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package Sendmail::Queue;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use 5.8.0;

our $VERSION = '0.400';

use Sendmail::Queue::Qf;
use Sendmail::Queue::Df;
use File::Spec;
use IO::Handle;
use Fcntl;

use Sendmail::Queue::Base;
our @ISA = qw( Sendmail::Queue::Base );

=head1 NAME

Sendmail::Queue - Manipulate Sendmail queues directly


    use Sendmail::Queue;

    # The high-level interface:
    # Create a new queue object.  Throws exception on error.
    my $q = Sendmail::Queue->new({
        queue_directory => '/var/spool/mqueue'

    # Queue one copy of a message (one qf, one df)
    my $id = $q->queue_message({
	sender     => '',
	recipients => [
	data       => $string_or_object,

    # Queue multiple copies of a message using multiple envelopes, but
    # the same body.  Results contain the envelope name as key,
    # and the queue ID as the value.
    my %results = $q->queue_multiple({
	sender         => '',
	envelopes => {
		'envelope one' => {
			sender     => '',
			recipients => [
		'envelope two' => {
			recipients => [
	data           => $string_or_object,

    # The low-level interface:

    # Create a new qf file object
    my $qf = Sendmail::Queue::Qf->new();

    # Generate a Sendmail 8.12-compatible queue ID

    my $df = Sendmail::Queue::Df->new();

    # Need to give it the same queue ID as your $qf
    $df->set_queue_id( $qf->get_queue_id );
    $df->set_data( $some_body );

    # Or....
    $df->set_data_from( $some_fh );

    # Or, if you already have a file...
    my $second_df = Sendmail::Queue::Df->new();
    $second_df->set_queue_id( $qf->get_queue_id );
    $second_df->hardlink_to( $df ); # Need better name


    $q->enqueue( $qf, $df );


Sendmail::Queue provides a mechanism for directly manipulating Sendmail queue files.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new ( \%args )

Create a new Sendmail::Queue object.

Required arguments are:

=over 4

=item queue_directory

The queue directory to use.  Should (usually) be the same as your
Sendmail QueueDirectory variable for the client submission queue.



sub new
	my ($class, $args) = @_;

	$args ||= {};

	if(!exists $args->{queue_directory}) {
		die q{queue_directory argument must be provided};

	my $self = { queue_directory => $args->{queue_directory}, };

	bless $self, $class;

	if(!-d $self->{queue_directory}) {
		die q{ Queue directory doesn't exist};

	if(-d File::Spec->catfile($self->{queue_directory}, 'qf')) {
		$self->set_qf_directory(File::Spec->catfile($self->{queue_directory}, 'qf'));
	} else {

	if(-d File::Spec->catfile($self->{queue_directory}, 'df')) {
		$self->set_df_directory(File::Spec->catfile($self->{queue_directory}, 'df'));
	} else {

	return $self;

=head2 queue_message ( $args )

High-level interface for queueing a message.  Creates qf and df files
in the object's queue directory using the arguments provided.

Returns the queue ID for the queued message.

Required arguments:

=over 4

=item sender

Envelope sender for message.

=item recipients

Array ref containing one or more recipients for this message.

=item data

Scalar containing message headers and body, in RFC-2822 format (ASCII
text, headers separated from body by \n\n).

Data should use local line-ending conventions (as used by Sendmail) and
not the \r\n used on the wire for SMTP.


Optional arguments may be specified as well.  These will be handed off
directly to the underlying Sendmail::Queue::Qf object:

=over 4

=item product_name

Name to use for this product in the generated Recieved: header.  May be
set to blank or undef to disable.  Defaults to 'Sendmail::Queue'.

=item helo

The HELO or EHLO name provided by the host that sent us this message,
or undef if none.  Defaults to undef.

=item relay_address

The IP address of the host that sent us this message, or undef if none.
Defaults to undef.

=item relay_hostname

The name of the host that sent us this message, or undef if none.
Defaults to undef.

=item local_hostname

The name of the host that received this message.  Defaults to 'localhost'

=item protocol

Protocol over which this message was received.  Valid values are blank,
SMTP, and ESMTP.  Default is blank.

=item timestamp

A UNIX seconds-since-epoch timestamp.  If omitted, defaults to current time.

=item macros

A hash reference containing Sendmail macros that should be set in the resulting
queue file.

The names of macros should be the bare name, as the module will add the leading
$ and any surrounding {} necessary for multi-character macro names.

If omitted, the '$r' macro will be set to the 'protocol' value.  Other macros will
not be set by default.


On error, this method may die() with a number of different runtime errors.


# FUTURE: use an exception class?

sub queue_message
	my ($self, $args) = @_;

	foreach my $argname qw( sender recipients data ) {
		die qq{$argname argument must be specified} unless exists $args->{$argname}


	if( ref $args->{data} ) {
		die q{data as an object not yet supported};

	$args->{envelopes} = {
		single_envelope => {
			recipients => delete $args->{recipients}

	my $result = $self->queue_multiple( $args );

	return $result->{single_envelope};

=head2 enqueue ( $qf, $df )

Enqueue a message, given a L<Sendmail::Queue::Qf> object and a
L<Sendmail::Queue::Df> object.

This method is mostly for internal use.  You should probably use
C<queue_message()> or C<queue_multiple()> instead.

Returns true if queuing was successful.  Otherwise, cleans up any qf
and df data that may have been written to disk, and rethrows any
exception that may have occurred.


=for internal doc

Here are the file ops (from inotify) on a /usr/sbin/sendmail enqueuing:

/var/spool/mqueue-client/ CREATE dfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ OPEN dfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ MODIFY dfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE dfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ OPEN dfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ CREATE qfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ OPEN qfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ MODIFY qfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ CREATE tfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ OPEN tfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ MODIFY tfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ MOVED_FROM tfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ MOVED_TO qfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ OPEN,ISDIR 
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE,ISDIR 
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE qfo2JEQb7J002161
/var/spool/mqueue-client/ CLOSE_NOWRITE,CLOSE dfo2JEQb7J002161


sub enqueue
	my ($self, $qf, $df) = @_;

	eval {
	if( $@ ) { ## no critic

		# Rethrow the exception after cleanup
		die $@;

	return 1;

=head2 queue_multiple ( $args )

Queue multiple copies of a message using multiple envelopes, but the
same body.

Returns a results hash containing the recipient set name as key, and the
queue ID as the value.

    my %results = $q->queue_multiple({
	envelopes => {
		'envelope one' => {
			sender     => '',
			recipients => [
		'envelope two' => {
			sender     => '',
			recipients => [
	data           => $string_or_object,

In the event that we cannot create a queue file for ANY of the envelopes, we
die() with an appropriate error after unlinking all created queue files --
either all succeed, or none succeed.


sub queue_multiple
	my ($self, $args) = @_;

	foreach my $argname qw( envelopes data ) {
		die qq{$argname argument must be specified} unless exists $args->{$argname}

	if( ref $args->{data} ) {
		die q{data as an object not yet supported};

	my ($headers, $data) = split(/\n\n/, $args->{data}, 2);

	my $qf = Sendmail::Queue::Qf->new({
		queue_directory => $self->get_qf_directory(),

	# m// match is faster than tr/// for any case where there's an 8-bit
	# character before the end of the file, and is not significantly
	# slower in the case of no 8-bit characters.
	if( $data =~ m/[\200-\377]/o ) {
		# EF_HAS8BIT flag bit gets set if we have 8 bit characters in body.

	# Allow passing of optional info down to Qf object
	foreach my $optarg qw( product_name helo relay_address relay_hostname local_hostname protocol timestamp macros ) {
		if( exists $args->{$optarg} ) {
			my $method = 'set_' . $optarg;
			$qf->$method($args->{$optarg} );

	# Prepare a generic queue file
	$qf->set_headers( $headers );

	my $first_df;
	my @queued_qfs = ();

	my %results;

	# Now, loop over all of the rest
	# FUTURE: validate data in the envelopes sections?
	eval {
		while( my($env_name, $env_data) = each %{ $args->{envelopes} } ) {
			my $cur_qf = $qf->clone();

			my $sender = exists $env_data->{sender}
					? $env_data->{sender}
					: exists $args->{sender}
						? $args->{sender}
						: die q{no 'sender' available};

			$cur_qf->set_sender( $sender );
			$cur_qf->add_recipient( @{ $env_data->{recipients} } );

			# As soon as it's created, put it on the list so it can
			# be cleaned up later if necessary.
			push @queued_qfs, $cur_qf;


			my $cur_df = Sendmail::Queue::Df->new({
				queue_directory => $self->get_df_directory(),
				queue_id        => $cur_qf->get_queue_id(),
			if( ! $first_df ) {
				# If this is the first one, create and write
				# the df file
				$first_df = $cur_df;
				$first_df->set_data( $data );
			} else {
				# Otherwise, link to the first df
				$cur_df->hardlink_to( $first_df->get_data_filename() );

			$results{ $env_name } = $cur_qf->get_queue_id;


		# Close the queue files to release the locks
		$_->close() for (@queued_qfs);
	if( $@ ) {
		# Something bad happened... wrap it all up and re-throw
		for my $qf (@queued_qfs) {
			my $df = Sendmail::Queue::Df->new({
				queue_directory => $self->get_df_directory(),
				queue_id        => $qf->get_queue_id(),
		die $@;

	return \%results;

=head2 sync ( )

Ensure that the queue directories have been synced.


sub sync
	my ($self) = @_;

	# Evil hack.  Why?  Well:
	#   - you can't fsync() a filehandle directly, you must use
	#     IO::Handle->sync
	# so, we have to sysopen to a filehandle glob, and then fdopen
	# the fileno we get from that glob.
	# FUTURE: File::Sync::fsync() can sync directories directly, but isn't core perl.
	# TODO: this needs testing on solaris and bsd
	my $directory = $self->get_df_directory();

	sysopen(DIR_FH, $directory, O_RDONLY) or die qq{Couldn't sysopen $directory: $!};

	my $handle = IO::Handle->new();
	$handle->fdopen(fileno(DIR_FH), 'w') or die qq{Couldn't fdopen the directory handle: $!};
	$handle->sync or die qq{Couldn't sync: $!};


	return 1;



=head2 Core Perl Modules

L<Carp>, L<File::Spec>, L<IO::Handle>, L<Fcntl>

=head2 Other Modules

L<Sendmail::Queue::Qf>, L<Sendmail::Queue::Df>


There are no known incompatibilities with this module.


There are no known bugs in this module.  However, it messes with
undocumented bits of Sendmail.  YMMV.

Please report problems to the author.
Patches are welcome.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dave O'Neill, C<< <support at> >>


Copyright (c) 2007 Roaring Penguin Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.