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package App::TimeTracker;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

our $VERSION = "2.019";
# ABSTRACT: time tracking for impatient and lazy command line lovers

use App::TimeTracker::Data::Task;

use DateTime;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use Path::Class qw();
use Path::Class::Iterator;
use MooseX::Storage::Format::JSONpm;
use JSON::XS;

our $HOUR_RE   = qr/(?<hour>[012]?\d)/;
our $MINUTE_RE = qr/(?<minute>[0-5]?\d)/;
our $DAY_RE    = qr/(?<day>[0123]?\d)/;
our $MONTH_RE  = qr/(?<month>[01]?\d)/;
our $YEAR_RE   = qr/(?<year>2\d{3})/;

with qw(

subtype 'TT::DateTime' => as class_type('DateTime');
subtype 'TT::RT'       => as 'Int';
subtype 'TT::Duration' => as enum( [qw(day week month year)] );

coerce 'TT::RT' => from 'Str' => via {
    my $raw = $_;
    $raw =~ s/\D//g;
    return $raw;

coerce 'TT::DateTime' => from 'Str' => via {
    my $raw = $_;
    my $dt  = DateTime->now;
    $dt->set( second => 0 );

    if ($raw) {
        if ( $raw =~ /^ $HOUR_RE : $MINUTE_RE $/x ) {    # "13:42"
            $dt->set( hour => $+{hour}, minute => $+{minute} );
        elsif ( $raw =~ /^ $YEAR_RE [-.]? $MONTH_RE [-.]? $DAY_RE $/x )
        {                                                # "2010-02-26"
            $dt->set( year => $+{year}, month => $+{month}, day => $+{day} );
            $dt->truncate( to => 'day' );
        elsif ( $raw
            =~ /^ $YEAR_RE [-.]? $MONTH_RE [-.]? $DAY_RE \s+ $HOUR_RE : $MINUTE_RE $/x
        {                                                # "2010-02-26 12:34"
                year   => $+{year},
                month  => $+{month},
                day    => $+{day},
                hour   => $+{hour},
                minute => $+{minute} );
        elsif ( $raw =~ /^ $DAY_RE [-.]? $MONTH_RE [-.]? $YEAR_RE $/x )
        {                                                # "26-02-2010"
            $dt->set( year => $+{year}, month => $+{month}, day => $+{day} );
            $dt->truncate( to => 'day' );
        elsif ( $raw
            =~ /^ $DAY_RE [-.]? $MONTH_RE [-.]? $YEAR_RE \s $HOUR_RE : $MINUTE_RE $/x
        {                                                # "26-02-2010 12:34"
                year   => $+{year},
                month  => $+{month},
                day    => $+{day},
                hour   => $+{hour},
                minute => $+{minute} );
        else {
            confess "Invalid date format '$raw'";
    return $dt;

MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap->add_option_type_to_map( 'TT::DateTime' => '=s',
MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap->add_option_type_to_map( 'TT::RT' => '=i', );

no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

has 'home' => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Path::Class::Dir',
    traits   => ['NoGetopt'],
    required => 1,
has 'config' => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'HashRef',
    required => 1,
    traits   => ['NoGetopt'],
has '_current_project' => (
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => 'Str',
    predicate => 'has_current_project',
    traits    => ['NoGetopt'],

has 'tags' => (
    isa     => 'ArrayRef',
    is      => 'ro',
    traits  => ['Array'],
    default => sub { [] },
    handles => {
        insert_tag => 'unshift',
        add_tag    => 'push',
    documentation => 'Tags [Multiple]',

has '_current_command' => (
    isa    => 'Str',
    is     => 'rw',
    traits => ['NoGetopt'],

has '_current_task' => (
    isa    => 'App::TimeTracker::Data::Task',
    is     => 'rw',
    traits => ['NoGetopt'],

has '_previous_task' => (
    isa    => 'App::TimeTracker::Data::Task',
    is     => 'rw',
    traits => ['NoGetopt'],

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my $command = 'cmd_' . ( $self->extra_argv->[0] || 'missing' );

        unless $self->can($command);

sub now {
    my $dt = DateTime->now();
    return $dt;

sub beautify_seconds {
    my ( $self, $s ) = @_;
    return '0' unless $s;
    my ( $m, $h ) = ( 0, 0 );

    if ( $s >= 60 ) {
        $m = int( $s / 60 );
        $s = $s - ( $m * 60 );
    if ( $m && $m >= 60 ) {
        $h = int( $m / 60 );
        $m = $m - ( $h * 60 );
    return sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s );

sub find_task_files {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    my $root = $self->home;
    my ( $cmp_from, $cmp_to );

    if ( my $from = $args->{from} ) {
        my $to = $args->{to} || $self->now;
        $to->set( hour => 23, minute => 59, second => 59 ) unless $to->hour;
        $cmp_from = $from->strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S");
        $cmp_to   = $to->strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S");

        if ( $from->year == $to->year ) {
            $root = $root->subdir( $from->year );
            if ( $from->month == $to->month ) {
                $root = $root->subdir( $from->strftime("%m") );

    my $projects;
    if ( $args->{projects} ) {
        $projects = join( '|', map { s/-/./g; $_ } @{ $args->{projects} } );
    my $tags;
    if ( $args->{tags} ) {
        $tags = join( '|', @{ $args->{tags} } );

    my @found;
    my $iterator = Path::Class::Iterator->new( root => $root, );
    until ( !$iterator || $iterator->done ) {
        my $file = $iterator->next;

        next unless -f $file;
        my $name = $file->basename;
        next unless $name =~ /\.trc$/;

        if ($cmp_from) {
            $file =~ /(\d{8})-(\d{6})/;
            my $time = $1 . $2;
            next if $time < $cmp_from;
            next if $time > $cmp_to;

        if ($projects) {
            next unless ( $name =~ m/$projects/i );

        if ($tags) {
            my $raw_content = $file->slurp;
            next unless $raw_content =~ /$tags/i;

        push( @found, $file );
    return sort @found;

sub project_tree {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = $self->home->file('projects.json');
    return unless -e $file && -s $file;
    my $decoder  = JSON::XS->new->utf8->pretty->relaxed;
    my $projects = $decoder->decode( scalar $file->slurp );

    my %tree;
    my $depth;
    while ( my ( $project, $location ) = each %$projects ) {
        $tree{$project} //= { parent => undef, childs => {} };
        # check config file for parent
        if ( -e $location ) {
            my $this_config = $decoder->decode(
                scalar Path::Class::file($location)->slurp );
            if ( my $parent = $this_config->{parent} ) {
                $tree{$project}->{parent} = $parent;
                $tree{$parent}->{children}{$project} = 1;
        # check path for parent
        my @parts = Path::Class::file($location)->parent->parent->dir_list;
        foreach my $dir (@parts) {
            if ( $project ne $dir and my $parent = $projects->{$dir} ) {
                $tree{$project}->{parent} = $dir;
                $tree{$dir}->{children}{$project} = 1;
    return \%tree;




=head1 NAME

App::TimeTracker - time tracking for impatient and lazy command line lovers

=head1 VERSION

version 2.019


Backend for the C<tracker> command. See L<tracker> and/or C<perldoc tracker> for details.


Maros Kollar C<< <> >>, Klaus Ita C<< <> >>

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas Klausner <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Thomas Klausner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
