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package App::TimeTracker::Command::RT;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

# ABSTRACT: App::TimeTracker RT plugin
use App::TimeTracker::Utils qw(error_message warning_message);

use Moose::Role;
use RT::Client::REST;
use RT::Client::REST::Ticket;
use Try::Tiny;
use Unicode::Normalize;

has 'rt' => (
    is            => 'rw',
    isa           => 'TT::RT',
    coerce        => 1,
    documentation => 'RT: Ticket number',
    predicate     => 'has_rt'
has 'rt_client' => (
    is         => 'ro',
    isa        => 'Maybe[RT::Client::REST]',
    lazy_build => 1,
    traits     => ['NoGetopt'],
    predicate  => 'has_rt_client'
has 'rt_ticket' => (
    is         => 'ro',
    isa        => 'Maybe[RT::Client::REST::Ticket]',
    lazy_build => 1,
    traits     => ['NoGetopt'],

sub _build_rt_ticket {
    my ($self) = @_;

    if ( my $ticket = $self->init_rt_ticket( $self->_current_task ) ) {
        return $ticket;

sub _build_rt_client {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $config = $self->config->{rt};

    unless ($config) {
        error_message("Please configure RT in your TimeTracker config");

    return try {
        my $client = RT::Client::REST->new(
            server  => $config->{server},
            timeout => $config->{timeout},
            username => $config->{username},
            password => $config->{password} );
        return $client;
    catch {
        error_message("Could not log in to RT: $_");

before [ 'cmd_start', 'cmd_continue', 'cmd_append' ] => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless $self->has_rt;

    my $ticketname = 'RT' . $self->rt;

    my $ticket;
    if ( $self->rt_client ) {
        $ticket = $self->rt_ticket;
        if ( defined $ticket ) {
            if ( defined $self->description ) {
                        '%s (%s)', $self->description, $ticket->subject
                    ) );
            else {
                $self->description( $ticket->subject );

    if ( $self->meta->does_role('App::TimeTracker::Command::Git') ) {
        my $branch = $ticketname;
        if ($ticket) {
            my $subject = $self->safe_ticket_subject( $ticket->subject );
            $branch .= '_' . $subject;
        $self->branch($branch) unless $self->branch;

after [ 'cmd_start', 'cmd_continue', 'cmd_append' ] => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless $self->has_rt && $self->rt_client;

    my $ticket = $self->rt_ticket;

    return unless $ticket;
    try {
        my $do_store = 0;
        if ( $self->config->{rt}{set_owner_to} ) {
            if (    $ticket->owner() ne 'Nobody'
                and $ticket->owner() ne $self->config->{rt}{set_owner_to} )
                    'Will not steal tickets, please do that via RT Web-UI');
            $ticket->owner( $self->config->{rt}{set_owner_to} );
            $do_store = 1;

        my $status = $self->config->{rt}{set_status}{start};
        if ( $status and $status ne $ticket->status ) {
            $do_store = 1;
        $ticket->store() if $do_store;
    catch {
        error_message( 'Could not set RT owner/status: %s', $_ );

after 'cmd_stop' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless $self->rt_client;

    my $task = $self->_previous_task;
    return unless $task;
    my $task_rounded_minutes = $task->rounded_minutes;
    return unless $task_rounded_minutes > 0;

    my $ticket = $self->init_rt_ticket($task);
    if ( not $ticket ) {
            "Last task did not contain a RT ticket id, not updating TimeWorked or Status.";

    my $do_store = 0;
    if ( $self->config->{rt}{update_time_worked} and $task_rounded_minutes ) {

        my $worked = $ticket->time_worked || 0;
        $worked =~ s/\D//g
            ;  # RT stores in minutes, API give back a string like "x minutes"

        $ticket->time_worked( $worked + $task_rounded_minutes );
        $do_store = 1;

    if ( $self->config->{rt}{update_time_left} and $ticket->time_left ) {
        my $time_left = $ticket->time_left;
        $time_left =~ s/\D//g
            ;  # RT stores in minutes, API give back a string like "x minutes"

        $ticket->time_left( $time_left - $task_rounded_minutes );
        $do_store = 1;

    my $status = $self->config->{rt}{set_status}{stop};
    # Do not change the configured stop status if it has been changed since starting the ticket
    if ( defined $status
        and $ticket->status() eq $self->config->{rt}{set_status}{start} )
        $do_store = 1;
    return unless $do_store;

    try {
    catch {
        error_message( 'Could not update ticket: %s', $_ );

sub init_rt_ticket {
    my ( $self, $task ) = @_;
    my $id;
    if ($task) {
        $id = $task->rt_id;
    elsif ( $self->rt ) {
        $id = $self->rt;
    return unless $id;

    my $rt_ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(
        rt => $self->rt_client,
        id => $id,
    return $rt_ticket;

sub App::TimeTracker::Data::Task::rt_id {
    my $self = shift;
    foreach my $tag ( @{ $self->tags } ) {
        next unless $tag =~ /^RT(\d+)/;
        return $1;

sub safe_ticket_subject {
    my ( $self, $subject ) = @_;

    $subject = NFKD($subject);
    $subject =~ s/\p{NonspacingMark}//g;
    $subject =~ s/\W/_/g;
    $subject =~ s/_+/_/g;
    $subject =~ s/^_//;
    $subject =~ s/_$//;
    return $subject;

no Moose::Role;



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

App::TimeTracker::Command::RT - App::TimeTracker RT plugin

=head1 VERSION

version 2.025


This plugin takes a lot of hassle out of working with Best Practical's
RequestTracker available for free from

It can set the description and tags of the current task based on data
entered into RT, set the owner of the ticket and update the
time-worked as well as time-left in RT. If you also use the C<Git> plugin, this plugin will
generate very nice branch names based on RT information.


=head2 plugins

Add C<RT> to the list of plugins. 

=head2 rt

add a hash named C<rt>, containing the following keys:

=head3 server [REQUIRED]

The server name RT is running on.

=head3 username [REQUIRED]

Username to connect with. As the password of this user might be distributed on a lot of computer, grant as little rights as needed.

=head3 password [REQUIRED]

Password to connect with.

=head3 timeout

Time in seconds to wait for an connection to be established. Default: 300 seconds (via RT::Client::REST)

=head3 set_owner_to

If set, set the owner of the current ticket to the specified value during C<start> and/or C<stop>.

=head3 update_time_worked

If set, updates the time worked on this task also in RT.

=head3 update_time_left

If set, updates the time left property on this task also in RT using the time worked tracker value.




=head2 start, continue

=head3 --rt

    ~/perl/Your-Project$ tracker start --rt 1234

If C<--rt> is set to a valid ticket number:


=item * set or append the ticket subject in the task description ("Rev up FluxCompensator!!")

=item * add the ticket number to the tasks tags ("RT1234")

=item * if C<Git> is also used, determine a save branch name from the ticket number and subject, and change into this branch ("RT1234_rev_up_fluxcompensator")

=item * set the owner of the ticket in RT (if C<set_owner_to> is set in config)

=item * updates the status of the ticket in RT (if C<set_status/start> is set in config)


=head2 stop

If <update_time_worked> is set in config, adds the time worked on this task to the ticket.
If <update_time_left> is set in config, reduces the time left on this task to the ticket.
If <set_status/stop> is set in config, updates the status of the ticket

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas Klausner <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 - 2018 by Thomas Klausner.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
