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# $Id: /mirror/coderepos/lang/perl/MooseX-DOM/trunk/lib/MooseX/ 89522 2008-10-28T01:36:10.445014Z daisuke  $

package MooseX::DOM;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.008;
use MooseX::DOM::Meta::Class;

our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:DMAKI';
our $VERSION   = '0.00999';

sub import {
    my $class = shift;
    my $caller = caller();

    my $metaclass = 'MooseX::DOM::Meta::LibXML';

    my $meta = Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaclass_roles(
        for_class => $caller,
        metaclass_roles => [ $metaclass ]

    if (grep { $_ eq 'BUILDARGS' } @_) {
        $meta->add_method('BUILDARGS' => Moose::Meta::Method->wrap(
            package_name => $caller,
            name         => 'BUILDARGS',
            body         => sub {
                my $class = shift;
                if (@_ == 1 && ref $_[0] ne 'HASH') {
                    unshift @_, 'dom_root';
                return {@_};


sub unimport {
    my $class = shift;
    my $caller = caller();


sub export_keywords {
    my ($class, $caller) = @_;

    my $exporter = Sub::Exporter::build_exporter({
        into => $caller,
        groups => { default => [ ':all' ] },
        exports => [
            dom_nodes      => sub { $class->build_dom_nodes($caller) },
            dom_fetchnodes => sub { $class->build_dom_fetchnodes($caller) },
            dom_to_class   => sub { $class->build_dom_to_class($caller) },
            dom_value      => sub { $class->build_dom_value($caller) },

sub unexport_keywords {
    my ($class, $caller) = @_;
    my @keywords = qw(dom_nodes dom_fetchnodes dom_to_class dom_value);

    { no strict 'refs';
        foreach my $name (@keywords) {
            if ( defined &{ $caller . '::' . $name }) {
                delete ${ $caller . '::' }{$name};

sub build_dom_value {
    my ($class, $caller) = @_;

    return sub {
        my $name = shift;
        my $args = { @_ == 1 ? (fetch => {xpath => $_[0]}) : @_ };

        my $fetch = $args->{fetch};
        my $fetch_xpath = $fetch->{xpath} || $name;

        Carp::confess "name must not contain special characters '$name'"
            if $name !~ /^[\w_]+$/;

        my $meta = $caller->meta;
                package_name => $caller,
                name         => $name,
                body         => sub {
                    my $self = shift;

sub build_dom_nodes {
    my ($class, $caller) = @_;

    return sub {
        my $name = shift;
        my $args = { @_ == 1 ? (fetch => $_[0]) : @_ };
        Carp::confess "name must not contain special characters '$name'"
            if $name !~ /^[\w_]+$/;

        $args->{into} = $caller;
        my @methods = (
            $class->build_dom_nodes_accessor($name, $args),
            $class->build_dom_nodes_appender($name, $args),

        my $meta = $caller->meta;
        foreach my $method (@methods) {
            $meta->add_method($method->{name}, $method->{code});

sub build_dom_nodes_appender {
    my ($class, $name, $args) = @_;

    # I can't figure out this one automatically (I think). 
    # just expect a code, and if I can't find it, not methods are
    # returned to the callee
    my $config = ref $args->{append} eq 'HASH' ? $args->{append} : 
        { code => $args->{append} };
    my $method = $config->{name} || "add_$name";
    my $code = $config->{code};
    my $ret;
    if ($code) {
        $ret = {
                package_name => $args->{into},
                name         => $method,
                body         => $code
    return $ret ? $ret : ();

sub build_dom_nodes_accessor {
    my ($class, $name, $args) = @_;

    my $fetch = $args->{fetch} || $name;
    my $store = $args->{store};

    if (! ref $fetch) {
        my $xpath = $fetch;
        $fetch = sub { shift->dom_root->findnodes($xpath) };

    my $code = <<"    EOSUB";
        sub {
            my \$self = shift;
            my \@ret = \$fetch->(\$self);
    if ($store) {
        $code .= <<"        EOSUB";
            if (\@_) {
                \$store->(\$self, \@_);

    $code .= <<"    EOSUB";
            return \@ret;
    my $cv = eval $code; Carp::confess($@) if $@;

    return {
        name => $name,
        code => Moose::Meta::Method->wrap(
            package_name => $args->{into},
            name         => $name,
            body         => $cv,

sub build_dom_fetchnodes {
    my ($class, $caller) = @_;

    return sub {
        my $args = {@_ == 1 ? (xpath => $_[0]) : @_};
        my $filter = $args->{filter};
        my $xpath  = $args->{xpath};
        return ($filter ?
            sub {
                my $self = shift;
                return $filter->($self->dom_root->findnodes($xpath));
            } :
            sub {
                my $self = shift;
                return $self->dom_root->findnodes($xpath);

sub build_dom_to_class {
    my ($class, $caller) = @_;

    return sub {
        my $args = {@_ == 1 ? (to_class => $_[0]) : @_};
        my $to_class = $args->{to_class};
        return sub {
            map { $to_class->new($_) } @_;


=head1 NAME

MooseX::DOM - Easily Create DOM Based Objects


    package RSS;
    use Moose;
    use MooseX::DOM;

    dom_value 'version' => '@version';
    dom_nodes 'items' => (
        fetch => dom_fetchnodes(
            xpath => 'channel/item',
            filter => dom_to_class('RSS::Item')

    # or, easy way (just get some DOM nodes)
    # dom_nodes 'items' => 'channel/items';

    # or, create your own way to fetch the nodes
    # dom_nodes 'items' => (
    #     fetch => sub { ... }
    # );

    no Moose;
    no MooseX::DOM;

    package RSS::Item;
    use Moose;
    use MooseX::DOM;

    dom_value 'title';
    dom_value 'description';
    dom_value 'link';

    no Moose;
    no MooseX::DOM;

    sub BUILDARGS {
        my $class = shift;
        my $args  = {@_ == 1? (dom_root => $_[0]) : @_};
        return $args;

    package main;

    # parse_file() is automatically created for you.
    my $rss = RSS->parse_file('rss.xml');
    foreach my $item ($rss->items) {
        print "item link  = ", $item->link, "\n";
        print "item title = ", $item->title, "\n";


MooseX::DOM is a tool that allows you to define classes that are based on


The following DSL is provided upon calling C<MooseX::DOM>. When 
C<no MooseX::DOM> is used, these functions are removed from your namespace.

=head2 dom_nodes $name => %spec

Declares that a method named $name should be built, using the given spec.
Returns a list of nodes, or what the filter argument trasnlates them to.

If %spec is omitted, $name is taken to be the xpath to fetch.

=head2 dom_value $name => %spec

Declares that a method named $name should be built, using the given spec.
Returns the result of the fetch, whatever that may be.

If %spec is omitted, $name is taken to be the xpath to fetch.

=head2 dom_fetchnodes %spec

Creates a closure that fetches some nodes

=head2 dom_to_class %spec

Creates a closure that transforms nodes to something else, typically an object.


The following methods are built onto your class automatically.

=head2 parse_file

=head2 parse_string

=head2 parse_fh

These methods allow you to parse a piece of XML, and build a MooseX::DOM
object based on it.

=head2 dom_findnodes($xpath)

Does a DOM XPath lookup. Returns a plain DOM object.

=head2 dom_findvalue($xpath)

Does a DOM XPath lookup. Returns whatever value the XPath results to.

=head1 MooseX::DOM METHODS

=head2 build_dom_fetchnodes

=head2 build_dom_nodes

=head2 build_dom_nodes_accessor

=head2 build_dom_nodes_appender

=head2 build_dom_to_class

=head2 build_dom_value

=head2 export_keywords

=head2 unexport_keywords

=head2 unimport


By default dom_to_class() gives your object a single DOM element to play
with. This is a problem if your class is a MooseX::DOM object and it doesn't
already handle single argument constructors. In such cases, a simple
builtin BUILDARGS can be provided for you. Simply do

    package MyObject;
    use Moose;
    use MooseX::DOM qw(BUILDARGS);

Which will install a default BUILDARGS method for your class.

=head1 AUTHOR

Daisuke Maki C<< <> >>

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

