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package MooseX::SingletonMethod;
our $VERSION = '0.03';

use Moose ();  
use Moose::Exporter;  
use Moose::Util::MetaRole;  
Moose::Exporter->setup_import_methods( also => 'Moose' );  
sub init_meta {  
    my %options = @_;  
    my $meta = Moose->init_meta( %options );  
        for_class => $options{ for_class },  
        roles     => [ 'MooseX::SingletonMethod::Role' ], 
    return $meta;  


=head1 NAME

MooseX::SingletonMethod - Moose with Singleton Method facility.

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.02


Simple usage example....

    package Baz;
    use MooseX::SingletonMethod;    # <= Moose with SingletonMethod facility attached
    no MooseX::SingletonMethod;
    package main;
    my $baz = Baz->new;
    my $foo = Baz->new;
    # add singleton method called "baz" just to $baz and not to Baz class
    $baz->add_singleton_method( baz => sub { 'baz!' } ); 
    say $baz->baz;   # => 'baz'
    say $foo->baz;   # ERROR: Can't locate object method "baz"....

Alternative to MooseX::SingletonMethod you can just use L<MooseX::SingletonMethod::Role> directly like so...

    package Baz;
    use Moose;
    with 'MooseX::SingletonMethod::Role';
    no Moose;


=head2 What is a "Singleton Method?"


=head2 What is "MooseX::SingletonMethod"?

Using roles you can already create Singleton Methods with Moose:  

=over 4

=item L<>

=item L<>

=item L<>

=item L<>

=item L<>


MooseX::SingletonMethod simple adds a nicety wrapper around this.

There are three methods available to create Singleton Methods using MooseX::SingletonMethod.  
Here are some examples using L<MooseX::Declare> with L<MooseX::SingletonMethod::Role>:

    use MooseX::Declare;  
    class FooBarBaz with MooseX::SingletonMethod::Role {  
        method comes_with { "comes with FooBarBaz class" }  
    # one way to create singleton method....  
    my $foo = FooBarBaz->new;  
    $foo->become_singleton;                   # make $foo a singleton  
    $foo->meta->add_method( foo => 'foo!' );  # add method "foo" using meta  
    # and another.....  
    my $bar = FooBarBaz->new;  
    $bar->add_singleton_method( bar => sub { 'bar!' } );  
    # and finally multiple methods....  
    my $baz = FooBarBaz->new;  
        baz1 => sub { 'baz1!' },  
        baz2 => sub { 'baz2!' },  
    # Methods each object now has:
    # $foo  ->   [ comes_with, foo ]
    # $bar  ->   [ comes_with, bar ]
    # $baz  ->   [ comes_with, baz1, baz2 ]

=head2 Things to note

Each time add_singleton_method or add_singleton_methods is called it creates a new anonymous class which the object is blessed into.

If you want to add more methods to already bless anon class then simply use ->meta->add_method like in above $foo example.

=head1 EXPORT


=head1 METHODS

=head2 become_singleton

Makes the object a singleton (by creating an anonymous class which the object is blessed with):


=head2 add_singleton_method

Adds a singleton method to this object (same as above + creates prescribed method):

    $bar->add_singleton_method( bar => sub { 'bar!' } );  

=head2 add_singleton_methods

Same as above except allows multiple method declaration:

        baz1 => sub { 'baz1!' },  
        baz2 => sub { 'baz2!' },  

=head2 init_meta

Internal Moose method

=head1 AUTHOR

Barry Walsh, C<< <draegtun at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-moosex-singletonmethod at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc MooseX::SingletonMethod

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN





This is beta software.   I'll strive to make it better each and every day!

However I accept no liability I<whatsoever> should this software do what you expected ;-)


Copyright 2009 Barry Walsh (Draegtun Systems Ltd), all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.