
# Test the strict mode of RSS 0.9 and RSS 0.91

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use XML::RSS::LibXML;

sub item_throws_like
    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
    my ($rss, $params, $regex, $msg) = @_;
    eval {

    like ($@, $regex, $msg);

    my $rss = XML::RSS::LibXML->new(version => "0.9");


        title => "freshmeat.net",
        link  => "http://freshmeat.net",
        description => "the one-stop-shop for all your Linux software needs",

    # TEST
    item_throws_like($rss, [link => "http://foobar.tld/from/"], 
        qr{\Atitle and link elements are required},
        "strict - checking for exception on non-specified title"

    # TEST
    item_throws_like($rss, [title => "From Foobar"], 
        qr{\Atitle and link elements are required},
        "strict - checking for exception on non-specified link"

    # TEST
    item_throws_like($rss, [link => "http://foobar.tld/", 
        title => ("Very long title indeed" x 50)], 
        qr{\Atitle cannot exceed},
        "strict - checking for long title"

    # TEST
    item_throws_like($rss, [
        link => "http://" . ("foobarminimoni" x 200) . ".tld/", 
        title => "Short Title"
        qr{\Alink cannot exceed},
        "strict - checking for long link"

    # TEST
    item_throws_like($rss, [
        link => "http://foobar.tld/from/", 
        title => "Short Title",
        description => ("This description is way too long!" x 100),
        qr{\Adescription cannot exceed},
        "strict - checking for a long description"

    my $rss = XML::RSS::LibXML->new(version => "0.9");


        title => "freshmeat.net",
        link  => "http://freshmeat.net",
        description => "the one-stop-shop for all your Linux software needs",

    foreach my $i (1 .. 15)
            link => "http://foobar.tld/item-$i",
            title => "Item $i",

    # TEST
    item_throws_like($rss, [
        link => "http://foobar.tld/from/", 
        title => "Short Title",
        description => "Good description",
        qr{\Atotal items cannot exceed},
        "strict - checking for too many items"

    my $rss = XML::RSS::LibXML->new(version => "0.9");


        title => "freshmeat.net",
        link  => "http://freshmeat.net",
        description => "the one-stop-shop for all your Linux software needs",
        stupid_key => ("I think therefore I am." x 1000),

    # TEST
    ok (1, "Can add unknown keys of unlimited size without restriction");


    my $rss = XML::RSS::LibXML->new(version => "0.9");


    eval {
            title => "freshmeat.net",
            link  => "http://freshmeat.net",
            description => ("I think therefore I am." x 1000),

    # TEST
    like ($@, qr{\Adescription cannot exceed 500 characters in length},
        "Testing for exception thrown on a very long key"

    my $rss = XML::RSS::LibXML->new(version => "0.9");


    eval {
            hour => 5,

    # TEST
    like ($@, qr{\AUnregistered entity: Can't access skipHours field in object of class},
        "Testing for exception thrown on an unknown field"

    my $rss = XML::RSS::LibXML->new(version => "0.9");

        title => "freshmeat.net",
        link  => "http://freshmeat.net",
        description => "the one-stop-shop for all your Linux software needs",

    # TEST
    is ($rss->channel()->{title},
        "Testing for an AUTOLOAD accessor with 0 arguments"
    # TEST
    is ($rss->channel('title'),
        "Testing for an AUTOLOAD accessor with 1 argument"

    my $rss = XML::RSS::LibXML->new(version => "0.91");


    eval {
            day => "FoolambdaCroakThemOfMonetaryJudgement"

    # TEST
    like ($@, qr{\Aday cannot exceed 10 characters in length},
        "Testing for exception thrown on a key for 0.91"
