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package Alzabo::Create::Column;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);

use Alzabo::Create;
use Alzabo::Exceptions ( abbr => 'params_exception' );

use Params::Validate qw( :all );
    ( on_fail => sub { params_exception join '', @_ } );

use base qw(Alzabo::Column);

$VERSION = 2.0;


sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref $proto || $proto;

    my $self = bless {}, $class;


    return $self;

sub _init
    my $self = shift;

    my %p =
        validate( @_, { table => { isa => 'Alzabo::Table' },
                        name  => { type => SCALAR },
                        null  => { optional => 1 },
                        nullable => { optional => 1 },
                        type  => { type => SCALAR,
                                   optional => 1 },
                        attributes => { type => ARRAYREF,
                                        default => [] },
                        default    => { type => BOOLEAN,
                                        optional => 1 },
                        default_is_raw => { type => BOOLEAN,
                                            default => 0 },
                        sequenced  => { optional => 1 },
                        length => { type => BOOLEAN,
                                    optional => 1 },
                        precision  => { type => BOOLEAN,
                                        optional => 1 },
                        definition => { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::ColumnDefinition',
                                        optional => 1 },
                        comment => { type => BOOLEAN,
                                     default => '' },
                  } );

    $self->set_table( $p{table} );

    $self->set_name( $p{name} );

    $self->{nullable} = $p{nullable} || $p{null} || 0;

    if ($p{definition})
        $self->set_definition( $p{definition} );
            ( Alzabo::Create::ColumnDefinition->new
                  ( owner => $self,
                    type => $p{type},

    my %attr;
    tie %{ $self->{attributes} }, 'Tie::IxHash';

    $self->set_attributes( @{ $p{attributes} } );

    $self->set_sequenced( $p{sequenced} || 0 );

    $self->set_default( $p{default} )
        if exists $p{default};
    $self->set_default_is_raw( $p{default_is_raw} );

    # We always set length, since not giving a length at all may be an
    # error for some column types, unless we got a definition object,
    # in which case it should contain the length & precision.
    $self->set_length( length => $p{length}, precision => $p{precision} )
        unless $p{definition};

    $self->set_comment( $p{comment} );

sub set_table
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::Table' } );
    $self->{table} = shift;

sub set_name
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
    my $name = shift;

    params_exception "Column $name already exists in table"
        if $self->table->has_column($name);

    my $old_name = $self->{name};
    $self->{name} = $name;

    if ($@)
        $self->{name} = $old_name;


    $self->table->register_column_name_change( column => $self,
                                               old_name => $old_name )
        if $old_name;

sub set_nullable
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
    my $n = shift;

    params_exception "Invalid value for nullable attribute: $n"
        unless $n eq '1' || $n eq '0';

    params_exception "Primary key column cannot be nullable"
        if $n eq '1' && $self->is_primary_key;

    $self->{nullable} = $n;

sub set_default
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => BOOLEAN } );
    $self->{default} = shift;

sub set_default_is_raw
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => BOOLEAN } );
    $self->{default_is_raw} = shift;

sub set_length
    my $self = shift;


sub set_attributes
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, ( { type => SCALAR } ) x @_ );

    %{ $self->{attributes} } = ();

    foreach (@_)

sub add_attribute
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
    my $attr = shift;

    $attr =~ s/^\s+//;
    $attr =~ s/\s+$//;

    $self->table->schema->rules->validate_column_attribute( column => $self,
                                                            attribute => $attr );

    $self->{attributes}{$attr} = 1;

sub delete_attribute
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
    my $attr = shift;

    params_exception "Column " . $self->name . " doesn't have attribute $attr"
        unless exists $self->{attributes}{$attr};

    delete $self->{attributes}{$attr};

sub alter
    my $self = shift;

    # this will force them to go through the rules code again.
    # Attributes that don't work with the new type are silently
    # discarded.
    foreach ( $self->attributes )
        eval { $self->add_attribute($_) };

sub set_type
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
    my $t = shift;


    # this will force them to go through the rules code again.
    # Attributes that don't work with the new type are silently
    # discarded.
    foreach ( $self->attributes )
        eval { $self->add_attribute($_) };

    if ( $self->length )
        eval { $self->set_length( length => $self->length,
                                  precision => $self->precision ) };
        if ($@)
            eval { $self->set_length( length => $self->length, precision => undef ) };
            if ($@)
                $self->set_length( length => undef,
                                   precision => undef );

sub set_sequenced
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR } );
    my $s = shift;

    params_exception "Invalid value for sequenced attribute: $s"
        unless $s eq '1' || $s eq '0';

        if $s eq '1';

    $self->{sequenced} = $s;

sub set_definition
    my $self = shift;

    validate_pos( @_, { isa => 'Alzabo::Create::ColumnDefinition' } );
    my $d = shift;

    $self->{definition} = $d;

sub set_comment { $_[0]->{comment} = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '' }

sub save_current_name
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{last_instantiated_name} = $self->name;

sub former_name { $_[0]->{last_instantiated_name} }


=head1 NAME

Alzabo::Create::Column - Column objects for use in schema creation


  use Alzabo::Create::Column;


This object represents a column.  It holds data specific to a column.
Additional data is held in a
object, which is used to allow two columns to share a type (which is
good when two columns in different tables are related as it means that
if the type of one is changed, the other is also.)



=for pod_merge merged

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

The constructor accepts the following parameters:

=over 4

=item * table => C<Alzabo::Create::Table> object

=item * name => $name

=item * nullable => 0 or 1 (optional)

Defaults to false.

=item * sequenced => 0 or 1 (optional)

Defaults to false.

=item * default => $default (optional)

=item * default_is_raw => $boolean (optional)

If "default_is_raw" is true, then it will not be quoted when passed to
the DBMS in SQL statements. This should be used to allow a default
which is a function, like C<NOW()>.

=item * attributes => \@attributes (optional)

=item * length => $length (optional)

=item * precision => $precision (optional)

One of either ...

=item * type => $type

... or ...

=item * definition => C<Alzabo::Create::ColumnDefinition> object

=item * comment => $comment

An optional comment.


It returns a new C<Alzabo::Create::Column> object.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=for pod_merge type

=head2 alter

This method allows you to change a column's type, length, and
precision as a single operation.  It should be instead of calling
C<set_type()> followed by C<set_length()>.

It takes the following parameters:

=over 4

=item * type => $type

=item * length => $length (optional)

=item * precision => $precision (optional)


Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>,

=head2 set_type ($type)

Sets the column's type.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>,

=head2 set_table (C<Alzabo::Create::Table> object)

Sets the L<C<Alzabo::Create::Table>|Alzabo::Create::Table> object in
which this column is located.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=for pod_merge name

=head2 set_name ($name)

Sets the column's name (a string).

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>,

=for pod_merge nullable

=head2 set_nullable (0 or 1)

Sets the nullability of the column (this determines whether nulls are
allowed in the column or not).  Must be 0 or 1.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=for pod_merge attributes

=for pod_merge has_attribute

=head2 set_attributes (@attributes)

Sets the column's attributes.  These are strings describing the column
(for example, valid attributes in MySQL are "PRIMARY KEY" or

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::RDBMSRules>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=head2 add_attribute ($attribute)

Add an attribute to the column's list of attributes.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::RDBMSRules>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=head2 delete_attribute ($attribute)

Delete the given attribute from the column's list of attributes.

Throws: Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>,

=for pod_merge default

=head2 set_default ($default)

Sets the column's default value.

=for pod_merge length

=for pod_merge precision

=head2 set_length

This method takes the following parameters:

=over 4

=item * length => $length

=item * precision => $precision (optional)


This method sets the column's length and precision.  The precision
parameter is optional (though some column types may require it if the
length is set).

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::RDBMSRules>|Alzabo::Exceptions>

=for pod_merge sequenced

=head2 set_sequenced (0 or 1)

Sets the value of the column's sequenced attribute.

Throws: L<C<Alzabo::Exception::Params>|Alzabo::Exceptions>,

=for pod_merge is_primary_key

=for pod_merge is_numeric

=for pod_merge is_character

=for pod_merge is_blob

=for pod_merge definition

=head2 set_definition (C<Alzabo::Create::ColumnDefinition> object)

Sets the
object which holds this column's type information.

=head2 former_name

If the column's name has been changed since the last time the schema
was instantiated, this method returns the column's previous name.

=for pod_merge comment

=head2 set_comment ($comment)

Set the comment for the column object.
