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package MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::MultipleHosts;
use strict;
use base 'MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy';
use MogileFS::Util qw(weighted_list);
use MogileFS::ReplicationRequest qw(ALL_GOOD TOO_GOOD TEMP_NO_ANSWER);

sub new {
    my ($class, $mindevcount) = @_;
    return bless {
        mindevcount => $mindevcount,
    }, $class;

sub new_from_policy_args {
    my ($class, $argref) = @_;
    # Note: "MultipleHosts()" is okay, in which case the 'mindevcount'
    # on the class is used.  (see below)
    $$argref =~ s/^\s* \( \s* (\d*) \s* \) \s*//x
        or die "$class failed to parse args: $$argref";
    return $class->new($1)

sub mindevcount { $_[0]{mindevcount} }

sub replicate_to {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $fid      = delete $args{fid};      # fid scalar to copy
    my $on_devs  = delete $args{on_devs};  # arrayref of device objects
    my $all_devs = delete $args{all_devs}; # hashref of { devid => MogileFS::Device }
    my $failed   = delete $args{failed};   # hashref of { devid => 1 } of failed attempts this round

    # this is the per-class mindevcount (the old way), which is passed in automatically
    # from the replication worker.  but if we have our own configured mindevcount
    # in class.replpolicy, like "MultipleHosts(3)", then we use the explicit one. otherwise,
    # if blank, or zero, like "MultipleHosts()", then we use the builtin on
    my $min      = delete $args{min};
    $min         = $self->{mindevcount} || $min;

    warn "Unknown parameters: " . join(", ", sort keys %args) if %args;
    die "Missing parameters" unless $on_devs && $all_devs && $failed && $fid;

    # number of devices we currently live on
    my $already_on = @$on_devs;

    # a silly special case, bail out early.
    return ALL_GOOD if $min == 1 && $already_on == 1;

    # total disks available which are candidates for having files on them
    my $total_disks = scalar grep { $_->dstate->should_have_files } values %$all_devs;

    # see which and how many unique hosts we're already on.
    my %on_dev;
    my %on_host;
    foreach my $dev (@$on_devs) {
        $on_host{$dev->hostid} = 1;
        $on_dev{$dev->id} = 1;
    my $uniq_hosts_on    = scalar keys %on_host;
    my $total_uniq_hosts = unique_hosts($all_devs);

    # if we are on two hosts but 10 devices, you want to weaken the number of
    # devices you're on until you're on the right number of hosts with the
    # right number of devices.
    return TOO_GOOD if $uniq_hosts_on >  $min;
    return TOO_GOOD if $already_on > $min;
    return ALL_GOOD if $uniq_hosts_on == $min;
    return ALL_GOOD if $uniq_hosts_on >= $total_uniq_hosts && $already_on >= $min;

    # if we have two copies and that's all the disks there are
    # anywhere, be happy enough, even if mindevcount is higher.  in
    # that case, when they add more disks later, they'll need to fsck
    # to make files replicate more.
    # this is here instead of above in case an over replication error causes
    # the file to be on all disks (where more than necessary)
    return ALL_GOOD if $already_on >= 2 && $already_on == $total_disks;

    # if there are more hosts we're not on yet, we want to exclude devices we're already
    # on from our applicable host search.
    my %skip_host; # hostid => 1
    if ($uniq_hosts_on < $total_uniq_hosts) {
        %skip_host = %on_host;

    my @all_dests = sort {
        $b->percent_free <=> $a->percent_free
     } grep {
         ! $on_dev{$_->devid} &&
         ! $failed->{$_->devid} &&
     } values %$all_devs;

    return TEMP_NO_ANSWER unless @all_dests;

    my @ideal = grep { ! $skip_host{$_->hostid} } @all_dests;
    my @desp  = grep {   $skip_host{$_->hostid} } @all_dests;

    return TEMP_NO_ANSWER if $already_on >= $min && @ideal == 0;

    $self->sort_devices(\@ideal, \@desp, $fid);

    return MogileFS::ReplicationRequest->new(
                                             ideal => \@ideal,
                                             desperate => \@desp,

sub unique_hosts {
    my $devs = shift;
    my %host;  # hostid -> 1
    foreach my $devid (keys %$devs) {
        my $dev = $devs->{$devid};
        next unless $dev->dstate->should_get_repl_files;
    return scalar keys %host;

sub sort_devices {
    my ($self, $ideal, $desp, $fid) = @_;

    # Do this little dance to only weight-shuffle the top end of empty devices
    # to save CPU.

    @{ $ideal } = weighted_list(map { [$_, 100 * $_->percent_free] }
        splice(@{ $ideal }, 0, 20));

    @{ $desp }  = weighted_list(map { [$_, 100 * $_->percent_free] }
        splice(@{ $desp }, 0, 20));



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# End:


=head1 NAME

MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::MultipleHosts -- default replication policy

=head1 RULES

This policy tries to put files onto devices which are on different
hosts.  If you only have 1 host and 2 devices on that one host, it
obviously can't, so it'll grudgingly put it on the same host.  But
if you request a minimum replica count of 2 and have 3 devices, it'll
put 2 copies on different hosts.  If you have 4 devices on 2 hosts,
and request a minima replica count of 3, you'll get 3 copies on
different devices, but two of those devices will be on the same host,
and that's considered acceptable, since you have "multiple hosts"
covered at least.

=head1 SEE ALSO

