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use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings 'all';

our $VERSION   = '0.009002';

use Carp qw(confess);
use Const::Fast qw(const);
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Getopt::Long 2.33 ();
use Net::NSCA::Client 0.001;
use Pod::Usage 1.36;

const my %ENCRYPTION_METHOD => (
	0 => 'none',
	1 => 'xor',
const my $EXIT_SUCCESS => 0;
const my $EXIT_FAILURE => 3;
const my $INPUT_FIELD_COUNT => 4;
const my %OPTION_AS_NAME => (
	H  => 'remote_host',
	p  => 'remote_port',
	to => 'timeout',

exit run();

sub run {
	# Variables to hold configuration
	my $configuration_file;
	my $input_delimiter = "\t";

	# Make a command line parser
	my $args_parser = Getopt::Long::Parser->new(config => [qw(
		auto_help auto_version

	# Argument specification
	my @arg_spec = (
		'c=s' => \$configuration_file,
		'd=s' => \$input_delimiter,

	my %args;

	# Parse the arguments
	if (!$args_parser->getoptions(\%args, @arg_spec)) {
		# Parsing the arguments failed for some reason

	# Construct the client arguments from the command line options
	my @client_args = map { $OPTION_AS_NAME{$_} => $args{$_} } keys %args;

	# Read the configuration file
	if (defined $configuration_file) {
		# Get the password and encryption method from the configuration file
		my ($password, $encryption_method) = _read_configuration_file($configuration_file);

		if ($encryption_method ne 'none') {
			# Set the password and encryption method on the client
			push @client_args,
				encryption_password => $password,
				encryption_type     => $encryption_method;

	# Create the client
	my $nsca = Net::NSCA::Client->new(@client_args);

	# Read from STDIN (or files)
	chomp(my $line = <>);

	# Send the report
		input_delimiter => $input_delimiter

	return $EXIT_SUCCESS;

sub _read_configuration_file {
	my ($file_name) = @_;

	# Open the file for reading
	open my $file, '<', $file_name
		or confess sprintf 'Unable to open configuation file %s: %s',
			$file_name, $ERRNO;

	# Slurp in the file by lines
	my @lines = <$file>;

	# Close the file
	close $file
		or confess sprintf 'Unable to close %s: %s',
			$file_name, $ERRNO;

	# Key-value pairs found in the file will be stored here
	my %config_info;

	# Process each line of the file looking for a key-value pair
	LINE: foreach my $line (@lines) {
		chomp $line;

		# Skip comments and blank lines
		next LINE if $line =~ m{\A [#\000] | \A \z}msx;

		if ($line =~ m{\A ([^=]+) = (.+) \z}msx) {
			# Found a key-value pair
			my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);

			if (!exists $config_info{$key}) {
				# Add the key-value pair if it was not added already
				$config_info{$key} = $value;

	if (!exists $config_info{password}) {
		# The password is missing from the configuration file
		confess sprintf 'Missing password from the configuration file %s',

	if (!exists $config_info{encryption_method}) {
		# The encryption method is missing from the configuration file
		confess sprintf 'Missing encryption method from the configuration file %s',
	elsif (!exists $ENCRYPTION_METHOD{$config_info{encryption_method}}) {
		# The encryption method is unsupported
		confess sprintf 'The encryption method %s in %s is unsupported at this time',
			$config_info{encryption_method}, $file_name;

	# Return the password and encryption method
	return $config_info{password}, $ENCRYPTION_METHOD{$config_info{encryption_method}};

sub _parse_line_to_send_report_options {
	my ($line, %args) = @_;

	# Get the input delimiter
	my $delimiter = $args{input_delimiter};

	if (!defined $delimiter) {
		confess 'An input delimiter must be provided to read_stdin()';

	# Get the different values from the line
	my ($hostname, $service, $status, $message)
		= split m{$delimiter}msx, $line, $INPUT_FIELD_COUNT;

	# Return a HASH of the format for Net::NSCA::Client->send_report
	return (
		hostname => $hostname,
		message  => $message,
		service  => $service,
		status   => $status,


=head1 NAME

send_nsca - Send reports to NSCA just like send_nsca in NSCA 2.7.2

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to version 0.009002


This utility is made to mimic the functionality and usage of the send_nsca
program distributed with NSCA 2.7.2, but use the L<Net::NSCA::Client|Net::NSCA::Client>
Perl library.

=head1 USAGE

  ./send_nsca [-H host_name] [-p port] [-to timeout] [-d delim] [-c config_file]

    -H         The host name of the NSCA server (default to localhost)
    -p         The port number of the NSCA server (defaults to 5667)
    -to        The timeout when talking to the NSCA server in seconds (defaults to 10)
    -d         The input delimiter (defaults to tab)
    -c         The path to the configuration file
    --help     Usage message
    --version  Display version of the program

  The program then waits for input on STDIN until the first new line character.
  The input should be in the following format:

    Nagios Service Host<TAB>Nagios Service Description<TAB>Status Number<TAB>Plugin Output

  The <TAB> represents the tab character and should be change to which ever
  dimilimter is specified.

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 C<-H>

This switch takes the host name of the NSCA server. If not specified, then
C<localhost> is used.

=head2 C<-p>

This switch takes the port number of the NSCA server. If not specified, then
the default NSCA port 5667 is used.

=head2 C<-to>

This switch specifies the timeout when communicating with the NSCA server in
seconds. If not specified, the timeout will be 10 seconds.

=head2 C<-d>

This switch takes a string that will be used as the input delimiter. If not
specified, then will default to a tab. See L</Input Delimiter> for details
on what this does.

=head2 C<-c>

This switch takes the path to a configuration file. See L</Configuration File>
for details on the content of the file.

=head2 C<--help>

This switch will cause the help message to be shown.

=head2 C<--version>

This switch will cause the version to be displayed.


=head2 Configuration File

This program can be configured through the specification of a configuration
file using the L</-c> switch. The configuration file is a plain text file,
in which lines starting with an octothorpe (C<< # >>) are comments and ignored
and otherwise contain name-value pairs in the following format:


There should be no spaces around the equal sign (C<< = >>) unless you
specifically want the spaces to be included in the variable name or value.
The value will also exclude no white space, and so all characters up to the new
line at the end will be included in the value.

The following names are required in the file:

=head3 password

The value should be the password as set in the NSCA server.

=head3 encryption_type

The value should be the encryption type as set in the NSCA server. The value
must be a number as specified in the NSCA configuration format. The following
numbers are valid for this program:

=head4 0

This specifies no encryption.

=head4 1

This specified XOR encryption.

=head2 Input Delimiter

The input delimiter is what separates the different values coming in on the
program input (C<STDIN>). The default is the tab character, unless changed
by the use of the L</-d> switch.


The following exit codes are produced by this application:

=head2 0

This code indicates no errors were encountered and the packet was sent to the
NSCA server. The NSCA protocol does not provide receipt confirmation, so it is
not guaranteed that the server got the packet.

=head2 2

This code indicates that a required Perl module was not found on the system.
Please refer to the STDERR stream for details of the message.

=head2 3

This code indicates that an error occurred in the processing of the request.
Please refer to the STDERR stream for details of the message.



=item * L<Carp|Carp>

=item * L<Const::Fast|Const::Fast>

=item * L<English|English>

=item * L<Getopt::Long|Getopt::Long> 2.33

=item * L<Net::NSCA::Client|Net::NSCA::Client> 0.001


=head1 AUTHOR

Douglas Christopher Wilson, C<< <doug at> >>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-net-nsca-client at>,
or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

I highly encourage the submission of bugs and enhancements to my modules.


Copyright 2009 Douglas Christopher Wilson.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of either:

=over 4

=item * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
later version, or

=item * the Artistic License version 2.0.
