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package Business::DPD::DBIC;

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use version; our $VERSION = version->new('0.22');

use Carp;
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);

=head1 NAME

Business::DPD::DBIC - DBIc::Class Interface to DPD data


  use Business::DPD::DBIC;
  my $sqlite_file = Business::DPD::DBIC->path_to_sqlite


A DBIx::Class based interface to various data sources needed to generate DPD labels.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Public Methods


=head3 import_data_into_sqlite

        schema   => 'Business::DPD::DBIC::Schema',
        source   => '/path/to/data',
        connect  => [ DBI connect info ]

Parses the plain text database provided by DPD and stores it into the 
database used by Business::DPD (which defaults to the build-in sqlite 


sub import_data_into_sqlite {
    my ( $class, $opts ) = @_;

    croak "required parameter 'source' missing" unless $opts->{source};
    $opts->{schema} ||= 'Business::DPD::DBIC::Schema';
    unless ( $opts->{connect} ) {
        my $sqlite_file = $class->path_to_sqlite;
        $opts->{connect} = [ 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=' . $sqlite_file ];

    eval "require $opts->{schema}";
    croak $@ if $@;

    my $schema = $opts->{schema}->connect( @{ $opts->{connect} } );
    $class->import_data($schema, $opts);

=head3 import_data

    Business::DPD::DBIC->import_data( $schema ,
        source  => '/path/to/data',

Import the plain text data into the <$schema>. Usefull if you want to 
embed the DB into your own database.


sub import_data {
    my ($class, $schema, $opts) = @_;
    $class->_import_meta( $opts->{source}, $schema );
    $class->_import_country( $opts->{source}, $schema );
    $class->_import_routes( $opts->{source}, $schema );
    $class->_import_depot( $opts->{source}, $schema );

sub _import_file {
    my ( $class, $schema, $dir, $type, $callback ) = @_;

    my $dbfile = catfile( $dir, $type );
    open( my $fh, "<", $dbfile )
        || croak "Cannot read from $type = $dbfile: $!";
    foreach my $line (<$fh>) {
        next if $line =~ /^#/;
        next unless $line =~ /\w/;
        my @data = split( /\|/, $line );
        &$callback( $schema, \@data );


sub _import_country {
    my ( $class, $dir, $schema ) = @_;

    croak "There is already data stored in table 'country'"
        if $schema->resultset('DpdCountry')->search->count;

    my @country;
        $schema, $dir,
        sub {
            my ( $schema, $data ) = @_;
                {   num       => $data->[0],
                    alpha2    => $data->[1],
                    alpha3    => $data->[2],
                    languages => $data->[3],
                    flagpost  => $data->[4],

    $schema->resultset('DpdCountry')->populate( \@country );


sub _import_routes {
    my ( $class, $dir, $schema ) = @_;

    croak "There is already data stored in table 'routes'"
        if $schema->resultset('DpdRoute')->search->count;

    my @routes;
        $schema, $dir, 'ROUTES',
        sub {
            my ( $schema, $data ) = @_;

            # slicing for fun & profit!
            my %to_create;
            my @data = @$data;
                qw(dest_country begin_postcode end_postcode service_code routing_places sending_date o_sort d_depot grouping_priority d_sort barcode_id)
                } = @data[ 0 .. 10 ];
            $to_create{end_postcode} ||= $to_create{begin_postcode};
            push( @routes, \%to_create );

    $schema->resultset('DpdRoute')->populate( \@routes );


sub _import_depot {
    my ( $class, $dir, $schema ) = @_;

    croak "There is already data stored in table 'depot'"
        if $schema->resultset('DpdDepot')->search->count;

    my @routes;
        $schema, $dir, 'DEPOTS',
        sub {
            my ( $schema, $data ) = @_;

            # slicing for fun & profit!
            my %to_create;
            my @data = @$data;
                qw( depot_number iatalikecode group_id name1 name2 address1 address2 postcode city country phone fax mail web)
                } = @data[ 0 .. 10 ];

            push( @routes, \%to_create );

    $schema->resultset('DpdDepot')->populate( \@routes );


sub _import_meta {
    my ( $class, $dir, $schema ) = @_;

    my $dbfile = catfile( $dir, 'COUNTRY' );
    open( my $fh, "<", $dbfile )
        || croak "Cannot read from COUNTRY = $dbfile: $!";
    my %data;
    foreach my $line (<$fh>) {
        last unless $line =~/^#/;
        $line=~/^#(.*?): ([\w\d:\/\.]+)/;


=head3 path_to_sqlite

  my $sqlite_file = Business::DPD::DBIC->path_to_sqlite;

Returns the absolute path to the SQLite DB. You most likely won't need 


sub path_to_sqlite {
    if ($INC{'Test/'}) {
        return 't/dpd_test.sqlite'; 
    else {
        my $base = $INC{'Business/DPD/'};
        $base =~ s/$/dpd.sqlite/;
        return $base;

=head3 generate_sqlite


Generates a new sqlite DB and fills it with the data included in this 

Dies if a DB already exists.


sub generate_sqlite {
    my $class       = shift;
    my $sqlite_file = $class->path_to_sqlite;

    require DBI;

    croak "Database already exists: $sqlite_file." if -e $sqlite_file;
    my $dbh = DBI->connect( 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=' . $sqlite_file );

    my $schema_defs = $class->create_table_statements;
    foreach my $create (@$schema_defs) {

=head3 create_table_statements

    my $list_of_create_statements = Business::DPD::DBIC->create_table_statements;

Returns an ARRAYREF consisting of plain text sql statements to create 
the database. If you want to embed the DB, you might want to munge the 
values to fit your database.


sub create_table_statements {
    return [
        "CREATE TABLE dpd_meta (
    version integer primary key,
    expires text,
    reference text
        "CREATE TABLE dpd_country (
    num integer primary key,
    alpha2 text,
    alpha3 text,
    languages text,
    flagpost integer
        "CREATE TABLE dpd_route (
    dest_country text,
    begin_postcode text,
    end_postcode text,
    service_code text,
    routing_places text,
    sending_date text,
    o_sort text,
    d_depot text,
    grouping_priority text,
    d_sort text,
    barcode_id text
        "CREATE TABLE dpd_depot (
    depot_number integer PRIMARY KEY,
    iatalikecode text,
    group_id text,
    name1 text,
    name2 text,
    address1 text,
    address2 text,
    postcode text,
    city text,
    country text,
    phone text,
    fax text,
    mail text,
    web text



=head1 AUTHOR

RevDev E<lt>we {at} revdev.atE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
