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# $Id$
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Daisuke Maki <>
# All rights reserved.

package Swarmage::Worker::POE;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Class::Accessor::Fast);
use POE;

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors($_) for qw( slave );

sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my %args  = @_;

    my $slave_pkg = Swarmage::Util::load_module($args{module});
    my $slave     = $slave_pkg->new( %{ $args{config} || {} } );
    my $self      = $class->SUPER::new({ %args, slave => $slave });

    return $self;

sub work
    my ($self, $spec) = @_;

    my $task = Swarmage::Worker::POE::Task->new_from_task($spec->{task});

    my $session = $spec->{session};
    my $state   = $spec->{event};
    $task->register_event('done', sub {
        $poe_kernel->post( $session, $state, { %$spec, result => [@_] } )
            or die "Could not post to $state";
    } );

    my $slave = $self->slave;
    $poe_kernel->post( $slave->session_id, $slave->work_begin_event, $task )
        or die "Could not post to slave";

package # hide from PAUSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Class::Accessor::Fast);
use Event::Notify;

__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors($_) for qw(_task);

sub new_from_task
    my $class = shift;
    my $task  = shift;
    my $self = bless {
        _task  => $task,
        notify => Event::Notify->new()
    }, $class;

    foreach my $method qw(id type data postback prev) {
        { no strict 'refs';
            *{$method} = sub { shift->_task->$method(@_) };

sub notify { 
    my $self = shift;
    if (! @_) {
        push @_, 'done';
sub register_event { shift->{notify}->register_event(@_) }
sub unregister_event { shift->{notify}->unregister_event(@_) }



=head1 NAME

Swarmage::Worker::POE - POE Based Worker Backend


  use Swarmage;
    workers => [
        module => '+MyWorker',
        backend => 'POE',
        config => { ... }


This worker is intended for those tasks that can be done within the
same process as the main Swarmage session, using POE. It's really meant
to be a quick bridge betwen Swarmage and other POE-based applications,
such as Gungho.

Your slave object needs to be able to tell to which session / to which event
the task must be routed to. It is expected that your slave object implement
these two methos, which return their respective values:

  session          # the session ID / alias 
  work_begin_state # the name of the event that gets triggered

When you're done with your work, invoke the task's notify() method


If you have return values, you need to pass it to the notify() method:

  $task->notify($val1, \@val2, \%val3);

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

=head2 work
