# $Id: /mirror/datetime/DateTime-Format-Japanese/trunk/lib/DateTime/Format/Japanese.pm 69499 2008-08-24T16:17:57.045540Z lestrrat  $

package DateTime::Format::Japanese;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Params::Validate qw( validate validate_pos SCALAR BOOLEAN );
use Encode();
use Exporter;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION %EXPORT_TAGS);
use DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common qw(:constants);
use DateTime::Calendar::Japanese::Era;
    $VERSION     = '0.04000';
    @ISA         = qw(Exporter);
    %EXPORT_TAGS = (
        constants => [ qw(


my %NewValidate = (
	output_encoding => { default => 'utf8' },
	input_encoding => { default => 'utf8' },
    number_format => { 
        type    => SCALAR,
        default => FORMAT_KANJI
    year_format   => {
        type    => SCALAR,
        default => FORMAT_ERA
    with_gregorian_marker => {
        type    => BOOLEAN,
        default => 0
    with_bc_marker => {
        type    => BOOLEAN,
        default => 0
    with_ampm_marker => {
        type    => BOOLEAN,
        default => 0
    with_day_of_week => {
        type    => BOOLEAN,
        default => 0

sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my %hash  = validate(@_, \%NewValidate);
    my $self  = bless \%hash, $class;

sub input_encoding
	my $self = shift;
	my $ret = $self->{input_encoding};
	if (@_) {
		$self->{input_encoding} = shift;
	return $ret;

sub output_encoding
	my $self = shift;
	my $ret = $self->{output_encoding};
	if (@_) {
		$self->{output_encoding} = shift;
	return $ret;

sub number_format
    my $self    = shift;
    my $current = $self->{number_format};
    if (@_) {
        my($val) = validate_pos(@_, {
            type => SCALAR,
            callbacks => {
                'is valid number_format' => \&DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::_valid_number_format
        $self->{number_format} = $val;
    return $current;

sub year_format
    my $self    = shift;
    my $current = $self->{year_format};
    if (@_) {
        my($val) = validate_pos(@_, {
            type => SCALAR,
            callbacks => {
                'is valid year_format' => \&DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::_valid_year_format
        $self->{year_format} = $val;
    return $current;

sub with_gregorian_marker
    my $self    = shift;
    my $current = $self->{with_gregorian_marker};
    if (@_) {
        my($val) = validate_pos(@_, { type => BOOLEAN });
        $self->{with_gregorian_marker} = $val;
    return $current;

sub with_bc_marker
    my $self    = shift;
    my $current = $self->{with_bc_marker};
    if (@_) {
        my($val) = validate_pos(@_, { type => BOOLEAN });
        $self->{with_bc_marker} = $val;
    return $current;

sub with_ampm_marker
    my $self    = shift;
    my $current = $self->{with_ampm_marker};
    if (@_) {
        my($val) = validate_pos(@_, { type => BOOLEAN });
        $self->{with_ampm_marker} = $val;
    return $current;

sub with_day_of_week
    my $self    = shift;
    my $current = $self->{with_day_of_week};
    if (@_) {
        my($val) = validate_pos(@_, { type => BOOLEAN });
        $self->{with_day_of_week} = $val;
    return $current;


my @FmtBasicValidate = (
    { isa => 'DateTime' },

sub format_year
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

    my $year_section = '';

    if ($self->year_format eq DateTime::Format::Japanese::FORMAT_ERA()) {
        $year_section = 
            DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::_format_era($dt, $self->number_format);
    } else {
        my $year = $dt->year;
        if ($year < 0 && $self->with_bc_marker) {
            $year *= -1;
            $year_section .= $DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::BC_MARKER;

        if ($self->with_gregorian_marker) {
            $year_section .= $DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::GREGORIAN_MARKER;

        my $restore = undef;
        if ($self->number_format eq FORMAT_KANJI_WITH_UNIT) {
            $restore = $self->number_format(FORMAT_KANJI);

        $year_section .=
            DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::_format_number($year, $self->number_format);
        $year_section .= $DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::YEAR_MARKER;

        if ($restore) {

    return Encode::encode($self->{output_encoding}, $year_section);

sub format_month
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

    return Encode::encode($self->{output_encoding},

sub format_day
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

    return Encode::encode($self->{output_encoding},

sub format_hour
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

    my $hour = $dt->hour;
    my $ampm = '';

    if ($self->with_ampm_marker) {
        $hour = $dt->hour <= 12 ? $dt->hour : $dt->hour - 12;
        $ampm = $dt->hour <  12 ? 
            $DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::AM_MARKER :

    return Encode::encode($self->{output_encoding},
        $ampm . 

sub format_minute
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

    return Encode::encode($self->{output_encoding},

sub format_second
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

    return Encode::encode($self->{output_encoding},

sub format_ymd
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

	# format_year, format_month, format_day already takes care of
	# encoding, so don't re-encode
        $self->format_year($dt) .
        $self->format_month($dt) .

sub format_time
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

	# format_hour, format_minute, format_second already takes care of
	# encoding, so don't re-encode
        $self->format_hour($dt) .
        $self->format_minute($dt) .

sub format_day_of_week
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

    return Encode::encode($self->{output_encoding},
        @DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::DAY_OF_WEEKS[ $dt->day_of_week - 1 ] .

sub format_datetime
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dt) = validate_pos(@_, @FmtBasicValidate);

    my $rv = $self->format_ymd($dt) .
    if ($self->with_day_of_week) {
        $rv .= $self->format_day_of_week($dt);

	# format_ymd, format_time, format_day_of_week have already
	# fixed our encoding, so don't touch.
    return $rv;



my $parse_gregorian = {
    regex       => qr<
    params      => [ qw(year month day am_pm hour minute second) ],
    preprocess  => [
        \&DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::_normalize_utf8, ],
    postprocess => [
        \&_fix_year ]

my $parse_gregorian_bc = {
    regex       => qr<
    params      => [ qw(is_bc year month day am_pm hour minute second) ],
    preprocess  => [
        \&DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::_normalize_utf8, ],
    postprocess => [
        \&_fix_year ]

my $parse_with_era  = {
    regex       => qr|
    params      => [ qw(era_name era_year month day am_pm hour minute second) ],
    preprocess  => [
        \&DateTime::Format::Japanese::Common::_normalize_utf8, ],
    postprocess => [
        \&_era2year_modern ]

sub _fix_year
    my %args = @_;
    if (delete $args{parsed}->{is_bc}) {
        $args{parsed}->{year} *= -1;

sub _era2year_modern
    my %args = @_;

    my $era_name = delete $args{parsed}->{era_name} ||
        return 0;
    my $era_year = delete $args{parsed}->{era_year};
    if ($era_year <= 0) {
        return 0;

    my $era = DateTime::Calendar::Japanese::Era->lookup_by_name(name => $era_name);

    my $g_year = $era->start->year + $era_year - 1;

    if ($g_year == 1) {
        if ($era->start->month > $args{parsed}->{month}) {
            Carp::croak("Invalid input format: Month " .
                $era->id .
                " is before the beginning of era '$era_name'");
        } elsif ($era->start->day > $args{parsed}->{day}) {
            Carp::croak("Invalid input format: Day " .
                $era->id .
                " is before the beginning of era '$era_name'");

    if ($era->end->is_finite() && $era->end->year < $g_year) {
        Carp::croak("Invalid input format: Year $g_year is after the end of era " . $era->id);
    } elsif ($g_year == $era->end->year) {
        if ($era->start->month < $args{parsed}->{month}) {
            Carp::croak("Invalid input format: Month " .
                $era->id .
                " is after the end of era '$era_name'");
        } elsif ($era->start->day >= $args{parsed}->{day}) {
            Carp::croak("Invalid input format: Day " .
                $era->id .
                " is after the end of era '$era_name'");

    $args{parsed}->{year} = $g_year;


require DateTime::Format::Builder;
    parsers => {
        parse_datetime => [ 
            $parse_with_era, $parse_gregorian, $parse_gregorian_bc



=head1 NAME

DateTime::Format::Japanese - A Japanese DateTime Formatter


  use DateTime::Format::Japanese;
  my $fmt = DateTime::Format::Japanese->new();

  # or if you want to set options,
  my $fmt = DateTime::Format::Japanese->new(
    number_format         => FORMAT_KANJI,
    year_format           => FORMAT_ERA,
    with_gregorian_marker => 1,
    with_bc_marker        => 1,
    with_ampm_marker      => 1,
    with_day_of_week      => 1,
    input_encoding        => $enc_name,
    output_encoding       => $enc_name

  my $str = $fmt->format_datetime($dt);
  my $dt  = $fmt->parse_datetime("平成16年1月27日午前5時30分");

This module implements a DateTime::Format module that can read Japanese
date notations and create a DateTime object, and vice versa.

All formatting methods will return a decoded utf-8 string, unless otherwise
specified explicitly via the output_encoding parameter.

All parsing methods expect a decoded utf-8 string, unless otherwise specified
explicitly via the input_encoding parameter

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

This constructor will create a DateTime::Format::Japanese object.
You may optionally pass any of the following parameters:

  number_format         - how to format numbers (default: FORMAT_KANJI)
  year_format           - how to format years (default: FORMAT_ERA)
  with_day_of_week      - include day of week (default: 0)
  with_gregorian_marker - use gregorian marker (default: 0)
  with_bc_marker        - use B.C. marker (default: 0)
  with_am_marker        - use A.M/P.M marker (default: 0)
  input_encoding        - encoding of input strings for parsing (default: utf8)
  output_encoding       - encoding of output strings for formatting (default: utf8)

Please note that all of the above parameters only take effect for
I<formatting>, and not I<parsing>, except for input_encoding. Parsing
is done in a way such that it accepts any of the known formats that
this module can produce.

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>parse_datetime($string)

This function will parse a Japanese date/time string and convert it to a
DateTime object. If the parsing is unsuccessful, it will croak.

Note that if you didn't provide a input_encoding parameter, the given
string is assumed to be decoded utf-8.

This function should be able to parse almost all of the common Japanese
date notations, whether they are written using ascii numerals, double byte
numerals, and kanji numerals. The date components (year, month, day or
era name, era year, month, day) must be present in the string. The time
components are optional.

This method can be called as a class function as well.

  my $dt = DateTime::Format::Japanese->parse_datetime($string);
  # or
  my $fmt = DateTime::Format::Japanese->new();
  my $fmt->parse_datetime($string);


All of the following methods accept a single parameter, a DateTime object,
and return the appropriate string representation.

  my $dt  = DateTime->now();
  my $fmt = DateTime::Format::Japanese->new(...);
  my $str = $fmt->format_datetime($dt);

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_datetime($dt)

Create a complete string representation of a DateTime object in Japanese.

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_ymd($dt)

Create a string representation of year, month, and date of a  DateTime
object in Japanese

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_year($dt)

Create a string representation of the year of a DateTime object in Japanese

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_month($dt)

Create a string representation of the month of a DateTime object in Japanese

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_day($dt)

Create a string representation of the day (day of month) of a DateTime object
in Japanese

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_day_of_week($dt)

Create a string representation of the day of week of a DateTime object in

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_time($dt)

Create a string representation of the time (hour, minute, second) of a DateTime object in Japanese

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_hour($dt)

Create a string representation of the hour of a DateTime object in Japanese

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_minute($dt)

Create a string representation of the minute of a DateTime object in Japanese

=head2 $fmt-E<gt>format_second($dt)

Create a string representation of the second of a DateTime object in Japanese

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 input_encoding()

=head2 output_encoding()

Get/Set the encoding that this module should expect to use.

=head2 number_format()

Get/Set the number formatting option. Possible values are:

=over 4


Formats the numbers in plain ascii roman numerals.


Formats numbers in kanji numerals without any unit specifiers.


Formats numbers in zenkaku numerals (double-byte equivalent of roman numerals)


Formats numbers in kanji numerals, with unit specifiers.


=head2 year_format()

Get/Set the year formatting option. Possible values are:

=over 4


Formats the year using the Japanese era notation.


Formats the year using the Gregorian notation


=head2 with_gregorian_marker()

Get/Set the option to include the gregorian calendar marker ("西暦")

=head2 with_bc_marker()

Get/Set the option to include the "B.C." marker instead of a negative year.

=head2 with_ampm_marker()

Get/Set the option to include the AM/PM marker. Implies that the hour
notation is swictched to 1-12 from 1-23

=head2 with_day_of_week

Get/Set the option to include day of week.


As of version 0.02, DateTime::Format::Japanese can handle arbitrary Japanese
encoding for both input and output.

By default, input_encoding is set to 'Guess' and uses L<Encode::Guess>.
However, this method is often not adequate to handle Japanese encodings,
as there are many ambiguities between any two encoding. In cases where
Encode::Guess could not guess the encoding being used, it will croak
and emit an error.

Therefore it is always recommended that you set the input_encoding.

=head1 CAVEATS

=head2 Day Of Week

Day of week is accepted in the parsing as the last element, but is never
used for generating DateTime objects. That is, if you give a date and an
unmatching day of week, your day of week will silently be ignored, and
DateTime.pm will handle the actual calculation.

=head2 Kanji Dates With Units

Kanji notations have the following limitations, which were :

Gregorian years may only expressed like this: '二〇〇四', not '二千四'

All other fields may be expressed as either '十四' or '一四'. However,
it will only understand up to the 10s, not anything higher. This is because
of the limit in the range of the fields. 

=head1 AUTHOR

(c) 2004-2006 Daisuke Maki E<lt>daisuke@endeworks.jp<gt>. 
