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use strict;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use Moose::Meta::Class;


    my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
        PeerPort => '11211',
        PeerAddr => '',

    if (! $socket) {
        plan(skip_all => "no memcached server found");
    } else {
        my $tests = 0;
        foreach my $class qw(Cache::Memcached Cache::Memcached::Fast Cache::memcached::libmemcached) {
            eval "require $class";
            next if $@;

            diag("found $class...");
            $tests += 28;
            push @MEMDTYPES, $class;

        if (! @MEMDTYPES) {
            plan(skip_all => "No memcached client found");
        } else {
            plan(tests => $tests);

foreach my $memd (@MEMDTYPES) {
    diag("testig with $memd...");
    my $class = Moose::Meta::Class->create_anon_class(
        superclasses => [ 'Moose::Object' ]

    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
        like( $_[0], qr/^use of with_cache for MooseX::WithCache is now deprecated\. Use parameterized roles directly/, "Correct deprecation warning");
    MooseX::WithCache::with_cache($class->name, 'cache', backend => 'Cache::Memcached');

    my $object = $class->new_object(
        cache => $memd->new({
            servers => [ '' ],
            namespace => join('.', rand(), time, $$, {}),

        my $value = time();
        my $key   = 'foo';
        lives_ok { $object->cache_del($key) }
            "delete key '$key' first to make sure";
        lives_ok { $object->cache_set($key => $value) }
            "set value '$key' to '$value'";
        lives_and { 
            my $v = $object->cache_get($key);
            is($v, $value, "value gotten from cache '$v' should match '$value'");
        } "get value '$key' to '$value' should live";
        lives_ok { $object->cache_del($key) }
            "delete key '$key' to purge";

        require MooseX::WithCache::KeyGenerator::DumpChecksum;
        my $value = time();
        my $key   = [ qw(1 2 3), { foo => 'bar' } ];
        lives_ok { $object->cache_del($key) }
            "delete key '$key' first to make sure";
        lives_ok { $object->cache_set($key => $value) }
            "set value '$key' to '$value'";
        lives_and { 
            my $v = $object->cache_get($key);
            is($v, $value, "value gotten from cache '$v' should match '$value'");
        } "get value '$key' to '$value' should live";
        lives_and { 
            my $v = $object->cache_get([ qw(1 2 3), { foo => 'bar' } ]);
            is($v, $value, "value gotten from cache '$v' should match '$value' (same structure, different object)");
        } "get value '$key' to '$value' should live (same structure, different key object)";

        lives_and {
            ok( ! $object->cache_get($key), "cache disabled, fetch should fail" );
            $object->cache_set($key, "foo");
            ok( ! $object->cache_get($key), "cache disabled, fetch should fail (even if cache_set was called)" );
            $object->cache_set($key, "foo");
            ok( ! $object->cache_get($key), "cache disabled, fetch should fail (even if cache_set was called)" );

            $object->cache_set($key, "foo");
            is($object->cache_get($key), $value, "cache wasn't changed while it was disabled");

        } "no errors while testing cache disable";

        lives_ok { $object->cache_del($key) }
            "delete key '$key' to purge";

    { # memcached specific
        my $value = time();
        my $key   = [ qw(incr decr test) ];

        $object->cache_set($key, $value);
        is( $object->cache_incr($key), $value + 1, "incr returns correct result");
        is( $object->cache_get($key), $value + 1, "effect of incr is saved" );
        is( $object->cache_decr($key), $value, "decr returns correct result");
        is( $object->cache_get($key), $value, "effect of decr is saved" );

        lives_and {

            ok( ! $object->cache_incr($key), "incr while cache disabled" );
            ok( ! $object->cache_decr($key), "decr while cache disabled" );
        } "no errors while testing cache disable";
        lives_ok { $object->cache_del($key) }
            "delete key '$key' to purge";

        my %data = (
            a => 1,
            b => 2,
            c => 3,
            d => 4

        while(my($key, $value) = each %data) {
            $object->cache_set($key, $value);

        lives_and {
            my @keys = keys %data;
            my @ret  = $object->cache_get_multi(@keys);

            is( scalar @ret, scalar @keys, "got the same number of values" );
            is_deeply( \@ret, [ @data{@keys} ], "data validates" );
        } "get_multi";

        lives_and {
            my @keys = keys %data;
            push @keys, 'missing';
            my @ret  = $object->cache_get_multi(@keys);

            is( scalar @ret, scalar @keys - 1, "got the less results than requested" );
            is_deeply( \@ret, [ @data{ keys %data } ], "data validates" );

            my $ret  = $object->cache_get_multi(@keys);
            is( scalar keys(%{$ret->{results}}) + 1, scalar @keys, "got the less results than requested" );
            is_deeply( $ret->{results}, \%data, "data validates" );
            is_deeply( $ret->{missing}, [ 'missing' ], "missing key validates" );
        } "get_multi with missing keys";