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package Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent::Protocol::Text;
use strict;
use base 'Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent::Protocol';

sub _NOOP() {}

    my $generator = sub {
        my $cmd = shift;
        return sub {
            my ($self, $memcached, $key, $value, $initial, $cb) = @_;

            return sub {
                my $guard = shift;
                my $fq_key = $memcached->_prepare_key( $key );
                my $handle = $memcached->_get_handle_for( $key );
                $value ||= 1;
                my @command = ($cmd => $fq_key => $value);
                my $noreply = 0; # XXX - FIXME
                if ($noreply) {
                    push @command, "noreply";
                $handle->push_write(join(' ', @command) . "\r\n");

                if ($noreply) {
                    undef $guard;
                } else {
                    $handle->push_read(line => sub {
                        undef $guard;
                        if (! $cb) {
                        my $rv;
                        if ($_[1] =~ /^(NOT_FOUND|\d+)(?:\r\n)?/) {
                            $rv = $1;
                            (! defined $rv || ! length $rv || $rv eq 'NOT_FOUND') ?
                                undef :

    *decr = $generator->("decr");
    *incr = $generator->("incr");

sub delete {
    my ($self, $memcached, $key, $noreply, $cb) = @_;
    return sub {
        my $guard = shift;
        my $fq_key = $memcached->_prepare_key( $key );
        my $handle = $memcached->_get_handle_for( $key );

        my @command = (delete => $fq_key);
        $noreply = 0; # XXX - FIXME
        if ($noreply) {
            push @command, "noreply";
        $handle->push_write(join(' ', @command) . "\r\n");
        if (! $noreply) {
            $handle->push_read(line => sub {
                undef $guard;
                my $data = $_[1];
                my $success = $data =~ /^DELETED\r\n/;
                $cb->($success) if $cb;

sub get {
    my ($self, $memd, $key, $cb) = @_;

    return sub {
        my $guard = shift;
        my $fq_key = $memd->_prepare_key( $key );
        my $handle = $memd->_get_handle_for( $key );

        $handle->push_write( "get $fq_key\r\n" );
        $handle->push_read( line => sub {
            my @bits = split /\s+/, $_[1];
            if ($bits[0] eq 'VALUE') {
                my ($rkey, $rflags, $rsize, $rcas) = @bits[1..4];
                $_[0]->push_read(chunk => $rsize, sub {
                    my $value = $_[1];
                    $memd->deserialize(\$rflags, \$value);
                    $handle->push_read(regex => qr{END\r\n}, cb => sub {
                        undef $guard;
                    } );
            } elsif ($bits[0] eq 'END') {
                $cb->( undef );
                undef $guard;
            } else {
                Carp::confess("Unexpected line $_[1]");

sub get_multi {
    my ($self, $memcached, $keys, $cb) = @_;
    if (scalar @$keys == 0) {
        return sub {
            my $guard = shift;
            undef $guard;
            $cb->({}, "no keys speficied");

    return sub {
        my $guard = shift;

    my %keysinserver;
    foreach my $key (@$keys) {
        my $fq_key = $memcached->_prepare_key( $key );
        my $handle = $memcached->_get_handle_for( $key );
        my $list = $keysinserver{ $handle };
        if (! $list) {
            $keysinserver{ $handle } = $list = [ $handle ];
        push @$list, $fq_key;

    my %rv;
    my $cv = AE::cv {
        undef $guard;
        $cb->( \%rv );

    foreach my $data (values %keysinserver) {
        my ($handle, @keylist) = @$data;
        $handle->push_write( "get @keylist\r\n" );
        my $code; $code = sub {
            my @bits = split /\s+/, $_[1];
            if ($bits[0] eq 'END') {
                undef $code;
            } elsif ($bits[0] eq 'VALUE') {
                my ($rkey, $rflags, $rsize, $rcas) = @bits[1..4];
                $handle->push_read(chunk => $rsize, sub {
                    my $value = $_[1];

                    $memcached->deserialize(\$rflags, \$value);

                    $rv{$rkey} = $value; # XXX whatabout CAS?
                    $handle->push_read(line => \&_NOOP);
                    $handle->push_read(line => $code);
                } );
            } else {
                Carp::confess("Unexpected line $_[1]");
        $handle->push_read(line => $code);

    my $setter_code_with_compression = <<'EOCODE';
        sub {
            my ($self, $memd, $key, $value, $expires, $noreply, $cb) = @_;
            return sub {
                my $guard = shift;
                my $fq_key = $memd->_prepare_key( $key );
                my $handle = $memd->_get_handle_for( $key );
                my $length = 0;
                my $flags  = 0;

                if ($memd->should_serialize($value)) {
                    $memd->serialize(\$value, \$length, \$flags);
                } else {
                    $length = bytes::length($value);

                # Don't even check for should_compress if we're not
                # allowed to do so
                if ($memd->should_compress($length)) {
                    $memd->compress(\$value, \$length, \$flags);
                # END CHECK_COMPRESSION

                my $expires = int($expires || 0);
                $handle->push_write("$cmd $fq_key $flags $expires $length\r\n$value\r\n");
                if ($noreply) {
                    undef $guard;
                } else {
                    $handle->push_read(regex => qr{^(NOT_)?STORED\r\n}, sub {
                        undef $guard;
                        $cb->($1 ? 0 : 1) if $cb;
    my $setter_code_without_compression = '';
    my $in_check_compression = 0;
    foreach my $line (split /\n/, $setter_code_with_compression) {
        if ($line =~ /END CHECK_COMPRESSION/) {
            $in_check_compression = 0;
        } elsif ($line =~ /START CHECK_COMPRESSION/) {
            $in_check_compression = 1;
        } elsif ($in_check_compression) {
        $setter_code_without_compression .= "$line\n";

    my $generator = sub {
        my $cmd = shift;
        my $code;
        if ($cmd ne 'append' && $cmd ne 'prepend') {
            $code = eval $setter_code_with_compression;
        } else {
            $code = eval $setter_code_without_compression;
        if ($@) {
            die "Error: $@";
        return $code;

    *add     = $generator->("add");
    *replace = $generator->("replace");
    *set     = $generator->("set");
    *append  = $generator->("append");
    *prepend = $generator->("prepend");

sub stats {
    my ($self, $memcached, $name, $cb) = @_;

    return sub {
        my $guard = shift;
        my %rv;
        my $cv = AE::cv {
            undef $guard;
            $cb->( \%rv );

        foreach my $server (@{ $memcached->{_active_servers} }) {
            my $handle = $memcached->get_handle( $server );
            $handle->push_write( $name ? "stats $name\r\n" : "stats\r\n" );
            my $code; $code = sub {
                my @bits = split /\s+/, $_[1];
                if ($bits[0] eq 'END') {
                } elsif ( $bits[0] eq 'STAT' ) {
                    $rv{ $server }->{ $bits[1] } = $bits[2];
                    $handle->push_read( line => $code );
                } else {
                    Carp::confess("Unexpected line $_[1]");
            $handle->push_read( line => $code );

sub flush_all {
    my ($self, $memcached, $delay, $noreply, $cb) = @_;

    return sub {
        my $guard = shift;
        my $cv = AE::cv {
            undef $guard;
            $cb->(1) if $cb;

        $delay ||= 0;
        my @command = ('flush_all');
        push @command, $delay if ($delay);
        push @command, 'noreply' if ($noreply);
        my $command = join(' ', @command) . "\r\n";

        foreach my $server (@{ $memcached->{_active_servers} }) {
            my $handle = $memcached->get_handle( $server );
            $handle->push_write( $command );
            if (! $noreply) {
                $handle->push_read(regex => qr{^OK\r\n}, sub { $cv->end });

sub version {
    my ($self, $memcached, $cb) = @_;

    return sub {
        my $guard = shift;
        # don't store guard, as we're issuing a new guarded command
        $memcached->stats( "", sub {
            my $rv = shift;
            my %version = map {
                ($_ => $rv->{$_}->{version})
            } keys %$rv;
        } );



=head1 NAME

Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent::Protocol::Text - Implements Memcached Text Protocol


    use Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent;
    my $memd = Cache::Memcached::AnyEvent->new({
        protocol_class => 'Text', # Default so you can omit

=head1 METHODS

=head2 add

=head2 append

=head2 decr

=head2 delete

=head2 flush_all

=head2 get

=head2 get_multi

=head2 incr

=head2 prepend

=head2 replace

=head2 set

=head2 stats

=head2 version
