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use strict;
use warnings;

package DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX;

use Carp qw/carp croak/;

our $VERSION = '1.04';

our @JAVA_HOMES = (

    my $_java_bin;
    sub _java_bin
        return $_java_bin if defined $_java_bin;
        $_java_bin = ''; # Default value: java not found (false)
        foreach (
                (map { ("$_/jre/bin/java", "$_/bin/java") }
                     (exists $ENV{JAVA_HOME} ? ($ENV{JAVA_HOME}) : ()),
                (map { "$_/java" } split(/:/, $ENV{PATH}) ),
            ) {
            next unless -x "$_";
            $_java_bin = $_;
        return $_java_bin;

    my $_classes_dir;
sub _olson_from_java
    my $name;
    my $java_bin = _java_bin();
    if (@_ && $_[0]) {
        $name = $_[0];

    # Set the Java environment
    unless (defined $_classes_dir) {
        my $pm = __PACKAGE__.".pm";
        $pm =~ s!::!/!g;
        $pm = $INC{$pm};
        $_classes_dir = $pm;
        $_classes_dir =~ s/\.pm$//;

    unless (-r "$_classes_dir/TZ.class") {
        carp "Java class '$_classes_dir/TZ.class' not found.";
    unless ($java_bin) {
        carp "Java not found.";

    my $olson;
    # Run the JVM to extract the mapping
        local $ENV{TZ};
        $ENV{TZ} = $name if defined $name;
        $olson = qx!"$java_bin" -cp "$_classes_dir" TZ!;
    # Java returns "GMT" for unknown timezones
    return undef unless $olson =~ m!/!;
    chomp $olson;
    return $olson;

# Returns undef on failure, no exception
sub _hpux_to_olson
    my $tz = shift;
    local $@;
    eval { require 'DateTime/TimeZone/HPUX/' };
    return undef if $@;
    my $tz_name;
    if (exists $DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX::Map::tz_map{$tz}) {
        $tz_name = $DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX::Map::tz_map{$tz};
    } else {

        # Simple TZ without DST: we can extract reliably an offset
        # This is less clean than what Java /may/ return, but much more faster!
        if ($tz =~ /^([A-Z]{3,})(-?)([1-9]?\d(?::(\d{2}))?)(#\w+)?$/) {
            # Note that GMT+5 gives -0500 as it is how HP-UX handles it
            my ($name, $sign, $offset) = ($1, $2, $3);
            $offset = '0' . $offset if length $offset < 2;
            $offset .= '00' if length $offset == 2;
            # Build a TZ with DT::TZ::OffsetOnly
            # Signs are reversed
            $tz_name = ($sign eq '-' ? '+' : '-') . $offset;
        } else {
            carp("unknown timezone '$tz', trying to resolve it with Java (SLOOOOOW...)");
            $tz_name = _olson_from_java($tz);
        if (defined $tz_name) {
            # Add to the cache
            $DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX::Map::tz_map{$tz} = $tz_name;
        } else {

    # Build a DateTime::TimeZone object from a TZ name, catching exceptions
    # Returns undef if failure.
    local $@;
    return eval { DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => $tz_name) };

# Raise an exception on failure, like DateTime::TimeZone
sub new
    my %options = @_;
    croak("Missing 'name' argument") unless exists $options{name};
    my $name = $options{name};
    if ($name eq 'local') {
        return DateTime::TimeZone->new(%options);
    } else {
        my $tz = _hpux_to_olson($name);
        croak("unknown timezone '$tz'") unless defined $tz;
        return $tz;


=head1 NAME

DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX - Handles timezones defined at the operating system level on HP-UX

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.04


On an HP-UX system (C<$^O eq 'hpux'>):

    my $tz =       DateTime::TimeZone->new(name => 'local');

    my $tz_paris = DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX->new(name => 'MET-1METDST');


This distribution implement detection of the local timezone as defined at the
operating system level, either in C<$ENV{TZ}> or in F</etc/TIMEZONE>.

HP-UX has its own system for defining timezones. See tztab(4). This is
incompatible with the now common set of timezones known as B<the Olson DB>
that is used by L<DateTime::TimeZone>.
This module fixes this hole by providing the map between the two systems.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(name => $hpux_style_time_zone)

L<DateTime::TimeZone> factory. Throws an exception if the timezone name could
not be resolved.


We are using the mapping provided by HP embedded in the Java Runtime

=over 4

=item *

this is the only such map available on HP-UX (the other map I know in
F</etc/dce_config> doesn't uses Olson names)

=item *

we don't need to bundle our own map that could become obsolete

=item *

Java is supported by HP, so updated (at least patches are available),
so if the local Java has effectively been updated by the lazy administrator
(yes, I'm dreaming) DT::TZ::HPUX just has to be reinstalled (force install) and
you are not dependent on a new release from its maintainer.


We are using the JRE at the module build time to generate a static Perl package
L<DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX::Map> that contains a map of the known
timezones defined system wide (F</usr/lib/tztab>) to
Olson DB style timezone names that are known to Java and DateTime::TimeZone.

This extraction is done once for all at install time because JVM startup 

=head1 CAVEAT

=over 4

=item *

This module uses a map of timezone names to return timezone objects from
L<DateTime::TimeZone>. This implies that the TimeZone
returned may not directly match the definition found in your F</usr/lib/tztab>
or the timezone in your Java Runtime Environment.
I consider this as a feature as DateTime::TimeZone is actively maintained,
probaly much more than your local F<tztab>.

=item *

The module build uses a Java Runtime Environment if it finds one. This JRE
must be updated to the latest version with HP's patches for accurate results.
If a JRE is not found, a default map will be used but it may not be up to date.
If you find mapping problems, first update your JRE and rebuild DT::TZ::HPUX
with the environment variable JAVA_HOME pointing to it.

=item *

The module build use the JAVA_HOME environment variable as the prefered JRE
to use. Check that it is pointing to the latest JRE on the machine.

=item *

If you update the JRE, a new timezone mapping may be available. Security fixes
and timezone information updating are the most common cause of the publishing
of a new JRE.
So reinstalling DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX is advised if you update the JRE.

=item *

The JRE may also be used at runtime in extreme cases:

=over 4

=item *

TZ environment variable is not set and /etc/TIMEZONE is not available as a
fallback. The fix is to set $ENV{TZ}.

=item *

the sources above are avaiable, but have a value that was unknown at the module
build time (check L<DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX::Map>). The fix is to rebuild
and reinstall the module (C<cpan force install DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX>).



=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *

L<DateTime::TimeZone::Local::hpux> - Local timezone detection for HP-UX
(bundled in this distribution)

=item *

L<DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX::Map> - Local timezone mapping from HP-UX to Olson DB (generated at build time)

=item *


=item *

HP-UX Java Patches: L<>


=head1 BUGS

No known bug at the time of release. The module has an extensive test suite.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-datetime-timezone-hpux at>,
or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

B<However, note that I, Olivier MenguE<eacute>, will not have access to an
HP-UX system past November 30th, 2009. So do not expect any fixes unless you
can provide patches yourself.>

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc DateTime::TimeZone::HPUX

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * The DateTime mailing list


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN



=head1 AUTHOR

Olivier MenguE<eacute>, C<< <dolmen at> >>


Copyright 2009 Olivier MenguE<eacute>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0 itself.
