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package App::TimeTracker;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

our $VERSION = "2.025";
# ABSTRACT: time tracking for impatient and lazy command line lovers

use App::TimeTracker::Data::Task;

use DateTime;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use Path::Class qw();
use Path::Class::Iterator;
use MooseX::Storage::Format::JSONpm;
use JSON::XS;

our $HOUR_RE   = qr/(?<hour>[012]?\d)/;
our $MINUTE_RE = qr/(?<minute>[0-5]?\d)/;
our $DAY_RE    = qr/(?<day>[0123]?\d)/;
our $MONTH_RE  = qr/(?<month>[01]?\d)/;
our $YEAR_RE   = qr/(?<year>2\d{3})/;

with qw(

subtype 'TT::DateTime' => as class_type('DateTime');
subtype 'TT::RT'       => as 'Int';
subtype 'TT::Duration' => as enum( [qw(day week month year)] );

coerce 'TT::RT' => from 'Str' => via {
    my $raw = $_;
    $raw =~ s/\D//g;
    return $raw;

coerce 'TT::DateTime' => from 'Str' => via {
    my $raw = $_;
    my $dt  = DateTime->now;
    $dt->set( second => 0 );

    if ($raw) {
        if ( $raw =~ /^ $HOUR_RE : $MINUTE_RE $/x ) {    # "13:42"
            $dt->set( hour => $+{hour}, minute => $+{minute} );
        elsif ( $raw =~ /^ $YEAR_RE [-.]? $MONTH_RE [-.]? $DAY_RE $/x )
        {                                                # "2010-02-26"
            $dt->set( year => $+{year}, month => $+{month}, day => $+{day} );
            $dt->truncate( to => 'day' );
        elsif ( $raw
            =~ /^ $YEAR_RE [-.]? $MONTH_RE [-.]? $DAY_RE \s+ $HOUR_RE : $MINUTE_RE $/x
        {                                                # "2010-02-26 12:34"
                year   => $+{year},
                month  => $+{month},
                day    => $+{day},
                hour   => $+{hour},
                minute => $+{minute} );
        elsif ( $raw =~ /^ $DAY_RE [-.]? $MONTH_RE [-.]? $YEAR_RE $/x )
        {                                                # "26-02-2010"
            $dt->set( year => $+{year}, month => $+{month}, day => $+{day} );
            $dt->truncate( to => 'day' );
        elsif ( $raw
            =~ /^ $DAY_RE [-.]? $MONTH_RE [-.]? $YEAR_RE \s $HOUR_RE : $MINUTE_RE $/x
        {                                                # "26-02-2010 12:34"
                year   => $+{year},
                month  => $+{month},
                day    => $+{day},
                hour   => $+{hour},
                minute => $+{minute} );
        else {
            confess "Invalid date format '$raw'";
    return $dt;

MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap->add_option_type_to_map( 'TT::DateTime' => '=s',
MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap->add_option_type_to_map( 'TT::RT' => '=i', );

no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

has 'home' => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'Path::Class::Dir',
    traits   => ['NoGetopt'],
    required => 1,
has 'config' => (
    is       => 'ro',
    isa      => 'HashRef',
    required => 1,
    traits   => ['NoGetopt'],
has '_current_project' => (
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => 'Str',
    predicate => 'has_current_project',
    traits    => ['NoGetopt'],

has 'tags' => (
    isa     => 'ArrayRef',
    is      => 'ro',
    traits  => ['Array'],
    default => sub { [] },
    handles => {
        insert_tag => 'unshift',
        add_tag    => 'push',
    documentation => 'Tags [Multiple]',

has '_current_command' => (
    isa    => 'Str',
    is     => 'rw',
    traits => ['NoGetopt'],

has '_current_task' => (
    isa    => 'App::TimeTracker::Data::Task',
    is     => 'rw',
    traits => ['NoGetopt'],

has '_previous_task' => (
    isa    => 'App::TimeTracker::Data::Task',
    is     => 'rw',
    traits => ['NoGetopt'],

sub run {
    my $self = shift;
    my $command = 'cmd_' . ( $self->extra_argv->[0] || 'missing' );

        unless $self->can($command);

sub now {
    my $dt = DateTime->now();
    return $dt;

sub beautify_seconds {
    my ( $self, $s ) = @_;
    return '0' unless $s;
    my ( $m, $h ) = ( 0, 0 );

    if ( $s >= 60 ) {
        $m = int( $s / 60 );
        $s = $s - ( $m * 60 );
    if ( $m && $m >= 60 ) {
        $h = int( $m / 60 );
        $m = $m - ( $h * 60 );
    return sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s );

sub find_task_files {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;

    my $root = $self->home;
    my ( $cmp_from, $cmp_to );

    if ( my $from = $args->{from} ) {
        my $to = $args->{to} || $self->now;
        $to->set( hour => 23, minute => 59, second => 59 ) unless $to->hour;
        $cmp_from = $from->strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S");
        $cmp_to   = $to->strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S");

        if ( $from->year == $to->year ) {
            $root = $root->subdir( $from->year );
            if ( $from->month == $to->month ) {
                $root = $root->subdir( $from->strftime("%m") );

    my $projects;
    if ( $args->{projects} ) {
        $projects = join( '|', map { s/-/./g; $_ } @{ $args->{projects} } );

    my $children;
    if ($args->{parent}) {
        my @kids = $args->{parent};
        $children = join( '|', map { s/-/./g; $_ } @kids );

    my $tags;
    if ( $args->{tags} ) {
        $tags = join( '|', @{ $args->{tags} } );

    my @found;
    my $iterator = Path::Class::Iterator->new( root => $root, );
    until ( !$iterator || $iterator->done ) {
        my $file = $iterator->next;

        next unless -f $file;
        my $name = $file->basename;
        next unless $name =~ /\.trc$/;

        if ($cmp_from) {
            $file =~ /(\d{8})-(\d{6})/;
            my $time = $1 . $2;
            next if $time < $cmp_from;
            next if $time > $cmp_to;

        if ($projects) {
            next unless ( $name =~ m/$projects/i );

        if ($children) {
            next unless ( $name =~ m/$children/i );

        if ($tags) {
            my $raw_content = $file->slurp;
            next unless $raw_content =~ /$tags/i;

        push( @found, $file );
    return sort @found;

sub project_tree {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = $self->home->file('projects.json');
    return unless -e $file && -s $file;
    my $decoder  = JSON::XS->new->utf8->pretty->relaxed;
    my $projects = $decoder->decode( scalar $file->slurp );

    my %tree;
    my $depth;
    while ( my ( $project, $location ) = each %$projects ) {
        $tree{$project} //= { parent => undef, children => {} };
        # check config file for parent
        if ( -e $location ) {
            my $this_config = $decoder->decode(
                scalar Path::Class::file($location)->slurp );
            if ( my $parent = $this_config->{parent} ) {
                $tree{$project}->{parent} = $parent;
                $tree{$parent}->{children}{$project} = 1;
        # check path for parent
        my @parts = Path::Class::file($location)->parent->parent->dir_list;
        foreach my $dir (@parts) {
            if ( $project ne $dir and my $parent = $projects->{$dir} ) {
                $tree{$project}->{parent} = $dir;
                $tree{$dir}->{children}{$project} = 1;

    return \%tree;

sub all_childs_of {
    my ($self, $parent, $collector) = @_;

    my $tree = $self->project_tree;
    my $this = $tree->{$parent};

    my @kids = keys %{$this->{children}};

    if (@kids) {
        push(@$collector, @kids);
        foreach my $kid (@kids) {
            $self->all_childs_of($kid, $collector);




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

App::TimeTracker - time tracking for impatient and lazy command line lovers

=head1 VERSION

version 2.025


Backend for the C<tracker> command. See L<tracker> and/or C<perldoc tracker> for details.


Maros Kollar, Klaus Ita, Yanick Champoux, Lukas Rampa, David Schmidt,
Michael Kröll, Thomas Sibley, Nelo Onyiah, Jozef Kutej, Roland Lammel,
Ruslan Zakirov, Kartik Thakore, Tokuhiro Matsuno, Paul Cochrane, David Provost,
Mohammad S Anwar

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas Klausner <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 - 2018 by Thomas Klausner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
