#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 24;
use Test::Moose;

    package MyTest;
    use Moose;
    use MooseX::Aliases;
    use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

    subtype 'PositiveInt', as 'Int', where { $_ >= 0 };
    coerce  'PositiveInt', from 'Int', via { abs };

    has foo => (
        is     => 'ro',
        isa    => 'PositiveInt',
        alias  => ['bar'],
        coerce => 1,

    has baz => (
        is       => 'rw',
        isa      => 'PositiveInt',
        init_arg => undef,
        alias    => ['quux'],
        coerce   => 1,

with_immutable {
    my $test1 = MyTest->new(foo => -1, baz => -3);
    is($test1->foo, 1, 'Attribute set with default init_arg');
    is($test1->baz, undef, 'Attribute set with default init_arg (undef)');

    is($test1->baz, 3,
       'Attribute set with default writer, read with default reader');
    is($test1->quux, 3,
       'Attribute set with default writer, read with aliased reader');

    is($test1->baz, 4, 'Attribute set with aliased writer');
    is($test1->quux, 4, 'Attribute set with aliased writer');

    my $test2 = MyTest->new(bar => -1, baz => -3);
    is($test2->foo, 1, 'Attribute set wtih aliased init_arg');
    is($test2->baz, undef, 'Attribute set with default init_arg (undef)');

    is($test2->baz, 3,
       'Attribute set with default writer, read with default reader');
    is($test2->quux, 3,
       'Attribute set with default writer, read with aliased reader');

    is($test2->baz, 4, 'Attribute set with aliased writer');
    is($test2->quux, 4, 'Attribute set with aliased writer');
} 'MyTest';