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#ifndef PERL_MONGO_H
#define PERL_MONGO_H


#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"

#ifndef mXPUSHp
#define mXPUSHp(p,l) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); sv_setpvn(PUSHmort al, (p), (l)); } STMT_END

#define PERL_MONGO_CALL_BOOT(name)  perl_mongo_call_xs (aTHX_ name, cv, mark)

/* whether to add an _id field */
#define PREP 1
#define NO_PREP 0

#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef _MSC_VER
typedef __int64 int64_t;
#define inline __inline
#include <stdint.h>
#endif // _MSC_VER
#endif // WIN32

// define regex macros for Perl 5.8
#ifndef RX_PRECOMP
#define RX_PRECOMP(re) ((re)->precomp)
#define RX_PRELEN(re) ((re)->prelen)

#define BYTE1_32(b) ((b & 0xff000000) >> 24)
#define BYTE2_32(b) ((b & 0x00ff0000) >> 8)
#define BYTE3_32(b) ((b & 0x0000ff00) << 8)
#define BYTE4_32(b) ((b & 0x000000ff) << 24)
#define MONGO_32(b) (BYTE4_32(b) | BYTE3_32(b) | BYTE2_32(b) | BYTE1_32(b))

#define BYTE1_64(b) ((b & 0xff00000000000000ll) >> 56)
#define BYTE2_64(b) ((b & 0x00ff000000000000ll) >> 40)
#define BYTE3_64(b) ((b & 0x0000ff0000000000ll) >> 24)
#define BYTE4_64(b) ((b & 0x000000ff00000000ll) >> 8)
#define BYTE5_64(b) ((b & 0x00000000ff000000ll) << 8)
#define BYTE6_64(b) ((b & 0x0000000000ff0000ll) << 24)
#define BYTE7_64(b) ((b & 0x000000000000ff00ll) << 40)
#define BYTE8_64(b) ((b & 0x00000000000000ffll) << 56)
#define MONGO_64(b) (BYTE8_64(b) | BYTE7_64(b) | BYTE6_64(b) | BYTE5_64(b) | BYTE4_64(b) | BYTE3_64(b) | BYTE2_64(b) | BYTE1_64(b))

#define MONGO_32(b) (b)
#define MONGO_64(b) (b)

#define INT_32 4
#define INT_64 8
#define DOUBLE_64 8
#define BYTE_8 1
#define OID_SIZE 12

#define BSON_DOUBLE 1
#define BSON_STRING 2
#define BSON_OBJECT 3
#define BSON_ARRAY 4
#define BSON_BINARY 5
#define BSON_UNDEF 6
#define BSON_OID 7
#define BSON_BOOL 8
#define BSON_DATE 9
#define BSON_NULL 10
#define BSON_REGEX 11
#define BSON_DBREF 12
#define BSON_CODE__D 13
#define BSON_SYMBOL 14
#define BSON_CODE 15
#define BSON_INT 16
#define BSON_LONG 18
#define BSON_MINKEY -1
#define BSON_MAXKEY 127

#define GROW_SLOWLY 1048576
#define MAX_OBJ_SIZE 1024*1024*4

typedef struct {
  char *start;
  char *pos;
  char *end;
} buffer;

// struct for 
typedef struct _stackette {
  void *ptr;
  struct _stackette *prev;
} stackette;

#define EMPTY_STACK 0

#define BUF_REMAINING (buf->end-buf->pos)
#define set_type(buf, type) perl_mongo_serialize_byte(buf, (char)type)
#define perl_mongo_serialize_null(buf) perl_mongo_serialize_byte(buf, (char)0)
#define perl_mongo_serialize_bool(buf, b) perl_mongo_serialize_byte(buf, (char)b)

void perl_mongo_call_xs (pTHX_ void (*subaddr) (pTHX_ CV *cv), CV *cv, SV **mark);
SV *perl_mongo_call_reader (SV *self, const char *reader);
SV *perl_mongo_call_method (SV *self, const char *method, int num, ...);
SV *perl_mongo_call_function (const char *func, int num, ...);
void perl_mongo_attach_ptr_to_instance (SV *self, void *ptr);
void *perl_mongo_get_ptr_from_instance (SV *self);
SV *perl_mongo_construct_instance (const char *klass, ...);
SV *perl_mongo_construct_instance_va (const char *klass, va_list ap);
SV *perl_mongo_construct_instance_with_magic (const char *klass, void *ptr, ...);

void perl_mongo_make_id(char *id);
void perl_mongo_make_oid(char* twelve, char *twenty4);

// serialization
SV *perl_mongo_bson_to_sv (buffer *buf);
void perl_mongo_sv_to_bson (buffer *buf, SV *sv, AV *ids);

int perl_mongo_resize_buf (buffer*, int);
void perl_mongo_serialize_key(buffer *buf, const char *str, int is_insert);
void perl_mongo_serialize_size(char*, buffer*);
void perl_mongo_serialize_double(buffer*, double);
void perl_mongo_serialize_string(buffer*, const char*, int);
void perl_mongo_serialize_long(buffer*, int64_t);
void perl_mongo_serialize_int(buffer*, int);
void perl_mongo_serialize_byte(buffer*, char);
void perl_mongo_serialize_bytes(buffer*, const char*, int);

// merge from original mongo_link.h

// db ops
#define OP_REPLY 1
#define OP_MSG 1000
#define OP_UPDATE 2001
#define OP_INSERT 2002
#define OP_GET_BY_OID 2003
#define OP_QUERY 2004
#define OP_GET_MORE 2005 
#define OP_DELETE 2006
#define OP_KILL_CURSORS 2007 

// cursor flags
#define CURSOR_ERR 2

#define MSG_HEADER_SIZE 16
#define INITIAL_BUF_SIZE 4096
// should only be 4MB, can be 64MB with big docs
#define MAX_RESPONSE_LEN 67108864
#define DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE (256*1024)

// if _id field should be added
#define PREP 1
#define NO_PREP 0

#define CREATE_MSG_HEADER(rid, rto, opcode)                     \
  header.length = 0;                                            \
  header.request_id = rid;                                      \
  header.response_to = rto;                                     \
  header.op = opcode;

#define CREATE_RESPONSE_HEADER(buf, ns, rto, opcode)    \
  CREATE_MSG_HEADER(SvIV(request_id), rto, opcode);     \
  APPEND_HEADER_NS(buf, ns, 0);

#define CREATE_HEADER_WITH_OPTS(buf, ns, opcode, opts)  \
  CREATE_MSG_HEADER(SvIV(request_id), 0, opcode);       \
  APPEND_HEADER_NS(buf, ns, opts);

#define CREATE_HEADER(buf, ns, opcode)          \
  CREATE_RESPONSE_HEADER(buf, ns, 0, opcode);                    

#define APPEND_HEADER(buf, opts) buf.pos += INT_32;       \
  perl_mongo_serialize_int(&buf, header.request_id);                 \
  perl_mongo_serialize_int(&buf, header.response_to);                \
  perl_mongo_serialize_int(&buf, header.op);                         \
  perl_mongo_serialize_int(&buf, opts);                                

#define APPEND_HEADER_NS(buf, ns, opts)                 \
  APPEND_HEADER(buf, opts);                             \
  perl_mongo_serialize_string(&buf, ns, strlen(ns));              

#define CREATE_BUF(size)                                \
  New(0, buf.start, size, char);                        \
  buf.pos = buf.start;                                  \
  buf.end = buf.start + size;

typedef struct {
  int length;
  int request_id;
  int response_to;
  int op;
} mongo_msg_header;
