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package MARC::Fast;

use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Dump qw/dump/;

	use Exporter ();
	$VERSION     = 0.12;
	@ISA         = qw (Exporter);
	#Give a hoot don't pollute, do not export more than needed by default
	@EXPORT      = qw ();
	@EXPORT_OK   = qw ();

=head1 NAME

MARC::Fast - Very fast implementation of MARC database reader


  use MARC::Fast;

  my $marc = new MARC::Fast(
  	marcdb => 'unimarc.iso',

  foreach my $mfn ( 1 .. $marc->count ) {
  	print $marc->to_ascii( $mfn );

For longer example with command line options look at L<scripts/>


This is very fast alternative to C<MARC> and C<MARC::Record> modules.

It's is also very subtable for random access to MARC records (as opposed to
sequential one).

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Read MARC database

  my $marc = new MARC::Fast(
  	marcdb => 'unimarc.iso',
	quiet => 0,
	debug => 0,
	assert => 0,
	hash_filter => sub {
		my ($t, $record_number) = @_;
		$t =~ s/foo/bar/;
		return $t;


################################################## subroutine header end ##

sub new {
	my $class = shift;
	my $self = {@_};
	bless ($self, $class);

	croak "need marcdb parametar" unless ($self->{marcdb});

	print STDERR "# opening ",$self->{marcdb},"\n" if ($self->{debug});

	open($self->{fh}, $self->{marcdb}) || croak "can't open ",$self->{marcdb},": $!";

	$self->{count} = 0;

	while (! eof($self->{fh})) {

		# save record position
		push @{$self->{fh_offset}}, tell($self->{fh});

		my $leader;
		my $len = read($self->{fh}, $leader, 24);

		if ($len < 24) {
			warn "short read of leader, aborting\n";

		# Byte        Name
		# ----        ----
		# 0-4         Record Length
		# 5           Status (n=new, c=corrected and d=deleted)
		# 6           Type of Record (a=printed material)
		# 7           Bibliographic Level (m=monograph)
		# 8-9         Blanks
		# 10          Indictator count (2 for monographs)
		# 11          Subfield code count (2 - 0x1F+subfield code itself)
		# 12-16       Base address of data
		# 17          Encoding level (blank=full level, 1=sublevel 1, 2=sublevel 2,
		# 		3=sublevel 3)
		# 18          Descriptive Cataloguing Form (blank=record is full ISBD,
		#		n=record is in non-ISBD format, i=record is in
		#		an incomplete ISBD format)
		# 19          Blank
		# 20          Length of length field in directory (always 4 in UNIMARC)
		# 21          Length of Starting Character Position in directory (always
		# 		5 in UNIMARC)
		# 22          Length of implementation defined portion in directory (always
		# 		0 in UNIMARC)
		# 23          Blank
		#           |0   45  89  |12 16|1n 450 |
		#           |xxxxxnam  22(.....)   45 <---

		print STDERR "REC ",$self->{count},": $leader\n" if ($self->{debug});

		# store leader for later
		push @{$self->{leader}}, $leader;

		# skip to next record
		my $o = substr($leader,0,5);
		warn "# in record ", $self->{count}," record length isn't number but: ",dump($o),"\n" unless $o =~ m/^\d+$/;
		if ($o > 24) {
			seek($self->{fh},$o-24,1) if ($o);
		} else {


	return $self;

=head2 count

Return number of records in database

  print $marc->count;


sub count {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{count};

=head2 fetch

Fetch record from database

  my $hash = $marc->fetch(42);

First record number is C<1>


sub fetch {
	my $self = shift;

	my $rec_nr = shift;

	if ( ! $rec_nr ) {
		$self->{last_leader} = undef;

	my $leader = $self->{leader}->[$rec_nr - 1];
	$self->{last_leader} = $leader;
	unless ($leader) {
		carp "can't find record $rec_nr";
	my $offset = $self->{fh_offset}->[$rec_nr - 1];
	unless (defined($offset)) {
		carp "can't find offset for record $rec_nr";

	my $reclen = substr($leader,0,5);
	my $base_addr = substr($leader,12,5);

	print STDERR "# $rec_nr leader: '$leader' reclen: $reclen base addr: $base_addr [dir: ",$base_addr - 24,"]\n" if ($self->{debug});

	my $skip = 0;

	print STDERR "# seeking to $offset + 24\n" if ($self->{debug});

	if ( ! seek($self->{fh}, $offset+24, 0) ) {
		carp "can't seek to $offset: $!";

	print STDERR "# reading ",$base_addr-24," bytes of dictionary\n" if ($self->{debug});

	my $directory;
	if( ! read($self->{fh},$directory,$base_addr-24) ) {
		carp "can't read directory: $!";
		$skip = 1;
	} else {
		print STDERR "# $rec_nr directory: [",length($directory),"] '$directory'\n" if ($self->{debug});

	print STDERR "# reading ",$reclen-$base_addr," bytes of fields\n" if ($self->{debug});

	my $fields;
	if( ! read($self->{fh},$fields,$reclen-$base_addr) ) {
		carp "can't read fields: $!";
		$skip = 1;
	} else {
		print STDERR "# $rec_nr fields: '$fields'\n" if ($self->{debug});

	my $row;

	while (!$skip && $directory =~ s/(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{5})//) {
		my ($tag,$len,$addr) = ($1,$2,$3);

		if (($addr+$len) > length($fields)) {
			print STDERR "WARNING: error in dictionary on record $rec_nr skipping...\n" if (! $self->{quiet});
			$skip = 1;

		# take field
		my $f = substr($fields,$addr,$len);
		print STDERR "tag/len/addr $tag [$len] $addr: '$f'\n" if ($self->{debug});

		push @{	$row->{$tag} }, $f;

		my $del = substr($fields,$addr+$len-1,1);

		# check field delimiters...
		if ($self->{assert} && $del ne chr(30)) {
			print STDERR "WARNING: skipping record $rec_nr, can't find delimiter 30 got: '$del'\n" if (! $self->{quiet});
			$skip = 1;

		if ($self->{assert} && length($f) < 2) {
			print STDERR "WARNING: skipping field $tag from record $rec_nr because it's too short!\n" if (! $self->{quiet});


	return $row;

=head2 last_leader

Returns leader of last record L<fetch>ed

  print $marc->last_leader;

Added in version 0.08 of this module, so if you need it use:

  use MARC::Fast 0.08;

to be sure that it's supported.


sub last_leader {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{last_leader};

=head2 to_hash

Read record with specified MFN and convert it to hash

  my $hash = $marc->to_hash( $mfn, include_subfields => 1,
	hash_filter => sub { my ($l,$tag) = @_; return $l; }

It has ability to convert characters (using C<hash_filter>) from MARC
database before creating structures enabling character re-mapping or quick
fix-up of data. If you specified C<hash_filter> both in C<new> and C<to_hash>
only the one from C<to_hash> will be used.

This function returns hash which is like this:

  '200' => [
               'i1' => '1',
               'i2' => ' '
               'a' => 'Goa',
               'f' => 'Valdo D\'Arienzo',
               'e' => 'tipografie e tipografi nel XVI secolo',

This method will also create additional field C<000> with MFN.


sub to_hash {
	my $self = shift;

	my $mfn = shift || confess "need mfn!";

	my $args = {@_};
	my $filter_coderef = $args->{'hash_filter'} || $self->{'hash_filter'};

	# init record to include MFN as field 000
	my $rec = { '000' => [ $mfn ] };

	my $row = $self->fetch($mfn) || return;

	foreach my $tag (keys %{$row}) {
		foreach my $l (@{$row->{$tag}}) {

			# remove end marker
			$l =~ s/\x1E$//;

			# filter output
			$l = $filter_coderef->($l, $tag) if $filter_coderef;

			my $val;

			# has identifiers?
			($val->{'i1'},$val->{'i2'}) = ($1,$2) if ($l =~ s/^([01 #])([01 #])\x1F/\x1F/);

			my $sf_usage;
			my @subfields;

			# has subfields?
			if ($l =~ m/\x1F/) {
				foreach my $t (split(/\x1F/,$l)) {
					next if (! $t);
					my $f = substr($t,0,1);
					my $v = substr($t,1);

					push @subfields, ( $f, $sf_usage->{$f}++ || 0 );

					# repeatable subfiled -- convert it to array
					if ( defined $val->{$f} ) {
						if ( ref($val->{$f}) ne 'ARRAY' ) {
							$val->{$f} = [ $val->{$f}, $v ];
						} else {
							push @{$val->{$f}}, $v;
					} else {
						$val->{$f} = $v;
				$val->{subfields} = [ @subfields ] if $args->{include_subfields};
			} else {
				$val = $l;

			push @{$rec->{$tag}}, $val;

	return $rec;

=head2 to_ascii

  print $marc->to_ascii( 42 );


sub to_ascii {
	my $self = shift;

	my $mfn = shift || confess "need mfn";
	my $row = $self->fetch($mfn) || return;

	my $out;

	foreach my $f (sort keys %{$row}) {
		my $dump = join('', @{ $row->{$f} });
		$dump =~ s/\x1e$//;
		$dump =~ s/\x1f/\$/g;
		$out .= "$f\t$dump\n";

	return $out;



This module does nothing with encoding. But, since MARC format is byte
oriented even when using UTF-8 which has variable number of bytes for each
character, file is opened in binary mode.

As a result, all scalars recturned to perl don't have utf-8 flag. Solution is
to use C<hash_filter> and L<Encode> to decode utf-8 encoding like this:

  use Encode;

  my $marc = new MARC::Fast(
  	marcdb => 'utf8.marc',
	hash_filter => sub {
		Encode::decode( 'utf-8', $_[0] );

This will affect C<to_hash>, but C<fetch> will still return binary representation
since it doesn't support C<hash_filter>.

=head1 AUTHOR

	Dobrica Pavlinusic


This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Biblio::Isis>, perl(1).
