
17:05:00+00    => 17:05:00Z
170500+0000    => 17:05:00Z

2012-01-13T17:05:00+00:00 => 2012-01-13T17:05:00Z
2012-01-13T17:05:00+00    => 2012-01-13T17:05:00Z
20120113T170500+0000      => 2012-01-13T17:05:00Z

Also supports non-standards mixing of expanded and non-expanded representations


2012-01-13T170500Z => 2012-01-13T17:05:00Z
20120113T17:05:00Z => 2012-01-13T17:05:00Z



=head2 ISO8601DateDurationStr

An ISO8601 date duration string. E.g. C<< P01Y01M01D >>

=head2 ISO8601TimeDurationStr

An ISO8601 time duration string. E.g. C<< PT01H01M01S >>

=head2 ISO8601DateTimeDurationStr

An ISO8601 comboined date and time duration string. E.g. C<< P01Y01M01DT01H01M01S >>


The duration types will coerce from:


=item C< Num >

The number is treated as a time in seconds

=item C< DateTime::Duration >

The duration represented as a L<DateTime::Duration> object.


The duration types will coerce to:


=item C< Duration >

A L<DateTime::Duration>, i.e. the C< Duration > constraint from


=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *




Patches are welcome.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *

=item *



=head2 Fractional seconds

If provided, the number of seconds in time types is represented to microsecond
accuracy. A full stop character is used as the decimal seperator, which is
allowed, but deprecated in preference to the comma character in
I<ISO 8601:2004>.

=head1 BUGS

Probably full of them, patches are very welcome.

Specifically missing features:


=item *

No timezone support - all times are assumed UTC

=item *

No week number type

=item *

"Basic format", which lacks seperator characters, is not supported for
reading or writing.

=item *

Tests are rubbish.


=head1 AUTHOR


=item Tomas Doran (t0m) C<< <> >>

=item Dave Lambley C<< <> >>


The development of this code was sponsored by my employer L<>.

=head2 Contributors


=item Aaron Moses



    Copyright (c) 2009 Tomas Doran. Some rights reserved.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute
    it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
